HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-30, Page 74 The PLAYHOUSE * 4" . • . ■. ■ . NOTICE , Bailey’s Beauty Salon will be closed all day Monday, July. 5th- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 1954 ~"HE'L’UCK.NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM „ .z Two Shows Each-Night— FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wed., Thurs., June 30/ July 1 WILLIAM HOLDEN, JUNE ALLYSON ■ in —- ■ Want Ads I public school PROMOTIONS (Names in alphabetical order) Grade One to Grade Two . Honors: Margaret- (Peggy) But­ ton, Roy Button, Grace MacDoug-: ally Elizabeth .Pollock, Terrence Rathwell, Jane Smith; Pass: Rus­ sell Allin, Eileen Baker, Robert Bannister, Anita . Cline, Gert de Jong, Donald Fisher, Bryan Gam- mie, Chester Hodgins, jJ&et Hof­ stede, Barry Irwin, Cheryle Jar­ dine, Brian Johnstone,. Carol MacIntyre, John (Buddy) Prit­ chard, Keith Roulston, Sharon Whitby. Grade Two to . Grade. Three Honors: Myrna Burden^ Lynn Cow an; ~ D ouglas ” Dickie? Roy Gardner; Pass: Ronald Austin, Bryan Congr^m, Janet de Jong,. ............... Ross Forster, Murdie, Glenn Porter, Stewart, Cheryl Whitby. Isabel Havens, teacher. ROOM II 4 to Grade 5 NOTICE The Ladies Auxiliary to .the Canadian Legion will hold-their regular meeting on Tuesday, July, 6th. «'- ■ Executive Suite Friday, Saturday, July 2, 3 JOHN HQDIAK, ‘ LINDA CHRISTIAN — in — ' L BATTLE ZOHE Matinee Saturday Afternoon ^Monday, Tuesday, July 5. 6 Burt Lancaster, Eva Bartok “ — in . •* - . .. \ „ The Crimson Pirate 5 ’ ’ : . ’■ • ■ •. and-. Denise Parcel, Patrie Knowles ■ • • — m —- Flame of Calcutta Last complete show at 8.30 Monday, Tuesday, July 7, 8 GINGER ROGERS, WILLIAM HOLDEN — in.'—. ' > - • .■ “FOREVER FEMALE’-’ CARD OF THANKS TENDERS TENDERS will be received, for the painting of the interior of the school, ,S.S. No. 3, Kinloss. Tenders tozbe in by 'July 15th. Lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. . Frank Murray,. Secretary, -• R-.R--1, -oiyrbod;"“Ohf7 Notice To Creditors In The Estate Of Annie Mac- Innes. All persons having c 1 a i m s against the’estate of Annie Mac- Innes, late of the Village of Luck- . now, in 'the County, of Bruce, Widow, who died on or about the i-5th day of March, .1952, are hereby notified, to send isfi .to the* undersigned Solicitor, on or be­ fore the. 24th day of July, 1954, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last •_ mentioned date, the assets_of_the- said estate Will be distributed amongst . the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice? i Dated at Mount Forest, Ontario , this 24fh day of June, 1954. I C. E, Fallis, Esq., Q.C., j Mount Forest, Ontario, . Solicitor for the Administrator. Grade Honors: Thomas Wasney-; Pass: Ronald Attridge, Robert Austin, Keith Gardner, Joost Hofstede, George Humphrey, Gordon Mac- Nag, joe Marriott, Alan Mow - Grade 3 to Grade 4 Honors: Anne Baulch, Ross Hamilton,Dianne-Jamieson/Pass: Lynda Button, Glen Cowan, Rob­ ert Hunter, Tony Johnstone,. Gale Louzon, Carl Wagner, Clifford Wagner. * Grade "2 to Grade 3 Honors: Thomas Andrew, WiL liaan Gardner, Esther Giibson, Di­ anne Humphrey, Herbert Hunter Douglas Johnston, Louise Jones, Douglas MacKinnon, James Mac- Naughton, Ian Morton, James Mullin, Barbara Rathwell, Bev­ erley - Rathwell, David son. IN MEMORIAMThanks to everv one that gave | a helping hand to clean up the' MacDONALD—there passed away St. Helen’s Cemetery. I one year ago, on July 2nd, 1953, . Kenneth JPurves. i Elizabeth Tackaberry, beloved | • . • I wife pf W. J. MacDonald. iMr. and Mrs. Mervin MacDon-1 __^saciiy missed by . Husband and aid wish to most sincerely thank prjenc|s those who extinguished the fire ;---------7——— ------------- - in their cottage and those from; GERALD WEILER HAD Amberley who responded to the; HAND BADLY GASHED call for assistance. Their efforts were indeed appreciated. ,k. j Gerald Weiler, 13-year-old- son -of—M-i^r-and—M-rs-r-Joe-WeHerrhad* the back of his right hand badly i gashed last week, but it was for- I tunate the injury <was~moL more 1 serious.f Gerald was cut by the saw in | his > father’s mill. The accident happened as his Dad Went to start the engine. Fortunately the engiiie did not take hold on the first try, or in place of a gashed, hand the. lad mighty easily have Mr. J. F. Dawson wishes to thank his many friends lor their •! kindness/to him during his ; re-1 cent illness. Special thanks to the> Women’s. Missionary Society, of I South Kinloss Church for their I thoughtfulness. . . I wish to - thank my many friends for their cards, letters, flowers, boxes of fruit and other gifts which were sent to me while : had it severed. Trhe gash bled in Victoria Hospital. Theys were. freely, but no permanent injury all very much appreciated. .' Mrs. Maude Sherwood. was done the hand,-which will be O.K. whe'n the cut heals. . ■’______.... t—- —z—*---------* JF H. L. Thompson, ROOM III Grade 6 to Grade 7 - Honors: Evan Agnew*, Johanna de Jong, Nancy Forster, Bob Habkirk, Harm Hofstede, Nancy Irwin, Allan MacDougall, Caro­ lyn Mathers,. Garry Ritchie, Pat­ ricia Thompson;. Pass: Bob An­ drew, Brupe Baker, Jack Button. "Thom Collyer, Donald Hamilton, Frank Murdie, Bill Robinson. (*) Passed Grades 5 and 6 this year. Grade 5 to Grade 6 Honors: Mary Allin, Elizabeth Bannister, Karen Burden, ’Den­ ver Dickie, Elizabeth Finlayson, Janet Finlayson, George Gibson, Paul Henderson, Murray Hunter; Margaret Rees, Dick Richards, Judy Webster; Pass: Leona Col­ lins, Lyn Couse/.Paul Emberlin, Jimmie Gardner, Betsy Hender­ son,Lolna Howald, Kenneth Jones, Garry MacDonald, Ken­ neth McDonald, Marguerite Mac- Kenzie, Margaret Mullin, Tommy Rathwell; Conditionally: Francis Huber. ,Paint Sale Continues Azure Blue. < INSIDE ENAMEL Ivory, Cteam, White, Cardinal, Red,' Bermuda Grey. $1.00PER QUART ...................... PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL Light Grey, Tan, Tile Red, Brown. qTakt ... ..'.... $1-00 • 5•k WHITE HOUSE PAINT ’ PER ..■ -“V"'..... ....... .■ . Gallon ............................. Webster & MacKinnon ^LVmiNG, HEA’nNG and ELECtRlO ‘ Ruby M. Webb. ROOM IV . Grade 8 to Grade 9 : Honors: Sara Jane Bannister^ Shirley Irwin, .Gerald Mowbray, •Jim, Petersen, Donald Reid, Bldon Wraith, Patricia Welsh; Pass: Betty Armstrong, Eugene Gard­ ner, Alvin Hodgins, Melviii- Hod-, gins, Bobbie Irwin, Mae Ketch- abaw, Shirley McClure? Grade 7 to Grade 8 ' Honors; Buckton, Crawford, Richards-, Kennedy; Pass.-^MarioiL-Buckton^ Ha?old Elphiclc,-Arthur HOwald, Betty Habkirk, - Marga r e 11R ose. Lyons, Jean Mullin,. Marlene Stanley, Bobbie Struthers, Nancy WebatOh . . . ’ Stuart E. Collyer. Fraser, Asht'oh, Angus Cline, Joanne Hunter, Billie Joan Jean Douglas- Schmid, . Jack The milliner showed Us the lids; Such, darling things, she said, I really" liked the old hats best, That’s just the Scotch in me, f =ej POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3. GODERICH or ' FEED STORE, LUCKNOW __lsLshow 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, students 35crchildren 25c Wednesday, Thursday, June 30th, July 1st Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotton and Jeari Peters, in NIAGARA In Special Color. 1 Nikkie de Jong, Mary Dawn I I I i t I i i i i 1 i i > Friday, Saturday, July 2nd, 3rd Dianah Sheridan and John Gregson, in GENEVIEVE Matinee Saturday at 2.30 — Children 10c, Students 20c _ r—• ■_ . • - r,„ , ■ , ------ ■■ ■„1 -------------------------------_ , . , ............ if, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 8, 9, 10 Monte Woolley, Thelma Ritter, David Wayne, Jean Peters, in As Young As You Feel No Wednesday Show During July and August XI ■►(XUtl — II ■■ ll ■■ XMMWM I i i I a s FEED -A- MIN (PEAT-DIATOMITE) / - ■ ' ’ ■ • ■ . ■ ' ■■■■-. ' ' ' ' '• . ' The proven feed for all- livestock—and—poultry, containing-—| minerals from organic sources, is produced by | John R. Cressy Co. Lt., Toronto. f Try some >nd see the difference for yourself . . .• | It’s as close as your telephone. | Johnston MacLeod & Sons Phone Ripley Collect 102-r-20 We Deliver — Territory .Open For Agents rHI Thomjp- teacher. . i ■’ ■ ?’c STARTED continent. He left Canada by­ plane and was to visit in Scot­ land first, where he was to meet the young Junior Farmers who> are presently visiting in the UK. On Overseas Tour Harold R. Baker, assistant ag­ ricultural representative for Hur­ on County, -is presently on tour in the British Isles and on the I. I THE CO-OP Feeding Program ; OFFERS YOU: Co-op 35% Ilog and Sow, Concentrate . Co-op 35% Hog Concentrate Co-op 17 % Pig Starter, Booster in pellet or mash form Co-op .... Co-op 13% Hog Finisher , "T"~~USECO-OPPEE^/--~~ Manufactured by* you* for you! 7 /w j