HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-07, Page 3.( WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1954 names were omitted The marks of these- Grade X students who were promoted to Grade XI were omitted from the report of last week: David Kirkland: Hist. Ill; Geog. III;.Agr, Sc; C; Com.C; Shop II; Health II, - \ .- Shirley MacDonald: Corp, C; Health III,- ;• Allan iMcQuillin: Eng. Comp. C; Eng, Lit C;, Geog. C; Com. 111; Shop C; Health C. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin flrwin. and family of Oshawa were week-end. visitors with their parents. There are four iboy s. in the .J rw4n-7fam -' ily and a^ little sister arrived this spring. v '• II,LUCKNOW | UNITED CHURCH} ' j i I i i J l.OO ajny Service withdrawn■ [ No Evening Service during I | July and August. j - 9I i i I Minister: Rev. G; A. Meiklejohn, B.A,, B.D. SUNDAY, JULY 11th 10.00 a.m.; Sunday School.* • I' Lucknow | Presbyterian Church | SUNDAY, JULY 11th j 10 - a.m.: ^Sunday ;Schobl and! . Bible Class. j ' 11 a.mj Rev. R. G. MacMillan | 1 of Goderich. !—3-p;mT?-Erskinev--DiihKamnon7j" ! Rev. R. G. MacMillan, j I Evening Service Withdrawn j r .* - ■I I i J ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. — Reliable Service — -Gilson—Sales~~=—” 7 tt- Electrical Appliances Freezers, Dryers, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough - Phone, Ripley 111-r 29 —-------:—7 - ..... — MONUMENTS < 98c i£< gannon until 1923, when they ;j Cemetery, Paisley, moved to Lucknow wh,er.e Mr..| P ’ • \ i Thomas of Niagara and 4- . .Mrs. Rae Meyers, . Myers of Kitchener, and Wm THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I • ' Local & General Mr,, and Mrs. Hank Krueger of Detroit spent the week-end at the home of Jack Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bannister and family are vacationing at Mprrisburg, * Mr,, and Mrs. Sidney Plow­ right of Oshawa spent the week­ end here with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Anderson and family are’holidaying at their cottage at Port Albert. • iMrs. Mae Russell of DetrojL -is -visiting -with 'her cousin, Mrs. Wm, Murdie. Mr. Allen: Athey of Ireland,, now. finishing an engineering course in Toronto, was a week­ end visitor with Wilfred Black. , Beverley - Ashton and. Ruth Johnston are employed for the summer at cottages at Bruce Beach. .. ' / . Mr.. and Mrs. James .Pollock and Mrs. H. H. Mitchell of Rip'ley visited last 'week with My. and, Mrs. Wm.. Bushell.' 4 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Th.om.som- -and-GayTTThlay of Toronto, spent the 'week-end with Mr. and Mfcs. Jim MacNaughton. Wilda Reid' i's spending the summer with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kingsbury, .who operate a store at Bayfield. -Betty Johnston was among j local and district teabhers who; I left on Saturday .to take a sum­ mer course at, Toronto.• . Mr. and Mrs, Ron Rothwell and Rosemary of. Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy of De- | troit visited relatives here. . Ed ward_]\fc,.Quillin-hasretmmed ; from Wingham Hospital where he was. a patient for Jhree weeks due to hemorrhages of the nose. Mr. McQuilliri is 85. Mr. and Mrs; Stewart Burns of Detroit and Mr.- and Mrs. Stanley Burns of. St. Thomas were week­ end visitors with Mt. ..and Mrs. T. H. Burns. - Visitors last' week with Mrs. A.. E,. Durnin were Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Hanneman of Detroit, Mrs, V erna. Mrs. Falls. ’ Linda and Janet of Ottawa and i Mr. and Mrs. George MacGregor •of Hamilton visited over the week-end. with Mrs. Neil J. Mac- Kenzie. I a personal PAGE THREE ’w a®1 z.-:. - SNAP-ON $1.29 DRESS-EEZ 98c k. gg V . PARTY PANTS $1.69 SHEETS and BIBS SKELTON MEMORIALS ••• WALKERTON We are the only nianufac^. turers in this part of Ontario of high class monuments who import granite from the Okl Country in the rough; by the carload and process from the rough to the finished monument. No middleman. When choosing a monument Come and see one of the I largest selections in Ontario. Established oyer sixty years Write or phone Walkerton and reverse charges* SKELTON MEMORIALS 8 t I I I WALKERTON FOURTH CONCESSION A large crowd attended the MacDougall picnic held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mac­ Dougall on Saturday. Among those present were Mr. Rod Mac­ Dougall of Lucknow, Mr. & Mrs. Clair MacDougall and family of Chesley, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needr h am- and girls of Corunna, e Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MacDougall of Toronto and several members, of the Macintosh family, Mr. and Mrs. Graham MacDon­ ald of Lbndon visited here last Week bbfore leaving for summer 23rd, 1876. He was a son of John neighbor jand friend and her McNab and Katherine Moore, | home was a flower garden both, and as a young man entered the 1 outside and inside. produce business. He had a but­ ter and . egg gathering route that extended to Dungannon and Kin­ tail, and in 1899 he established his own produce business at Dun­ gannon, and there, on January 1st, 1903,„ he married Frances E. j Crawford,, daughter of William was held at the Davey Funeral Crawford and'Margaret Stothers. '.Home, Port Elgin, on June ?8th They continued to reside at Dun-. with ’ interment in Stark Vale / gannon until 1923, when they j Cemetery, Paisley. moved to Lucknow where ,Mr.-1 Surviving besides her husband. McNab took over the manager-1 are two sisters and three broth.?- ship the newly organized ers, Mrs, Thomas Henry of Bel- Mrs, Irwin was. 79 years of age, She Was a daughter of' Mr. and Mrs, Andrew McAllister and was born at Leeburn in Colborne Township in 1875. • She was. a member of the Un­ ited Church. The funeral service 1—Mr—trnd-HVlTsr-Jr-Smythe and Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacMillan of St; Catharines and Gail and Yvonne MacMillafi of London spent, the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan. • • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCullough: and two sons Bill and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. James McCullough■ and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart, all of W-indsof; - visited' recently With Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Agnew. '■ ’ I Visitors Catherine and. jyirs’. John and Coleen Cairns Alberta. Dr. and Mrs.* George MacGreg- or and thei'f daughter, Mrs. Don­ na Kuehlhorn and her four sons, Bert George; Donald . William;. last week with Miss MacGregor were .Mr. Charles ' MacGregor; . Margaret • and Miss , all of Granum, Jonathon Stuart' and .Bernard Kehneih of Chicago, Ill., are vis­ iting- 1 Mr I stun- borne, M-h and Mrs I < I 1 now, .Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mac­ Donald and Ronnie of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacDon­ ald of Grande Prairie, Alberta.- Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Swan and Diane are spending a .few days in Oshawa as .guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Middleton. Miss Margaret MacDonald driving' a smart new Dodge. is OBITUARY JOHN R. MacNAB . John Ramsay McNab, a resi- Dungannon, Kincardine, Tiverton and Bervie. Four years later the new Cargill Branch also came under Mr. Mc­ Nab’s management -and' he con­ tinued in this dual capacity until 1933, when he was succeeded by his son, J. C. McNab, For a time |Mr,. McNab. Sr., was produce 'manager at head office in London and then returned to Lucknow as ' assistant manager of the Luck­ now and Cargill. offices, an of­ fice he held ’until his retirement in 1952, following the death of She was predeceased by a sonr f Case Irwin; two daughters, Char­ lotte and Erna; a sister, Mrs. Charles Browning and two bro- ’ thers, Fred and John .McAllister.1 UU1HL AVUA1J4JU V XTAVATMM, U* A vu* ■ . it* • • . . T. 1dent of Dungannon and.Lucknow. M SOn >• previous July Mr. McNab was. a past presi­ dent of the Lucknow and District Thursday, July 1st, following Gross^Socie>y; a past presi5- i RED SWEET 44 <(» I* I P’ M iss ’. Ca t h er i ne MacG.rcgor.; and Mrs. Howard John-, and .Marilyn" of Port'• Col- ...................... s. Don .a lei John­ ston of To'ron’t > and Mr. and..Mrs? Merle’ Jolins'.cn and Sharon of London., were holiday, and week* end "visitors with the boys’ par-^ erits, Mr. an?l Mrs, P. M. John­ ston, Mr, and ■ Mr.>, John C. Boaton <tn d“-sbii s—Graha n-bahd- - jHnmy--c f Tbfonto- wore week-end visitors bore and attended the MacDoug­ all rounidh. -John was raised in Kinloss, joined the Bank of Mon- r treal staff in Lucknow , and was eventually transferred to Ed- monton-whore he joined the Im* porial Oik Company vvith-which he has been as.sooiuted for a?hum- her of years. for well over half a century, was' laid to rest in Greerihill Cemetery, on ' . a private funeral ^service con­ ducted at his late Residence by _Re.v_ - - - ■ • ' - - ' - — loss Presbyterian Church,, in absence of his minister, Rev. G A. Meiklejohn. ■. The pallbearers were- Harry, Anderson. B.. S. Roach,' Wm. G;! M1’®. Webster, ,------1 ", Steward of .Lucknidw arid Cecil, the community. - McLeod-.Of .Cargill. AH' were-, • He was. predeceased by Mi's, members of the recently organ-' McNab; his daughter, Mrs. Mar- .; jzed Siilyerwood Dairies Quarter garfet C. - Hamilton and his son,.' Century Club, with the exception John Crawford McNab. He is sur-1 of .Mr. Anderson who ‘was forced vivbd by a sister-in-law, Mrs. dent of the Lucknow-• Business | I Men’s, Association;' a, member of j G_SUBaulch-of-South^-in-w-Q1£GLigKU-odg-e--A^&^ i a number of yea-rs; a member of I ! Lucknow' United Church, and of j. the - United Commercial Travel­ lers -Association. He was a’fam­ in" the, village and j O, ivuaut, .nni. r * ..> ♦-* 1 i • i • r- £Wilmer HovVey, Chas- * propiijient in the ‘business life of j * "'7^2T"'yea'rs\ service, but . who had o.f, U eiWed-Athe^S iLverWood--Qom pa ny. in Dungannon, prior to the. or­ ganization' of the Lucknow Branch. Mr. McNab died suddenly Of a coronary thrombosis attack in Toronto' on Monday, June 28th. He was found' dead in his ‘hotel room. ■ .• . •'* < • ,. , • , • ' , He wai? years of age and was bdrn at Seaforth' on May * £ . J__ MRS;-THOMAS IRWIN ~ Ths death of'Mrs, Tho-mas ,Ir7 win occurred suddenly on Sat­ urday morning,-June 26th, when she suffered a strdke in the. gar­ den of her home at Port' Elgin. She had been ailing for 'the, past year but had been able to be outside since the-return of Warm wea.ther. - . ■ • Shd was a- kind and loving ■[ Are at their best now, so don’t miss out . , . Everything is oh short season this year. New Potatoes, 10 lbs..... . 59c Impbfted Tomatoes, lb..... Cello Tomatoes ....... t Sunkist Oranges, 288’s .... Sunkist Oranges, 220’s .... Heinz Ketchup . ........ Canned - ' Tomatoes, 28 oz. ..b 2 for Canned Golden C.orn, .20 oz,. .... .......2 -for 20c 20c 39c 55c 25c 35c 23c h * >4 i i I FRUIT Market i ft 4 “If It Grows We Have It” r 3 M 4 V ' 1