HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-21, Page 7Q-< Casanova’s Big Hight FOURTH CONCESSION r~ $1.00 at of Agents Needed — A Real Opportunity Mr. Bob Gilchrist suffered a severe shoulder injury last week. Webster & MacKinnon ... ^tombing, Heating, Electric Wiring, Tinsmithing c ■ Monday, Tuesday, July 26, 27 BOB HOPE,. • JOAN FONTAINE / — in — •'/'••'•.•• •' Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHQW AT 7.X5 Wednesday,.Thurs., July 21, 22 ELIZABETH TAYLOR, . VITTORIO GASSMAN — In.— RHAPSODY Wednesday, Thurs., July 28, 29 ElizabethTaylor,- —~. Dana Andrews —r 'in;— ’/ ' . ■ ^Tlephant Walk” ■K SMOOTH RUNNING I WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st, 1954 • A LITTLE BIRD TOLD US . . . . Your Chicks Have Worms FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO TREAT THEM and a complete line of worming products Friday, Saturday, July 23, 24 VAN JOHNSON, , K ■ JOANNE DRU •—in — • ’ ' • ■ The Seige of Red River in technicolor Matinee Saturday Afternoon NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF Section 30A of ‘‘The Highway Improve­ ment Act (1954)”,.and IN THE MATTER OF Section 390 of “The Municipal Act” (R.S.O. 1950, chapter 243), -and IN THE MATTER OF an appli­ cation of the Corporation of the County of Bruce -fo*r approval of its By-Law No. 1473 intitled: ‘A By-law .to restrict the erection of buildings or structures on lands abutting' County High­ ways”.' . APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL’ BOARD hereby appoints Thurs­ day, the Fifth Day of August, . AJ?>. 195.4, at. -the hour of : Two o’clock in th6 .afternoon, (Day-: light Saving Time), at the Court Hbuse} Walkerton, for the hear­ ing of all parties interested in support of or opposing thfc ap­ plication. , '. \ ■/■•/• ■DATED at Toronto this 9th day of Juiy,‘A.D. 1954. (Sd-) M. B. Sanderson, . ..Secretary.. / • f - ». r I I 5 t .- 5 . BRUCE HAS ONLY LADY AUCTION EER •Bruce County lays claim to having the only woman auction­ eer of cattle in the province. She is Mrs. Dome McLelland of Ber- ■■ vie. . _ ■ ■' < Every second week she ‘‘knocks down” the calves at the cattle sale held by her father-in-law, Elton McLelland. No amateur, the trim brunette, is a- graduate bf the School of Auctioneering, Kansas City, Mo, She says that she had no inclin­ ation toward auctioneering, but when her husband went to the U.S. to take the cdurse she went along, developed an Interest _in sales there iand so she also en­ rolled. She graduated with fly­ ing colors. Now she is “sold on selling”. . • ' As 80 to 100 cattle, mostly Hol- steins, are sold each sale night' the sale pace is terrific. The two to three-hour. sale puts a heavy strain on the three auctioneers who work in relays. Mrs. McLel- -land’s husband and Donald Blue ! of Ripley sell with the lady auc- r -fioneer. However,- you will' prob­ ably find Mrs. McLelland work­ ing in the refreshment booth while she is “getting her wind back”. \ . . __She Js-adj udged,-by- fellow auc-- tioneers and buyers, to be tops in the sales department Her sales delivery is rapid but fully cohere ent.” Mrs. McLelland was born in nearby Ripley and was formerly Doris Ferris. She is the mother of two boys and. a girl. CURRIE’S CORNERS Mr: and, Mrs. George Wraith of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Leo Courtney. Miss- Winnifred Fairish of God­ erich visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LorhC? Farrish. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buchannan and family of Goderich visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Scott. Master Murray Johnston re­ turned from Kitchener after hol- rdayin^"’with^hl^auh"t7Mire7:Hec- tor Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wareing and family visited in Kincardine on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pete MacDonald. James Colliss of Forest visited during the week with Mr* and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson visited in CliffO.rc[ yrith Mr. Don­ aldson’s. sister who is seriously ill. Mrs. Gordon Johnston & John visited on Friday with her par­ ents, Mr.., and Mrs. John Blake of Wingham.' Mrs. Adam’ Johnston of, God­ erich visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stroeder arid babe of Walkerton spent last- week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little. . ' '^Mr^BttbWaremgTBafbara and" ‘ Lorna,. Mrs. Wilfred Famish, Mr; John Little attended the funerai of •’•Mr. Charles Pickard at Galt on Tuesday, July 43th and while there visited with Mrs. Chris Scott. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Waunch and . Kenny of Owen Sound visited with friends in this community on Sunday.- ’ . 'may be erected between, two pres- , ently existing buildings and dis- tant from each 66 feet or less, /•measured laterally. . ” 3. Any building, or structure u i erected after this By-Law • comes ' into’ effect, in contravention ..ipf (SEAL)7; .•..j^..,BYtLAWtNIJ-MBER~14T3-i-7^ A . By-law to Restrict the Erect­ ion of Buildings or Structures on lands abutting County High- ■ ways. WHERE ASbV-Section-30A7of- the Highway Improvement Act, Councils of Counties are empow­ ered to prohibit the erection of bujldings or structures on lands lying, within a distance of 150 feet from any limit of a; County , Road. ~ L " Therefore the Council of the WHITECHURCH Corporation of the County of —i----- 7 ! Bruce enacts as follows: Mr. John Moore of North Da-i L . No building or-structure shall ko|a is visiting with his brothers, /be erected within a distance of Messrs. Art and Thos. Moore. ! 75 feet-from the centre line of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Russell Moore &1 #ny County road. family of Preston visited with his 2. This prohibition shall not ap- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore.: P*? to farmers’ garages built on] Lindalk stayed up for some holi- skids, nor to any building which days. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gib Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and Wim t nifred visited bn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie near Sar nia. : , v . —^Mr.Sr-1-H.—LaidlaW “and”~Mrsr-'M7;^g"^/^/^'^greof shall be remove St. Marie came home’from the e(j forthwith. hospital on Saturday. ■ |4. Any person who violates any ( Mr. Fred Wight of Thedford & provision of this By-Law shall, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby of on conviction, .be liable to a pen- Glennanan visited on Sunday alty, not exceeding $500.00, ex- I with Mr. and Mrs. >E. Scholtz. I elusive of costs, recoverable un- I Mr. John Wall left Monday (der the provisions of the Sum- I morning to spend a few days with mary Conviction Act. I his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. l Passed in Open Council I French at Midland. - . v ‘'Southampton this 11th day I Mr. and Mrs. B. D. McClenag-’ June, A.D., 1954. I han and Carl visited with their “W. S. Forrester” f County Clerk. “W. P. Oswald” Warden. ban and Carl visited with their • daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mac­ Intyre at Ridgetown; • Mr. Tfios. Inglis came home from the hospital last Wednesday,. (SEAL) - • . ■ . / t- I. See Us For McGary ■ t t s e r e i d Our prices for this month will surprise you. BUY YOUR COAL NOW at Summer Prices LAWN MOWERS REDUCED While .Stock Lasts h e Another Large Shipment of House PAINTS , . , ‘ln(1 ^_//a!LSplours';.__ _ t* ■ Per' ' Quart - East week was holiday week-at; the O.A'.Co Guelph; and- on .Fri­ day, 29 ladies journeyed by AL lan Reed's’ bus for Horticultural Day, A conducted, tour of the Mc­ Donald Institute was enjoyed be­ fore the noonday meal and in the afternoon a lively sing song, two lectures, one on landscape gard­ ening .and the other on floral ar­ rangements, proved most inter- / ■ * ‘ ’ f ■, * THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IffivIrT nri POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH or FEED STORE, LUCKNOW ’ lr= - " .................,.............................7/ The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday; Saturday, July 22, 23, 24 Jack Warner, Nadia Gray, John McCallum, jn Valley of the Eagles ___ __________ _ _________• ____________< ■___________:_________ ________________< Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 29, 30, 31 . 'Starring Marshall Thompson, Vera Miles, Natalia Wood, in The Rose Bowl Story First Show at 8.00 pan. — Second at 9.30 No Matinees During July And August FEED - A - MIN (PEAT-piATOMITE) J “_____________■ ___________ ' |- FEED-ArMIN is a natural organic substance containing j j numerous minerals making it fully balanced for idl liv^o^" j “ j and poultry. Feed-A-Min is produced by John R. Cressy Con j | Toronto. Try it once and you will be more than satisfied. — WE DELIVER ANYTIME, ANYWHERE — I 1 i i i ...p i 1 Johnston MacLeod & Sons i___ __ _______ esting and informative. ; « The St. Helens Y.P.U. with 8 members, wqn the shield for the largest attendance at the Huron? Perth Summer School camp last week. ^The young folk arrived home on Sunday, tired but hap­ py after a wonderful week. Mrs. L. Maclver and Denver Dickie accompanied Mr. and 'Mrs_ Wm? Townson. and boys home to Sudbury for a three weeks visit-. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug­ all, Allan , and Grace visited Sun­ day with ME* and Mrs. Clair Mac­ Dougall of jChesley. Misses Ann: and Wanda Town- son of Sudbury are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie and family. Is Your Subscription Paid? YEH THIS CO-OP BRAND IT S STRONG TWINE /S SURE v , ■ : ■ •••.• GOOD STUFF!ALWAYS DEPENDABLE THAT’S RIGHT! . For Top Quality, Dependable - BinderTwine Proven For Over 25 Years SEE YOUR CO-OP TODAY Lucknow District Co-op 'PHONE 71. LUCKNOW