The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-21, Page 9J / «2wR t MONTMORENCY CHERBiES §1.29 BASKET Last week low price. „ Add4he^park1ing^aadne5Sdonce^pldX^^ to ah outdoors meal, hot off the grill— that’s a combination sure to get three cheers ■ from everybody. Coke is just right with holiday food . . /so easy to serve, tod, in its bwn frosty bottle. Get a pleritiful supply tomorrow., , . <i ; WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE family together for first time in forty years ■ .. “'s- A members, of the family pf thfilate Mn..an.d M-rs. Long, daughter of the. late Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Long of’ Albert. Towle of Pai amount and Lucknow had a happy Ashfield ’ : . • gei-togetlier last week', .when taey were together for the ' , . ./ . ■ firsutime in‘.forty years.,They made their headquarter ; In the abGYe P^ure from left to right are, seated: ’ ‘.at the home of Mrs. Fred Crump (Jean) at Wingham Mrs: H. J. Muir .(Anette), Montreal;.. Mrs. Jean Crump; but visited old friends in this district' and tongue^ were Mutrie (Lillian), Toronto. Standing, Calvin . wagging in interesting reminiscent -Veui-'as. friendship.: "KelTy’’ Towle Calgary; Emerson Towle Winnipeg;.. Wil- . ■ were , renewed .and.. familiar . haunts visited.- Among the. ^.Towle^ Milan, Mich.,; Leroy Towle, ..Winnipeg; Gordon callers at .The Sentinel Office were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon . < ' • ,Towle> Vanc°uver- ; ' . V. Towle of Vancouver. Mrs. Towle was formerly Mildred A brother, Sidney, was killed, in World War I. I • t 1 - See the display <rf “^ofce ® Food1* of food stores—loaded with iuflflbsHdrii of flood things to serve wlth deiWotUr Ice-cold Coco«Coks» , PER CARTON Pint depoiii 2cper bottk r. ■ i-. _ ‘ ' r , ' V ¥ ; r' ■ GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich, Ont. ‘ ImmI* '....> ’,. .... KINGSBRIDGE Rev. M. j. Dalton of Wpodslee visited with relatives here dur­ ing the past week. Mrs. Jas? Foley of Goderich _spen.t_„alLewLjdays_with_Jier_,dau=- ghter, Mrs. Jas. Garvey last Week. Mr. V ctor Finnic of Toronto spent the week-end here with his family?_ _ . a Mr. and Mrs. J. McAuliffe of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Am* ibrose Hartmeri of Kitchener vis­ ited here during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sutter, Jr. and babe of Detroit, Mr. Law­ rence Austin ar.d friend of De­ troit and Miss Carrie O’Neill of Goderich visited last week with relatives here. Rev. Kevin Sheridan, C.R., of Hamilton is visiting at the home of his motheT, iMm. Mary Sheri­ dan. ■ ?..,■• Rev. P. Sheridan, C.R., also vis­ ited with his relatives here dur­ ing the past week. Mr. jack Kinney Jr. of Detroit spent the week-end at the home . „QCMr._and_Mrs^J._Kinney._-m„„ Word wUs received here yest­ erday of the death of Mrs. John M. Dalton of Timmins. Mr. Fra^k Dalton left this morning to. at­ tend the funeral iA Timmins, x Mr. and Mrs. Don, Frayne spent the week-end with relatives in London and Kinkora. Mrs. Jos. Fitzpatrick is visifing this week in Kitchener, t Miss Ann. MoOre,- her sisters Marjory and Mary Martha, and brother Jimmy of Detroit are' holidaying at the home of their grandmother, Mfs. . M a r t h a O’Neill. , We are plea&ed to, learn that David O’Neill; son of Mr. and Mrs. James O’Neill who has been, in Goderich hospital with an in­ jured leg, will be permitted to return to hiss home here. Mr, and* Mrs. Jos. O’Brien and Jamily_ofjG.oderich^spent_.Sunday. with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore of Washington, D.C:, are holidaying at a cottage .here. ?. .‘ On Wednesday, July 14th at 8 p.m. Most Rev; J. C, Cody, Bishop of London, confirmed 35 , of the children of St. Joseph’s Parish? Rev. . j. McCormick, who accom­ panied the Bishop, ^pnducted the oral examination preceding the ceremony. ’Assisting His Excel!? ^Jicyuti^hb^dnun^^ sacrament wefe Rev. M. J?Da!- ton, .JRey?Fr, Yacks, S.E.M. ?and.. Hev. E. Toth.. . ■ After’ tlie Ceremony Solemn’ Benediction was given With Rev. Fr. Schnarr, CJR? as.. celebrant, Hev. S. Toth as deacon and Rev.. J. Graham as sub-deacon. The children confirmed were: Patricia Allen, Audrey:.’Austin, Alice Dalton, Brian Dalton, Dan- MONUMENTS / • SKELTON MEMORIALS ' ‘i ,r WALKERTON We are the only manufac­ turers in part of Ontario of high cld^s monuments who import granite from the Old Country in the rough by the carload and process from the rough to, the finished monument. No middleman. VVheii choosing a monument jcome and see one of the largest selections in Ontario. Established over sixty years. Write or phone Walkerton 8 ■ and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON * ny Dalton, Kathleen Dalton, Ter­ ry Dalton, Maurice Dalton, Don­ ald Drennan, Mary Lou Drennan, Patricia Drennan, Arthur Bow­ ler r James Bowler, Dean Bowler, ■ ■ Kenneth Fitzpatrick, Donna Ho­ gan, Kerry Hogan, Thomas Ho­ gan, Patricia Martin, Peter Mar­ tin, .Theodore Martin, Elaine McG­ inty re, Laurence McIntyre, Bern­ adette Meyer, Gerald Myers^ Ron­ ald Myers, EdWard O’Neill, Ger- aTdO’Neill? JosephO’Neiir,Mary Ellen O’Neill, Patrick O’Neill, Keith Valad, John Van Osch, Ei- lean VaSsella, Linda Vassella. Sister Maureen-and Sister Au­ gustine, who have been teaching at Summer School here for the past three weeks, returned- to London. Prior to their departure the Sisters with the Confirma­ tion' class and Other children of the parish and their parents en­ joyed a very pleasant picnic at the lake on Thursday afternoon. * __ -- - •. * - ■ ■ ■' ' — AT WOODSTOCK WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld and Miss Emma McCluskey .attended . the- Geoghegan-Thompsbn wed­ ding in'Woodstock on Saturday. The groom is Bob Geoghegan, son of Canon and Mrs. J. ,H. Geo­ ghegan, formerly of Lucknow. The ceremony was performed in "New “Str“T3auFs““Church7™“Wood:r“"~“ stock, by Canon Geoghegan. Field Tomatoes 23c, 2 lbs. 45 c Large Size' • • Head Lettuce 13c, 2 for 25c Large Size Cukes .... 10c each Large Size Cabbage ............ 13 c, 2 for 25c Raspberries, pint,, •fc • Sunkist Oranges, 288’s Sunkist Oranges, 220’s Loose Bananas, lb. ...... BunchBananas,! br~.“ Kam, tin Heinz Catsup . New Potatoes Sugar, bag .... Mushrooms Radishes , B. C. Apples ... 29c 39c ? 55c ... 10c •n 19c ___ . ..................42c Tomato Juice, 28 oz. tin 25c 25c ....... 10 lbs. 59c ......;......... §8.io Green Onions Pears / Black Currants Lucknow Market “If it Grows We Have it*