HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-07, Page 2PAGE TWO THU! LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Plumbins and Heating Service AND REPAIRS QilBurners Serviced—Units Converted , . Complete Repairs, foT Deep and Shallow Well Pumps Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed ' . ■ ‘ ' ' ’ •""/ .......■; . 7; ' ' • ■i- «■" ■ ■ \ ; ■ For a free estimate call or see ART GILMORE R.-R. 3, Lucknow 61-rrl3* Dungannon t fl' 4 NOTICE f '■ __4_;<4, .. I . I II All accounts with Doctors Connell And I Corrin, which partnership terininated June 30th, 1953, are now due arid payable. 4 WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1954 ll * DUNGANNON Miss Beta'Drennan of Brights Grove with a friend, Mis^ Alice Gorman, -Poiht Edwards are vis­ iting Mrs. Abner Morris; . ’ Mrs. Abner ’Morris visited for a week with her daughter, Mrs, Douglas Freeman, Clinton. ' 7 Mr. Harold Sproul and sister- in-law, Mrs; W. Sproul of David­ son, Sask., are spending a month yisiting relatives. ' Those takiiiff a summer course in Tqronto are Wilmer Errington, -Lillian Popp, Ross ,and Edna Riv- ett and Kenneth McAllister., Those accepted into .church membershipat-theDnitedchurch Sunday morning were Mrs. Ivan. Rivett, Mir.. Otto Youwsnia, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Logtenburg, Rouen, Derk, Gerda, Reina. Rev- -G. D. Watt’ conducted saqrainen^ tai service and during the morn­ ing service , mention was made of- si-x hymnarites donated for the. choir by the Young Peoples Soc­ iety. , 7,.; "■ ' Mi*, and Mrs; A. K. Watt of Toronto were visitors at the week-end with, the former’s bro­ ther, Rev. G. D. Watt at the . Per­ sonage, ' <•._■ JBL.................. Mrs. W. R. Andrews, who had. all sections of Manitoba attend Te'turhed^fibfhTWrhg tai seemingly recovered, took a realpse Vand has (been in bed again. - ' The Y.P.U. of Nile will con­ duct Service at'the' United church next Sunday morning arid will be in charge of Allan McDiarmid> The following Sunday the Dun-: gannon Y.PiU. will conduct the service and two weeks after that there will be church holidays, that members may visit other churches during the vacation of the pastor, Rev. G. Watt. The annual decoration service at Dungannon Cemetery was held on Sunday—June 47-th--with—a- large crowd attending, including' many from a distance. Rev. H. L. Jennings of St Paul’s Anglican Church delivered a splendid ad- dress on “That our lives may be living memorials” and advised all to live that they might be an asset in their community and re-r membered as such. Comment was niade on the splendid upkeep of the cemetery and many lovely floral tributes were in evidence. Rev. Geo. D. Watt of the United Church assisted with readings and prayers; Mr? Harold Greer, with the public address system, accomodated that ali arid favored with sacred numbers. Mrs. gel accompanied at with a volunteer choir for the hymns., Prior to the service, friends visited family plots, pl&c- Jng-bouquets^-A-neiw-pawer-lawh-. mower purchased during the year has given a well-kept appearance to the grounds. Mrs. Melvin Reed, sec.-treas., who has been receiv­ ing donations, also reports the collections at the service amount­ ed to around $94,007 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pritchard, Toronto, are on-holidays at a cot­ tage at Point Clark. BORN—on Saturday, June 26, at Goderich Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy, a daughter. The Loyal Orange Lodge Local 324 paraded from the Orange Hall Manitoba Federation of Agriculture and Farmers Union to Amalgamate I . . • ' • '■ • ' ■ . ■ I I i 1' i F i Signed:DaisyM.Connell, . B. N. Corrin. . Accounts unpaid by July 31st, 1954, will be placed in tile hands of our solicitors. X i 4 SIXTH AND NINTH Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foran of- Toronto spent the holiday week­ end with Mr. Toni Foran. Mr. R. H. Thompson, George and-Harry* of‘-Goderich were vis­ itors last week with Mr; & Mrs. Mark Armstrong. _• Mr, and Mrs. Jack, Taylor arid family of Bel­ grave spent Sunday with her -yareiftsr^"~~-u'-'"'.'</1-:'''':.......................- ZION ■, ‘ Mr. and ’ Mrs. KeitK Hackett and son-oi Toronto visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ■Hackett. ' ■ \ /..■ The Missionary meeting will be held Thursday at Mrs. Jack Gardner’s. <■'■. 7 Mrs. McAuley & Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lambert and Maria Of Acton spent last Thursday with Mr. and MrsL Frank Ritchie. Mrs. McAul - ey remained for a week. ) Kenny Kirkland had his tonsils Out in Wingham last Friday. Sunday School will- be-at? 10/15' and Church will follow at 11.1.5 o’clock for.! the month of July. 7' Mr. Hobbs has accepted a posi­ tion in Goderich asapoliceman. MF and Mrs. Jim Smith and family of MolOsworth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. Presentation For Teacher • The. school' pupils' and. parents of the Section closed up school with a picnic at The End , of the Twelfth. They had a grand* after­ noon. After supper they enjoyed a program pf sports* for young Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacGre- ger\ arid childfen,, Miss Coleen^ Cairns of Alberta and Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto were v(sitqrs -during last week1 with Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smyth and family of Toronto are spending the summer, months at the. home of Brown Smytlf Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cummins on the 25th an­ niversary of their wedding. Mr, , and Mrs. Mbrris Edwards, Stephen and David of Ottawa are*' holidaying at the home Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Qus Kina- han. ' 77'. ' Mrs. M. Larkin and children, of. Ottawa are spendingva holiday ^r^r^ord^'lSrkiarid^and wither sister, Mrs. Jim Wilson hunter presented the teach- '■ a xt- ter, Mrs. Lome Johnston, with a clock from the Section and the -Falls—Mts.—V-eFna^yor-s-of-7Kit>^ ?<en^r’ ?JanV?a a*id and saucer,-Mrs. Johnston replied ••Mr. R. H. McQuillm of Lucknow,fi.nd thanked.evetyoftfe> were Callers lastTweek with reL ( • .■ ■' - /■..•• ~ ' 7 ■ - ■ ,' -- atives. ' and Jim^Kasper of Detroit, Mich- Mrs. Viola Anhis and grandson ael Kinahan of London and John Gordon of Toronto arid Mr. An-. O’Corinor of Kingsbridge, drew Stein of Wingham visited >----- --------, Mrs. Wallace Wilson & Wanda 'With Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon. . [ spent a few days with her moth- Mr. Mike Cummiiis underwent. er, Mrs. Tiffin Of Wingham/ an eye operation in London on| Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan vis- Thursday of lasCweOk, returning ifed on .Sunday with her parents home at the.week-end. 'at Seaforth: > Visitors during the holiday! Mary B. Purdon is holidaying Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gus with her cousin, Marilyn Camer- Kinahan were Mrs. Habert, Geo. on of Ashfield. HERE’S HOW YOE CRN GET A might hear records of Leroi Stin- the organ NEW Oiare Brothers RAMM FREE Take advantage of Clare Brothers 100th Anniversary offer: see the famous .Clare Jewel Ranges in our showroom. Buy the one you want before July 31st, 1054.. .and then write and tell Clare Brothers what you liked best ^about it before August 31st, 1954. If your letter is best you get the full : purchase price refunded . . . and your beautiful. Clare Brothers Range absolutely SEE US FOR COMPLETE DETAILS ON CLARE BROTHERS. RANGE CONTEST ................ bi---.------;----------' >w free! Remember this is an unusual contest because:— : L There is a .separate prize for each Province. 2. You compete only with those people in each Province who actually have bought a Cigre Brothers Range between March 15th and July 31st! 1 v Regular $295.00 SPECIAL UNTIL JULY SIU .. .... S2SO.O0 WM. MURplE and SON Phone 10, Lucknow * (By Jim Powers) Three hundred delegate? from gamation., ___ T The Federation and Farm l^g-/the annuM” meeting- o the Union™ Federation of Agriculture voted delegates to. Support amalgama- unanimously in favor of amalga- tjon as they had reached the un­ ma tion with the Manitoba Farm- fortunate position of no progress ers Union. This was the No, 1 with divided' representations ap- resolution before the convention ■ proaching provincial and federal and’ was supported by a letter ’ governments. from Mr. Jake Shulz, -president The issues between, the two or- qf Farmers Union who , stated ganizations bas brought ill feel- The reorganization and amala- iriigs^aniong farmers and commun- gaination" of the two organizations! ities. ahd after the successful vote is becoming a vital question' - ■ ... among ^Manitoba f armers. They realize that two -producer organ­ izations,. often opposing each other on farm policies, does not. work to the benefit of agricul- ture. They feel something should___ ... .__ _______ ___ _ be done to avoid the pitfall' of by direct membership '/fees, so the U S. farmers who have built many delegates to the Federation up three organizations Which 1 annual meeting were farm union automatically oppose each other people. It was estimated about on alniost every issue. There have been numerous: requests and, res-, olutions asking that something be done , before the rift develops in­ to a situation beyond solution” In the vote on this crucial pro­ blem 100 percent was in favor and set up a committee to meet a similar committee of th’e Farm Union to draft a plan for amal-. ing on one or two organizations. from Mr. Jake Shulz, -president a tremendous applause* and ex- pressionl of jubilation burst put tfie very second no opposing vote was recorded. In Manitoba farm-, ers. are, members of the Feder­ ation through their Wheat Pools. The Farm iJnion has membership 7 30 percent of the delegates were farm union. 7'..'. •« . * -The, difficult task of drafting ' a proposed cqnstitutibn will be a major one. All resolutions of con­ flictingnature to farm union pro­ posals were tabled until amalga­ mation.. This situation should assist Ontario farmers in decid- I on Sunday evening to Erskine Presbyterian church for the an­ nual service. Rev. J. T. Whyte of Londesboro United, Church gave ah awakening address on Pro- estantism and what it means, to an audience that filled the church. Miss Barbara Wilson pre­ sided at the organ for the hymns -and~-a~~male—qu artetter—Douglas- Reed, Ken McAllister, Wilmer Errington and Murray Wilson,, sang a number. ' Mrs. Allan Reed was hostess at her home for the June meeting of Erskine chifrch W.M.S: Mrs. S. H. Stothers, president, opened by readirig Psalm 108. Mrs. Wal­ lace Wilson gave the topic. Mrs. Frank Jones gave* the Glad Tid­ ings prayer. Miss E. MacMillan gave a reading. Mrs. Will Reed gave a chapter from the study book. “ gave a report of the Presbyterial at Ethel. Mrs. Arthur Stewart and others. also reviewed high- > lights of the meeting. Eleanor Reed favored with two violin sel-; ectioris. , ; '. ’ for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wangler of Preston visited with Mr? and i Mrs. Pat McMillan ./and family on Friday. •' •: - Mrs. Russell . Ritchie, Mr.’ arid Mrs. Fred Tiffin attended the Western picnic at Erin on Sun­ day. This picnic is for former Lre^idents“of-Western-Ganada-and—- visitors from there who might be visiting with friends. A real good time was enjoyed by all: Mrs. Bob Brown and Gary vis­ ited for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. • Wm., Evans. and Ted Gary remained for two weeks ( Mr. Tom Inglis, Sr.> had the misfortune to injure his pelvis when he jumped'to try and clear himsief when a load of hay up- s^t last week and is a patient, in Wingham Hospital; Mr. Inglis 7 is 79 years of age’ and this is . his first experience as a patient in a hospital. Members of the family were visitors , for the?, week-end. Mr. Inglis was a very welcome thresher around Lang­ side .a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Pat McMillan & family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Meyers and family and ’ Mrs. Wangler on Sunday after­ noon at Ambelside. ■ ' Mr. and ,Mrs. Douglas Feagan; Carol , and Jean of Niagara . Falls visited With-Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ■ ter Feagan. j ' ‘ f ■ "7 ' Mr. Farish Moffat is under the doctor’s care with pneumonia. 'Mr: and- MrS. Johh C.rbwsto.n and /family spent Sunclay after- noon at Bruce Beach. Congratulations . io M y r 11 e UandU^epneth^- l * Mrs/ Richard McWinney LANGSIDENEWS TMr. and Mrs. Sld*Paine of Tor­ onto visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin and other friends for the' week-end. • • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes and Betty of Lavonia, Mich., visited for a few days witH the Tiffin families and attended the Fal­ coner picnic at Teeswater Thurs­ day. ■ , ■_ , ,■ ■■ 7 . Mrs. Wilson Wall returned home after spending a couple of John , Wraith of Lucknow. LindaandJanette.Johnsonof Belgrave and Cecilia Crowston visited a few days With Mr. ond Mrs. Chas. Tiffin. < Mrs. Wm: Scott left Sunday for ; Toronto - where, she is taking 0- summer course Tn music. Mr. Fred Fells and Robert of Toronto , visited-with Mr. Ac , Mrs. :rsJ-Cr-owstonof;No-9 Young, Teddy ■ Evans, Bobby .Young and~Beftha WaddelLoLN9!^_ 8 On passing their Grade & . * The W.M.S.. meeting will be held at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Scott on Friday afternoon, r Mr. and MrSr\ Chester Peagab and Bryan spent Sunday, at uod- erich. John’ Williams^ Who spent * a few days with his uncle BryanRussell Ritchie and other friends! returned home with them*