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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-14, Page 5
T» WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1954 *THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I '^1 picnic at the lake on.Satur day . Games arid contests • were enjoyed -by all. Lunch was.served to about. 60‘ attending the picnic Mr? and Mrs. A. Moore and Mr. :and Mrs. Ken Dickson and Allan, of Belmore- spent Sunday with the former’s daughter, and Mrs, W, B. Thompson. WHITECHURCH 'Mr* RQ^t. McClfenaghan had the misfortune to have a splinter of . wood lpdge in his eve last Wed nesday. He was; rushed to London for treatmerit. Mr.’ McClenaghan came home Saturday-Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Will, McClenagr han of Cleveland, Ohio, are vis- ■iting with friends and relatives this week, • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bagg and family of Willowdale anad \Mr. Bert Porter of Weston visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Groskorth. . Mrs. Bagg and her daughter Hazel who* have been visiting* here for- the past week; returned hprpe. with them, Mrs. James B. Morrison . . Mrs. James B. Morrison passed away, .early Sunday, morning, at the home of'her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Casempre at Brant ford where she has resided for the past three- years. The late Mrs. Marrison was the former Eleanor Hessian of Clinton, dau- ' ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hessian. She moved to . Wingham in her early,.-childhood where she received hej education. She' married James Morrison on June 12th, 1901. She ..was._D.reda=- ceased by one son Ralph in 1922. She was in her 76th year.. She 'leaves’:to mourn besides her hus band, three’ daughters and: three . sons, Mrs. Eva Cameron of New Y;ork, Mrs. Edna C^semore of Brantford, Mrs. Nqrma.Taylor of -• New York, Thos. of Whitechurch, John of Kinloss and James of Es- , sex'; two. brothers and two s.is- ters, Mayor John .Hessian of Flor ida, Dr. H. A. Hessian of Toronto, Mrs; Walter McByren (Eva) of Toronto, Mrs., John Griffin (Nor- • Marilyn Finlayson, sister "of the ma) of Toronto; nine grandchild- bride, wearing pink nylon' net . ren and two great grandchildren, j over taffeta gown with matching ' The funeral was held on Tuesday i headdress and carrying a mbse- —from CAirries Funeral Parlors, in- , gay of pink roses. terrnent was . in Langside Gerri-j Mr. Alyin Thompson of Kin- etery. We extend our sympathy j tardine was best man. : ... I to the mourners.. . T.T . Messrs^. Walter James & Robt--ston’s Henderson of • Wainfleet spent the happy week-end at their homes, here. ! moon iMr. Charles Falconer under- The went an operation in: the Kincar- white dine for. the removal, of his ap-, chTng accessories and wore a cor-’ I pendix. , sage, of-red carnations. . • I The Sunday School of the Un-1 Mr. and Mrs-. Young will re- I ited Church had a very success- side in. Clinton. Mr. WEDDINGS YOUNG—FINLAYSON ’ , In a pretty setting on the lawn of her parents’ home, before an arch of .ipink roses, pines and orange blossoms on Saturday, July 3rd at noon, Oral Marena, daughter... of„Mr..„and-Mr-s--Grville; Finlayson., Huron Township, ex changed. marriage vo.ws with Ronald Lloyd Young,-son of. Mr. j. Lloyd Young, Cplborne Town ship .and the late Mrs. Young. The Rev. D. A. Brydon, Rip ley, performed the double ring ceremony. ,During the signing of the register, Miss Leone Wilson of London sang, Truly” “I -Love You and Miss Muriel. Shiells ol Listowel- played the wedding music. • , '• .Given in. marriage, by her fath- • er the bride looked. charming in .a floor length gown, of white riy- - d pn-n et—over-miTetay-'H-urTac ket of- chantilly lace had three-quar- 'ter length sleeves and starid-up collar. A Juliet cap held the fingertip veil of embroidered ill usion ne.t and she carried a bou quet of red r.oses. . , Miss. Betty Zimmerman of Gor- rie attended the 'bride. in a 'sim ilar. gowh' of- pale green with headdress to match. A nosegay of yellow roses completed her cos tume... ‘ * Junior bridesmaid was Miss I •I Following a reception at John- Restaurant, . Lucknow, the couple, left on a . honey trip t.o. Northern points, bride- wore a black and two-piece - dress with, mat- CULR0SS CORNERS FOURTH CONCESSION —"Careful, Pauline I” Of course no one would dream of climbing a telephone polfc without being especially careful* Yet every time you climb a shaky ladder or stand on a rickety chair you may riot real.ize what a big chance you’re taking. Actually more people have accidents right at home than anywhere else. • By avoiding accidents you save more than suffering and worry—»you save money, tool. In.a family the size of ours ’ (we’fe now oyer 31,000), these savings are important That s . why our employees are not only thoroughly trained to use safety tools and methods, but- contintuiily reminded to take , ~ every precaution to avoid irijiiry to theniselves and bthers.' .1 .‘..It's.another way-we--help-keep-.Gost-S down. sp-We. canr.ptdj4- -: vide you With the best possible telephone service at the lowest possible cost How to prevent home accidents is shown in . , . Hoifie^td folder available free from the Health ■ meat of your Provincial Government: of from the ) pdrtment of National Health and fvelfare^ Ottawa. THt BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF. CANADA i i- y . . • PAGE FIVE I Mr. and . Mrs. Wm. Ross and boys of McKane, Sask., arc visit ing with. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ross and Miss Belle Ross and other relatives here. It is sixteen years; since, he has been home, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morrison and daughter of Oshawa spent the week-end . vvith ' Mrs. A, Green and boys. Sunday visitors with Mrs. A.. Green and boys were Mrs. Cas-- lick of Oshawa and Miss Day and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green and children' of the 8th Con. -M r.^and-+M-r$™LorneYBeckingn8r Marie’ and Mr.' and . Schumacher motored to Midland recently. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sharon, of Walkerton spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Schumacher and Patsy. Mrs. Yaeck and Shar on also . called on formei? neigh bors and at her old home; To those who were, successful in passing Grade 8 exams, con gratulations: Betty and Beatrice and Alice Haldenby, Gerald Mur ray, and Gary Graham. __■’ —’Donna “Haldenby- is- visiting Miss Kaye . Pollock of Ripley. Sunday -visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donny were Mr., and Mrs. Eric Hackett and Murray of Paramount and Doug of Ashfield. . Mrs. Dorothy Thompson, Sask., is visiting with Mr. .and Mr§. Art Graham. Little Judy MacPherson of the 8th Con. is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart. Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Mr. -Wm, Kidd returned to Toronto after visiting 'Mrs.' Mary Wall and Mess_rs.__Jaxnes_an d-Onv-a-1-W-i Ison- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stewart of Kincardine visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart. Miss Alice Haldenby is holiday ing trt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donny. Miss" Minnie. Ryan of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and' Mrs. M.Oriey Wall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dune Keith, Mur iel and David were Sunday visi tors wi.th Mr. and Mrs. James Wraith. • Misses Elda, Reverley & Do.ris Wall spent : last week with . Mr. and Mrs.' Whitehead', Teeswater. ..Miss. Minnie Ryan of Toronto spent a couple,-- of days last week with Mr, and' Mrs.'. Morley ^all and family. ; \ /' . . Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon attend ed the funeral of her nephew in Ypsilanti, Mich;, last .week. Miss Betty Hamilton has been ill with pneumonia and was un able to attend the first; week of Summer School0in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Graham and, Anne, visited friends in Lis- towel on Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs Stuart Brough of Walkerton and Sandra and Brian Morrison of Owen Sound visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ira Dickie. Members of the Kairshea In stitute and their families enjoyed their annual picnic "at Goderich on Thursday. Mrs. Ira Dickie and infapt son ^returned home1 from Wingham Hospital on Sunday. Is Your Subscription Paid? Mrs. Jack Yaeck and ST. HELENS , Mr. , and Mrs". Harvey Sparling. Isabelle Macpherson; Ann Todd. Donna Woods; Norma Murray, Maryin McDonald, Crawford. Mc Neil and Donald Taylor are among those attending.the Huron-. Perth Summer School. camp of the United Church at the Goder ich Summer School grounds this week. '• Miss Hazel Sparling was a week-end visitor with 'Mr. ahd Mrs; Sparling at the Manse.- Mr. G. A...Webb, Mt. and Mrs. Jf). W. Rice attended the Brown- Webb family centennial reunion at Ferndale Park, near Brampton on Sunday. • Mr. and. JIrs. Walter 'Hairies; j’ena and Don and Miss Margaret Haines. of Timmins were week end guests' with Mr, Wm, and' Miss Beatrice McQu,illin and -olhe-r—re-laf-ivesv---- -------- ---------;—— . The United Chjurch was well i filled on Sunday morning for the j chtirch- service of the..Zion L.O.L. pChoosing as his subject “The dare of a call”, Mr., Sparling delivered I a challenging address. The choir sang “Trust and.. Obey” arid Ann I To’dd sang the, solo, “In the Gar- UenV . • - . •• I • Over 30 members of<the Y..P.U. I enjoyed' a pot luck supper in the; Sunday, School-.rooms on Fri- I. 4 /oV i ©. 000 (tfo) cd a contest. which had run throughout -t-be- winter;--with the - - winning side.’captained by Mrs. ’ Frank 'McQtiillin arid 'the losers . -by Mrs., Ken Barbour. After ail • had done justice to the bountiful meal, Mr. and; Mrs. Sparling led in some games. -, . How does you? Sentinel label read?