The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-30, Page 3■ ■ ' .......... U- » I'. Ill1 R . I!. !■ ' LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH I Minister: i Rev* G. A. Meiklejohn, . B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, JULY 4th 10.00a.m.’. Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.: Rev, Gilbert Gomm, Kincardine, pr .... - . • .■/ ■■ '■ Evening Service Withdrawn. i iI ii i i ?4 Lucknow I Presbyterian Church | SUNDAY, JULY 4th j 10,00 a.ht; Sunday School andi Bible Class. . z j 11.00 a.m.: Rev. R. D. A. Cur- j rie of Whitechurch. . j 3,00 p.ni.’: Erskine, Dungan-j non. Rev. Currie. j Evening Service Withdrawn; j ZION Small Daughter.: Mama, did you marry^addy? Mama: You’ve begun to wond­ er,'- too?'-’ ' ■;/ why The pupils and their teacher, 'Mrs. Lome, Johnston, were in Goderich last Tuesday to see the Schaeffer pen plant and salt block. They took a boat ride and after supper took in the show. ■ Miss Carol Gardner spent, a few days with the Button child­ ren while Mr. and.Mrs. Russ But­ ton were, on. holidays. , Mr. and Mrs., Angus McAuley and family of Toronto spent the week-end with , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Anne. ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc* . — Reliable Service —< Gilson 'Sales -r- —^-^>^*-£lectrieal:-AuppIiances- Freezers, Dryers, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC ’ Kinlough Phone Ripley 111-r 29 ■ / MONUMENTS 3 SKELTON MEMORIALS ... 1 . . >■ • WALKERTON We are the only manufac^ tiirers in this part of Ontario of high class monuments * who import granite from the Old Country in the rough by the carload arid process from the rough to the finished monument. No middleman, When choosing a 'monument cohie and see one . of the largest seteotidris in Oritario* ^Vrite or phone Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON ft 4, .... Local & General Mrs. A. Turner, who has spent the winter in Toronto,, was a call­ er on .friends , here this week William Potter has recovered sufficiently to return here to spend ten days WRh his daughter, Mrs. C. Shaddick. Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Lavery of Toronto are holidaying with Mrs. R. T. Douglas arid Miss MacDon­ ald, . Mrs. Ed Thom is ill with pneu­ monia at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Campbell Thompson. ■' Arnold Boak is taking a sum­ mer course in Toronto and Bern­ ice and family are spending the time wifh her mother, Mrs. Shaddick. ' ; . •” Miss Jean Osborne, Miss Helen Thompson and Mrs. Rena .McNab attended a picnic of; the Business and Professional Women’s Club held last’week at Durham. M.r,- and Mrs. George -Piett and farriily of Port Colbrone spent the week-end • with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Henderson. . • • Mrs. Maude Sherwood returned . Thursday_fbo_nx^_yictorja- Hospital, where she recently un­ derwent a major operation. ■ Miss Susan MacNaughton of London spent ,the week-end with ■ her parents, Mr.- and . Mrs. Jim MacNaughton.’ x• Miss Margaret Miller will Spend the next two months work­ ing at a surrimer resort near. Huntsville. Postmaster Kenneth Caiherori is on holidays and Mrs. Robert Struthers is assisting at the Post Office. ' ’ t . Rev. and Mrs. R. A. • Joselyn ia h d^d^ u gh te r--P-a t^i e ia~w er e~Bxin— day guests of Mr. and«Mrs. T. J. Salkeld and Rev. and Mrs. Jen­ nings at’ .the Rectory. . ’. Mr., and Mrs. John "Carruthers and. daughters, of Delhi and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lougeed of Lon-1 . don attended the Fisher-Foster wedding and spent the week-end with relatives in this district.; Mrs. Margaret’ Dudley accom­ panied Mt. and. Mrs. John C, Mc­ Intyre. on their return to Culross, iManitoba. They left by motor on Mondaiy. Mrs. Dudley , expects to Spend six weeks or two months !.in the West, . ■ • Mrs. C. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald: May and three children, Geraldine, Edna Frances and Janet and Mr. Russell of •Gorrie were Sunday gueste’. of Rev., and Mi's. H. L. Jennings. Henry Caesar, who for many years farmed at Langside before retiring to irigham, was in town : last week renewing old aequainL ances prior to leaving jforva two months tour of “The Golden West”, which time will be spent sight-seeing and visiting friends and relatives residing there.. ' Miss Mina Graham of Chili- cothe, Ohio, is visiting; here for two weeks with her sister, Mrs,' Wm. Habkirk who is at the Baker. Private Hospital and has had an­ other attack of pneumonia. From her£ Miss Graham will go to New York for the Fall millinery show­ ings.. , ' ■ Visitors with . Mr. and Mrs, S. B. Stot-hers were Mrs. R. C. Pass- more and Ronald of Woodbridge, _ Miks Ruth Stothers and Isabel Barnet of O’.A.C, staff; Guelbhi and Mr. and Mrs; Win. Bradbury • who went to Cooksville to. help Mrjt W. . B. Whale settle in . their new home there, ■ - • ' Guests from district at the, Fisher-Foster, wedding at .Mount rieazsant' on Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs.-. D, H. Carruthei’s-^and ■Marilyn and Mr,,and Mrs. Itwin Carruthers of Holyrood; Mr, and .j’M.rs: Eldoh Lowry’ and Marlene of I^urigan; ’Mr: a rid Mrs. Duncan: Simpson, Kintall; Mrs. John Car- ruthers and Gary; Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Forster; Mr.; and ; Mrs, Ewart Macpherson,-. Messrs,. John,. Gillies and Clarence Orowstom Mr.. and Mrs. Angus ’ McDonald of .Lucknow 'arid Mr. aha Mrs. George Fisher and family of Whitechurch, • ’• - ' .Ji ' Regular $295.00 SPECIAL UNTIL JULY 31st $250.00 WM. MURD1E and SON ,.., t ■;'; .1. i' ' ' r' " " - ; ' ' ■ , Phone 10, Lucknow its- 4' i; =£V THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DEFY WEATHER TO GET BADGES A number of Second Class Guides of the 1st Lucknow Com­ pany, and their, leaders, set up a week-end camp at Kintail Beach and defied rain and gales, in taking tests for their pioneer and hikers’ badges. The igirls set up two tents for the week-end outing and were greeted with, torrential rai Friday evening, and a stiff, chilly wind on Sunday. Despite the ele­ ments the group cooked all their meals on the outside Camp fire. The nine Guides trying the tests were Patrol Leaders Ruth Treleaven, Louise Andrew and Beverley Ashton .. and Guides Nancy Webster, Marguerite Mac- Kenzie, Joanne , Hunter, Jean Richards, Bessie Reavie and Sara Jane Bannister. In charge were Capt. Mrs; Jas. Boyle; Lieut. Mrs. Robert Finlay and Camp Commandant Mrs. A. E. McKim, ASHFIELD LADY DIED SUDDENLY IN DETROIT The death of Mrs. Joseph Courtney occurred, suddenly in “Detroit- on- Sunday~ fxom~a: heart attack: She was planning to re­ turn to Ashfield Township: for a visit on the day of her death, . Mrs. Courtney was 73’ years of age and was the former Grace Westrope. J The remains, rested at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. arid Mrs; Connie Hogan, Con. 12, Ashfield, until Wednesday morning when requiein mass was sung at St. Joseph’s Roman Cath­ olic Church, Kingsbridge, with interment iq the adjoining cem­ etery. - uShe is .survived by a sister, Mrs. Edward Sinnett (Nora) of Detroit and four daughters and three sons: Mrs. Walter Judge (Marie) of Jacksori, Mich.; (Rita) Mrs. Tom Bryan of Toronto; (Vivian )^ Mrs: Connie Hogan; (Grace) Mrs. John Austin; Leo l and Joe of Ashfield arid Fred of Whitmare Lake, Michigan. She was predeceased by het. husband.^ a son Edward and a daughter Fay. ’ Passed ’Away Saturday t^The death of (Mrs. Margaret Sloan ' occurred at the* home , of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Dickinson on Saturday. Mrs. Sloan was an aunt of Mrs. Dickinson and bad made her hbme at The Parsonage for a time. The funeral service: was h e 1 d a t Knox Presbyterian Church, Dutton, on Tuesday af­ ternoon.. ■ , , ; ININTERNATIONAL“BIJND”~“ GOLFERS COMPETITION Uncanny putting that enabled some contestants to. average less, than two green strokes per hole featured the final round of inter­ club competitions in which seven blind golfers were chosen to rep­ resent Canada in the ’ Internat­ ional Blind Golfers Team Cham-, pionships sit Lambton, July 21-23. Members of the Canadian team are: Phil Eedethouse, Prince AL bert, Sask.; Nick Genovese, Dun- *ui. x«iuu4c«/u woo m mewn ruicw, j das; Charles. Tooth and Harold year. He was botn in Ashfield, • Ross of Lakeside. Mitchell, both of Hamilton; John MacPherson, Regina; Roy Mee­ han, Burlington, Ont.; and Claude Pattamore, Hamilton. Harold Mitchell is a brother- in-law of Mrs. Morgan Hender- -son-of—towiv-------; ■ —--------- ■ OBITUARY WILLIAM MIDDLETON The death 6f William Middle­ ton of Forest occurred suddenly in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Saturday* He has suffered from an asthmatic condition for soirie time but. had been hospital­ ized for only a few. days With pneumonia and his death came, unexpectedly/ i. Mr. Middleton was in his 81st i 4 SERE’S HOW YOU CAN GET A NEW Orlci r<e Brothers RANGE FREE . , ....’ i ....’ ....r............. / ".... ........, J t.....i... . • . . . . •' ’ 7 ■ 1 . •... ... ■ f .... • • ‘ .' .... ...;................ Take advantage of Clare Brothers 100th Anniversary offer: see the famous Clare Jewel Ranges in our showroom. Buy the ' one you want before July 31st, 1954,.. * and then write and tell Clare Brothers what you /liked best about it before August 31st,. . 1954, Jf your letter is best you get the full purchase price refunded . * . and your beautiful Clare Brothers. Range absolutely , SEE US FOR COMPLETE t>ETAIIbS ON CLARE BROTHERS RANGE CONTEST free! Remember this is dn Unusual contest because:— J 1. There is a separate prize for each . Province. 1 : 2* You compete only with those people in each Province Who actually have bought a ’' , Clare Brothers Range between March15th and.July 31st! , ’ y' /. '''■ ...... i t our Jnew- SIP to stop-rung—in-hose Sanderson’s LADIES and MEN’S WEAR TELEPHONE 85 All Washables, 12’- to 26'- ..... ... $2.98 to $14.95 Keep cool in tub silks, Cottons, nylons and prints. Just received new shipment for the hot days. Choose guaranteed quality at a budget price—for better » wear. *• W V. TROUSERS — JACKETS Selected styles in many Colors and materials. All sizes and outsize; T-SHIRTS Shirts — nylon, cotton, string; Work Shirts and Over­ alls; Trunks and Bathing Suits; Underwear for Men and Boys. Want a “ Short Cut’ ’ »\ Then, make an appointment now- tor a hair cut and permanent styled to your personal require- ments. Look Smart—Be Comfortable Throughout The Holidays With A Hair Do That Becomes You. Make Appointments WellDon’t Be Disappointed. In Advance And Please Be Punctual* y’s Beauty Modern Hair Stylists — Phone 115, Lucknow one of a family of eight children of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Middleton. His father taught school in Lucknow for twenty- five years. The funeral service was held -at—Forest—on—Monday-afternuon;" and which was attended by his. brother, Russell Middletori of Kiriloss, who is the last surviving member, of, the family. He was predeceased by four sisters, Mrs. Annie Ingram, Mrs. Mary Saun­ ders, Mrs. John Fraser (Maggie), Mrs. Alex Fraser (Pearl) and by two brothers, George of Vancou­ ver arid. Alex of Killarney, Man., He is survived by a son, Dr. Walter Middleton of Byron ancL two daughters, Miss Jean Mid­ dleton of Forest and Mrs. Gordon. 4fz' r