HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-30, Page 51* THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FOURTH CONCESSION Of ;?nd Alice Haldenby; young] -•Yr- WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY .WALK OF LIFE SINCE 181?I How does' your Sentinel label read,? 1 ■ * z-s ».• wiixvii ivviii De used TO m/Ur..«SiiPm-,^i'*♦’ e*te"ded, t0 house pigs, hens, feed and farm ’ Mr, Russell Middleton in the loss I implements. . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 1954 Ban k o f Mo n t r e a l Lucknow Branch: MURRAY COUSE, Manager PAGE FIVE , t ♦ 0 ST, HELENS W.A‘ Staged Lovely Tea* The Sunday School Room the United Church, which has (been recently redecorated ip dusky rose, was further bright­ ened, by baskets of peonies for the annual tea under the aus­ pices of the Women’s Association 5 on Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance; including ladies from the Ashfield Circuit and from Whitechurch and Luck­ now. . Mrs. Gordon Macpherson welcomed the ladies, and presid1- ed for the program which include ed piano solos by Mrs. Chester * Taylor, Joyce McDonald, Alison Webb and “Norma Forster; duets~ “ ]by - Mrs. J,' W. Joyht of Lucknow and Mrs. E. W. Ri<?e, Norma For­ ster and Lois Miller, and Norma Forster and Gladys McDonald; • solos iby Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. And­ rew Gaunt, Anne Todd and Kar­ en Groskorth of Whitechurch; a selection on the guitar by Mrs. J. D. Beecroft of Whitechurch; readings Iby Mrs. Jas. McFarlane of Lucknow, Miss W. D. Ruther­ ford and Mrs.- Alex Purvesf and choruses by the St. Helen’s school ’ girls. For the social hour that followed, tea was poured by Mrs. W. 1- Miller, president of jthe W.M.S. ahd Mrs. James Curran, president of the W.A. The table, covered with a lace cloth, was' bright with roses and pansies and silver services. The collection .................-j;-'—.............. . amounted to $21.34..- ' The ladies are reminded of the meeting of the Women’s Insti­ tute to be held at the home of Mrs. Ross Gammie this afternoon (Thursday) at 2.30. This is child­ ren’s day .and there will be a picnic lunch. Roll call, “The school subject I disliked the most”. Mr. a^nd Mrs, 'Will Webster have returned from a pleasant motor trip as far north as. North Bay. HONOR LOCHALSH COUPLE ON 25th ANNIVERSARY . -------—. ; ■.. j £he neighbors surprised' Mr. and._Mrs_Emile -MacLennanrim" Tuesday evening, June T5th, by gathering at their home, to help celebrate their silver wedding an­ niversary. The event was arrang­ ed by Mrs. D. Rose, Mrs. D. Mc­ Lean, Mrs. H. Einsign and Mrs. Oliver McCharles. Reg Campbell made the presentation of two - ** lovely chairs and a. silver cream and sugar and tray. In the short!* program,-. Mr. Elmer. McKenzie gave a solo arid Marion MacLen- nan danced the sword dance.. Sup­ plying music for- a dance were Mrs. Dan McLean,. Mr.- Finlay McDonald and Mr: and_Mrs. Roy MacKenzie; Emile, “in aT^short speech, thanked the neighbors for their kindness. . Is Your Subscription Paid? Is your herd outgrowing your present barn? Hayl you enough space to store the products of your farm? If not, perhaps you ne£d a new barn, of an extension to your present one. , Don't let a shortage of ready cash hold back your plans for a better farm — whether it’s a new barn or the renovation of your buildings generally. You can ^get money from the B of M through a . Farm Improvement Loan —- at low ’ < • interest rates’ and on a repayment plan to . suit your individual circumstances. Why not see your B of M manager ____ this we£k? You will like his helpful approach to your plans. FIL — the fixer,.. his full name it Farm Improve­ ment Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your farm .■.. he's eco­ nomical, conven­ ient, versatile. He Can do almost anything in mak- better w ttniKHt omdUm KINLOUGH Rev. and Mrs. W; P, Lane, Misses Leila Forsythe and Greta Smith of Toronto called on the Laine families on Monday last. Members from here attended the 76th aniversary of the Tees- water W.M.S. on Tuesday even­ ing. Students from the Lucknow District High School enjoyed a I fops, trip to Collingwood. Sunday visitors with .Mrs. J. W. Colwell were Mr^ and Mrs. Frank Colwell and Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mary and 'Dick.' • ; —.Miss rErlma--Percy”spent~a7"da'y in Guelph. She was chosen , by the County which entitled her to this trip. ; Eric ’ Percy- received a 'cut on ■his. face which ■ required several stitches to close the wound. Mrs. Roy Graham xwill enter­ tain the Guild on Wednesday ev- The W. A. are making plaqs for their bake sale on Friday at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray were honored at a receptidri on Friday evening at Holyrood Hall. iMr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston-- of London were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guest. Held Picnic at Kincardiner The Anglican S. S. picnic was held at Kincardine on Saturday when 70 enjoyed a bountiful din­ ner’ at one ofcldck< Mr. Arthur Graham was master of-ceremon­ ies. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. W. Colwell for being the old­ est lady present and to Mr. Wm. Cox who was the oldest gentle­ man. A program of sports fol­ lowed: ages 1 to 6 years, bonny Wall, Madonna Graham; girls 7 to 10, Barbara and Norma Hal­ denby; boys 7 to 10, Bobbie -Smith,—Donny—Hodgins;-girrs~n to 12, Alice aind Beatrice Halden- iby; boys 11 to 14, Dick Porter, Harold Smith; young ladies, Bea-: t~-- - ’ ‘ i a___& men, Dick Porter, Don Smith; married ladies, Mrs. Harold 'Hal­ denby, Mrs: Bert Nicholson; mar­ ried men, Arthur Graham, Bert Nicholson; threading ' the needle, John Hodgins and Alice Halden- | by, Dick Porter and Beatrice Hal­ denby; kicking the slipper (boys), j Don Smith, Jack Colwell; (girls), j Mrs. Midford Wall, Mrs, /Allan i Colling; soda biscuit race] John I Hodgins., Mrs. Allan Colling; 3- legged race, Alice and* Beatrice Haldenlby, Helen Nicholson and Jack Colwell; throwing the ball, Donny Hodgins, Don Smith; kiss candy scramble (girls), Norma :& Beatrice Haldenby; (iboys), Dick Porter, Jack ; Col well; shoe scramble, Dick Porter and__A.Lic»f>- 1 Haldenby, Donna Nicholson and Gary Graham; Wheelbarrow race, Mrs. Harold Haldenby and Har­ old Smith, Donna Nicholson and Margaret' Schneller. A tug of .war caused considerable excite­ ment. Refreshments were served and a pleasant day was- brought to a close, The sports committee was Mrs. Harold Haldenby, Ar­ thur Graham, Donald Smith. Mrs. P. A. Murray will be hos­ tess for the Institute meeting on Thursday evening. Roll call, Slo­ gans in advertisement; conven­ ers, May Boyle and Mrs. James Hodgins; guest speaker, the Dis­ trict President; motto, Anyone in need is bur neighbor; boniest, A new idea, fromi a flpur sack; lunch, Mrs. Jas. > Hodgins, Mrs; , Frank Maulden (sandwiches); Mrs. Jack Ackert, Mrs. Raypard Ackert_.Cc.akeX------: - Miss Iona Terry of CKNX is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr* and Mrs; W. K. Terry at Hillier. A large congregation joined with the L.b.L.- at the annual church parade and service which Was held a't the’Anglican Church on Sunday afternoon. • Mrs.: J. W. Colwell, Mr. & Mrs. Frank'1 Colwell visited on Sunday evening with Mr* George CoJ- well^whp-Js^ilL^ of'pleurisy. , ...Thgre—will. .be... no., -service—in; I the Anglican Church next'Sun- I day; owing " to lhe special annL j versary services at .Kingart Sun* | day School will be at 9.30 a,m Mrs, Austin Martin has return­ ed home from Kincardine Hos­ pital where she recently under­ went an operation,- \ * ' ’ * * «•. Mr. • Mack MacDonald $pent four days a]t Western University as a representative from Grade XIII of Lucknow High School. of his brother,. Wm. Middleton of - Forest. Mr. and Mrs... Win.. Townson & four children of.. Sudibury spent the week-end with Mr., and Mrs. Ira Dickie and family. Mrs. Townson and boys are remaining for a longer ,visit Mr. Allan Graham has • the cement work completed for a new building which will be used to L IS <=3 S3 X JO ’ X S? m <A m S*<D'>-& -hlsi t