HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-07, Page 10THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' n ' '' . ■ "’—I* I I I. ■»!■ 11 ..... P *• Want a “Short Cut WEDNESDAY, JULY'7 th, 1954'!- i I V RAYON SPORT SHIRTS t$ '.r ■ j, • Look Smart—Be Comfortable Throughout The Holidays —VVithAHairDoThat . ? Becomes You^ Books are important In college, says an ' educator. Yep—bank books and date books. IIM II—hum■’■■ii—il —" engagements . 1 PRILL SHIRTS & SLACKS . Dressy,. two-pocket, nicely tailored’ shirts and match- I* ing slacks of fine sanforiz- ed. 4rill. Sizes. 14%,to 17;.%, Slacks 30 to 44. Shirts Slacks Jackets to match ... Slacks guaranteed days’normal wear. SPORT SHIRTS $149 Eyelet Jersey jn navy, gray, green, powder blue. Sizes S, M; L. . J MEN’S T-SHIRTS — 89c Nylon reinforced neckband in navy, yellow, powder blue and gray. Then, make an appointment now for g Jiair cut and permanent styled to your personal require- . meats.. , ■ ; .7. ■ .. $3.59 ... $4.50, ... $4.95 for 90 !.*,! I*’ ' ’ PANTS & SHORTS Washalbte Deriims. Sizes, small, medium and larger Priced $4.29 & $2,98 FORSYTH SPORT SHIRTS From $4.95 to $9.95 SPORT SHIRTS Slimmer Sport Shirts in j • eyelet mesh in various j styles , ranging in prices , .j from $2.49 to $2.98 ‘ ■ THAT George Beaton and his sister, Mrs. Florence Campbell and Son Allan motored west rr-last-weekT-They—left-here-on- Wednesday morning and were in Moose - Jaw Friday after­ noon. Their immediate* destin- ■*. ation was the home of Mr,. and . Mrs. George Book near Lore­ burn. ’SWIM/ TRUNKS I In beige, royal and wine. I Trunk style .........u. $2.98 | Other styles, regular | $3.95 value for ........$2.98 g For 10 days only | $1.00 PR. MEN’S NYLON HOSE j , With Each Pair Of | ■MEN’S DRESS PANTS j A good selection ofdacrons, dur- j alOhs (nylon and viscose), gab- j ardin.es. Sizes 30 to 44. | Priced, from ?. $7.95 up ! THAT the old shed at the north­ west corner of the Agricultural grounds is being dismantled. The shed was bought by Alvin Hamilton, Concession 2, Huron Township. ' * Don’t Be Disappointed. Make Appointments Well in Advance And Please Be Punctual. Bailey’s Beauty Salon Modern Hair Stylists - Phene 115* Lucknow MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR 4 , Piece Goods and Woollens , | a — ii "“V — !■' —'1 n l—"*S* THAT the /Lucknow Pipe Band . gave aaiernuun cuiu evening Mr. and Mrs. Ralph . J. Scott, . performances at Port Elgin Kincardine Township, announce, the engagement of their eldest daughter^ .Muriel Ella, to Robert ,Smith Osborne, only son of Mr. andMrs. Elmer—Osborne, of Huron. Township. The marriaige will take place in Chalmer’s Un­ ited Church, Amow, on July 24 at 2.00 < P/tn. 7. j.. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford .EJastmari, Burlington, announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, - Lois Elizabeth, R.N., to Mr. James Al­ bert Unsworth, Galt, son of Mr.' y and . Mrs. R o b'e'r t Unsworth, Harwkesbury, Ontario. The mar­ riage will^take place on Satur­ day, August 7 th, at 2.30 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church, gave afternoon and evening e’. - ■• • ■ s _ ■ TS1 — •beach~on Sunday.’ ■ ■ " —-o-— • THAT continuing contributions to the Dr. Connell Memorial Fund 4>as raised-the total early last Week to'$472. . ' . ' ' -T“O— ' THAT Clarke United Church has been added to the pastoral charge ofz RipW ahd ' Olivet under the ministry of Rev. D. A ; Brydon. Rev. F. G. Purchase will ' have the 3-point charge ydf Bervie, Kinloss and Ghal- :. mers. -/ Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tremain and children Lois and Kenneth of Springvale' attended the Hack­ ett; reunion at‘Ashfield Park on Sunday, and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. Amelia Treleayen. IF TRIPLE SAVINGS FESTIVAL at .■ I.G.A. Save Time, Work and Money (Kam;...........?. I.G.A. Milk ’ Kelloggs > Corn Flakes, large box .... 2$c Aylmer Pork & Beans, 20 oz. 2 for37c Aylmer'Catship ...........23c i Red Bird Matches .... 3 for 25c ► Maple Leaf Sockeye ........ 39c '9‘...... . 49c 2 for 25c < ■'4 ■ ’< .< , 4 ' 4 < 42c ItjB Redpath Sugar, 5 lbs. York Peanut Mutter^ Mason jar 44c York Corn, 20 oz. .... 2 for 31c Swift’s Baby Meat .... 2 for 45c Deep Cut Special t Ogilvie HQ- GOLD CAKE MIX ...A57** SMITH’S FOOD MARKET LUCKNOW’S CASH AND CARRY STORE J- ■ DRESSES , Dresses of washable,- ;“Frerich7— Crepe”, floral patterns in assort- - ed colors and sizes. Specially4 - , priced at , .$4.88 . Crisp cotton washable Dreases; assorted, sizes, priced at $3.98- < < < < < < < < < < < < THAT a former resident of Kin - _loss, now living in the. Spates, sends along his Sentinel” re­ newal plus his annual anony­ mous donation to the Lucknow • and District Branch of the Red Cross. — o—- THAT Miss Flora Jean McQuil­ lan is attending summer school in Toronto. She has accepted a school, at Teeswater and will begin her duties in September. ' o— THAT op June 29th the United Church Mission Band had a* I picnic at the home of Mrs. Pharis Mathers. Games and races were enjoyed, during the afternoon^—followed^by—a-^del^_ icious lunch. THAT a farewell party was j^eld in the Recreational Centre on Tuesday evening for : Mr. arid Mrs. Archie Nicholson and family who have moved to a farm near GlamiS. They were presented with a gift of money by Harfy Hackett after Glen Campbell had read the address. THAT about one hundred mem­ bers of the Order attended the Sunday evening church parade^ held by Zion L.O.L. from their lodge room to Zion Church. The parade was headed by Fifer ' Charles McQuillin arid Drummer Fred McQuillin. Rev. J. *R. Dickinson delivered a fine address. ■ . • : . \ ... . . ■ • ■ . ----O— ' ■ THAT John Murdoch is moving to the apartment in the Hen­ derson Block, formerly tenant­ ed by the late Mrs. Walter Horne. —o— ■ ■ THAT Bill Orvis, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Orvis of Wingham arid formerly of Lucknow, had a narrow escape from, serious injury a few days ago. He was knocked from a hydro truck by a reel stand which caught an overhead bridge under which they were passing. Bill was off work for a week, but returned ; to the parental home after re­ ceiving medical .treatment at Caledon, near where the acci­ dent happened. x THAT Gordon Fleming, who has been engaged as supervisor of music at Lucknow District High School, is organist .at Knox Presbyterian Church, Kincar­ dine. ’. • • —tO——■ THAT the beverage . room vote . in Durham last week was de­ cisively defeated by a count of 605 against and 479 for. On the THAT Mrs. Jack Gillespie (Olive Farrier) Was presented with a large cornflower cake plate by _the_neighbors_LondCarlingJrer=.. race, Wingham, before she and the family left to join Mr/ Gil­ lespie at Sarnia where they will make their home.a. SLIPS JJirie qual i ty _ c otton...Jilips^..wi th eyelet embroidery, bqdice . and ] Shoulder straps. Sizes 32 to 40. Only ..... $1.98 ' 106% NYLON WORK SOCKS '1 > ’With either- red or blue heels and toes. An ideal weight for sum- .• ’riier. wear. 98c ' I —.—,------.-----— ------------— question of a. liquor store, how­ ever, the . wets lacked only 39 votes of'the required 60 per- —cent;-The~scOre~fpr-615-4or-and— 475 against. . • ’ * ■ •••—-Qu-*— ■ ... THAT local regular game win­ ners at the Mildmay bingo.two,J weeks ago included Alex Mc­ Intosh,; Delbert Nixon and' Mrs. George Fisher. ■ ■ -----—. ■ '------------------------- For walls that"takea beating" * ■ T? nothing beats low-cost long-fasting : TnAO«MARK® CONGOWALL'S the answer wherever you want bright, gay, sparkling walls—walls that convenient look, feel and clean like expensive tile. The 54 inch height heavy, baked-ori enamel resists household wear and tear—never needs refinishing! Flexible, easy-to-handle CONGOWALL is a cinch to d^ply/ too! Just cut it to fit and paste to wall. Your choice of many lovely new colors. ’PHONE 181, LUCKNQW '(Cohama Fabric). Decidedly high | ’ quality jn every detail of a fine­ ly woven rayon * which should . wash and 'wear welt. Summery shades of blue, beige-arid green. I Small, riiedium large $3.95 L.:......Z:.............•..zz..... .f,. IVlUiIW B .VV VavI* OMaBl**0 Made from light-weight cotton 7fehirting. ‘"Several colorful plaid patterns to choofce from. Sizes 15V2 and 16 only. .. Specially’priced . PAY DAY JEANS ; Extra wear in every pair. 7*/4 dZ. Sanforized denim. Sizes 30 to ..................;.;u.u.^^.ui''$3450, /