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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-16, Page 5
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th, 1954 4 THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO * OBITUARY DONALD MacDQNALD Kintail-has^dst a familiar fjg- lire arid highly esteemed resident by the death of Donald MacDon ald, which occurred in the early Sabbath morning of June 6 th; He was in his 95th year and con tinued thrpugjhdut his long life to live on the adjacent farm on which he was born. He was a son of the late Donald MacDon ald and Catharine MacKenzie, the earliest pioneers in this district His splendid physique stood him irrgbdd^t^a’d"thr6^h"the years, and his memory continued keen till within a few months ago. The passing ’ of his son, Harry, oh February 28 th was a severe blow to him, His wife, the late Eliza beth MacDonald, predecbased him several years ago. He is survived [by a son Bain and a daughter,» Annie Mae, who rendered un stinted devotion to him in his declining yefars;.. also surviving are three grandchildren, Mrs. Nelson Dorsh (Bettie), Mrs. Ross Thompson (Flora Edna) of Till- foniburg and Jean of New Ham burg and one great-grandson. Three brothers, Murdoch and John A. of Naniamo, B.C., -and Duncan in Ashfield and a sister, Mrs. .Flora Ross, died some years ago. ’ Pan MacDonald’s relationship with his neighbors was one of unfailing good yvill, upright, kindly and genial in disposition, a regular, attendant in the house ST. HELENS Mrs. George Stuart opened her home on Wednesday for the June meetings of the W.M.S. and the W.A. when 19 ladies were in at tendance, The Southern Group had charge of the program with 4u W011* known in | Mrs, Stuart as leader of the wqT- the Townships of Ashfield and ship service, the ‘.theme of which Huron as. a cattle drover arid al was “The. gospel according to familiar figure at the stockyards I you”. The scripture lessons were in Toronto, To have lived his 1 long life "in one community, he saw the struggles of the early pioneers' and how they mastered theirdifficulties. - " ,,, A private funeral service was held at his late", residence by his - minister, the Rev. J; R. Mac Donald and followed by a public service in Ash-field Presbyterian, church, where a large number of sympathizing friends paid their final tribute. Mr. •' Nelson Dorsh sMng effectively a pleasing solo. Interment -was in Kintail Cem etery where so miany of the pion eer stalwarts , of the Scottish set read by Miss Annie Durnin and Mrs, James Durnin and prayers were offered by Mrs. Stuart and ■M_rs!.J.j)Urn.in.Thetopic,“The greatest single event of the year in mission work—-the Wellington conference’, proved most inter esting as taken in dialogue form with Mrs. J. Cameron as .program’ leader, Mrs. Frank McQuillin as a visitor from India, Mrs, Lome Durnin, a missionary on furlough' from Japan and Mrs, W...L Mil ler as a member of the audience. Mrs. E. W. Rice sang “Speak my Lord’’, It was agreed to hold the social meeting in July with the dement of Ashfield, found- a, last1 A^hfielcI Circuit, Brick & White-, resting place. The pallbearers were’. Finlay, Bruce and, David MacDonald, Duncan -Simpson, David MacKenzie and Bayne Mc- Lennan. .• ' ......... . '■ _ PAGE FIVE V > CD O C -I < m 2 ASHFIELD NOTES Miss Sadie Johnston, R.N., will be hostess for the June meeting of the Presbyterian W.M.S. Mrs, Hugh McKenzie will have charge of the program. Six Join Church The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was observed in the Pres byterian Church on Sunday. Sb£ names were added to the church roll: by certificate, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gould; by profession of faith, Miss Marian West and Margaret Van der Lay, Messrs, Roy Gib son and Dan Rose, Thirty Years Married Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hamilton were at 'home to a few of their friends on Saturday evening, it being the 30th anfeverSary of their wedding. They have nine daughters, all • of whom were home for the occasion but Donna who is attending the annual con vention of the Canadian Nurses’ Association in Banff. Many hap py . returns of the day. CD •< O S= O — 2 ips gfs church United members as gUests. It was decided to take a collec tion at that meeting for the new -training school. L1 _The_theme—of—th e—WvA—m eet- in-g, which was presided over by the vice pres.,. Mrs. T. Todd, was Stewardship (and Service. The meeting was opened with the theme hymn arid prayer and the creed. The roll call was respond ed. to with a verse of scripture and the scripture lesson, was read by Mrs. W. A. Miller arid the lesson thoughts by Mrs. G.;Mac- Pherson, Finial plans were made for the hririual social to be held on Thursday afternoon, June 24. At the conclusion, afternoon tea was served with Mrs. J. Durnin, Mrs. John Cameron and Miss An nie Durnin as hostesses. ^THe7“ladies of—the StT Hefen’s School Section ■’ were guests of Miss McQuiliin and the pupils at the. annual social on Friday af ternoon. Dick Curran—was"chair~ man for the. splendid musical program A^hich included songs by the Juniors, and by the - pupils of Grade I;- two-part songs by the Senior girls; piano solos by Norma Forster, Eddie Gaunt & Joyce McDonald; duets -by Gladys. McDonald arid Norrha Forster & by Lois, Miller and Norm's For ster; solos , by Nancy" Dorschf and . Gladys McDonald. and a selec tion, “Turkey in the straw” by the Rythm Band. At the conclus ion a pleasant social hour was enjoyed when lunch was served. Rev. Mr. Anderson of KirktOn will conduct the observance of the Sacrament of the Lord’s.Sup per next Sunday morning at. 11 a^mv-ln-the-evening-a-vesper^ser™ vice will be held at the Goderich Summer School camp. This will be preceded by a .picnic'lunch at 7.00 p.,m. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. Parrish of Harrietvilie, who has been a patient in Vic toria Hospital, London, for sev eral weeks, spent a few days w.ith her brother, Mr. Harvey Sparling at. the’ Manse. " • ' All the ladies of the -.commun ity are. invited t^ the annual June tea under the auspices, of the’W.A. of the United Church to be held, in the- church on. Thurs day, June. 24th at 2.30. Keep the date in mind. ’ ; Miss Hazel. Sparling of Exeter ■and Mr.. Allan Craig, of Sarnia were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sparling. ”7 St. Helens Y.P.U. 5 The meeting of the S-t. Helens *Y7PrU7^^s^held'TFrT31m7iayreven- ing. There wa§ no administration due. to the’ absence of both the president and vice president. Doris Miller, convener of Stew ardship and Training’ was ’ in charge of the worship service. Doris Miller read the call to wor ship and everyone joined in sing ing “Worship the King”* Doris had a prayer and* read^a .paper on “Worship”/ The gathering divided * into two groups for a st 11^^dy ' peribdT'H’azel^^^ar 1 ing, as - sisted by Allan Craig, conducted, it sirig song.’ Miss Margaret Hol land from. Clinton, director of' the - Huron-Per th Y.P. Camp, spoke briefly about.;th’e camp. Mr* Allan Craig of. Sarnia; .con vener of Citizenship I and Com- I r FORD DEALER PHONE 4t, LICKNOWf°Ri>-monarch dealer: YOUR invites you to prove Ford is today’s worth-more car PHONE TODAY for ci demonstration 53 O X OH ox vz § --6-Z oo o * t —0 i Mr.'Allan Craig of - •. vener di Citizenship | and Com*■MAlOITS rnunity Service on the London Conference, . also spoke about £ I.®. 31Lb : “T 3 —co in. © < n (B '■ er camp, >nd urged all the young people ’ W attend. ■