HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-28, Page 2f
■ 1. / ■ ■ ■ . ., 'l. ■
■ • JULY ;^th, 19M
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Earl (Joe) McCoy
Long Experience —
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■ and all types of interior
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The W.MjS. and the Mission
Band had their annual Rally in
the Church Sunday School room
on Wednesday, July 21st at 2.30,
The’Mission, Band entertained the
W-M.S. with recitations given by.
Margaret,, Muriel and Elwin
Moore, Beatrice McClenaghan/
Dianne Couites; solos were sung
by KareQ Groskorth, Wayne and
Janis Furrier. Mrs. M; Moore had
a1 very interesting story about
Africa. Mrs. M. Moore, Joan
Casemore and Marjorie Coultes
had charge of the games outside
with the Mission Band while the
WMS, held their regular busir
ness meeting. Lunch was servedw
and a social half hour was en
joy edby. all. u
Our sympathy goes out to Mr.
and Mrs,, Weber 'in the death of
Mrs; Weber’s father, Mr. Mock
of . Harriston, Who died on Sun-
'day. ■ ' • ’. ■'
Mrs, Roy. Maclnnes and Caro
line of Toronto visited with her
aunt, Mrs. Kennedy one day last
Mr; and Mrs. Malcolm Ross &
family of Galt are spending a few
days with his. mother, Mrs. L.
Ross. ’ ■ ;■ ■ • • *Little Joanne Laidlaw met
with a painful accident on Sun
day when she was at her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laid
law. She was bitten by their dog.
She was taken to a doctor and
later to hospital where she re
ceived several stitches to close
;a _cui around her nose and fore-
'head.;, ■
; Mr, • and Mrs., Clark MacGreg
or and Bruce, Mrs. Maude Mac
Gregor, arid Mrs. X Dosman of
Mildmay all left Monday morn
ing for a trip to Fort William
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MacKenzie of Ripley. Don ’ top
ped the operi class for side dturri-
ming. On the left is Piper Jack
Pictured above are two Junior .the right. Won., first for , piping in
members of the Lucknow Pipe v both under 18 and open classes.
Eand who figured prominently | He’s the son of Piper and Mrs. _ „
among the prize winners at the Wilfred McQuillan. In the centre Harris of Hanover, who was first;
Highland Rands competitions on is Don MacKenzie, son of Pipe m piping in the Open class march.
Saturday. Archie -McQuillan, on Major Roy MacKenzie and Mrs.<*
The death of Mrs. Hugh Henry
Pinnell occurred in ' Kincardine
General Hospital on Saturday,
July 10th, followirig~a--Steoke. She
was in her 83th year.
. , 'Mrs. Pinnell was formerly Mar-?
garet Bradley, daughter of the
late Stephen and Elizabeth Brad-:
ley She was born on Concession^
. 11, Kinloss Township 6ri Febru
ary 28th, 1867, and was the last
iiirviving member of the Bradley
family of nine children.
•Mr. and Mrs. Pinnell were mar
ried in Lucknow, Her husband
predeceased her in 1939. Survive
ing are a daughter, Mrs. Straton
., Norcross (Elizabeth) of Flanger
Beach, Florida arid a son, Wil-
, liam Pinnell of Kincardine Town-
'!•' $hip,- ;:,c" ’
She was a member of the Ang
lican Church arid ReV. John Prest
service at the McLennan arid
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel on
Tuesday, July 13. Interment was
in Langside Cemetery. Pallbear
ers were Art Hodgins, John Ross,,
Eldon Eckenswiller, Harvey Hod
gins,; William Wall and : Donald
McFarlan. ,,
The death occurred at the home
of his son Earh at Kintail, of
Alexander Howes, of West Luth
er, in his 92nd year. He was born
in Alma Township, the son of
Alonzo and Maria Howes. In 1886
he married Martha Jordon, who
predeceased him in 1941. He had
....... been confined, to his bed oply
’ ohe day . before his death, ah
though he suffered an attack of
cpronary thrombosis two. weeks
before. He could read Without
glasses and took an interest in
/■ world news. Surviving are one
daughter and four sons, Alice,
Mrs. Ernest Dobbs of Toronto;
Alonzo of Alienford; James of
West LUther; Gilbert of Wrox-
eter; and Earl of Ashfield; 12
grandchildren and eleven great
grandchildren. One son, Ephriam,
4 predeceased him in 1940. The
funeral service, conducted by.
key^ R. Humphreys, of Monck,
was held on Wednesday at the
Goulding funeral parlor in Ar^
ithur. The pallbearers were sik
.-----grandsons, Leslie < Dobbsx and Ray,
.. • Royle, Garfield, Jofiri arid Colin
Howes. Interment was made in
’ Greenfield cemetery. . .
’» The death of Mrs.. Harvey Lind-
■ say occurred in St. Joseph’s Hos
pital, London, on Thursday; She
was in her 76th year.. Since last
/ November she had lived at the
House of Providence in London. ,
Mrs. Lindsay was formerly Cath
erine .Gaynor, daughter of the
•late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gay
nor, and was a resident of this
husband, who predeceased her,
was postmaster in Lucknow for
over thirty, years. After his re
tirement they moved to Clinton.
? Requiem nigh mass for Mrs.
Lindsay was sung at St. Peter’s
Cathedral, London, on Saturday
morning by Rev. Father James
Boyde. Interment was in St. Pat
rick’s Cemetery, Hofyf'Ood,
where Rev.- Father J. P. Meyer
conducted the graveside service.
arid Winnipeg. . "
7 ~MrirW, James- ?Rayr Wd Leori-;
ard motored to Preston on Sat
urday to visit her brother, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Moore and sister, Mr.
arid Mrs. W. B. Thompson. Leon
ard stayed for a few^-days—and-
Carol Moore came up here for
holidays. \
Miss. Mary Campbell of Kin-
Miss Winnifred Farrier l^st Week
and while 0,here attended , the
Stratford Shakespearean plays
with Miss W. Farrier, Mrs. E.
Scholl# Mrs. J. Ryan, Goderich
and Mrs. L. Johnston, Luckriow.
Miss. Winriifred. Farrjer and!
Marian Farrier of Wingham are, i
Band included pipers Roy Mac-1
Kenzie, D; A. MacLennan, “Wil
fred .McQuillan, Frank Macken
zie,. Murray MacDonald, Sandy
MacDonald, Archie McQuillan,
Wallace Hewitt, iLorne MacKem
zie; bass drummer, Elmer Mac^
Kenzie;. side drummers, Mac
Webster, Don MacKenzie, Lyn
. ■. Hall, David MacKenzie.:eardine^VJsited~a--few-;day^w-ith ...
branch on Monday.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mont
gomery and family of KapUskas-
ing are visiting with her grand
mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor for. a
few days. Mrs. Irene Paterson of
Miss Winriifred. Farrier and ; Toronto also visited, there over
i the week-end, . . .tv
holidaying at Lion’s Head this, Mr. and Mrs, E. Huffman arid
week. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison motor-
Mr. G. E. Farrier and Wayne jed to Niagara Falls on Sunday
made a business trip to Long . Mr. J. B. Morrison, who has been
Members of the Lucknow JPipe, with. Mr. and Mrsi Thos. Morri-
Ijuom^returned to Brantford with
theirit^1 T. ~ ........
Mrs. E. Groskorth and Karen
went, to, Toronto on Friday. Ricky
Bagg, Who has been holidaying
here retumed home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack* Coultes of
Morris visited with Mr. and Mrs;
A. Coultes.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurn-
ey of Belgraye, visited with Mr.
arid Mrs, Emerson on,Sunday,
v Linda Coultes of Belgrave is .
visiting her grandparents, Mr., & ;
Mrs. E. Caslick.
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