HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-30, Page 9DUNGANNON . Th6 Dungannon Women’s Im stitute held tsheir Jtine meeting at the home of Mrs. R, Finnigan on Thursday, evening with the president hi the chair. The meet­ ing opened witb O Canada, and the Mary >Ste.wart Collect..Twen- j . --- ty mernbers answered the roll. Members of the legal and medi- (.•aH,/ -‘A > Canadian Food Rule”,' cal. professions* a prison psychol- Five visitors were also.••.present;; 9S>st, a clerygman, an educator The treasurer’s report showed , abd a social worker 'described satisfactory returns from the* eac^ his oqethod of meeting prob­ booth at thtf area - picnic. There!-enfls PQsed by alcoholics. Very was discussion on attending holi-1 recently the Society for Dentist-, day week at the O.A.C., Guelph, f°r children, meeting in Tor-: from July 12 to 16; also the In- onto, had Dr, Bell, medical de­ stitute picnic at Harbor Park,' ec.t°r of Toronto’s Shadowbrook Goderich, on ‘ July 29th. Mrs. Health Foundation, address them Hodge gave . the motto, “Health °n alcoholism. The same speaker is wealth, let no:man be a spend- £ave a lecture on the same suib- thrift”, Current events', were giv-* ject ]ast fall in Convocation Hall en by . MrS; Fowler* .followed by at a meeting sponsored^ by the community singing. The topic Hoyal Canadian Institute. The- was prepared, by Mrs. Harvey pe°Pie ;at large are evidently* Mole and given by Miss Beth Me-' awakening to the gravity of this Connell. Mrs. Crozier gave a talk health menace. Alcoholism is the on the girls’ project and some of fourth most deadly disease in the the girls showed their slips and w°rld, according to the findings record books. Mrs. l?opp gave a of World Health Organization, demonstration on leaving wool-1 ^ranqe» a '^eer and ivine country, len yarns in scarves, etc. After brabks second in the number of. 'the collection and *The Queen”, alcoholics per' 100,000. of popula­ tion. The population of HamiL ton, Ontario, is_.Jess_by_some; _ _________ ____ ____f 40^0.00 than, the number of! al- year-old son Of Mr. and Mrs. Al- "COhblics we have, in Canada. The vin SherwoodK took suddenly ill combined populations of Owen on Monday evening artd was rush- Sound, Stratford and Woodstock *■ i was rlj.Rnl/rtd ’ PICKS UP SNAPS TAKEN 'OVER SIX YEARS AGO combined populations of Owen r'- ' * V ■’ - X THE voice of temperance Alcoholism has made the head­ lines very frequently,’ of late. MPPEN DISCUSSION ON ALCO­ HOLISM MEETING FEATURE”. That was a reference to the Can­ adian Conference of social work being held in Toronto in June, aemuilbllavivxx VXX weaving WUU1-I vyuniVXJ, len yarns in scarves, etc. After.! ran^s second in the number of. the hostess served lunch. Underwent Serious Operation__ “Little Robert Sherwood, seven- ed to Goderich' Hospital where he underwent an operation for a perforated bowel. NEIGHBORS HELD SEND-OFF PARTY FOR MRS. GIBSON does not equal the total number of alcoholics we. have in Ontario. These are startling statistics. The Ontario Government is concern­ ed, for it plans to set up 22 clinics in Ontario for the treat­ ment of alcoholics.—Advt. ■ ', • i Mr, and Mrs. Sam Gibson and' — ~ • family moved last week to their LADIES’ AUXILIARY PICNIC farm on the Bluewater Highway, HELD AT KINCARDINE south of Amberley. j ~ . Prior to their departure the The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the .immediate-neighbor-s-gathered-fqr—Canadian—Legion--hel-d—their~an- a little “send-off’’ pafiy at which nual picnic^ at Kincardine on Mrs. Gibson was presented with two beautiful china cups and saucers, s An amusing program featured the gathering with each of the eleven ladies present contribut-1 ing a number. Thursday, June 17th. It was beautiful picnic weather and the majority of the crowd took,their first dip of the season in Lake Huron. The contests were .in charge of 6 M . . . i Mrs.;- Ronald Forster & Mrs:»Rob-The *Gibspn home here has been 'ert Macintosh and were as. fol- purchased by Hugh Sutherland. in Wingharh I lows: 3 years and under, girls. Donna Forster* Sandra Thomp- |son; boys, Hughie Johnston; six j years: and Under, girls, Judy. Reid, /Karen Wasney; boys, Jimmy Mac- j Naughton; 9 years apd under, gifls, Trudy Thompson, Judy Reid; 14 years and under, girls. Nancy K. Forster; walking race, Mrs. Jack England, 'Mrs, Bob Reid; paper plate throw, Mrs. Joe Wasney, Trudy Thompson; call­ ing the cows, Mrs. Ronald For- OBITUARY GEORGE E. BOVVER The death of George Enoch ; Bower occurred General Hospital on Saturday, June 19th. He had been in fail­ ing health for some time but had been hospitalized for only a few days. Mr. Bower was in his 77th —year-rJie-grew”to-mTanhuud_here' and returned to thfe Sepoy Vill­ age to spend the latter years of his life. He was bom at Dres­ den in Chatham Township, on August 22nd, 1877, being a son of Enoch Bower and Mary Edith Madden. Enoch Bower was a ■sawyer by trade, and at one time operated a sawmill at the corner. of the Gravel Road and 12th Con-! n cession of Ashfield. •In . 1903 George Bower arid Florence , Hambleton were mar­ ried in Lucknow and later went to Western Canada, residing for a number of years at Veteran, Alberta. George was a stationery engineer and’ pattern, maker, and was a most efficient tradesman. Upon returning to Lucknow in 1941; he was employed in the Mapld Leaf Aircraft plant and then in furniture" making until - the~"plahr^clbsed;,/ Upon retiring Mr; Bower spent , much of his time in the wood-working shop adjoining his residence.. •He was a member of the United Church and the funeral service on Tuesday, June 22nd at, the MeLennari-lMacKenzie Mem-- Orial Chapel was conducted by the pastor, Rev* G. . A. ‘ Meikle- john. Interment, iwas. in , South Kinloss Cemetery, the pallbear- fefoX, RoyjJBladc^-J.ohxu-Kilsr ^PatrickrJ; M? Greer, N, E? Wiiv wstem,.Thomas .Burns^and.J.-ML "■ JoyriL . ■ - . . •• ■. Mr; Bower is survived by his ^(yw> a brother, William J. • ^ower of Lucknow; and a grand- son, Lawrence Wayne Bower of K^kland Lake. He whs prede- ccased by an orily son, Georgfe Andersoh’Bower, on January 29, 1943. r ster, Mrs. Herb McQuillin; ball foy a while! Some matters of im- throw, Mrs. Clair Johnston, Mrs. mediate business were brought Ronald Forster; kick the slipper, if or ward by Mrs. MacMillam Our Mrs. Philip pnext meeting is to be July 6th. Although the' crowd was not Oliver (too large, everyone went home i little tired but having the Nancy K. Forster* MacMillan; 100 yard dash, Mrs. Clair Johnston, . (Mrs. C" Glenn and Mrs. Jack England, ’ feeling a •] ties); hop, step and jump, Mrs.' enjoyed ,the afternoon to Jack England, Nancy K. Forster; limit? touch toes with wrist, Mrs. John T. Carruthers; most f walk, Over 50, Mrs. Herb Me- Quillin, Mrs. Wm. Buckingham; oldest member present, Mrs. Car­ ruthers; birthday closest tb pic­ nic, Judy Reid; driver with larg­ est load, Mrs. Peter Johnston. , Lunch was set out, Grace was sung and? everything was quiet ROY JEWELL . . . Bower, on January 29, / Dale Bohnert of Hamilton a caller in town at the end of the week and while here dropped into Umbach’s Drug Store and picked’ Up a folder of snapshots 1 taken over six years ago. Larry Downs was proprietor of the drug store at. that time. The Bohnert family left Luck­ now at that time and the snaps were never picked up. When in town last Saturday Dale enquir­ ed about them t and to his sur­ prise Elmer was able to produce them. Dale is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bohnert. The family lived in the apartment above the theatre when Alf -was employed in the furniture .factory. They returned tc Hanover and subsequently to Hamilton. Dale, who is now a jeweller, has an older brother; Berkley* and a younger brother, Neil. Director of Farm Services for CFPt-RacKo meets * • ■ '■ .<*k ' . with his rural listeners at 12 noon Monday through Saturday. His large audience hears interviews with agricultural authorities, news of meetings, market .: quotations .and items of general interest to farmers On Sundays at 10:15 a.m. on "Town and Country" Roy Jewell does a roundup of news items from West ern Ontario weeklies, which are of interest to both rural and urban listeners LONDON CANADA CFPL RADIO DIAL 980