HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-23, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1954 • r f .t 4 < I * Contracts try KINLOUGH PAGE SEVENTHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. ~ ~ ~ ' ■■■■■' . t1 . .i j a i POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH or FEED STORE, LUCKNOW Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wed./ Thursday, June 23, 24 DONNA CORCORAN. FRANCES DEE . ’ ■ — in —- . .. . GYPSY COLT Friday, Saturday, Juiie 25, 26 GEORGE MONTGOMERY, . JOAN VOHS —: in ' — '■ “FORT Tl” in color Matinee Saturday Afternoon Monday^ Tuesday, June-28, 29 Marge and Gower Champion . . ■ — in — Give A Girl A Break in color Wed., Thurs., June 30, July 1 ’.WILLIAM HOLDEN, JUNE ALLYSON — in — —- “EXECUTIVE’SUIT^”~ “ Mr. and"Mrs./Jack Graham left on; Wednesday for their home at -Anri-Arbor,“"after holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H._ A. Graham and other members of his family here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mr. and Mrs. .Normari and Frances of Culross, manuuua, Mrs. Margaret7 Dudley of Luck­ now visited over the _____ with the Haldenby farnilies in the village. Mrs. J. Cf MacIntyre is the former Minnie Haldenby. Relatives from here attended the Scott reunion on Saturday at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Thompson, Purple Grove. —Gong-ratula-tf^ Stanley' Johnston/ (Jean Guest), .who . were rnarried on Saturday. Heard Skietch On Life Of v Miss Dorothy Douglas Mrs, Frank Johnston was hos­ tess on Wednesday afternoon, June 16th, -to the Kinlough Aux­ iliary of the W.M.S. Twenty lad­ ies were present and the, presi­ dent was in the chair. Miss Mar­ garet Malcolm had charge of the program. Scripture was read by Mrs. E. Busheil and prayer by. Mrs. M.: Bushell. An invitation was read from Teeswater to their 67th anniversary. Mrs’. (Rev.) G. S. BaulCh read aLsketch—on—the- l.ife of Miss Dorothy Douglas, who was missionary of. the day. Mr$.. JI Emerson read a report prepared by Mrs. C. Needham of at^ i Ethel. Mrs. Barr gave the-report of the evening meeting at Ethel. Studies were taken from the study books, “Where’er the Sun’’ and “A Voyage of Discovery”. The meeting closed with prayer and a vote of thanks was tender­ ed- the hostess, and all who took, part. Tea was served by the hos­ tess, assisted by Mrs. E. Ecken- swiller and Mrs./P.; Hodgins. Shower Held For j Kinlough Bride-Elect On. Saturday afternoon last a shower was held in honor of Miss Jean Guest, bride-elect. The bride was shown to her place by Mrs. Norman Fry. Those who as- Ai.sied—JA/eLe_..blisses..^Beverley. Stanley, Erlma Jean Percy , and Nancy Needham. Mrs/Bill Burt read ari address and Mrs. Ale^. Percy presented the, gifts. Mrs. Milton Walsh presided for the following program: readings by Mrs, Frank Brown and Mrs. Per­ ry Hodgins; solo by jMrs. Nellie Brown. Lunch was served, fol­ lowing is the address: Dear Jean, . ■ We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here this after­ noon to spend a social hour with qu in honor of .your approach- Tng marriage; You have spent all your life in. our community and McIntyre, McIntyre Manitoba, week-end Eresbtyerian-jEvening^A-uxiliary-qLthe;--“Presbtyerrai"^meefing A very well attended meeting was held at the home of Mrs. I. MacSween with Mrs. Morgan Rgnderson presiding. The open­ ing hymn was 738 followed by the Lord’s prayer iri unison. Miss Maudie Fisher read the scripture reading followed by the Bible study by Mrs. S. Jamieson. The current events were taken by Mrs. Cam MacDonald. Mrs. R. Forster, Mrs. G. Fisher and Mrs. H. Agnew took part in a Prayer Circle. The rolEcall was answer­ ed by a verse of scripture. Plans were made for the picnic - to be held on July i5th at Mrs. ’Mor­ gan Henderson’s cottage.- It was -decided^—to^--have—t-wio—Evening— Auxiliary members take charge of the pre-school age" children on Sunday mornings to enable young parents to attend church, Mrs. Bob MacKenzje - took "the . topic, assisted by Mrs, Jack Fisher, Mrs. Jack MacDonald and Miss Gladys 'MacDonald. Miss Maiy MacLeod gave the Presby terial report which was held in Ethel in May. The closing hymn was 671. fol- la\yM by prayer iby Miss Ven­ ning. A dainty lunch was served and a social half hour spent. we felt we would like you to have some- tangible evidencesof “(nir^o’da/wMjiiF to you/' Where ever you and Stanley make your new home/ we^ wTsh ybu both a long and prosperous: life. Please accept these gifts now with the Jbest wishes of all your kinlough friends. Forty-one pupils, teachers and trustees from Kinlough, Kinloss and Kingarf enjoyed a bus trip to Detroit where they visited , the zoo and Ford Museum, also Greenfield Village and Sarnia & Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs. ^Ben Scott and Frances visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Wesley Guest and; Fred. - Note Change-In- Hour--------——- On Sunday next, June 7th, the L.O1L. No. 1139 and visiting bre-, thren, will hold their annual church parade to the Anglican Church at 2.00 o’clock. Sunday School will be at 1.15 ip;m.,- in­ stead of the regular time. The Sunday School arid congregation­ al picnic will be held/at Lans­ downe Park, Kincardine, ■ next Saturday, June 26th. Dinner at 12,30 o'clock. Races and sports to follow. Mrs. Harvey Hodgiris returned home on Friday from Winghain Hospital where she has been a patient for three weeks following._ an operation. Her many friends wish her 'improved health. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stokes of' Glenannon visited on Sunday at Bill Burt’s; . Miss Beverley Stanley has ac­ cepted a school near Arthur and will commence her teaching dut­ ies in September. /Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family visited.on Friday ev­ ening at George Cuyler’s, Miliar­ ton. Mrs. J. W. Colwell and mem­ bers of her. family attended the Sterling reunion at Kincardine I on Saturday. l Is Your Subscription Paid? j HARRISON PICNIC The 19th annual Harrison picnic was held Saturday, June 12th, “9t7“Seaforth:“Eions^PsTk^yitirtl^ attending. Everyone enjoyed a good dinner at one o’clock arid a picnic supper at 5 o’clock. The sports committee had a busy af­ ternoon of races and games. The oldest person attending- was Mrs. Isadore Harrison of Holmesville and the youngest" was. Sharon Willert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs/ Harold Willert. The couple trav­ elling the farthest were Mr. and Mrs. J. Williamsbn of Vancouver, B.C. The officers for 1955 are: pres., Albert Taylor; sec.-treas, Chester Hackett; directors, Ell^/Thurlow,. Phyllis Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison; sports commit­ tee, Lome Hackett, Jiih Harrison, Joyce Townsend and Beverley F'roctor. Next year’s picnic 'Will be held on the second Saturday in June at Seaforth Lions Park. ™Th^”T^sulfs ""pf'the"'races“we~fe" as follows: boys and girls under '5, Bobby Collins; girls 8 and un­ der, Barbara Willert* Viola Col­ lins; boys 8 and under, Kenneth Taylor, and Bobby. Oke; girls 12 arid under, Gloria Harrison, Bet­ ty Harfison.;* boys 12 arid-under,- Gary Harrison, Ralph Harrison; vourig ladies, Olive Aikenhead* ina Taylor; young men, Chester Hackett, Jim Harrison; married- ladies, Phyllis Harrisori; Lorraine " i liurlow; married men/ HaroIH"’ Willert, Freddie Aikenhead; chil- “scfambl^“B^ ton, Mafjpfie Alton; men’s diaper, race, Wilfred Harrison, Cliff Hac­ kett; men’s balloon race, Stahley Collins, Allin Johns;-men’s beauty contest/Mill Hodgert, Lome Hac­ kett. There there' were relays of “Bean, Looking Glass’-and “Spool and Thread’’ yzhich were followed by a pednut scramble and a ball game. ■ / I / The PLAYHOUSE 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, students 35c,-children 25e /Wednesday, Thursday, June 23rd, 24th ILizabeth Scott, John Hodiak, Bert Lancaster, in DESERT FURY Friday, Saturday, June 25th, 26th ; TWO BIG FEATURES Joe Palooka and Humphrey, in “THE SQUARED CIRCLE” ; . - and . . 7 ' ■ .__-__ The_ BQwery Boys, in—-—------------- “BLUES BUSTERS” Matinee Saturday at 2.30 — Children 10c, Students 20c 1 Wednesday, Thursday, June 30th, July 1st Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotton and Jean Peters, in “NIAGARA” - in Special Color% f I T o I ■' i i M > *«M»l )«■►(,»< 1 i i . . , ___—_____ _—_ — | | The proven feed for all livestock and poultry, containing .. j * minerals from organic sources, is. produced by | John R. Cressy Co. Lt., Toronto. jj Try some and see "the difference for. yourself \ . j It’s as close as your telephone. ■ j FEED - A -MIN f (PEATDIATOMITE) I j i I| Johnston MacLeod JklbDi j Phone'Ripley Collect 102-r-20 — We Deliver j — Territory Open For Agents | passenger in the truck, was A pick-up truck driven by Johnj thrown against, the windshield D. MacKay of Ripley and a car and knocked unconscious as weU driven by Murdo Matheson of ( as receiving cuts to his head re­ Ashfield figured in a collispn at quiring 25 stitches. He received treatment at Kincardine Hospi- Collision At Lochalsh 4 Frank MacLerinan’s Store on Highway 86 on Saturday evening, tai, and was able to return to June 12th. Bob MacDonald, a 'school on .Monday. CO-OP yowt 7 I The new CO-OP Deluxe ’ model offers, the tops in re­ frigeration . .. in styling, in J size, in value ... in Home- , makerfeatures. ■ V Sea-Spray Green . ..,d delicate new <6ler accent an the dazzling while box. . . COOP Deluxe 10 cu. ft.-Model DU Al Automatic Defrosting —Don® automatically and In a .minimum of time. No fuss, no bother. _B.ut.tor—Con d i t i a n er— Dial setting ■ for adjust- able temperature keeps butter at whatever con­ sistency you choose. Adjustable' Shelving- Gives you'flexible' stor­ age space for your, changing needs. COOP. - DELUXf REFRIGERATOR ’ .. . •/ ’ ^lds ?2.5 pounds. Eight-position thermojlatjmLoisture-con*^ ~ troli Keeps tobas ffesher/ preveri drying out. Fruits arid vegetables ‘ are kept moist and fresh in the two^glass-Cdvered crisper trays Iu*a> door shelves store eggs and small articles within easy feacn. Sold Only At Your Local Co-op /Lucknow District Co-opA ’Phone 71, Lucknow ■