HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-14, Page 8,t . JULY 14th, PAGE EIGHT l The First Annual ■A *4 I 1 i Saturday, July 24? I I I de- “TZ. MRS, CASSELS PASSES SOFTBALL I Television Bingo At in- On Friday, July 16th X> * f X‘> I & ’ 1 Special Game ForA rs. Karl Boyle, -Mar. 5 I X ■l'1 the . up e 2 4 ■ WEISER LOCKS MEAN • QUALITY CONSTRUCTION <4^- W E IS E R L O CKSMEANl QUALITY CONSTRUCTION 1 * ;• ' ' < . ..........." • 4^ DEPENDABLE OPERATION WITH UNEXCELLED BEAUTY SIMPLE SMART * SfCUHf A COMPLETE UNI OF | MATCHUG SETS FOR I OTHER HOME USES / ► k k ► ► . k k' k k ■ k- k : k ' ► k '• k. k ’ ■ >• k. k k. • ► Evelyn Nicholson is holidaying I Mrs. Charlie Tiffin in charge of With SlessOv the program. • ’ . .. TT?' 1 • 1 ■ . .< .< A I ■ •< .< ■’ I ■ : I ■ < < '■ < . < < < .< < • < < ■ < • < ' ■< .' < < < ■< < < :< < < .< < < Ife M0 FRONT DOOR LOCK v . ■. . ‘ The UlTlMArE in FRONT DOOR LOCK DESIGN GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA Caledonian Park, Lucknow INTERMEDIATE WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th Heiisall at Lucknow 7 ^MONDAY, JULY 26th Clinton-at Lucknow . JUVENILE SATURDAY, JULY 17th ? Bluevale at Lucknow ..... l|l"‘ J, .-CT* 3 NEW 1954 21” T.V SETS t fiHrei THE! LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO rtl—hfetime loct- 0«\ I I '1 15 i $ i iI i the lifetime lock! (By Don Thompson) 9TH INNING BALLY GIVES LEGIONNAIRES 8-7 VICTORY Lucknow Legionnaires gained an 8-7 win ovej Centralia in the Caledonian Park on’ Thursday night by pressing a ni^th inning rally that netted, 4 runs. ‘ Lucknow took an early L0 lead and stretched it to 3. runs on a jnighty/2-run homer by George Westlake in the 3rd inning. An­ other run was added in the 5th, Centralia came back in the 5th, 6th7and 7th innings with 6 runs to take a 6-4 lead and stretched it to 7-4 by the top of. the ninth. Going into the last of the 9th trailing by three runs, Geprge Westlake, the first better, filed out to centre field. Jack MacDon­ ald singled and went to second on a passed ball. Don Thompson singled to score MacDonald. Bar­ ry Attridge doubled to . score Thompson and Don Haldenhy singled to score Attridge. Grant ' Chisholm got on base on an error and stole second putting ’runners on 2nd and 3rd with one out and -the: game-tied-7-7. Don..MacInty^ came, to bat and Ross, the Cen­ tralia pitcher, let go a wild pitch 1 to score Doh Haldenby and. give Lucknow an 8-7 victory in as rousing a finish as the jubilant . fans could ask for. Grant Chisholm gave up nine, hits, struck out 10, and issued 2 base on balls. Ross for Centralia gave up 11 hits, struck out one, and walked three men. We understand this game was played uhder protest of the eli­ gibility of Grant Chisholm to play for the Legionnaires. ’, rhe Luckri’ow .....012 010 004—8 11 2 X^trHi^~Q00-O13-2Ol^^ -9-6“ . . —^-o—o—T— LEGIONNAIRES EXTEND WIN STREAK TO 3 GAMES .. With a bare nine men on. the string, the Lucknow Legionnaires went to Centralia on Monday and played steady ball behind the ex­ cellent (pitching of Grant Chis­ holm, to defeat the Fylers 6-0., The locals got off to a good start in the 2nd inning on hits by MacDonald* Attridge, Halden- by and Chisholm that netted 3 runs to put them in, a comfortable lead throughout the game.. Two more runs were added' in the 5th and another in the eighth on a power-packed home run by 'Geo. Westlake. . Grant Chisholm gained his first shutout of the year- by pitching a neat 6-hit ball game. Grant bow "has an imipFes^iVe^"e^ord" with the L'egionnaires of 4 wins’ and no defeats. .7 Rennie did a fine job on mound for Centralia, giving 8 hits* Barry Attridge suffered an jured hand in the 5th on a slide into 3rd base, but was able to continue in the game. ’ . r h /Lucknow ........030,020 010—6 8 Centralia .....*.000 000 000—0 6 ' o^-o . JUVS DEFEAT WROXETER 6-3 SATURDAY NIGHT7 . \ v . Lucknow Juveniles played host (to the Wroxeter Intermediates in ihe Caledonian Park on Saturday night, and defeated the Wroxeter. Crewe 6 to 3. . This finished the schedule for4 the juveniles except for post. poned games that will be played this week*. Roy Stanley was the big hitter .for Lucknow in .Saturday’s game smashing out 3 hits fbr 4 times at bat* Altogether the local team pounded Brown oh t.he Wroxeter mound for 13 hits/ • . Kent .Hedley for Lucknow gave liip„6^hits^and..sh:uck^out Jzibatters.. . h e Lucknow'...; 000 001 32x-^6 13 4 AVroxater.. 100 ‘ 000 200—3 6 5 . , -— o^—o........ MEN’S TREBLES^ _ r Lucknow Bowling Club, staged a successful men’s twilight trebles last Thursday 'night with three of five prices Won by God­ erich rinks* FirsL A. Townsend; 2nd, Mike Sanderson, Jim Mac- Naughton, Austin Solomon; 3rd, George Baechler; 4th, H* Cuming, S. C. Rathwell," Alex McNay; Sth* Steve- Price. Bands Day 4 ■' . • . . ' ’ ’ ' • ' I . IN THE CALEDONIAN PARK MJCKNOW Sponsored by The Bruce, Grey, Huron Branch, Pipers Society of Ontario INCLUDES 10 BANDS: Mount Forest Cameron Highlanders Meaford4 Pipe Band Owen Sound Pipe Band Lucknow Pipe Band Lis towel Pipe Band Palmerston Pipe Band Kincardine Pipe Band Fergus Pipe Band Brussels Pipe Band Arthur Pipe Band Parade To fcark Starts At 1.30 i ii I i i| Ontario | _ NO. JOQ J» A SSAG15 It. FOR INTERIOR DOORSI?- i I JOHN W. HENDERSON I LUMBER LIMITED | Lucknow Phone■-4-50-_ L STONE SCHOOL DEFEATS JUVENILE SQUAD 6-4 Stone School Intermediates feated the Lucknow Juveniles in the Caledonian Park on Tuesday night in a practically hitless ball game for the local gang. Jack Chin cracked a double and a triple dff"th"e“Stphe? School pit- ,cher Higgins but that was the limit for the local boys.. Higgins on the mound for Stone School pitched a record game/for this league, -giving, up only the two hits, and striking out. 20.' z Tuesday’s game was not a good example ofthe ball that the Juv­ eniles can play. Saturday night the locals play their last sched­ uled game and then move into the playoffs against other Juv­ enile teams. C/X Hughie MacMillan pitdnecN for Lucknow in the absence of Kent Hedley and did a good job, re­ ceiving little support. z r h e Stone School ..010 100 022—6 9 2 Lucknow .... ..000 200 002—4 2 7 K INLOUGH Mrs, Ada. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Sieloff and Calvin Of Detroit spent the week-end with relatives . here? Syihpathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinnell and family in the death of the late-.Mrs.-Mar. garet Pinnell, a former Kinlough resident. . ; Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd and. Doris of London were week-end visitors here. Douglas Lapp of Wingham is' holidaying with Billie and David Percy.. , / • . , Mr. and- Mrs. Russel Ball, and at^Glamis’ Judy Nicholson, Con. 4, Huron, visited during the Week with her cousin, Karen Nicholson/' The Sr. W.A. metYpn Thursday afternoon at the ‘ home of Mrs. Roy Graham. Mrs. Maurice Hod­ gins presided. The hymn “Lord her Watch Thy Church is Keep­ ing” was sung. Mrs. Jim Smith read the scripture lesson. Pray­ ers followed. Minutes : were read and the roll call was answered with the word-“Love”/ Visitors were welcomed. A donation was voted to the church, painting. Plans were made for a booth for July 12th at Kincardine. Hymn “Jesus Shall Reign” was sung & the meeting closed with the W. A. litany and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess* ' k ■■ k,. ■ I. >7-. ’7 A Gala Day . Band Competitions — Highland Dancing and Individual Piping and Drumiping Contests ~'7 ■ • ••-.'• - ' ■- T- '" ;/• 7'............ Adults 50c Public School Children 25c Pre-School Age Free -HAD ARM BADLY GASHED _ ’ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Crosier and Sandra Of Brantford spent a day recently, With Mrs and Mrs. Leon­ ard Maclnnes/ Sandra remained here for the holidays. The. first evening she had the misfortune to fall against some broken glass on a car light and put* a gash ih her arm that required 66 stitxihes •to. close. I •The death of Mrs. Thpma^'Cas­ sels Occurred suddenly at Blyth on July 3rd. She was 86 years of age. • Mrs. CasSels resided at one time in Lucknow, when her son, Mark Cassels now of Foothill, j was in the grocery business here. ■ .Mrs. . Cassels ’ made her home i with Mark and Mrs. Cassels, and was visiting* her sister in Blyth,—_ when; stricken. GODERICH LIONS CLUB MONSTER With Manufacturer’s Warranty NormalRetafrV^^^CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Lucknow Bowling Club for; the privilege I .of TAnrpqpntincf thorn at- thn Kri-. tish Empire Games in Hanover, HARVEY WEBSTER. Charlairie of London spent the week-end with ML (and Mrs. Alex Percy and family.' . ' Mrs. Art Phillips and Peggy of,., **..., ,.*• . .. . «t*Fonthill Stfalt the week here i °f represent.ng them at the Bn- 1 ■t. •' *- . ’x. • Li Tian Nlm'Ml'bQ rioi-n/Se* .in on AwYziv*with Mr.' arid. Mrs. J* R. Lane and Frank Maulden and Keith, Mr. Phillips motored here over • the’ Week-end for Mrs. Philips land Peggy and_also Jookdber__parr_ \ents,'Mr. arid Mrs. J. R. Lane to ’ FonthilK where they will Visit a;,Z awhile . Mr, and Mrs* Karl Boyle, Mar- .. ilyii.. and Cawl oflXondpiii visited, here with relatives, for. a few days (before returning to Port Stanley ' where they are vaeationing for . two weeks. , / , . ■Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Barr of Toronto and Mrs* John Pufves, 2nd Con.', were Sunday Visitors .with Mrs. John Barr and family. i ■ • T • , w* . LANGSIDE NORTH The Mission Band met in the ’church* Mrs.: Charlie Tiffin pre^ sided. Scripture Verses were read iby the cbiM followed by bray- er by Colleen Tiffin. Mrs. Lloyd Moffat was in charge of the topic, from the study book. Mrs. Farish Moffat gave, a summary of Miss Bessie McMurchy^s work in India* Shirley Scott gave .the offering prayer and the closing prayer was given by Donna. Moffat Thfe previous meeting was held at the home ,dif /Mrs. Lloyd Moffat with PLUS . < 'f *ir* ' a ’ 1 Special Game For $100.00 .* $ 7SM 1 Special Game For. $ 50.00 ■ 12 Regular Games For $25.00 Each 1 Share-The-Wealth Game , . . ADMISSION $1.00 Extra, Cards 25c or 5 for $1.00 Doors Open at 8.00 p.m. Games Start Sharp at 9 p^-