HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-30, Page 41 fi » 4fc ' FOR SALE—quantity of standing hay and a side delivery rake. .James Baird, HAY FOR SALE — 21 acres of good timothy and. alfalfa hay at Con. 9, West Wawanosh. Apply to Alex Stanley, Kincardine. FOR SALE—rbrick building,. 22 x 50, upstairs modern apartment, steam beat, bottom floor suitable for shop or store, full dry base­ ment. N. W. Winterstein. APARTMENT AVAILABLE—.-ap­ ply Gammie. Apartments. FOR SALE—girl’s C.C.M. balloon tired .bicycle, almost new. Ruth Emberlin. CUSTOM BALING—having pur­ chased new machinery* for our flax business we are prepared *to give custom bailing service. An­ derson Flax Products, phone 21-w. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— on /‘Standpipe Hill”. Possession at once. Apply tq Lome Farrish, R. 7, Lucknow. FOR SALE 'Rowman garden tractors., See them on display at Forster’S Welding ” Shop, phone 206-r-ll, Lucknow.’ FOR SALE — 2 Yorkshire sows due within three weeks. Apply to A. MacIntyre, R. 6, Lucknow, phone 10-24 Ripley. PHONE 41 for a price on meat by-the quarter; also custom Work and cutting? Welsh Meat Market, Lucknow. HELP WANTED — male or fe­ male, must have experience in grocery retailing. Apply at ■Smith’s I.G.A. Market. HOUSE FOR SALE—modern 8- Toomb^ick~house; intTHavelock- St. Oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland, Luck­ now. HOUSE FOR RENT—on Have­ lock St., modern conveniences, available at once. Apply to W. L. MacKenzie, phone 193, Lucknow. SALESMAN WANTED Rawleigh business now Open ' in Bruce Co. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. RaWleigh’s Dept. AUCTION SALE . cif 43 acres of hay on Friday ev­ ening;. July 2nd, at 8.00 o’clock at the farm of James B. Beaton. Emile MacLennan, Auc. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION _ HOUSE FOR SALE—residence of - the late John MacMillan, Camp­ bell, St1., LuckUotV.'Contact J. L. MacMillan. PRIVATE SALE of household furniture arid effects on Friday and Saturday of this week at the apartment of the late Mrs. Walter Horne, Lucknow. ■M1' rage four THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r~r CAR FOR SALE — Chrysler coupe. Apply at* Mason’s Garage, Lucknow, . ■' FOR SALE — man’s bicycle, in good condition, reasonable. Ap- . ply to Alex 'McIntosh.^ # . FQR SALE—in any quantity, 18 aqres of good rnixbd standing hay. Gordon Struthers,. R. 1, Lucknow, phone 64*r-22^ ‘ FOR SALE—12 acres of standing’ mixed hay on Highway, Fred MacGregor, R, 3, Goderich, phone 66-8 Dungahnon. ■ * y FOR SALE—three young Jersey . cows, milking. Fred Martin, Par­ amount, phone Dungannon 68-6. ’ FOR SALE—Model A in, good condition. Apply to Elwood Ir- ■" win. . " ' _____ ___:__a ,.. --------------------------------------- LOST-—pair of boy’s eye glasses; ; Fi^eFTplease" leave“at'^Sentin^^^ Office. ._____/ . FOR SALE—purebred Shorthorn bull,-A- years old. -This™_bulL-is.. very smooth arid low set, dark red in color. Has very best of breeding’ and anyone in need Of, a good sire should see this one. James Forster. . . . ‘ PLUMBING SUPPLIES For . plumbing fixtures, fittings and supplies, including American kjtchen. units, call T. M. Meen, 1178, Francis St., London, phone 7r1170. Evenings 4-4689;. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free' /of ' charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21,'Vfingham 561J or Ripley 182. ...•- - - • - ■ ■ ■ - ' - • .J/ , > , CHROME PISTON RINGS s Many car owners are enjoying the wonderful service of long lasting chrome piston rings. Why not let me install a . set in your motor now. , N. W. WINTERSTEIN PROPERTY FOR SALE—6-room house, barn and double (garage on large two-fifth acre lot. Im­ mediate possession.. Property of W. Potter. Enquire of Mrs. C. Shaddick, Lucknow. BRAY "BROILERS. Apgust-Sep- temiber, should be ordered how. Prompt shipment chics, various, varieties,, Pullets, dayold, started. Full particulars from, D, R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ", FOR SALE—used stainless . steel milker units, 3 Chbre boy, 2 Uni­ versal, 1 Hinman, 21 Conde, 2 Woods, ! McCormick, etc. Call Lovell McGuire,* Surge Dealer, Wingham, phone 593. FOR SALE—a quantity of tools, saws, -chisels, ;drills, .etc., wood­ working electric lools, lathe, /■ sander,’etc. and electrjc motors. Apply to Mrs. T. E. Anderson^ R, 1, Lucknow. - Wot artificial" insemination : at its best for all breeds/call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ­ ation between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m* on week days and 7i30i and 0.30 a»m* ' on Sundays./Phone collect Kincardine 460 o r Mildmay 130-r-12. ' HOUSE FOR SALE — five-room frame house in Dungannon, new­ ly installed pressure pump' and bathroom facilities; also 2 frame buildings on property of seasoned lumber suitable for building pur­ poses. Would sell -With house or separately. Mrs. Stella King, Box 204, Tees Water, or phone: 105-J. ■■ SEPTIC TANKSF FOR SALE Steel reinforced ceriient, sepfic tanks, 6% ft., by 3% ft., 5; feet deep* Capacity of 450 Imperial gallons. The design and construc­ tion of these tanks has been. ap­ proved by the Huron arid Bruce County Health Units. We deliver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter’s Welding Service, Luck­ now. ' AUCTION SALE to be held" on Friday, July 2nd at 8-00 o’clock in the evening on Highway 9 at Bervie. 12 choice 2-year-oId Hereford and Durham steers; 25 > Hereford 1 -year-old Steers; 25 Hereford and Durham steers and heifers mixed;’4 Here­ ford cows due in month; 5 heifers, calves at foot; 6 Holstein heifers -due—in- months-—3~-Durharn---cows to freshen in Nov. Elton McLel- land & Sons, Prop., Bervie; Auc­ tioneers, Donald Blue, Dome and Doris McLelland; . tenders; TOWNSHIF. OF KINLOSS TENDERS in lum|p sum will be received by the Undersigned tip to 2 p*m., on Monday, July 5th, 1954, for the cutting of tfie hill Kinloss, under the supervision of J,heiJioad2S-upt,^rnmuAdiQnL.4uli particulars of the work may be had. Tenders to be accompanied' by matked cheque for 10 percent of tender. TDhe lowest'or any tefb der not necessarily accepted; ' J. R. LANE, . ' ■ I Clerk, Kinloss Townsnip, : . R^R.2, Holy rood, Ont. | CO|MINGEVENTS | kairshea PICNIC The Kairshea W. I. picnic will -be held in Harbor Park, Goder­ ich, July 8th, Tpur of the mus­ eum for those interested at 2.0Q p.m. Races at 4.00 p.m. Basket lunch. ‘ FAREWELL PARTY Friends in the community are staging a farewell party' fo»r Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nicholson, in the Community Centre, Lucknow, on' Tuesday, July 6th. Carruther’s orchestra. Ladies please ' bring 4unch. Everyone welcome, PALACE GARDENS, FORMOSA On Sunday, July 4th, from 2,30 to 5.00 pun., the entertainment at the Palace Gardens, Formosa, will be provided by Earl Hey* wood, Canada’s No. 1 Cowboy and, . the Barn. Dance Gang. , r GARDEN PARTY ‘ At St. Joseph’s-Church -grounds,. Kingsbridge, on Monday, July 5th. Supper served 5.30 to ’8.00. Bingo, booths' games, prize draws at -midnight. Dancing _> to Hender­ son’/orchestra. ”-LTO;LrCHURCH SERVICE > There will be an L.O.L: church service at Zion Qhurch, Sunday evening,July 4th at 8.00 p.m. Members are requested to meet at Maple Grove» No. 1044, Lodge Room at 7.3Q. Visiting brethren welcome. y RECEPTION FRIDAY A reception will be held op Friday- evening, July 2nd, Whitechurch Community Memor­ ial Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher, newlyweds. Carruth­ er’s orchestral. Everybody wel­ come. ■ . . MILDMAY-FIREMEN^-BINGO .On the new arena flQor in Mildimay Community Centre on Wednesday, July 7th and every second Wednesday.^$2MQ0_in_cash Prizes. Super special- of $1000 .must ■ go. Three specials of $200. 14 games for $50 each for $1.00. Extra and special cards 25c or 5 for $1.00. Doors open at 7.45. Games start at 9.00 sharp. PRESBYTERIAN PICNIC The annual Congregational and Sunday • School " picnic of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church will be held on' Thursday, July 8th at Kincardine. A bus will leave the Church at 1.30 p.m. All those wishing transportation are asked to leave their names, with Innes MacSween,’ convener of Transportation. ..'... - • • in I ■ - ■ NOTieE;-—— DOCTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Kindly observe the following, Office Hours: Week-days .except- Thursday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.; Evening by appointment Only; Sunday, Thursday and Statutory Holidays, emergency appoint­ ments only. At any time in emer­ gencies the Doctor may be reach­ ed by telephoning 17. DR. M. H. CORRIN (Additional Classified on Page 7) ..../. ....,... 2 ... ....X CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & C0MERCIAL TRUCKS as well as the farm’ business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon .70-ij-IO ’ JOHN McMURCHIE, JlIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 R. S. Hetherington, QX Barrister, Etc^ Wingham and Lucknow ' 2 .' ^ iN .. and Wednesday Located on the ground floor in the froht of John Kilpatrick^ Building ’Phone Wingham \ Of Iflee48 Residence 17 T RDY.WBENTLfY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd, (corner South St.) GODERICH, ONT. ' Telephone 1011 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON R. R. 3, Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon I WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial .. Craftsmen For Thirty-Fives Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With . Expert Designing and . / Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTO N Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario i INSURANCE Co-Operative Life-Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. See ... T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon / Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. '72; _ _____1____Optometrist-;............_ LISTOWEL, ONT. at the former Wrona Jewelery store, Ripley; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m*,- WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th arid every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone ,Rdy . MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. -7- 2—.... , ... . .. ■. „ . fl..,’ , y-' ; T Agnews’ Agency Howard Agnew -—Jos. Agnew . MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association i GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: . Business' 39 Residence 138 MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE-.—... FUNERAL SERVICE -Set^^ ’ ’hg to jrotit wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at .our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. , AMBULANCK SERVICE 'Phone 181, Lucknow. Day or Night ?; ' WEDNESDAY,: JUNE 30th^ 1954. Insure With The CulrossMutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. ’ ' ■ . ■•• • 2 ■ . ’ • ' v 1” for -Re.^Qna'bU rates, sound pro­ tection & pr.ompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R, 3, Teeswater. ’Phone Teesiyater 57-r-41 J ■<■ tx F. T. ARMSTRONG " OPTOMETRIST “ - - GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT. ’Phone 1100 / . .For Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE. To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R/R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO j^r LUCKNOW Every-~ Y Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Of f iceUn -the-Joy n t—Block— Telephone: Office '135 Residence 31-J P. Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO u IN LUCKNOW —-Each -Wednesday-------- OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK ■—■■■■■I... .8 I- ~IJ 1 ■ I, JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ■Phone 78 > Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office oii Patrick St.* just off the Main St. in •, .1^........’..2—WINGHAML— / Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings < by appointment Phone: Office 779; 5. RAY ROBINSON :K LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. ’PhoiieCarloW 2105 ; R.R. 1, Port Albert