HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-23, Page 5/ *. 4 ■WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1954 I > V w’l THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO KINLOSS BANNS I REFUSE PUMPING KINLOSS COUNCIL MINUTES Kinioss Municipal Council met' . in the Hall, Jun£ 7th, 1Q54, as • per adjournment. All; .members present. The minutes of the last regular meeting of May 3rd as read were approved anti signed, The Clerk was instructed to , notify all parties on the Hodgins- Hanna Agreement Drain, that the work is completed, and payments ____are due and payable_pn_or„before- the next meeting on July 5, 1954. All telephone companies having lines an the Municipality erecting poles rriust pjit them back against the road fences. If not complied . with, will have to move them at their own expense. , The E. S. Watt Co. of Palmer­ ston was given permission to build an overshot roof on their mill at Whitechurch, provided * there are no posts or obstructions • in the road of traffic, and install reflectors on end posts. The semi-annual return for ■ subsidy on the Brucellosis Act of- 1953 was adopted. ‘ - By-law No. 7, 1954, .was passed, “ •-prohiibi ting-^he—dumpfrig~bf^ r e - fuse, trash or any ’Other waste, on any highway, or in any river or. stream or on the banks there­ of under the Jurisdiction of the Council. . r . .. The Road Supt. to have signs- of 30 miles an hour erected on Whit.echurch main street. ; • Tenders to be called for July . 5th for the cutting of the hill in ’ front of Lots 21-22, Con. 6. Council adjourned to meet ’ again ori Monday, July 5th or at the call of the Reeve, . Cheques issued:; W. S. Eadie & . .Son, tile.to Burt Drain $4211.08, W-and—ditching--Hod-gmssH-anri-a- ;’ . Drain $813.44—$5,024.52;. D. Hed­ ley,-fox bounty, 8.00; E. Hanna, fox bounty, 3,00; Jas. McEwan, fox bounty, 2;00; Spence McFar-. ; Jan/fox bounty,..4.00; jOrville. El'-' ‘ I J.t’t, dog bounty, 5.00:/lrwip Cbr- ■ juthers, dog bounty, 5.00; Luck? , now. Sentinel, printing, > >etc., 136.60; Dr. Mullen, c’alfhood' vac- ' - cinbtion,. 31. calves, 23.25; Dr. Cle- . land; ’ calfhood vaccination, - 4151 <Sthv’/ arid Mar7fvYr'^*W^<T’i7o'X,’ 1?0;20nnG^?’l Mr- and -Mrs. Graham Chamney | Brown, "Mike- Dalton and and family, of Goderich and Mr.. George Collinson; kicking the and Mrs. Gordon Chamney and JRPPer> Kathleen Hackett, Eliz- Larry oL,Auburn.| abeth^Pentland, Mary Alton;. -—-------.girl’s sack race,. Lummie Logten- t-aretakine,1 berg, Joanne Crozier, Elaine Mc- OZr nd; Pay Roll',: 3-legged race for girls,/Joyce and -- A _ji | DONNYBROOK Dedicate Gifts At Anniversary Service There was a good attendance at both services in Donnybrook Church on Sunday. At the morn- irig service which was conducted by Rev, Mr. Watt of Whitechurch, a chorus was sung by the choir and a duet by the Misses Louise Jefferson and Grace Thompson. At the evening service, Rev. R, C. Wilson ,(!of Clinton was assisted by Rev- C- C- Washington/a-auar^ “tette by the Misses Rena and Gladys McCliri^hgy_.__oL,_Aubui;ny Donna Walden and ( Barbara by Mrs. Sid McClinichey and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer of Auburn provid­ ed music which was very much appreciated. Special mention was made of the hymn board donated by Mr. Gordon Robinson of Wing­ ham; the baptismal bowl arid choir chairs, a gift in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and .Ernest, from the family; new cov­ ering for- the pulpit ^furniture ' J..._____ T~»_. TIT.,’" . — - • CONTESTS KEEN AT ASHFIELD PICNIC The annual picnic of the Ash- field Township School Area was held at Dungannon Agricultural Park on Thursday; June 10th. ' Inspector Kinkead was official starter of all the races and events. Mr, Eric Moore (was in charge of the high jumps and pole vault” ing with Mr. Ray Stanley in charge of the ibroad jumps and Mr,Wilfred-Spivey'in~'charge“7)f the softball throw. The day ..turned out hot- with the booth doing a good business which was Smith of Westfield and a ~ duet •iri ^arge of the Dungannon/ Wp- men’s Institute. Mr. Harold Greer was on hand with his loud speak­ er, adding much to the success! of the picnic which was well at- i tended. AU the children showed good sportsmanship and a keen­ ness to do their best. The following were the win­ ners in the .day’s program: The relay race was won. by Kings- i-bridge Separate School with S.S. from Dr. Wilfred Robinson; and k Port Albert school as a close donations for the carpet from the second, and S.S. 7 as third place; Jefferson sisters .and m a ny ; ■ 11 •- _________-Domia""'N'icholsonJ'_Lynda Little, Willa Dickson; boys, 6 years and under, Brian Dalton, Keith Val- ad, Robt. Sherwood; girls, 7 & 8 years, Sandra ^Brooks, Karen Kilpatrick, Barbara Nelson; boys, 7 & 8 years, ROnriy Finlayson, ..others..—?— ----——1---“ Mr. and Mrs; Stuart Chamney and girls enjoyed a trip through parts, of Northern Ontario last week. ' Sunday visitors at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thomp-. ( ... « son included Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Donny Ray, Jim Black; girls, 9 Chamney of Belgrave, Mr. and 10 years, Edna Carter,rMarion Mrs. John Tiffin and Mr; & Mrs-lM<>le; ,boys’ 9 & 10 years’ Allan Edwin Thompson and family of1 MacKenzie, Donald Johnston, Wingham. . ° Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson .... . ... of Munroe were Sunday visitors/ Lierman Elaine MacIntyre; boys, at the’Jefferson home. ; j 11 and 12 years, Terry Dalton, Mrs. H. Martin of Goderich vis-1 Douglas Ross, J,im Blake; ^girls', ited over the week-end with her! & J4, Joyce McNay, Anne Mc- sister, Mrs. Bert Taylor and—-McNayj—boySj^T3’ "Taylor----"T & 14 years, John VanOsch, Bob.Mrs.’ Wm. Doddo and ivl'rs. J. ’ EHis/Mike Dalton; young ladies’ C. Clark of Auburn wer'e Sunday race, . J°yPe ’McNay,. Elizabeth visitors at the home of Mr. and Fentland, Norma Pentland; yOunig. Mrs. John R., Thompson.; x men s race, Peter Lierman, BiU Miss Lucy Thompson of. Onon- Rlack, J. C Durnm; men teach- dago spent the week-end at her - race, Mr Eric dVlpore, Mr. home here / ’ I Ray Stanley, Mr.. Wilfred Spivey; /Sunday visitors with- Mr. and' Lacher’s jace, Miss. Lois Mrc ' . -and" Mrs: Elwin Chamney? Dor ’ | John VanOsch , Donald Johnston, Wayne Hackett; girls, 11 & 12 years, Kathleen Hackett, Dianne 3 I R.. Chamney included: Mr. | Webb, Miss Betty •» Johnston; arid Bill Barger, Bob Ellis and Board supplying orange drink. A ball game was played follow­ ing lunch with the East of Ash­ field winning against the West. Langside W.M.S. •• The Langside W.M.S. held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pollock. The meeting was opened by the president and the minutes were read by Mrs, Neil McDonald. The scripture les­ son from St. Matthew was read by Mrs, Peter Moffat JMrs^„Rol-- ----------------------,.r ■■ ■■ ----------------------- PAGE FIVE ' - .. ........ ...... . < .... lock read the meditation. Mrs. Guest led in prayer. Reports on the Presbyterial were given by . Mrs. Bert Moffat, Mrs. Neil Mc­ Donald and Mrs. Jack Pollock. The topic pn “Hospital Visitors” was taken by Mrs. Lloyd Moffat. Hymns we're sung and the meet-’ ing closed with Miss Emma Rich- ardson reading the benediction. The next, meeting is to be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Scott. The roll call is to be answered with a gift fox-thei-hale.--—------- 4 Hiltz, Wanble fly gas,’ 10.00; G.: / .'Hamilton, ' balance inspector W. ! F., 136.25; J. McGillivray, bal- "ance. tractor W. F.. 165.65; , D. .Campbell, balance sprayman W. F., 107.10; Fred Guest tractor supply, 7 hours, W. F.f" 9.45: ;D. Hedley, car trip for inspector, 1.00: Canadian Industries, W. F. powder, 140.00; J, R. Lane, hydro $10.93, postage. $8.00—18.93;. Fred |.Mrs. James Smith, l----------o, , . 4.00; J? R. Lane, unemployment, Nay; boy s sack race Billy Cr. | ins. stamps, 6.48. I ier, Bob Elli’s,- Donald KirklAi N<?J7W$430C9h0r 'MMSeArthu? Tke' Elaine McNay Mary Alfcn and Service, 114.4fl: Fred Tout, pit i Elizabeth...Pentland Edna Carter . gravel. 651.00;. C.I.L., brush Mil, ?nd .Manon^ Mo^S^gedraca ,. AA y v*’| WA.VVy V.A.U.t . .MA UiOH JTkAAij i ‘ ■ ,, ? 9 '"T C 'Hodgins,-j^hate-Oh-~t-ax-&sir-eheaue^0r&(f^Harcrlti~kerr. snowbTowing. I _ °rf.e\ i3 n , to collector, 20.37; Dr: W. G. Bruce,; school dental ytork, 25.00; . James ; rMcEwan, sheep claim, 310.00; George Lockhart, 2 insp. i 510.00; C. E. McTavish, fuel oil,! Ral'Ph Nixon, Bill Barger and’ ; 80.00; Lobies Service, grease gun.. J°b.n VanOsch, Morris Dalton & 3.98: Mills . Tire . Service, . 3.00; Mlke Dalton; ladies tie’ tying con-, -----____ ______ _ Armco Drainage, culverts, '94.08; was^won by (1st), ;Mrs.> Gor- above. claim, 8.00; Harold Con-/John W. Henderson Lumber Ltd.,; Kirkland, (2nd) Mrs. Bert gram, refund dog tax< 2.00; Govt. ! bridge lumber, 78.08; Dept. High-[ ARion;j gentlemen s balloon blow- wavs. gas tax’, 44.00; J. F. Hen-’”}^ contest, Reeve Cecil Blake, , Gordon- Valad, Nelson Pearson? -—WM, E^i.w, vxmvu i Hiltz, tire, tube-and labor, 173.00; I ehampion freckled face boy tfh- surplus Moffat-Thomson ‘drain Murdie & Son. hardware. 2.30; j ,a years, Kenneth Barger; rebated, 983.91; Govt, grant plus j Pedlar People, culvertej 261.86;' ?3S surplus Emerson drain rebated, Montgomery Motors, grader-re-1 ■ Uli 1 o6.« /-•___.1 i‘.. . i . I___no nc « ■ z / | '■ . J. R. LANE/Clerk;’ grant • Pinnell Drain rebated, .1392.63; .Govt,‘ grant Percy drain | derson. pit gravel. 82.00; George ■ relbate'd, 724.66; Govt, grant plus i Uiani A uuaicu, j .iUVUVkVmyAJ 661.83Govt, grant plus surplus] pair, ,93.05. MacIntyre Drain rebated, 919.17; '• .. J. - vr®^’,wbuld you ask, the advice of a friehd or abusinesscoun.^ r-wm^-|--Yr .yo_u . Would-ask^the-tbpert/..Vnni. J^P^PeHy administered,, it couid mean a gicat ios,- to’ iunHp111 • i are to uct as sole Executor. o*ion with one or more/other Executors you might appoint., THESTERLING TRUSTS C O R p o R A T ION ; BRANCH OFFICE g. . . $**» Toronto . 1-3 Dunlop' Si., Barrie ‘ - ' • . ’ 5-2 • Hl- t the longest hair, Jo Anne Alton; the .largest family present, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Youwsma and fam­ ily; girls’ Jr. softball throw, Kathleen Vrooman, Karen Brind­ ley, Carol Pentland; boys. Junior softball throw, Jim Gibson, Ker- i ry? Hogan/ Danny Dalton; girls’) Sr: softball throw, . Elaine Mc­ Nay, Betty Lou Vassella, Mary Alton'; boys’ Sr. softball throw, Lome Alton,. Mike Dalton, Bob /EIlfer~girls’ Jr.' running broad jump, May iStewart, Betty Anne Parrish, Eileen Vassella; boys’ Jr. running, broad jump, Geo. Collin-’, son, Donald Kirkland, Alex Mac­ kenzie; ..girls’ Sr. runnriirig broad jump, Betty LdU Vassella, Kath- j.leen Hackett, Elaine McNay; ibdys’ running broad jump, Sr., ' 1 Bob Ellis,, Mike Dalton, Morris I Dalton; girls’ Jr; running high I jump, Joanne Alton, Eileen Vass- >ella,. Betty Arine F.arrish; boys’ *T .............. ray Gampbelt/ girls"running"liigK - jump, S.i\, Kathleen 'Hackett, Bet- ay Lpu .Vassella, Elizabeth Pent- jland; ibpysj Sr. running high {jump, Mike Daltoh, Lorn.e<Alton, (Bob Ellis; boys’ Jr. pole vault Donald Johnston; Barry Brown, Jim Gibson; boys’ Sr. pole vdiult, Mike .Dalton,‘Morris Dalton, Bar­ rie' McDonagh,. . ' Lunch was. -passed with the " i? ’ ■ ■ JlTrirrinihgTiigH jump, Alex Mac- Kenzie, Kenneth Gardner, Mur- «* u A' V ‘ » CP p- I (6L, V 1 f It