HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-16, Page 64 I i #•ft r , ’ I • ‘ . . . i a ' :r . f ' ’ . • ’ , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO ’ - "'i i • .... j;...... ♦ J Ihdted. Church W^A«» Group 1 The June meeting of Group I was held in the form of a picnic Die summer home pf Mrs. Art Breckles. Mrs.. Red vers Johnson was in charge of the meeting, which opened with ia hymn and meditation, ”1 will awake the jdawn”. Mrs. E. Taylor read the scripturefrom the 13th chapter <rf Matthew, followed with pray- . « by Mrs. W. R,. Howey. Rol- *■’ 3oftnng the. reports and business, 4 Mrs. $oy; Blaipk took the chair ^jr the program, consisting of solos by Mrs. Harold Haldenby 4md readings by Mrs. Ed Thom, Mrs. George Joynt and Mrs. A. J. Wilson, Following the hymn, ■ T am Thine, 0 Lord”’ and the • benediction* .. a delicious picnic Supper wias' served, and Mrs. ;E. . . Ackert moved, <a vote of thanks to the hostess and the committee, ^namely, Mrs. Roy Black, Mrs. Ed Thom, Mrs. L. C, Thompson «nd Mrs, Stuart Collyer. < This? was . very much • I REPLACEBRIDGE Ths meeting closed with the pah benediction. A contest was held and the committee served a dainty lunch/ CameronGroup of The W.A. Group 2 . of the W.A. met at Mrs.. H. Collin’s home1 on Wed- • oiesday with an attendance of 22. The \meeting opened with the motto arid singing of the hymn ‘^Blessed Assurance”, fbHowedTIby 3he Association prayer. Mrs. : Hoag, Mrs. Treleaven and Mrs. Meiklejohn had charge of the program. Mrs. Hoag read, a poem ' said Mrs. Meiklejohn read the scripture lesson, and meditation and prayer. The committee had. ^chosen as their topic, “China Hishes”, and had gone to con­ siderable trouble getting notes ’ ior their talks. Mrs; Hoag took the first part on the origin arid ^making of dishes and gave a •demonstration of Spode •China. Mrs. Treleaven spoke on Wedg- wood, Old Willow and Paragon. South KihloBs W.M.S. ’ | The June missionary mooting J was held' al trio home of Pbuglas Graham with Mrs, Wiri,' MacIntyre iri the chair; After a fitting passage was read by the president, the Lord’s prayer twas repeated in unison. The opening hymn 58 was sung. The business was'then^dealt’with.Tt-was~de-~ cided to hold the program meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. VTm. MacIntyre with the executive act­ ing” as the’ coihmittee and any others who* cared to 'help. An invitation from the Teeswater W ’M'.S. was read and accepted to their 76th anniversary pn the ev­ ening of June 22nd. Mrs; Alex Sutherland gaive the bale report and Mrs. Herb Buckton gave the treasurer’s report. Mrs. Douglas Graham gave a deirionstration on the literature 'books. The scrip­ ture and meditation was taken by Mrs; A. Hughes followed by prayer by Miss. Dean MacLeod.' After the singing of hymn 374 a very interesting report on the Pre-Assembly Congress was giv­ en by Mrs..W. F. MacDonald. The roll call was answered by a verse of scripture with the word “good” in i-L The study 'book was taken by Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon. The Presbyterial report was giyen by Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. Ted Coll- 5 er moved a/ vofe of thanks to Mrs. Graham for the use of her home and to all who took part, The meeting closed with - the miz-. pah .benediction. Grace was sung and a dainty lunch was served iby the directors. The next meet­ ing is to he held at Mrs. W. F. ^3^ey~hada~nicecollectinnof^ JMacDjonald’s^a^ ierent pieces of china on display, the evening.*. 1 I ierent pieces of china on display. f pus t. efcit*. o.e>; MiMttTt* YOU CMENJOYREIMIN6T/HPS SY STEAMER ON ONTARIO'S ~ MANY LAKES DOTTED WITH * BEAUTIFUL. ISLANDS.' ■ IN ASHFIELD (CURRIES CORNERS NEWS) The bridge known as Baldwin’ bridge is being replaced, by a new one, which requires a detour around/the block, It is. expected to be replaced in. a month, . Miss Sharon Courtney visited with her cousin, Fay Hogan, on the 12th Cori., during the past week, (Miss Helen Couftriey visited with Lynda Little ’ on , Sunday. T^r;7~and“MrsrFred“Johnston- visited Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. Robt. Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Hogan spent a few days in Toronto. While in the Icity their one-year-old dau­ ghter Kathleen had an operation performed oh one of-hier eyes, Out From Ireland, Visits Sister In Ashfield , Mr. Jimmie Hasson from Coun­ ty Down, Banger, Ireland, visited with his sister, Mrs. Keith John­ ston. Jimmie came out from Ire­ land last week to Toronto, where friends of his reside. He will be employed in Toronto and expects to make his home there; —Mr.EldonAustin-leftSunday for Toronto where he will be employed with a . construction company for a while. . . ' Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Ritchie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wareing visited Sunday with Miss Elmira and Russell-Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ritchie and Calvin motored to Hamilton the' first of the week to visit an aunt, who has been an invalid in a home there. She Chad her both legs amputated a few years ago. ?' '■ Visitors with Mr. . and Mrs. Lome i’arish were Mr. and Mrs/ Victor Haines and. Helen, Mr. & Mrs. George Adams-and family of Wroxeter, Mr. Leeder,.Mr. and Mrs.- George Farrish and Lynda of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs; Jack Farrish, Marie arid Jimmie and Miss Winnie Farrish of Goderich. Mr, Leo Courtney attended the rally held Sunday at the St. Augustine R.C. church wihilef vis­ iting at Mr. and Mrs; Gus Kina­ han’s. \ T . • .■■■, —. * •WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th,1954 Increase Farm Profits! WHY WAIT?. ..go ahead with F lLI1 II Discuss a Farm Improvement Loan with your nearest Bank of Montreal manager. 1 «ouo orking. ,w I1 h ' C'<> 0 a d * c n * I Bank of MdNT»lEAi. 1 ■ lfc‘ * / * ■ ‘ 1 ’ ' f< M in ovary- yal.lt,-of. life alnce 1817 ■ .-■■■ .... • 7 • ■ t , - • , , , ... -n ‘ ■ , • ** Lucknow Branch: MURRAY COUSE, Manager Letter* To The . Editor HISTORY TODAY Dear Sir:_ A knowledge of history has a same^vhat different meaning to­ day than it has ever had before. The reason for this, it seems to me, is because for the first time man has in his possession weap­ ons that can wipe oiit a great city with a single blow; In such a fantastic situation we have to take the time ”■ and trouble to learn from the past how we have arrived at such a state. Somehow or other some means must be found to ..switch more of our general conversation avtay from the changes we see around us, which have certainly been-tremendous during the last half century, to events that took place centuries ago. Down through the years there have been some twenty / two major wars but how many of us have taken the trouble to remem­ ber them after our school days were over? Mighty upheavals in history come Under such headings as the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery and the Reformation, By; the failure of the people of the free world to appreciate their great heritage I they face’, the threat of seeing th world dominated by the. power of Communism. 5 , Before the first World War there: were eight so called world ■ powers—Italy, France, the Brit­ ish; Empire, Germany, Japan, Russia, United States and Aust­ ria-Hungary. Today in terms of sheer war potential, there are considered to be only two—Rus­ sia and the United States. I sup- ... pose that we might well ask our­ selves what the next change will be. If the difference between Communism and Capitalism were not so antagonistic Tennyson’s / dream of a "federation of the ■' world would be a real hope. With the/wonderful facilities we now have for global travel, communi­ cations, etc., the most practical form-otf-planning^could'be-on-a^-- world wide scale. > The United Nations at New York; has been, ah inspiration'to many. It may well be that we; each have a_ _ more important part to play than / we realize in seeing that. the , , ideals of. the United Nations are realized. - RANCHO. your Ontario Travel • Hqdteee, invites you to tiSe this coupon for FREE information about Ontario. CULROSSCORNERS Congratulations to Miss. Bev­ erley Wall, whose birthday was Monday. She celebrated it on Saturday with a party for her school friends. u Mr. Russell Stewart .has joined the Air Force and left Saturday Jjfor-St—Joihns^Quehec. • Little Brian . Stewart of Kin­ cardine speht Friday with his grandfather, Mr. Tom Stewart. Mrs. Torn Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Ian MacPhersOn and Phyllis ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart of Kincardine to Lon­ don on. Friday. Miss . Ruby Bonnet of Kincar­ dine spent the weekend under the parental roof." Several of the ladies from the community attended the. shower at Kinlpugh oh Saturday after­ noon for Miss Jean Gu^st, bride, of this week. The H.W.L was held Thursday eVehirig at the home; of Mrs; Ferry Hodgins with a good 'at­ tendance. After business was dealt With, plans Were made to hold a garden, party at Holyrood in the near future. Reports frorh -delegates-to^i^ererit-conventions- Were givep. A draw made on a lovely cup arid .saucer was won by Mi;s. Frank Brown. Prizes, for tarts. Went to Mrs. F. Thompson and Miss Edna Boyle. ' " The many friends of Miss Edna ' Ross will be sorry to learn that she underwent an operation last' week at Dr’s. Hospital, 26- Major St, Toronto. Her many friends here Wish her a speedy recovery.' Mr‘ and Mrs/Tom Hackett and With Mr; and Mrs/Midford Wall -and -.Donnie^;——/-L——■ -L—-- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schumacher -and family of Walkerton spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs.,Frank BroWh arid Reg, ‘ ‘ \, Whatever your position in life, take care of your health, It doesn’t care how important you are! ■. ' • "■ ’’ ■ •4 Fred forgot HE/FORGOT-thata-bit<>fwbodpre^rvative;appliedar“ little cost when ‘the fence was put in/ would have ' ■ saved him the cost of^new posts now. * In the telephone business, as around yotiT'otfii home, we ( find. it s better to do the job righit in the first, plate and . then look after, it. xIt’s the best Way we know to avoid . heavy. repair and replacement Costs, to eave expense and ■ give you most service for your money. 1 ’ • ■ '^.a.r8 '*riy vip treat telephone poles against rot; why WC'. ' keep our trucks clean and in good repair; .why we put up exchanges arid offices to last* ' /* He: I hear your mother-iri-lhw had a heart attack? • V. . -Him: I didn’t even know' she had a heart! ' ^common sense if we are to keep our costs- down-r-and —.■^^he;..,price„bLyour^.teiepho.he~8ervice:.“16wr"™~---''--^"’™^-'"-*-'-“‘-““ V Uxuld I lice to get useful information dn the pi-eNefvatiiKi- y UiOdd u>e gtiggHsi yoU Wfiie forest Pri>Auicis Labora* tones'of Canada, Department of Northern A ffairs UtiA, National ' KteffUffiiS, Ottawa. * .* .. 'I till BEU TE1EPHONE COMPANY «F CANADA * ' "< » -I. V ’ ’ . ’ > f .... w.d