HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-14, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO A LITTLE BIRD TOLD US . , , , Your Chicks Have Worms • .. O' ' ‘ ..... FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO TREAT THEM and a . • COMPLETE LINE OF WORMING PRODUCTS SEVEN ■ / I 1 \ I POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH or FEED STORE, LUCKNOW Lyceum theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wed., Thursday, July 14, 15 .Richard Widmark, Jean Peters — in — Pickup on South St. Friday, Saturday, July 16, 17 RANDOLPH SCOTT, . . ‘ ' . ’ CLAIR TREVOR in — The Stranger Wore A Gun in technicolor Matinee Saturday Afternoon • / Classified 4 Notice To Creditors Iri The Estate Of WILLIAM GEORGE ANDREW, Imple­ ment ALL against George age of _ ...... of Bruce, who died .on the 1st day . of .February, 1954, are re­ quired to file, proof of same with the undersigned on.or before the •Slstzday of July, 1954, y ‘ After that date the Administra­ tor will proceed, to distribute the estate, having; regard only to the claims' of which: he then .shall have had notice...... ..... DATED • at Lucknow, Ontario, this 9th day of July, 1954. ALEX G. ANDREW, ' 'Lucknow; Ontario, Administrator.- Agent,- deceased. PERSONS having claims’ the . Estate of William Andrew, late of the Vill- LucknOw in’ the County CARD OF THANKS Omar Brooks wishes to sin­ cerely .thank all those who so. kindly and thoughtfully remem-, Tiered him while in the hospital and confined to his home, fol­ lowing his accident. . Mrs. John W. Cox and family desire to express their sincere appreciation' and gratitudePto the people, of the community; and others, who so kindly remember­ ed her in ( various. ways on her one hundredth birthday. f 't! COUNCIL MINUTES - The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 15, 16, 17 Helen Walker, Jack Haley, Rudy Valee,. Ozzie Nelson' and Art Linkletter, in PEOPLE ARE FUNNY Monday, Tuesday, July 19, 20 Jack Palanee, Constance Smith . — in — ■ - THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Man in the Attic ----- Aon It in color - -and - Patricia Medina, Dennis O’Keefe — in — Drums of Tahiti . ___. in color Last complete show at 8.30 —j----------------.' • .—— Wednesday, Thiirs., July 21, 22 Elizabeth Taylor, Vittorio Gassman ' -i- in —' ■ ' “RHAPSODY’ I Some food f,or thought-facts, gleaned from here and there. The sales of brewery products in .Can­ ada for 1952 were nearly twice the figures for 1-942. Tencarloads of. ale, carrying 400,000 pints, have been shipped: from: a Lon­ don brewery within two -years, as a ’gift to Canadians serving ” 4n"”KoTea* “andyEuTbpe. Carling’s’ Brewery .Ltd., sent second gifts to Canadians serving in. armed forces outside of Canada. It <was 6,000 bottles of red-;cap ale for ; use of H.M.C. ships in Korean waters. A representative of the House of Seagram stated . last 1 September that his firm is spend­ ing $2 million annually to “se­ cure Decorum in' the manufact­ ure, distribution and consump- > tion” of their product Liquor >. dealers at all levels continue .•their well-planned efforts to hide '■the end product of their'business KINLOSS TOWNSHIP ____Kinloss_Municipal ^Council- met- in the Hall, Monday, July 5th, All members present but Councillor Moffat through illness. The minutes of the last regu­ lar-meeting of June 7th as read, were approved and signed. The Clerk was requested to riotify Peter Grant, County' Weed inspector, re weeds on properties to be looked after, j". '_ . The drainage petition of Walter Kaake and Others was accepted, and to be forwarded to the gineer. f. The tender of Ed Waechter accepted for the cutting of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 22, 23, 24 Jack Warner, Nadia Gray, John McCallum, in Valley of the Eagles First Show at j^O p.m. — Seicond at 9.30 _ No Matinees During July And August h I FEED* A-MIN (PEAT-DIATOMITE) ’ En- SCHOOL SECTION HONORED i ne ena'proauct or tneir business DEPARTING TEACHER ' I by glamorous presentation of the | ______ '.first impact of alcoholic bever- •The school pupils’and’’parents ,d?®s situations A sig- of Hemlock City school held a picnic at the End of the Twelfth, when they presented Mrs. Jim McTavish with a chenille bed­ spread and the following address ~was“feactr^ ..' ~ Dear Mrs. McTavish, We, your friends, have been thinking a great deal about you ■ this past month since we have learned you have taken another school. During the three years you have been with us, you have shoiwn a keen interest irr your work, which has been proven by. the progress made .by the pupils. As a token of the esteem in which you are held we ask you to accept this gift with the sin­ cere Wish that your efforts may j nificant action, suggestive of i their concern, about avoiding con- j troversy, was the sending of a [Jetter. withdravving scholarships offered to the Toronto Board of "Ed trcation'r“^Fm'al~^ Groups in Canada number ap­ proximately 450. These are only a small percentage of the alco­ holics we have in Canada, about 245,00(WAdvt. I t. be as successful in your new school as they have been at ours. Signed on behalf of the parents and pupils of Hemlock City. .Mrs. McTavish • imade a fitting reply and thanked everyone for their kindness to. her. Is Your Subscription Paid? NOW IS THE TIME To Get Your ’> at. Summer Prices . < 4 * 4 X - -:-PER—......- ;...- -... QUART ................. 'P 1 • -u . ■ * Webster & MacKinnon Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring, Tinsmithing Was' - the hill at Lots 21-22; Con. 6, work 7tor-be"•exjmpret'ed %y“ Sept". I, 19547 The Clerk was. instructed toJ write the Dept, of Municipal Af­ fairs for a clarification of Section 76 of the Municipal Drainage Act. Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, August 2nd, 1954, or at the call of the Reeve; Cheques issued:’ Fox bounties; $6.00; Municipal World, supplies, 9.28; Treas. Village Ripley/ fire call, 50.00; Treas. Village now,, fire call, 50.0.0; Dr. MacDonald,, schbol dental 115.QP; James McEwan, claim, and damages, 505.00; Geo. Lockhart, insp, McEwan’s claims, 24.00; J. R. Lane, unemployment stamps, 6.48;, Treas. County df Bruce, Ya hospital iridigehts ac­ counts. 878.25; E. Ackert, water at hall, 6 months, 7.50; William Smith, bal. bridge allowance—M^: 2IlLD.rain,™iOO.OO-HMi?s.--Jasr--Smith7 caretaking, etc., 8.00; Webster & McKinnon, hardware at hall, 9.14; relief, 100.00; y. S. Eadie & Son, Township share Nicholson drain, 151.40: . • Highway cheques: Pay Roll No., 7, $738.15; Lucknow Co-op, brush kill, 4’9.50.; Webster & McKinnon, sprayer repairs, 3.49; Montgom­ ery Motors; sprayer gas_& oil, 31.44; C; E. McTavish, Riel oil and grease, 130.15; Rosco Prof­ ducts, road signs, 30.90; Domin­ ion Road Mach. Co., repairs, etc., 384.44; H. H. Bannerman, tires & tubes $486.00, gravelling $4401.50 -—$4,587.50; Dept, of Highways, gas’ tax, 23.65; R. Forster, weld­ ing, 28.25; Wm.( Brown; bridge plank, 159.60; Huron & ./Kinloss 'Telephone Co., J/2 moving poles 10th Con., 32.25; . George Hiltz, Fluid, 8.15; E., H. Agnew, compen- -sat-ion^poli^^premium—58t50t— ; • J. R. LANE,'Clerk. . . /LANGSIDE Luck- J. A. work, sheep — tl ■■ l>< i I i - FEED-f A-MIN is ar -natural organic substance * containing; j | numerous minerals making it fully balanced for all livestock j j aud poultry. FeedrA-Min is produced by John R. Cressy Co., | j Toronto. Try it .once and you will be more than satisfied, j i . i i. ■ i-'- II« — WE DELIVER ANYTIME, ANYWHERE — / Simply^Phone Ripley _102rrr20 Collect- Johnston MacLeod & Sons ' ■ \ n Agents Needed — . A- Real— Opportunity ■—.--v- in Tiffin’s Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs:- Donald Murray and fajnily of Toronto visited for the week-end with Charlie Tif­ fin. Miss Tena Moffat, Miss Mar­ garet, Moffat and friend' of Tor­ onto spent the Week-end with the Moffat families. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock and girls were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin. • During Rev. Currie’s holidays Mr.. Nat Thompson of White- church took the services otisf^tdy 4th and Mr. John Pollock of Lucknow on July 11th’ Both, gave very inspirational addresses.. Mrs. Frank Miller and Betty visited on Sunday at the: horn® of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Husk at Kinlosg and also visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Passmore ' fo­ il ay mond of Dendron, Sask., who were visitors at the same home? for the past week returning on. the homeward journey on Tues­ day afternoon. Our deepest sympathy' goes to the husband an^ family and rel­ atives of the late Mrs. J. B. Mor­ rison who. passed away in. Btant- ford on Sunday. Funeral services were held-” Tuesday ^tT^Ct^rie^ .funeral .parlors in Wingham' with interment in Tiffin’s Cemetery. When Mr. ;and Mrs? Morrison liv^ ed on- the farm it Was Wher£ their, son' Jo h n n o w re si des. Mrs. Ma r y Jane Tiffin is a sister-in-law. Sympathy is extended also to the .family of the late Mrs. -Mar­ garet Pinnell. She made her home for SOftfe’ time With Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott The furieral Wa& held Tuesday afternoon from Mc- Lennan-MacKenzie funeral .■ par­ lors ,in Lucknow with interment TW/NE /S SURE THIS CO-OP BRAND GOOD STUFF! YEH! ITS STRONG SMOOTH RUNNING ALWAYS DEPENDABLE YES . . : TH ATS RIGHT! For Top Quality, Dependable % * r ' ' ' . ’ . • " / r ( prbveri 'Fot Over 25 Years SJEE YOUR CO-OP TODAY Lucknow District Co-op ;■ PHONE 71, LLCKNOyV ■-r if