HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-23, Page 9I * I I NOTICE & * 4,* 1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,-ONTARIO tr « PAGE NINE THEN HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A NEW CHarw Brothers 30" RANGE FREE By purchasing a new Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between : now and July 31st, you may win a famous Clare Brothers Jewel' 30’ Range for nothing! To take advantage of Clare Brothers 100th Anniversary offer : See us. Buy the Clare Brothers Furnace most suited to your needs. Then, before December 31,. 1954 write and tell Clare Brothers what you liked best aboiit it.. If your letter is the best received you will win a new Clare Brothers 30 Range... gas or electric... absolutely free. SEE US FOR COMPLETE FURNACE CONTEST pETATT-JS •., and remember: this is an unusual contest because 1. There is a separate prize for every Province. 2. You compete only with those people who have bought a Clare Brothers Heeia Furnace between now and July 31st in your Province! ___ .. • • • . . • • • .. I WM. MURDIE O SON 1 /PHONE 10, LUCKNOW KINGSBRIDGE / Mr/ John HuSsey of Goderich spent/the, week-end at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. O’Keefe | and family.. . ' I Mr. Michael Martin and.family of Stoney Creek visited friends hereduringj hepastweek.; Mr. and . Mrs. John- Hackett, newlyweds, of Port Colborne, vis- . ited with friends here last ^veek. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs/^TJames .Wallace dyer the . . . ............... week-end were Mr., arid Mrs.< mqther, ’Mrs. P. Sheridan, prior •' Michael Wallace, Mrs. Mary Per-1 to.his paying for Bermuda where. ? siehli of Chicago. Mr. and. Mrs.. ^“ ‘ * 4 , ■ jos. Reid, Mr, and' Mrs. - Victor mer months. ; , Einnie_and children ipf; Tdrdpto. ....... ........... Miss Elizabeth O’Keefe & Miss' erich spent the week-end at the . Catherine Kenny 0f Detroit are' home of Mr. and'Mrs. Earl Dreri- ■ - guests at the home of ’Mr/ and nan. . z Mr?. Frank Dalton. ‘ ? pian shrine Erection ' Mr.- Peter Martin of Cleveland . This community is taking on a , is visiting with, relatives here. “new” look with several irriprove-J > Mr/ and Mrs. Donald Frayne merits being made here. Mr. John | spent the week-end in London Kelly purchased the building ! and Kinkorai; 1 .. 1 known as Gunn-sr Store from Mr. Won ..Highest College Award' , I Wm. McDonald, and irioved same Miss Margaret Kraemer of during the past week to the prp- Hesson and/friend, Miss Lucila perty he bought fropn Frank Sul- Molina of David, Chiriqui, Re- livari/ We understand^ this, build- __^public^of-J^anam:ay-“Were—v4si-tors--4rrg“wi-H“!be~con‘vertotl into a tvvu-“ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene' apartment house. The old church Frayne during ’ the past week. 1 shed which had been a landmark Both girls obtained their B.A. in I for many years, v?as sold recent- General Arts course at Bresica Hall this yearj and special con­ gratulations to Miss Kraemer who was the recipient of the Bronze Medal frOm the Governor-Genera al of Canada, the highest honor available at any college, for gen­ eral proficiency. She also won a scholarship to attend the LavaL "University in Qyfebec and leaves’ this week to continue her studies ’there? . •/ Rev. P. Sheridan , of Kitchener spent. Sunday at the home of his he will be located fo^-the. sum- ’Mrs. Thomas Drennan of God- • ❖ NOTICE EFFECTIVE JUNE 25th i" SCHEDULES j I ■ i i ■I i i i :.r Obtain your copy from your local Agent J. Duncan, Restaurant* Phone 16, Lucknow The Western Ontario Motorways Ltd. Kitchener OntarioJ ■ 1 OBITUARY MRS. NEIL GILLIES The death of Mrs. Neil Gillies occurred about Tuesday noon of last week- at her home op Camp­ bel! Street, Lucknow. She had suffered a heart attack during- the night. Mrs. Gillies was eighty years of age and had been in declining health for’a time. She was formerly Annie Mac- Connell, daughter of Duncan MacConnell and Christena Mac­ Leod, pioneer residents of the 2nd Concession of Kinloss, where An­ nie was, born arid raised. For a number of year? prior to/ her 1 marriage she was in charge of the laundry department at Vic­ toria Hospital, London.; Following her marriage to Neil Gillies, who was also a Kjnloss Township native, they resided ai Elm Creek, Manitoba. Some fif­ teen years ago Mr. Gillies died of injuries received when kicked by a horse, and his widow later returned to Lucknow to make her I home, . anda where she had en­ deared herself to many friends. The funeral service was held at the Johnstone Funeral' Home; | Lucknow, on, Thursday afternoon - . _cppdu.yte.d_jby-ReVr-Gr -S. Baulch- of South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. Interment was in South Kinloss Cemetery. The pall-bear-!* res; were Harry Lavis, J. L. Mac-- 'Millan, -Harry. Nixon, Wm.. and Archie MacIntyre and Pharis Mathers. Mrs. Gillies is "survived by one brother, Duncan MacConnell, of Kinloss, who is the last member of the MacConnell family. Three brothers, Allan, John and Alex predeceased their sister.- ’ __ , ’ ly to Mr. Gardner of Lucknow, and has been removed. The grounds around, the church prop- ertyare_beingibeautified“impre-” paration-for the erection of “Our Lady .of Lourdes” shrine/?which Father Van Vynckt, P.P., hopes to erect here next year. Mr. Jer­ ry. Dalton has made several im­ provements to his home formerly known as the “convent”. . ■ •. Mrs., Sheridan has had' her new. home ' attractively painted dur­ ing the past ' week. _________j.' •' MRS. J. AGNEW LIFE MEMTBER j OF PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S.: j The June meeting of the W.M.S. 1 was (held in the basement of the , church on Wednesday, June 9th. j After, opening exercises Miss N. Malcolm very .ably gave the Bible study; on the Beatitudes.. Miss iC. . Carrick took . the 61ad Tidings prayer. Mrs. AAC. Agnew took the study of our missionary, .Miss Herinanson. Readings werie_giveru- by Miss Janet MacDonald and Mrs. C. Mason. Miss M. Malcolm gave a musical number, and also presided at the. piano for hymn, singing. The topic was taken by Mrs. W. J. Douglas.;and Mrs. Rdbt. Reid and current events toy Mrs? C. Cook. Miss M. 'MacLeod gave zF fine report on the Presbyterial held at Ethel. Mrs. J. E. Agnew was presented 'with a life mem­ bership. An invitation was read . from Teeswater W.M.S. to join them at their 76th anniversary of their Society on June 22rid. AN ELECTRICAL STORM a week ago Saturday killed six purebred Red Poll cows and two | calves owned iby « T. P,. O’Malleyj of Culross Township. 1 9 All accounts with Doctors Connell and Corrin, which partnership .terminated .June 30th, 1953, arenej^_xl_ue^aiLd^ -— Accounts Unpaid by July 31 195^ witft be placed in the hands of our solicitors^ . Signed: Daisy tyl. Connell, B. N. Corrin. * ’ > i i i -H j - i i. • : i I i i ■ the municipalities-or any portion over^the 1953 total. thereof which are hot included in any high or . ,t school district will be required to levy the sum of $17,732.46 to cover the .cost of education of Bruce “County” pupils. " - The approved highway appro­ priation, as reported ■■ by County. Engineer George Stephenson, has been set at $355,000. While this amount, the same as in 1953, may \ not be sufficient to bring main-; vestigation.. and of other matters tenance up to the standard.de- pertaining to the - establishment - sired 'or to make the improve-’ cf a :7.u:eVm vzfT.be'submitted at • Ifivestigate Museum Project continuation . Acting qn a submission receive ed from a delegation represent­ ing all branches of the Women’s Institute in the County, the Coun­ ty Museum Committee, was au­ thorized to investigate an offer of the Southampton Public School Board,, to rent the old pub­ lic school at a nominal fee of $1.00° per year. A report of this in- I ments sought by many, it was felt that, considering traffic con­ ditions, it would suffice to main­ tain the roads in reasonable man­ner and allow for the most ur-! gent improvements. 1• I ***••?* >-« *****•'**** • VU1, Among ,road projects contem- ■ Lion’s Head Red Cross "Hospital, plated in 1954 is included the $1,000; Saugeen Memorial ..Hos- - construction of the Pinkerton bridge, at a total cost of $24,000. The road from Oliphant to Wi- artoh- is now being resurfaced and resurfacing is also planned for the‘road between Port Elgin and BurgoyneL The road , west from Paisley for IMj miles is be­ ing rebuilt and it is planned to prime the/ road from Formosa to jleLmpre,_Ambleside--to Teeswater--lSOO-volumesr- and Ripley to Pine River, The cost of snow plowing to date in 1954 was reported as $30,313, an increase of $25,000 in 1954. Council’s November session. . The following grants were au­ thorized: Chesley Memorial Hos-; pital, $<1,750; Bruce County Hos­ pital, Walkerton, $2,500; Kincar­ dine General ^Hospital, $1,750; pi tai, $1,750; Bruce Peninsula Memorial Hospital, Wiarton, $1,650; Salvation Army, $400.00; Bruce County Film Council, $200; Eastnor Township, $200 for Look­ out. Bay tourist. development. A gr^nt of $15.00; will be made to each public library in the county ’ having 300 to 1500. volumes and $30.00 to egch library having over —nf-—___ The Reforestation Committee reported that 137,000 trees Were planted in Bruce County forests —7’ BRUCE COUNTY TAX RATE IS UP Decision to nj^ke no capital grant this year to Owen Sound General arid Marine Hospital was reached after lengthy discussion at ..the June .session of Bruce Co. Council* held last wgek at South- e 1 am.pton under the chairmanship” j of Warden W. P. OsVzald, The I resolution .was passed, after the {matter had beep considered by a committee of the' whole and if. _ Tu^aF^Tso^'deBd^ not to appoint 1 epresen tfti fives to the, board... 'Council“ will’also discontinue un- , derwriting the hospital ^ur- I charges on the' account of Bruce I County patients, I. Tax Rate Set at 13 Mills / The County-tax rate for 1954 was set at 13 mills, an increase , of l1^ mills over that of 1953,. providing tho sum of $422,632,46 for county .purposes, in addition p BOYS and GIRLS LOOK at these Valuable Prizes You Can WIN By SAVING KIST 1. A Brand New BICYCLE It’s smart! It’s streamlined! It’s yours absolutely free . . .. - just for saving ’’lucky” Kist Bottle Tops. Think of the fun you’ll have this summer with a brand new bike like this ... and you can have yours with* in. a few weeks time if yon get started right away. 2. A MANTEL RADIO Hear all your favourite adventure stories in your own room on your very own radio. In­ vite, the gang in to listen, too. You’ll be amazed how easy it is to win this powerful < radio. Get your Kist Contest rules from your • Kist Dealer and find out to4*yf 3. A BASEBALL GLOVE, or $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE • ' Play ball this slimmer, like a big league star with this professional-style baseball glove. Ypu’ll have it in time for , . all the playoff games if you start saying Kist Bottle Tops now. OR—- , •/ _ You can win the $5.00 Kist Merchandise Certificate . . %. buy anything you Want up to $5:00 value with this certifi- • .cate.' ■ ‘ ✓ 4.109 CATAPULT GLIDERS Shoot it into the air and away soars the glider 4 straight up, away over the? house tops . /. then leveling - out, glides1 awayv, to a Smooth, safe landing. - Plus' Marty Extra Consolation Prizes Get Your Entry Blank from Your KIST DEALER TODAY!