HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-30, Page 2I page two r GET THE BEST FOR YOUR FLOORS .1 wil CO N GO LE U M McLennan& MacKenzie Phonel81,Lucknow—- TT SIXTH AND NINTH Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leddy of Goderich Were visitors on Sun­ day with Mr. and. Mrs. GuS Kin7 / ahan. ; ’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson end Billy of Londesboro visited' On Sunday with Mr. and Mrk Mark Armstrong. Mrs* Telia Dayman of Bruce- field is visiting this week with Mary and Ross Murray. ■ Mr. Robert McQuillin, George arid Marilyn of Hamilton were visitors during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon and other relatives. Mrs. Jim Durnin is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and MrS. Luxton of Kincardine. The pupils of St. Augustine school, with their teacher, Mrs. ■ Bill Kinahan, visited CKNX radio station Monday afternoon. Congratulations are due Misses Norma Murray and Barbara Wil­ son on successfully passing their exams in music. Noriria tried Grade VIII and Barbara, History. Mrs. Charlie Agar of Saska­ toon, Mrs. Alf Errington of God­ erich and Mrs. Charlotte Reid of Dungannon called on relatives in this community, last week, Misb Eleanor Wightman and Mr. Stanley Hisler of Wingham were visitors On Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong. Mrs. Charlotte . Reid, Gordon & Stuart visited , on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Cliff Murray on the occasion of their 23rd, wed­ ding anniversary, ' FRIDAY, JULY 2 ■ . —ONE DAY ONLY>- ; - ; FOR YOUR FREE PHbTOORAPH ......./ ■.....: :.— No obligation — ....;...............: See Pamphlet in Mail for Details Sepoy 5c to $1.00 Store LUCKNOW, ONT. 1 1 HELMPICNIC The. annual HelJri picnic was held at Kincardine Park, on the second Saturday in June. About 60 members were present and sat down to dinner about 1.30. After dinner the business was, conduct - ed by-the president, Mr. Bert Helm, who welcomed all the friends arid; suggested that they ask the secretary to send a card to each member next’ year, re­ minding them of this picnic. This suggestion was voted on and car7 ried and it is hoped to have a bigger crow’d at our picnic next year, t ■■ v' •The following officers were el­ ected for another year? pres.-, Mr/ Bert Heim; sec.-treas., Isabel Rit­ chie." All the other committees' were re-elected fpy another year: A collection was taken; to pay expenses and a program of songs and readings was enjoyed by all. The sports committee. had their races for the children. The older folk enjoyed horseshoe throwing and the ladies had a balloon -blowing contest. All were ready for a good supper including ice cfearn. They parted after singing “God save, the Queen”, The .oldest member present was Mr.. George. Hunter of Lucknow arid the youngest was' Dale Hun­ ter, son of Mr, and Mrs. Bill R. Hunter of Li^know. \ LUCKNOWITES VISIT NONAGENARIAN IN STATES Donald MaoLean and Fred Jackson returned home on Mon­ day ■ from avisit to Chicago. While there they visited Mrs. George W. Kopf Of South Bend, on the occasion of her 92nd birth­ day. “ ; >-■' • Mrs. Kopf Was formerly Chris­ tina, Nicholson, daughter of the late * Mr. arid Mrs. Allan Nich­ olson* pioneer residents of Kind­ loss Township. The Nicholson home was just| west of the rail- way• 7track on- the. Second Con­ cession. Mrs. Kopf was born in Partee, Invernesshire, Isle of Skye, Scotland, but came to Can­ ada with her parents as an infant. Mrs. Kopf is now in quite frail health. She speaks the Gaelic and it was a delight to her to con­ verse with Donald in her native tongue. - Her husband, who was a photo­ grapher, died five year^ ago, and Mrs. Kopf lives in the residence Ayhichl' has been in his family since Civil War days. ■ MR. AND MRS. PETER COOK MARK 20th ANNIVERSARY i A family gathering of twenty- two persons was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Humphrey; on Sunday in honor of the wed-, ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook, who. were married twenty years ago at the home of her parents* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid, on June* 3Qth, 1934, Their family was home for the occasion. They \ have two sons, Lome and Ivan and one daughter, Elaine. Mrs. Cook’s father and mother, brother and sisters and families were all present with the excep­ tion of her sister Lorna and fam­ ily of London. ' During the afternoon ^Mr. and Mrs. Cook were presented with a lovely table lamp. Evelyn thanked everyone, and all sang, “For they are jolly good fellows’*. Lunch was served by the hostess. THE LUfCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIQ < ■ . . 1 ... ■ , f ■ ' WFDNESI?A¥* JUNR 30th* 19M • r klNWRipCE Rev. Ralph O’Loughlin, CR.B., of the Bascilian Mexican Missions, Rosenberg, Texas,, and Mr. gnd Mrs. Ed. F. Shea and three sons, Kevin, Gary .and Danis of De­ troit, were week-end gtiests at the home of Mr. rind. Mrs. Jack Kinney: Mrs. Van Vyrickt of Toronto is visiting at the Rectory with' her son, Rev, H, Van Vyrickt. ■ Miss Maureen Vassella of Lon­ don is enjoying' two weeks’. va­ cation at her home here, ,, Mir. and Mrs. Ed' King’ and four /children of .London spent Sun^- day at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Walter^Clare. . —,.. . Mr. and* Mrs. Alfred. Dalton of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs,, Jerry Dalton on Sunday, r Week-end visitors to this' com­ munity wrire Mr. Maurice' Bow­ ler nt Toronto, Mrs. Jos. Fitzpat­ rick. of Kitchener, Miss Florence Lambertus vof Hamilton. Mrs. Sutter and two daughters of Detroit are at the home of Mr. Cyril Austin, Mrs. Sheridan, bur teachef, treated , the senior, pupils to a picnic at the Lake last Thurs­ day. ' - The pupils of S.S., No. 2 school, the“0i^her^^sr^SheDdah7~the “ trustees land some of the parents left Monday morning on a bus trip to Niagara Falls. .Word was received here Sun­ day morning that Mrs. Jos. Court­ ney died suddenly in Detroit of a heart attack. Sympathy is ex­ tended to the members of the Courtney family in this sudden and unexpected bereavement. . Mrs* Jas. Foley of Goderich spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Garvey. Dr. arid Mrs. G. Frayne, Doug­ las, Mrs.- Gene Frayne and son Danny visited with relatives in Londoni_during..thepastjveek.- 'Mrs. Yemen and son Billy are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ffank McKenzie. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Mc­ Kenzie is improving and has re- iurried to her home here after two weeks in hospital. . : Congratulations to our school’ children upon the first publica­ tion of their monthly paper, which we find to be most: inter­ esting; Miss Diane Lierman is ed­ itor-in-chief, Maurice Dalton and Patricia Drennan are assistant editors. The monthly paper is known as “St. Joseph’s School News” and all the work connect­ ed with same is done by the children themselves, even the printing arid drawings, etc. Big preparations Jare underway this week to make our annUal garden party which, takes plate here next Monday evening, July 5th, a huge success., The ladies of the C.W.L. will serve a cold ham plate supper from 5.30 to 8 p.m. Several booths are being erected on the grounds for games, bingo, refreshments, with Henderson’s orchestra supplying the music for the dancing and all are cordially invited to be present for this pc/ casion. „ .• Congratulations to Mr. Peter Lierman upon being awarded a scholarship at the Goderich CoL legiate. " ■' Summer school commenced here On Thursday at 9 a.m., under the supervision of Sister Augus­ tine and Sister Maureen of St. Joseph*s Convent* London, for the children who are to be confirmed on July 14th by His Excellency Bishop Cody of London. -Y^aUNULMAN^EOUND-DEAD __ IN CAR AT BRUCE BEACH , The death of Kenrieth H. Damm, age 27, occurred at Bruce Beach last Tuesday afternoon un­ der sad . circumstarices., He w^s found dead in his' car. late ,that afternoon. " The young 'man,.was the son of H. H. Damm, m&nager of the Pet^ finger Hardware Store in WalkZ erton. KenriOth * was a motor Clinton at. the time Of his db^th; ^e^w^s-4he^fiahee- ofr-l^iss-M Sparling of the Bank W Mon­ treal, staff. . \ ' The funeral sOfViee was. held on Friday afternoon at Wblkef* ton> Kenneth’s mbther predeceas­ ed him last fall, He is survived by his father, a brother and a sister. - ■ ■'■' : ’ CURRIE’S CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvin, Mr.Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvin, Mr.; arid Mrs. Isaac Cranston visited I with Mrs. David Little during the . rMr Wesley Alton of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wareing on Sunday. We extend our deepest sym­ pathy to the family of Mrs, Jos, ’Courtney who passed away in Detroit on Sunday morning while preparing to come to Ashfield to, visit with her family. , Mr. and Mrs. Jas.'Little visited in Walkerton on Sunday. ■ MissEmmeline Miller and Joan Donaldson of this district enjoy * "ebniieTIfiptoMidlandlastweek.. Master Douglas* Scott enter­ tained a few of his little friends at ‘ his 3rd birthday party last Saturday. \: ... - Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ritchie and family, Mr: and Mrs, Graydon Ritchie attended the 45th wed-. ding ariniversary for Mr, and Mrs. verton Was a guest .at the Mal- Robt. Ritchie of Lucknow, form- <v eriy from this community, on ham on Saturday and spent the Saturday. -• I week-end with Mrs. M. Ross and Mrs. Ursula Hebert and Jiih- Olive Terriff. - mie, Mrs. Betty Murray of De- Mrs*. Alma Campbell and dau- troit, visited Sunday evening with ghtfer Barbara of London spent a their sister, Mrs. Leo Courtney. Mrs.HectorC „JLlieeJEdHth^ Johnston) of Kitchener, under­ went an operation 4 last week.- Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. . Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Alton of London visited. With sMr. & Mrs,. Bill Wareing on Sunday. , Mrs. Ila Smith, Sharon and David of Detroit, Mrs. Effie Cul- bert of Huron visited during the week with Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Scott. Robt, Ritchie, of Lucknow, form- z RECEPTION HELD AT HOLYROOD ....._ ' U ♦' ■ ■ 1 - ; A reception, was held at Holy­ rood Hall on Friday night in honor, of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mur- ray(ImeldaSharbach) who were, recently married. The following address was read by Jim Boyle, and David Ross •presented a gift of money to the young couple. , Dear Leo and Imelda, We your friends and neighbors have gathered here this evening to honor you on the occasion of your recent’‘ marriage.. We are sorry that you Ayill not be. living in this comriiunity, but we hope you will come back to visit u,s often. ..' '-A- -• -' ■- --- May God bless you both and may your $oj burn along the “Path of Life” be a healthy and" prosperous one. It is with these thoughts that -we—ask—ypurM;©—aceept^his—gift— With it goes our heartiest con­ gratulations and best wishes for! a future of happiness, and we hope in some way it will help you to remember us. Signed, Grant Eckenswiller Dave Ross, Frank Schumacher, Harvey Houston, Jim Bdyle, Jack Barr, Lorne Eadie, Don Bushell. 4 PARAMOUNT ENTERTAINS- VISITING W. I. BRANCHES ’ The Paramount Women’s Insti­ tute met at the home of Mrs. J. Elphick ori June 22nd with over fifty ladies and a number of chil­ dren in attendance. Ladies from the Kairshea and . Pinkerton branches were guests. Mrs. J. Ketchabaw presided and the meeting opened With The Ode -and—MaryHStewart-eaHectr-The- roll call was answered by, “An incident of my school days”. Mrs, F. Martin read the minutes and communications were dealt with. Mrs. /R. Reed - gave a report of the district annual held in. Luck­ now. Mrs. H; Houston and Mrs. W, Scott' played a, piano instru­ mental; Mrs. T Collyef gave the motto, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” which' was -greatly enjoyed. Mrs. P. Steer saTigrlovely solo- and Mrs. Scott played for. community sing- -mgr-Mrs-/ Dr Richards" extended” a welcome to the visiting IhSti* tutes and Mrs. D. MacKinnon of Kairshea and Mrs. N; Wilson of Pinkerton moved a vote of thanks to the Paramount, ladies, The meeting closed With the national anthem arid * a dainty lunch Was served. T WHITECHURCH BORN-rrln Wingham General Jiospital pn Tuesday, June 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul; a daughter, . / . . ' ’ Mr. and Mrs. E. Scholtz and’ Clayton, Mr. and Mrs., G.. Gilles^ ” pie and Mrs. Chas, Martin spent the week-end at,Lariark, Hape- town arid; Ottawa. . • Mr.- and Mrs. Jack* Gillespie & family left on Monday for their- pew home near Sarnia.. Jack has bought a gravel farm down there. Mrs. H. Laidlaw underwent a major operation on Saturday in Wingham Hospital: ' - - - - Mrs, Jrene ■ Paterson of Tor­ onto spent the week-end with her mother;. Mr. and Mrs. Joe^Dosmari and family of ‘ Mildmay. visited Sun­ day with Mr, and MrS; Clark Mc­ Gregor and Mrs. Maude McGreg­ or, ' , Z. MrS. Wm. MacPherson of Mil- ’ colm-Nimmo wedding in Wing- ' Mrs*. Alma Campbell and dau- . _ _ i. few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ross. __;_ Mrs. Turner of Toronto arriv­ ed on Monday to spend .a few * days With her friends. ’ Messrs. Robert Henderson and Walter James have gone to Web land to work with . the Looby BrOs. on construction Work. Mr. Tom Morrison and Marilyn 7 spent the . week-end with' his ser- 'the and mother in Brantford, who is ioUsly. ill with a stroke at home of her daughter, Mr. Mrs. Vic Casemore. Mrs. Geo. Thompson and Charles of Feversham are spend­ ing a few days with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt. Rev. and MrsrRobt. Watt .and family of Mitchell and Rev; and Mrs. Geo. Watt and family of Dungannon visited recently with -theii’ parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt. son LANGSIDHNEWS I Mr. Lloyd MoffatlhJd the mis­ fortune to have a shorilder crack­ ed when dragged by a cow he was leading. Mr. Donald/ Stewart is assisting with his farm work. , Mr. , and Mrs. Thos. Cooke, of Qbderich called On Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ritchie’ Sunday, evening. Mr. Joshua Dawson returned home from Wingham Hospital on Thursday afternoon after hav- ing an operation the week, prev­ ious.' '' Mr. Chas. Pinkerton and his pupils of No. 8 school entertain- ed parents at a picnic on the school grounds Monday afternoon. On Tuesday afternoon Miss Lois Hunter and pupils of No. 9 journ­ eyed to Goderich to see the museum and picnic. •Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and Harvey and Myrtle and Cecilia ’ Crowston spent Sunday afternoon at Bruce Beach, , . Mr. Edward McQuillan plans . to come . home, from Wirigham Hospital the middle of the week. Mr. Clarende Crowston attend­ ed. the Fisher-; Foster wedding on Saturday at Mitchell.’ Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs.. Russell' Ritchie and. Mrs. Frank Miller took in the bus trip, to Toronto sponsored t>y the Women’s In­ stitute of Whitechurch. Westons Bakery at Kitchener was viexved also the .‘beautiful rock gardens -atHHamiltonr-Pariiament--Buil(L_* ings, Casa Loma and the Zoo at Toronto; Lunch,#waS eaten on the Island. Mr, Allan Reed of Dun- , ganndn was ’the very capable driver. ' Mr.1 and Mrs. Pat MacMillan 'arid family ^perit -Sundav after­ noon at Formosa. ' ; ■Rev. R. D, A./.Currie will be ■ vacationing during July* *fbe ses­ sion members of the church • are • . in Charge of the services which r "are' at the usua 1‘ time~of 9• and Sunday; School following. :““M^'”Lucy.’i^ofrisdn has-been- out of School with chicken pox. The W fe stijl going afound.- .Mrs. Gordon Wall is betted but David^and Marion are’ sinr m bed. Mrs. Wilson Wall also nad it and ijS M’ her daughters, Mrs. John Wraith in .Lucknow Mr. Bert Moffat had it last w^k. • ■■ ■ . \ r **