HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-21, Page 8■/t'... / : P >v At 1.30 4- / 1952 PONTIAC SEDAS * ALL IN STOCK, 7 7 h 10 9 LUCKNOW LEGIONNAIRES DEFEAT HENSALL NINE 6-4 h 6 6 e 1 3 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1940 PO'NTIAC SEDAN 1 * ■ .1 •< : < '< < * ' < < < . < • < < < * < * < < < < ■< < after three third night All your requirements. for plastering in stock. .. . \ , ■' ......•&".......,t . '* '• ■ V A Gala.'.iJay Of'.•> Band Competitions Highland Dancing and Individual Piping and Drumming Contests' r~. ' v . y . —---- Adults 50c Public School Children 25c Pre-School Age Free * A. A k..1 ' A: •-* 'A ■ A.. .A. A. A .ML. A-. A. .A ■ A.' A ■■ A A. ’’A ■ A. ■ Brussels Motors ' i Hurbri Count^^^ Dealers s Cash; Trade, . Terms — Open &vening$ Until 10 f | Cities Service Dealer . Phone Brussels | PAGE EIGHT >!•> THE . LUCKNOW SENTINEL> LUCKNQW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, 1954 . *<•> 'r. A2^C~MA£A¥Hio»r”| I THE LAST WORD IN BARN SPRAY | IJ ■f Files do. pot build up aresistance.tol it ■... . lOoz. bottle makes 3 gallons of spray. ’• ,;' . MASTER PLUMBER^ NO. 7 ROOT DESTROYER Harmless to trees, shrubs, clothing and hands. On Hand - PURE MANILLA HAY FORK ROPE ' ’ " '• ■-Z',;: jV Tk I iw I r WM. MURD1E & SQM | i i i' A —----- Now In Effect 1 — SUMMER PRICES ON COAL ’PHONE 10, LUCKNOW Heating' . —Plumbing — Tinsmithing Oil Furnaces Installed and Serviced . Playing good ball behind the steady pitching - . of Grant Chris-< holm, the Lucknow Legionfiaires- defeated Hensall 6-4- in the. Cale­ donian Park ' last Wridnedsay n^ght. ; • ”....’• ■ ■ ' Six of the 10 total runs Were scored in the* “bottom” of the 8 th and the “top” of the ninth with the teams scoring 3 tuns each. .Lucknow smacked ’6 s hits off the Hensall pitcher, Mousseau, SPORT... . ■. •; (By Don Thompson) BLYTH GETS 9-5 ‘WIN ‘ OVER INTERMEDIATES ..Two former Goderich team-? mates clashed in the pitching de­ partment on Tuesday night in Bly th, in the person of .Grant Chisholm and Morley McLean, with the latter getting a 9-$ win over the Luckno^y nine. This was, McLean’s first ganie w ith, Blyith, who have been' niov- ed info “A”, ball because of,, his signing. McLean pitched steady ball until he was batted out of The First Annual Bands Day Letters and Numbers {■ ■ ' for . Name Plates Aluminum with Black Ruffled Finish. Will Not Rust, Stain or Tarnish ? Suitable to use for a sign at the gate; for the . cottage dr home* .../I _d •J i i IN THE CALEDONIAN PARK LUCKNOW the box in the 8th, to be relieved iby MacDonald, McLean struck out 9,‘Walked 4, and gave up 6 hilts; in eight innings, ’Chisholm Yor Lucknow struck out; Q>. walk’ ed 7, and gave up 7 hits, ... Blyth: Tamblyn, ss; Campion, 3rd; Watson, of; Fairservice, x 1st; Hesselewood, 2nd; Kostenwick. rf; McLean, p; MacDonald (8th), p; Carter, c; Armstrong, rf.. ' Lucknow: Baker, 3rd; Thomp­ son, 1st; Chin, 2nd;. Westlake, c: MacDonald, ss; Attridge, cf; Chis­ holm, p; Haldenby, If;. MacIntyre,, “ e 3 2 ■ I: w;ith George Weritlake and Grrint. Chi$holm getting two each, and Morley Cihjn and Barry Attridge one apiece;: Hensall got an equal six hits off Chisholm'. In. the strikeotit departriient Chisholm had 10 and Mousseau 9. The ^Hensall .team is currently leading’the group with Lucknow, in second spot, a Hugh Curning was pressed in­ to service for this game an absence from ball for years, to fill in a gap at ba^e. Hugh had a ■ busy around the ‘ ‘hot corner”.. Lucknow: McIntyre, rf •; Thomp­ son,/1st; Chin, 2n^r/W®^tlakey7c;; MacDonald, ss; Attridge, cf; Ouiti- ring; ^rd r UhisholmT^YdHaldeniby, If. ! :■ ■■ Hensall: K^ Denomy, ss; ,P. Denotmy, gY; Cameron, 3rd.; M. Massie, c; R Masse, If; Bestard, -icf^YDesjardiney-^hdt-^lfilfinr-lsty Mousseriu, p. ■' \ ’r Lucknow ........101 010 03x—6 Hensall ............000 001 003—4 JUVENILE BATTING With the schedule completed in the interlocking Juvenile and In- | termediatC group, the Lucknow Juveniles; have the followingT bat­ ting averages, with five of the boys‘hitting a .300 clip or better. K. Hedley ........... A.B. ....42 H. 16 Pct. • 381 R; Stanley .........52 19 .367 K. MacNay ......14 5 .357 J. Chin .......40 12 .300 A. Baker 49 13 .263 H. MacMillan 52 13 .250 C. Chin ............36 . 8 .222 J. Hackett ....... ..55 12 .218 R. Emberlih t 11 ’ 2 .182 C. Nikon 42 6”.167 ‘Pr"Cbuse“7X^7r:T-—47——-Y149* B. Gardner ’.....15 .0 .000 • rf; Cook, rf;'Greer, rf. '. r h. Blyth ..001 501 020^9 7 Lucknow ........100 001 030^-5 .8 _____ _ * ■ ;______/ • ' JUVS COMPLETE SCHEDULE, BATTER BLUEVALE 17-4 Lucknow Juveniles played , the last game, of the'schedule in the Caledonian Park ; on Saturday night by whalloping the Blueyale Interihediates 17-4; Lucknow wi|l -now“advrinee-^mto-/thb~ Juvenile- playoffs likely against Wingham- -Saturday15-game^^ w^ but ri “crowd pleaser” with a multitude of hitting and errors on both sides/. Although the Blue­ vale team was*5 badly outclassed, 4hrii]M>i^ spite the 18 errors that hiri team committed. •' : \'" Kent Hedley pitched the first Sjnpings for Lucknow giving up 5 hits and no Yims, with Hughie MacMillan pitching, the’ remain­ der giving, up 4 hits and 4 runs. • Bill;Baulch helped Bluevale for the first inning as all their play­ ers hadn’t arrived. Lucknow: J. /Chin,. If, /3rd; C. Chin, cfp Stanleyc; Hbdlby, jJ, If; Hackett, 1st; MacMillan, 3rd, p; Baker, 2nd; Nixon, rf; Couse, e 5 18 Redi posts For Sagging Floors Will Carry 17 Tons. • Can be adjusted to the exact height required i i I Chimney Material BRICK CHIMNEY FLUES. LIME Spray Lime Mason’s Lime Finishing Lime Hardwall Plaster Perlite Plaster * i i J n ■H.-f' i LUMBERLIMITED Phdne 150 Ontario | ; i | JOHN W. HENDERSON I • . ' * ' ' >**<•;-ar* Lucknow ►. ► ► . ► ■ F ► ► ►; ►, ► ► ' i>" Saturday, July 24 Sponsored by The Bruce, Grey, Huron Branch, Pipers Society of Ontario INCLUDES,. 10 BANDS: Mount Forest Cameron Highlanders / Meaford Pipe Band Owen Sound Pipe Band Lucknow Pipe Biand Listowel Pipe Band Palmerston Pipe Band Kincardine Pipe Band Fergus Pipe Band Brussels Pipe Band Arthur Pipe Band . 1 Parade To Park Starts ss. ’ r Lucknow ..203 403 05x—17 ■Bluevalg000 000 112— 4 .♦ i DISTRlC^BWLEROdBWETE WITH BRITISH VISITORS A group 6f twenty-four lawn bowlers from, the British Isles were distinguisheq guests at the Hanover greens bn Tuesday when- they competed with bowlers from Districts 4 and 8 of the Provin­ cial Lawn Boiling Association. The Lucknow Club was repre­ sented iby Past President Harvey Webster, who in. their foursome bowled, opposite the British singles champion^ Stan Lee of the Herty . County Bowling As­ sociation, v \ The, Britishers arrived in ,Can­ ada oh the Empress of France oh July 2nd. They are engaging in friendly tournaments across Can­ ada enrodte to compete at the British Empire Games at Van­ couver. They , had bowled., at Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, , etc., before coming to-Hanover where the en­ tire grbup of bowlers was tend­ ered a civic banquet at the con- elusion of. the, day’s play, with the visitors having ah overall,, 16' point edge/: .. - The rink of which Harvey was vice-skip7 held the visitors, th a draw. " Medals, ■ commemorating, the event, were exchanged, and Har.- vey received an individual mem­ ento frbih his. opponent/ Mf. Lee. -now-manaigemenL that ihellfirist t in connection with ‘ Kincardine’s, failure to show up for a sched­ uled game. Meaford is still hot upder the collar from' last win­ ter’s experience in the WO.A.A. when their hockey status was juggled, so that while Meaford Won 32 games in the W.O.A.A. . without a loss, they, failed to win one of the three . top 'hockey championships. But Meaford wasn’t the- only paper that was popping Off. “Hank” Smith had; a few red hot tid-’bits to describe his ppinion of the way the W.CLA.A. fastball league had operated in its hand­ ling of the Goderich .affair. Ta which Lucknow might say “aimen”, for there was no such leniency Shown them ,a year ago. Of course they 'weren’t in a posi­ tion to foe so tough with God­ erich, because it vrasri’t until Tuesday, of'last week, .according to Hank, that ’the Lakesiders poneyed tip the $500 guarantee. game of the -season, played against Hensall, which Lucknow won, has been awarded to the Hensall team because of the in­ eligibility of Grant Chisholm to playi at that. time. Chisholm, who. started for Lucknow, went to ‘Goderich when the fastball pic­ ture was doubtful, and then was later released to Lucknow by thp Goderich management. Thorndike also verified that Lucknow was definitely authorized to use Grant for the remainder of the year. > —-q—o_—L. . Tom Rafferty, wSb for the past eight years has been an announc­ er on CKNX, arid for the past two years has. had the sportscast, Ras accepted a position as sports announcer ‘on CKiCO-TV, Kitch­ ener, and will assume his. new duties about the first of AugUst. r-O~^O-" W.O.A.A. officialdom took a wrap from the Meaford Express last week over its “ineptitude” 7 Blyth Legionnaires have been < moved into' Intermediate: ‘/A”< cat/ ,j Lean, formerly Of the Goderich fastball squad'. Blyth ..acquired McLean, at the week-end, and/in all probability had they not been moved into “A” brill, would tiof havri made the playoffs.'Blyth is presently at the bottom of the five team group of which four play off fori group honors. Convenor Dpug Thorndike of Clinton has informed the Luck- j LOOK AT THIS! •' . 'I | Numbfer pf 1954 Chevs/at ......1.$1,995 | § Equipped with radio and turning signals. Guaranteed § mileage less than 19,000. ri953';< '' ’■ 1953 < ■ ‘1952 '( :■ 1952 i 1950 1 •i' JL941 ■ 1 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 1938.PONTIAC. SEDAN , TRUCKS 1950 CHEV. STATION WAGON !•’ 1948 GML ONE-TON EXPRESS ' ; : . 1’946 CHEV.. 2-TON-STAKE :....TWO„.ARMYr TRUCKS, .2-TON:. STAKE. /. SPECIAL ; NEW COCKSHUTT TRACTOR, NO; 20 'CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN / CHEV. SEDAN, two tone CHEV SEDAN ' " DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN PONTIAC ’COACH .