HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-14, Page 9ACCIDENT WEDNESDAY
Want to Feelx.
6Lr-13 Dungannon
X •
Gardner. Thommy Collyer spent
the week-end at camp.
on Monday evening,
had an enjoyable reminis-
evening recalling old times
school days at Paramount.
Plans were made to entertain
the Goderich Auxiliary on Aug
ust 3rd.
A social half hour was
at-the close of the meeting.
Mary Alton played a musical
number and Mrs. Gqorge Collin
son played for The Queen to
close tne meeting, after which
lunch was served.
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Cooke in' Kitchener.
Thousands amazed what a “nonnmr,
_ _ , „ ______ For body
old after 40 just because ,
low in iron. Introductory or “get-acquainted
size only 60<?. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablet? for
riew pep, vigor and younger feeling, this very •’
day, At all druff stores. z
THAT Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Maclnnes haive both been ill
with pneumonia for the past
door of the Rectory for the in
formation of his parishioners. '
Men, Women! Old at
40,50,50!Want Pep?
f Wantteferil ’
IYpars Younger?| Ostrex has done. Fc
Toronto -----————/■
Oil Burners Serviced—Units Converted'
Complete Repairs for Deep and Shallow Well Pumps
. . Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed
For a free estimate call or see
K. R. 3, Lucknow
From. July; 14th to July
Rev. H. L, Jennings will assist
as an instructor , at the Huron
Church Camp»south, of. Bayfield.
He will have charge of his ser-.,
vibes this Sunday as usual in the- SCOUTS BACK FROM CAMP
parish, and will be on vacation, - /
at. the close of the camp. -Mrs. Saugeen District Bov
WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1954
Plumbins and Heatins Service >
The July meeting of the Kin-
tail W.I. was held at the home
Qf Mrs. Bert Alton “with a .good
attendance. . .
It was principally a business
meeting dealing with the cook
book we are having printed. The
members decided to hold a bake
sale at Donald Blue’s cottage at
Amberley, , .
The 1 paper on Canadian Agri
culture, prepared by Mrs. Jim
Little, had to be laid, over for
another meeting due to a late
start and a heavy business per-
iod.; - ; J - ■■■■ - ...
Visitors with Mi. and Mrs.
Robert Hamilton were Mr;. and
Mrs. M/Kosmynaand Jim of Tol
edo, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Russ
Needham, Pipley; Billy King of
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. Sand
erson, and Mrs. Jas. MacDonald
l>f “Luckn^xKr" ahd~Mr7~andTTfsr
Robert McIntosh.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Wraith, Luck
now and Mr. and (Mrs. G. Wraith
ana Patsy of Goderich visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hender
son."] ;
Members of the Towle'family
called on Mr. and Mirs. Robert
The death of Mrs. Hugh .Henry
Pinnell occurred in Kincardine
General Hospital on Saturday.
She was in her 88th year and.
was formerly Margaret Bradley
of Kinloss Township where she
was^boThT"- “ "
The funeral service was held
on Tuesday afternoon at the Mc
Lennan -.Mackenzie Memorial
Chapel, conducted iby Rev. J.
Prest. Interment was in Langside
She is survived by a son, Wil
liam Pinnell of Kincardine and
formerly of Kinldugh, and by a
daughter, Mrs. Stratton N orcross
(Elizabeth) of Flanger Beach,
The. Lucknow . Women’s Insti
tute. engaged Allan Reed to take
a bus load of ladies to the
Shakespearian Festival in Strat
ford last Thursday, when they
sayv “The Taming of The Shrew”.
A picnic lunch, was enjoyed in-
the ; park.
The following took the trip:
Miss Flora Andrew, Mrs. J. W.
Joynt,' Mrs. Burt Roach, Mrs.
Russel Robertson,.. Mrs. A. v J.
Wilson, Mrs. j. R. Johnstone, Mrs.
C. Cooke, Mrs. Wm. Douglas, Miss
Elizabeth Welsh, Mrs. Elmer
Johnston, Mrs. "SamReid, Mirs.
Philip Stewart, Mrs Chas. Con
gram,.Mrs. Austin Solomon, Mrs..
Edna Robinson, Mrs./ Alex Hav
ens, Mrs. Garnet Henderson, Mrs.
Joe MacMillan, Mrs. Beatrice Yo-.
van, Mr.s. Neil MacCallum, Mrs,
T. J. Salkeld, Miss Margaret Rae,
Mrs./George Kennedy, Mrs. How
ard Robinson, Mrs. Jack Wraith.
Mrs. N, J. MaeKenzies - - -:-----
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Erring-ton.
visited on Sunday WitJfiHMr. and
. Miss Marie Burke, Mr. Peter
Donaldkon visited on
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas/,
son and Joan. .
Master Billie King of
is holidaying with his
Donald and Jim Scott.
Mr.= and Mrs. -M.'ke Kosmyna
and Jimmie of Toledo Ohk, vis
ited on Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Robt. Scott.
Master Murray Johnston
] been /holidaying with L’is A ■ - ■ - - •
Jennings will also assist * at the broke camp at Inverhuron on
Camp, where: 145 young people Monday after a ten-day outing,
have registered for the 10-day Members of the .local troop ^at-*
Incidentally a calendar of Rev.
Jennings’ appointment while he
tending camp were- Bill Ficher,
Jim Wilson, Teddy Collyer, Billy
.......- , Marshall, Bruce Baker, . Fraser
iT-absent udfl be posted on the [ Ashton, Jimmy Gardner, Eugene
i- ...--'v.........., 1 -—;------- ---
The' annual Congregational and
Sunday School . picnic of the
Lucknow ' Presbyterian Church
was held at Kincardine on Thurs^-
day afternoon, July 8th, with
ideal weather prevailing. The fob
lowing are the results pf the
sports: .
Girls 5 and under, Karen Wasr
ney;. boys 5 and under, Wayne
Jamieson; girls & and under, Mar
garet Henderson; boys 9 & under,
Jini McNaughton; boys 10 and un^
•der, Tom Wasney; girls 10 and
tin d er,.BetsHend erson&^Dianne'
Jamieson (ties); girls 12 and un
der, Elizabeth Finlayson; buys 12
and under, Gary MacDonald;
girls 14 and under, Patricia
Welsh; boys 14 and under, Jim
Lyons;; boys 16 and under, Bill
Kennedy; slipper: kick (ladjes),
Maunie Fisher; (girls under 16),
Elizabeth Finlayson; (men), V. A.
Mowbray; fboys 16' and under),
Gerald Mowbray; life saver race,
K. MacDonald, G. Fisher, Maudie
Fisher, “Mr.... McGill, Mrs. Verna
MacDonald,’ Wm. Houston, Mrs.
S. Mullin, Wm. Fisher; wheel-
• barrow race, boys, Tom Wasney
I and- Gary1 MacDonald; peanut
i scramble.
The regular meeting of the
Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canad
ian Legion was held last Tues
day with twenty members pres
ent. The ;rnatter_ of ..remodelling
the kitchen in the Auxiliary
Rooms was discussed, ’and the
building Committee is to get
estimate. . > .
The mystery prize donated by
Mrs. Joan England was won by
Mrs- S- Collyer. , ■ z
An asphalt plant has been setup ‘ in the Culbert pit -south of
Lucknow, and has been iry oper
ation forthe past week or so,
with a .fleet of trucks hauling
hot top mix to district points
where highway resurfacing work
is to be done.
This includes, we understand,
a stretch of road south of Wing
ham, and on the Bluewater .at
Port Albert where the new road
and bridge has been built to el
iminate the S ctirve. The new
section of highway skirts to the
east of Port Albert. ___
. A -main street accident last
Wednesday added to the traffic
congestion for a time. It result
ed in mid-afternoon when Reg
Campbell of Amberley smashed
into a trailer on "Kelso MacNay’s
car.. The* grill of the Campbell
car was smashed' in, and the
pact drove fhe trailer into
back of the • MacNay car
bashed it in, .
Mrs. W;, J. Miller of Sierra
M^dre, California, is'visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Smith.; Mrs.
Miller is a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Tre-
leayen. She left Lucknow over
fifty years ago.
—T I J
A native of the Auburn dis
trict,/ Dr. .Albert McDowell,. died
at his home in ^cson,'/AFiz,,_re^.
ceritly in his 82nd year; As a
young man he taught school in
West Wawanosh township, but
left for Detroit to further his ed
ucation, finally graduating as a
medical doctor. He practised in
Michigan. Since retiring, • for
health reasons, he:.had spent sev
eral winters in Florida, and later
moved to reside at Tucson. Be-
by two sons, Keith, St. Johns,
Mich., Dr. Douglas McDowell, ad
ministrator of the Wayne County
Hospital, Detroit; two brothers,
William and Alva McDowell, of
East Wawanosh; and three sis-
Mrs. Kenneth (Josephine) Cam
eron, both of Belgrave; and Mrs.
L. R. Blair, Milk River, Alta. Two
brothers . and. four sisters -.prede
ceased him; The funeral was held
Tucson. - •
A pretty summer wedding was
sqlemnized in Mount Pleasant
United Church when-Anna Mary
Foster, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Foster, Science Hill,
was united in marriage to WiL
liam John Seaman Fisher, eldest
son of Mr. and iMrs. George Fish
er, R. 3, Wingham, in a double
ring ceremony. The Rev. ;H. And
erson of Kirkton officiated.
The church was decorated With
ferns and baskets of orange blds-
sums and peonies. The pews were
marked off with white satin rib
bon and bouquets of Sweet Wil
liam. Miss'Mary Fisher, R. R. 3,
Wingham, played the traditional
wedding music and ^accompanied
Miss Kathleen Fisher, soloist,
singing “O Perfect Love” before
the ceremony and “I’ll Walk Be
side You” during the signing of
the register. Both girls are sis
ters of the bridegroom.,
Given in..marriage by her fath
er, the lovely young bride wore
a floor length gown of hyion net
over pearl ’ lustre satin with in-
i serts of french lace* and a flounce
of net at the bottom. Adding to
with seed pearls was a frill of
french flace off the shoulder with
seed pearls and a pleated bodice *
with long, lily, point sleeves. A
coronet Of net and seed pearls •
held her fingertip veil and she
carried a white Bible topped with
a., corsage of American Beauty
roses and stephanotis and rose
bud streamers. ■ ■'
Miss Marion Madge, London,
was the bridesmaid of honor and
she wore a floor length goWn of .
blue nylon net over satin with,
a french lace jacket and her
headdress and mittens inatching
- her dressr She carried IT cascade
of blue carnations held in a horse
shoe shape. . .
Miss Marilyn Carrutheris, R. 3,
Holyrood, Miss Marlene Lowry,
R. .3, Kincardine and Miss Fern
Sawyer, R. 1, Science Hill, were
bridesmaids. The three brides
maids were in yellow and blue
and yellow, respectively in match
ing floor, -length dresses-of-nylon. -
net over satin. The skirts were
gathered in three: tiers and they
wore jackets of french lace MZith
matching headdresses and mit
tens. They carried cascades of
carnations held in the shape of
^horseshoe, __ _1
Miss Sandra Fisher, sister of
the bridegroom, was flower girl
in a dress of yellow net over ny
lon with matching headdress and
mittens. S15e"cafffed a cascade of
blue carnations held in the shape
of a horseshoe. Garry Carruthers;
| cousin of the bridegroom, was
j ring- bearer. .
Lome Foster, Hamilton and
Earl Foster, Science Hill, were
'groomsmen, brothers of the1 bride.
Harold * Foster, brother of the
bride and Gordon Fisher, broth
er of the groom, were ushers.
. Serving 80 guests in the base
ment of the church' were
Stewart Henderson, Mifchell; Miss
Joan Dietz, Mitchell; Miss
lyn Coveney, Mitchell; Mrs.
liam Benneivies, Brodhagen; Miss
Adele McCurdy, Kirkton and
Miss Grace Schneider, Stratford..
The bride’s mother wore a navy
nylbn~dress wfiTT blue’ and white
accessories. The bridegroom’s
mother wore a tan linen dress
with brown and white accessor
ies. Both mothers wore white
carnation corsages.
Leaving on a trip to' Detroit
and points south/ the bride chose
a light blue suit with navy trim
and navy and white accessories
and a red corsage. On their re
turn they will reside in Kitch