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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-16, Page 7
The LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO for FEED on Sa'turday.- £ I f I ... v OBITUARY EDWARD MONTGOMERY Wed., Thursday, Ju,ne .23, 24 DONNA CORCORAN, FRANCES DEE — in — ■"//-'.. “GYPSY COLT” Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Monday, Tuesday, June 21, 22 DEAN MARTIN,. JERRY LEWIS — in — Money From Home • ■ ............■’ . Wednesday, Thurs., June 16, 17 RED SKELTON, in Great Diamond Robbery WEDNESDAY5’JUNE 16th, 1954 . ’-I ■ ■ ..................................................................................... ........... -I!! .1...........I,I ..I,.------ Wednesday, Thursday, June 23rd, 24th ” . i ' ■ . ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' . -• ' William Holden, Edmond O’Brien, Alexis Smith, in “The Turning Point” Friday, Saturday, June 18th, 19th Ray Milland, Jan Sterling and Rhubarb, in RHUBARB The story .of a. cat that inherits $30,000,000 and a baseball team.- ZION Matinee Saturday at 2,30 — Children 10c,. Students 20c ■ „ ■' ,/ '. ' / ’• : . - - - /;.. ... tjUUMBlNUl, HEATING and ELECTRIC WTR1NC -................................................................................................ 'GALLON ‘ . D ONNYBROOK * PAGE SEVEN POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH or FEED STORE, LUCKNOW Friday, Saturday, June 18, 19 BILL WILLIAMS/ .JEAN PORTER . — in —' RACING BLOOD , Matinee Saturday Afternoon FOURTH CONCESSION Mrs. Barton of Drayton spent ~Lwb weeks - with—her "daughter^ Mrs. Allan Graham. • * Mrs. W: F, MacDonald attend ed the Pre-Assembly Congress of the W.M.S. as a delegate the first of last week. Mrs. L. Maclver, Mrs. T A. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. P. Steer and Peter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie and boys. Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon and John and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Austin and family, spent Sunday, with Mrs. Austin’s 'parents near Lon don^ . . Mr. and. Mrs. Allan Graham &. Anne, attended the Graham ..Fam ily picnic at the home of Mr; and ■ Mrs. Jas. Snow e_ of Bellewood ! WANT ADS CARD OF THANKS The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion wish to sincere ly thank all those who participat ed; in any way to make /their Navy League, Tag Day such a success. a I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends who sent cards to me while I was in the hospital, and to neighbors •who were very, attentive to'my, sister.-' . BELLE ROBERTSON.. The Horne Family wi^h to ex press ' their sincere, thanks and appreciation^ to _al‘l_ those who were' so “kind to Mrs. Horn© in her declining years;,and for’the kind acts and expressions of sym pathy in- their bereavement. The PLAYHOUSE . ■ _ ' ■ •»•••,. ■ ■ a 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, students 35c, children 25c Wednesday, Thursday, June 16 th, 17 th Gail Russell, Anne Dvorak, Claire Trevor, in The Bachelor’s Daughter • Edward Blake Montgomery-died Tuesday, June 1st, in Byron San- itorium where he was hospitaliz ed for thirteen months. Mr. Mont gomery, a farmer and single, was 66 years old. He was a member, of the United Church, also of the L.O.L., Kinlossi <■ The funeral was held from the family home on Friday, June"4th. Rev. Purchase officiated. The L.O.L. conduoted the service at. the grave. Rev. Gomm assisted'. Interment was’ in Kincardine Cemetery. The pallbearers Were Ralph Huston, Frank . Colwell, Bill- Stanley, Russell' Hewitt, . Bill . t M Heels and Albert Colwell.. The June meeting of the m.' ._■wniro uiv 4.u f Two brothers and two sistersW.M.S. was held at the home of ■ _D , • ti j tt x . survive,,Robert-.and Ben, a twin■ ■' &X, d^r Ihe -and- at ■ home Grandmothers day. jytter ,tne and Mrs# john Bushell, Kinlough. He W3S Predeceased by SdejCa?nesHannah (MrS- Mi“er) are to be brought in at the July t ‘ meeting. It is to be the young' ’ WILLIAM E. HAYES ladies meeting. The Christian1 After an .illness of seven Stewarship was taken by Mrs. jp.bdths, WUham Edmund Hayes Gordon Ritchie and Mrs.. Jifri- djed Kincardine township . Hunter had the devotional. $.crip- hon-je on May 1.9th. Last rites .tore lesson was taken by Mrs. - were held at St. Mathew’s church, Gordon Kirkland and a reading Kingarf, of which he was a mem- iby Mrs. - George Hunter. Mrs.. b*,r-The Rev. John Prest bfficiat- for ■ the July ..meeting; Anyone Mr~ Hayes to bring it to the July meeting ____ and also the garden party money. v;here interment was made. z , 'A reading was given by Mrs. Jim ' Hunter and the study book .was taken- by Mrs. West Ritchie^ Each grandmother told something of' ___________________ their'grandmothers which proved. ^ied charloite Bradley, w interesting. Mrs, Gordon Ritchie ... took change for the W.A. meet ing.. The scripture was read by Mrs. Raynard. The bazaar date was settled and discussed. Mrs. Ritchie closed with prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter served a delicious lunch. assisted by Mrs. Kirkland dine township and Marie, Beat- and. a social time was- spent. Hee and Alice, at home. , ■ If Cook is to 'prepare the program ed ancj Qrange Order, with which . for ,the July ..meeting; Anyone Mr Hayes was associated :for . a- „TbL§viiig«_AnyJ;ningjTQr„.lhe^^le--is_].0 1^-^4nie~eQn.dticted“-“graveside- services in Kincardine cemetery, y -- -----------------■ /' Born in Kinloss townshipFeb ruary 29, 1.891, he was a^s of the late Nathaniel and Ajinie .(Passmore) Hayes. In 192 he sur- Vives, along with sons, Nathaniel, Kincardine; William J., Petitcod- iac, New Brunswick; Charles, Sam, James, Burnton, Nelson, Al- very . and x;Hnrold,. Kincardine townshin; Ei'i'4. Stratford; daugh ters, Mrs- Ezra Bushell, Kincar- SPECIAL’ INSIDE ENAMEL PER- <ti on QUART ............... ■ PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL PER QUART TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS— PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ,<JEALED TENDERS addressed to the Undersigned 'aind endorsed as above, will be received until TOO p.,m. TE7D7S.T.), WEDNES^ DAY, JUNE 23, 1954, for the sup-' ply of coal and coke for the Federal-Buildings throughout the Provihce of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica tions and; conditions /attached can be; obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and .Stores, -Depart ment of. Public Works, Ottawa, and the Purchasing and Stores Officer, 3X Sullivan Street, Tor onto, Ontario. Tenders wilb not be considered unless made on or according , to the printed forms supplied by the 'Department and ih accordance I with conditions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to demand from, any suc cessful tenderer, before award ing the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque drawn on a bank incorporated ~uhder~theBank’"Actor~TheQue“ bee Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten . per cent of the amount of tender, ih accordance with the .Government Contracts: Regula tions now in . force, or Bearer Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached, of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian Nat-r ional Railway Company and its constituent compa.nies, uncondi/ tionally guaranteed, as to princi pal and interest by the Govern ment of Canada. The lowest or any tender not; necessarily accepted. ' ROBERT FORTIER, . Secretary., Department bl Public Works, Ottawa, May 28, 19f>4. Special re-ppening services are being held in Donnybrook United, Church, which has recently beerj re-decorated, next Sunday, June --2 0 thv-^he.--m pr7nmg-^eiMce—wilF be in charge of Rev. Mr. Watt of Whitechurch and Rev. Hugh C. Wilson of Clinton, a former pas tor, Will be-in charge of the ev ening service^ Special music is being arranged for each service. The W-MS. and W.A. met in, the Church on Tuesday afternoon with .10 ladies present. Mrs. Nor- :man Thompson was. in charge of both nrteetirigs. Mrs. H. Jefferson read a poem, Miss Elaine Jeffer son gave # reading on Christian Stewardship and the chapter in the study book was taken by Mrs. Hardy. Following the meet- ing lunch was served by Mrs. H. Woods and Mrs- E- Snowden. Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Chamney of Windsor were recent visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. The annual Robinson reunion will be held on Saturday, June 26th ' at Turnbull’s Grove near Grand Bend. HENS FED ON AVERAGED 80% PRODUCTION Twenty-Five Years Married Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean of Kincardine observed their 25th wedding anniversary a week ago Saturday, when, they entertained their Tardily and friends to din ner at the Bruce Inh and after wards . at a social. gathering a,t their home. ' : - jL CO-OP AUTO . INSURANCE - Can Now Accept TOWNRFSIDENTS . & COMERCIAL TRUCKS US well as the farm business. " * ’ ‘ ' ' ■ .r.For information consult T. A-a CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE,/tyPLEY, ‘. Phone 20^i*-23 Pictured above is Art Reed of Harriston, feeding * hens, which started laying last May and have averaged 80% production since and are Still going strong o*i Co-op 20% LAY MASH, Art starts his chicks on 20% Co-op CHICK STARTER to 7 weeks of age, then gradually switches to 17% Co-op. GROW ■' /MASH. : ' ' Mr. Reed’S feed which operates owned by local “daily-fresh”. was purchased at the Harriston Co-op,’ one of the 125 Co-op Mixing Stations, farmers in Ontario, and specializing in