HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-30, Page 51*
;?nd Alice Haldenby; young]
WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY .WALK OF LIFE SINCE 181?I How does' your Sentinel label
1 ■ *
z-s ».• wiixvii ivviii De used TO
m/Ur..«SiiPm-,^i'*♦’ e*te"ded, t0 house pigs, hens, feed and farm ’
Mr, Russell Middleton in the loss I implements.
. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 1954
Ban k o f Mo n t r e a l
Lucknow Branch: MURRAY COUSE, Manager
W.A‘ Staged Lovely Tea*
The Sunday School Room
the United Church, which has
(been recently redecorated ip
dusky rose, was further bright
ened, by baskets of peonies for
the annual tea under the aus
pices of the Women’s Association
5 on Thursday afternoon. There
was a large attendance; including
ladies from the Ashfield Circuit
and from Whitechurch and Luck
now. . Mrs. Gordon Macpherson
welcomed the ladies, and presid1-
ed for the program which include
ed piano solos by Mrs. Chester
* Taylor, Joyce McDonald, Alison
Webb and “Norma Forster; duets~
“ ]by - Mrs. J,' W. Joyht of Lucknow
and Mrs. E. W. Ri<?e, Norma For
ster and Lois Miller, and Norma
Forster and Gladys McDonald;
• solos iby Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. And
rew Gaunt, Anne Todd and Kar
en Groskorth of Whitechurch; a
selection on the guitar by Mrs.
J. D. Beecroft of Whitechurch;
readings Iby Mrs. Jas. McFarlane
of Lucknow, Miss W. D. Ruther
ford and Mrs.- Alex Purvesf and
choruses by the St. Helen’s school ’
girls. For the social hour that
followed, tea was poured by Mrs.
W. 1- Miller, president of jthe
W.M.S. ahd Mrs. James Curran,
president of the W.A. The table,
covered with a lace cloth, was'
bright with roses and pansies and
silver services. The collection
.................-j;-'—.............. .
amounted to $21.34..-
' The ladies are reminded of the
meeting of the Women’s Insti
tute to be held at the home of
Mrs. Ross Gammie this afternoon
(Thursday) at 2.30. This is child
ren’s day .and there will be a
picnic lunch. Roll call, “The
school subject I disliked the
Mr. a^nd Mrs, 'Will Webster
have returned from a pleasant
motor trip as far north as. North
. -------—. ; ■.. j
£he neighbors surprised' Mr.
and._Mrs_Emile -MacLennanrim"
Tuesday evening, June T5th, by
gathering at their home, to help
celebrate their silver wedding an
niversary. The event was arrang
ed by Mrs. D. Rose, Mrs. D. Mc
Lean, Mrs. H. Einsign and Mrs.
Oliver McCharles. Reg Campbell
made the presentation of two - **
lovely chairs and a. silver cream
and sugar and tray. In the short!*
program,-. Mr. Elmer. McKenzie
gave a solo arid Marion MacLen-
nan danced the sword dance.. Sup
plying music for- a dance were
Mrs. Dan McLean,. Mr.- Finlay
McDonald and Mr: and_Mrs. Roy
MacKenzie; Emile, “in aT^short
speech, thanked the neighbors for
their kindness. .
Is Your Subscription Paid?
Is your herd outgrowing your present
barn? Hayl you enough space to store the
products of your farm? If not,
perhaps you ne£d a new barn, of an
extension to your present one. ,
Don't let a shortage of ready cash hold
back your plans for a better farm —
whether it’s a new barn or the renovation
of your buildings generally. You can
^get money from the B of M through a .
Farm Improvement Loan —- at low ’ <
• interest rates’ and on a repayment plan to
. suit your individual circumstances.
Why not see your B of M manager ____
this we£k? You will
like his helpful
approach to your plans.
FIL — the fixer,..
his full name it
Farm Improve
ment Loan. Give
him a chance to
help fix up your
farm .■.. he's eco
nomical, conven
ient, versatile. He
Can do almost
anything in mak-
w ttniKHt omdUm
Rev. and Mrs. W; P, Lane,
Misses Leila Forsythe and Greta
Smith of Toronto called on the
Laine families on Monday last.
Members from here attended
the 76th aniversary of the Tees-
water W.M.S. on Tuesday even
Students from the Lucknow
District High School enjoyed a
I fops, trip to Collingwood.
Sunday visitors with .Mrs. J.
W. Colwell were Mr^ and Mrs.
Frank Colwell and Huston, Mr.
and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mary and 'Dick.' • ;
—.Miss rErlma--Percy”spent~a7"da'y
in Guelph. She was chosen , by the
County which entitled her to this
trip. ;
Eric ’ Percy- received a 'cut on
■his. face which ■ required several
stitches to close the wound.
Mrs. Roy Graham xwill enter
tain the Guild on Wednesday ev-
The W. A. are making plaqs
for their bake sale on Friday at
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray were
honored at a receptidri on Friday
evening at Holyrood Hall.
iMr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston--
of London were week-end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guest.
Held Picnic at Kincardiner
The Anglican S. S. picnic was
held at Kincardine on Saturday
when 70 enjoyed a bountiful din
ner’ at one ofcldck< Mr. Arthur
Graham was master of-ceremon
ies. Prizes were awarded to Mrs.
J. W. Colwell for being the old
est lady present and to Mr. Wm.
Cox who was the oldest gentle
man. A program of sports fol
lowed: ages 1 to 6 years, bonny
Wall, Madonna Graham; girls 7
to 10, Barbara and Norma Hal
denby; boys 7 to 10, Bobbie
to 12, Alice aind Beatrice Halden-
iby; boys 11 to 14, Dick Porter,
Harold Smith; young ladies, Bea-:
t~-- - ’ ‘ i a___&
men, Dick Porter, Don Smith;
married ladies, Mrs. Harold 'Hal
denby, Mrs: Bert Nicholson; mar
ried men, Arthur Graham, Bert
Nicholson; threading ' the needle,
John Hodgins and Alice Halden-
| by, Dick Porter and Beatrice Hal
denby; kicking the slipper (boys),
j Don Smith, Jack Colwell; (girls),
j Mrs. Midford Wall, Mrs, /Allan
i Colling; soda biscuit race] John
I Hodgins., Mrs. Allan Colling; 3-
legged race, Alice and* Beatrice
Haldenlby, Helen Nicholson and
Jack Colwell; throwing the ball,
Donny Hodgins, Don Smith; kiss
candy scramble (girls), Norma :&
Beatrice Haldenby; (iboys), Dick
Porter, Jack ; Col well; shoe
scramble, Dick Porter and__A.Lic»f>-
1 Haldenby, Donna Nicholson and
Gary Graham; Wheelbarrow race,
Mrs. Harold Haldenby and Har
old Smith, Donna Nicholson and
Margaret' Schneller. A tug of
.war caused considerable excite
ment. Refreshments were served
and a pleasant day was- brought
to a close, The sports committee
was Mrs. Harold Haldenby, Ar
thur Graham, Donald Smith.
Mrs. P. A. Murray will be hos
tess for the Institute meeting on
Thursday evening. Roll call, Slo
gans in advertisement; conven
ers, May Boyle and Mrs. James
Hodgins; guest speaker, the Dis
trict President; motto, Anyone in
need is bur neighbor; boniest, A
new idea, fromi a flpur sack;
lunch, Mrs. Jas. > Hodgins, Mrs; ,
Frank Maulden (sandwiches);
Mrs. Jack Ackert, Mrs. Raypard
Ackert_.Cc.akeX------: -
Miss Iona Terry of CKNX is
spending her vacation with her
parents, Mr* and Mrs; W. K.
Terry at Hillier.
A large congregation joined
with the L.b.L.- at the annual
church parade and service which
Was held a't the’Anglican Church
on Sunday afternoon. •
Mrs.: J. W. Colwell, Mr. & Mrs.
Frank'1 Colwell visited on Sunday
evening with Mr* George CoJ-
of'pleurisy. ,
...Thgre—will. .be... no., -service—in;
I the Anglican Church next'Sun-
I day; owing " to lhe special annL
j versary services at .Kingart Sun*
| day School will be at 9.30 a,m
Mrs, Austin Martin has return
ed home from Kincardine Hos
pital where she recently under
went an operation,- \
* ' ’ * * «•.
Mr. • Mack MacDonald $pent
four days a]t Western University
as a representative from Grade
XIII of Lucknow High School.
of his brother,. Wm. Middleton of -
Mr. and Mrs... Win.. Townson &
four children of.. Sudibury spent
the week-end with Mr., and Mrs.
Ira Dickie and family. Mrs.
Townson and boys are remaining
for a longer ,visit
Mr. Allan Graham has • the
cement work completed for a new
building which will be used to
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