HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-16, Page 4•fi' ‘4 PAGEFOUR e / APARTMENT AVAILABLE—^ap­ ply Gammie Apartments. FOR SALE — 17 pigs Teady -to wean next week. Rosk Errington, .—phone -211-r-2. / • . „ • '........... quantity of . seedFOR SALE quantity of. seed buckwheat. Jack Errington, VR. 2, Auburn, phone’ Dungannon 13-r- 7,7:. < 7; ' •. --- --------------------- FOR SALE—1941 Ford,' good con- / dition, with four new tires.. Alvin Hamilton, R. 6, phone Ripley 11- ' ■ ' ■ • \ ■■ ■. FOR SALE -- Bowman garden tractors. §ee them ph display at Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-p-ll, Lucknow. ’ . ( Shouse for rent—on Have­ lock St., modern conveniences, available at once. Apply to W. L./ MacKenzie/ phone 193, Lucknow; HOUSE FOR SALE—residence of the late John MacMillan, Camp­ bell St., Lucknow. Contact J; L. MacMillan. ’ ' . FOR SALE-^-two sows, Tam and York cross, carrying first litters, bred about 6 weeks, guaranteed' in pig. D. Farrish, Lochalsh. , FOR SALE —13 pigs ready to wean/. Jamies Forster, phoiie 43- - r-12; Lucknow. - -7. ...7,, HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— on “Standpipe Hill”. Possession * at once; Apply to Lome Farrish, R, 7, Lucknow: , FOR SALE — house 24x3Q and barn 40x60, with steel roof. Ap­ ply to Harry Wall, R. 5, Luck- inoiv.....-....... ■ ■ PHONE'41 for a price on meat by the quarter; also custom work \and cutting. Welsh Meat Market, JLucknoW. i FOR' SALE—girl’s C.C.M. balloon tired bicycle, almost new. Ruth Emberlin. ' FOR SALE -r— young purebred York boar. Apply to Geo. Fisher, Whitechurch. STRAYED—a cow, to the prem-. ises of the undersigned. Owner may v have same by proving prop­ erty and paying expenses. Ed. Thompson, R. 3, Holyrood. * HOUSE FOR SALE—-small frame cottage—on—-Haveloek^S.t;^_dhe: estate of Mrs. Eweri MacKenzie. Apply to E. H. Agnew, Lucknow. FOR SALE—19 pigs, ten weeks old, and a purebred year-old Tarn hog. Bob Campbell’ R. 3, Luck- ■ '.now. • FOR SALE—two steer calves & one young Yorkshire boar of ser­ viceable age with papers. S. Chislett, Phone 179, Lucknow. STOVE FOR SALE — McClary cream and green kitchen range, / water front, new grates. Apply to Walter Hamilton. AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements at Lot 24, Con. 1, Huron Township, On -Tuesday, June 22rid at 1.00 p.m. sharp. See bills’ for list .and terms. The farm. . consisting of 160 acres, will also ' 'be offered subject to a reserved -■ ibid. James B. Beaton, Prop.; • Emile .MaCLennan, Auc. LAWN MOWERS repaired and sharpened. Power mowers ’ aJ specialty. For prompt ' and efficient service, see or Call . ' E. W. RICE, • ST. HELENS .< R.2, LOcknow “4- Phone 21Lr-31 \ CHROME PISTON. RINGS Many car owners , arc /enjoying the wonderful service . of long }astingchromepi§tonrings.Why hot let me ’install a set in1 yoiir. “^ofor/how/^5'’"'™''"'* ....’v ‘ . N. ,W. , WINTERSTEIN 7 MFAT FOR SALE ■/' -fl •' Good bdef for sale by thp quar­ ter. Beef killed under license .from the Department of Health. Wghest quality. '/1V. . Rayhard Adkert; Bdlyxbdd, P’one 24-30 Ripley. NOTICE ' Swimming, trespassing and building' fires in the bush are’ strictly prohibited oh .the, prop­ erty of Mrs. Herb Miller, Any-' one disregarding this order is liable to prosecution. . . MRS. H. .MILLER., . | COMI NG EVENTS | " WEBSTER PICNIC . 4. The annual Webster Picnic will be held at Harbor Park, Goder­ ich, on Saturday afternoon, June 19th. Everyone welcome. Basket lunch. . RECEPTION AT DUNGANNON A numlber of Junior Farmers are sponsoring a reception in the Dungannon Agricultural5 Jla|l in honor^of^Mrr—and-^Mrs^--Di—Ar- Hackett (nee Evelyn Leaver), on Friday, . June 18th. Peirce’s or­ chestra. Everyone welcome. ' DUNGANNON GARDEN PARTY Garden Party, /Tuesday; June 22, atr Dungannon United'Church. Supper served 6.00 to 8.00. Var­ iety program following including Paul Trio from Kirkton; Luck/ now Young Men’s Quartette, ah elocutionist, etc. Adults $1.00; children under 12, 50c; or family tickets $4.00. MILDMAY FIREMEN’S BINGO ...... On the new arena floor in next to Ryan’s Feed .Mildmay' Community Cejcttj-e, oh FOR SALE—three used shallow well pressure. systems; two deep well power jacks; 3 used jacks.; Art Gilmore, R. 3, Lucknow, phone 61-13 Dungannon. FOR SALE-/-bricl<building/22x 50, upstairs modern apartment, steam heat, bottoin floor Suitable, for. shop or store, full dry base­ ment. N. W. Wiiiterstein. plumbing supplies : For plumbing fixtures, .fittings an$ supplies, including American kitchen ,units,- call T, M. Meen, 1178 Francis St., London, phone 7-1170, Evenings 4-4689. GOOD USED CLOTHING When in Goderich visit the Opportunity Shop where you will find-good used clothing at reas­ onable -prices. Located on New­ gate St. -Store.— LIVESTOCK WANTED . Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge.7 For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. MALE HELP SPAIN. Airfield construction. Contracts signed. Hiring, soon. Application guide, “Spain Facts” $1.00. Write: ; Boxx 656, Z^QO, Bellevue, Wash., USA. PROPERTY FOR SALE—6-room house, barn and double (garage on large, two-fifth acre lot. Ian-. m^dtate^T^ssessiDiir''PrO(pertyL^of W. Potter. Enquire 6f Mrs. C. Shaddick, Lucknow. PROMPT SHIPMENT of Bray chicks. Wide' choice. Mixed chicks. Pullets. Dayold and start­ ed. Ask us for complete #Junp pricelist. Order July .August broilers now. Agent—' * ; , D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE Steel reinforced cement septic tanks, 6y2 ft. by 37/2 ft., 5 feet deep. \ Capacity of 450 Imperial gallons, The design iand construc­ tion of these tanks has been ap­ proved by the Huron and Bruce County Health Units. We deliver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter’s Welding Service, Luck­ now. . SALESMAN WANTED WANTED:Reliableman^as.deal- er in-. Bruce Co. Experience not necessary;. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawlpigh Products • have been sold for years. Big profits. Products’ furnished on credit. Write Rawieigh’s Dept. F-271-163, Montreal^ CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements and household effects, will be held at the farm of Win. J. {Smith, Lot 8, Con. 4, Ashfi^ld Township, iy2 miles west of Dungannon, on Tuesday, June 22nd at 2.00 p,m. Six stock .cows, 4 due in August; 2 steers, 2-year-olds; 3 spring calves; 4 chunks of York pigs.; one New Ideal side rake, like •new; sleigh and, flat rack; Cock- shutt '■ manure spreader;, scales; wheelbarrows; cream separator; .■t3.0^cQrds„of .wood: wire stretcher; wagon; lumber and many articles, too numerous to mention. A quantity “of household effects in­ cluding. a kitchen range like hew, heater, extension table, and num­ erous other articles. Terms cash. W. J, Smith, Prop.; Donald B. Blue, Auh* /■ - ’ LIBRARY NOTICE Lucknow Public Library will be bp^h’Mondafy*, Wednesday and -Saturday, starting, June 14th, the same hours. Sale, Of 5c book dis:cai^s^S^tui^lay/.^Juhe^^6.thL^ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL^ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 1 ■ -Wednesdays- June- 23rd.- $2,300l in_ cash, prizes, Super, special of- $1,000 must go. Three specials of. $200, fourteen games'* fpr prizes i of $50 each, for $1.00.' Extra and special cards 25c or 5 for $1.00. 4Doors open at 7.45. Games start, at 9.00 sharp. WEST WAWANOSH FILMS The West Wawariosh Federa­ tion of. Agriculture -will sponsor a film showing in the Township Hall, West Wawanosh, on Thurso day, June 17th at. 8.30. The/three films will .feature, a wheat scene, an agricultural film and a comic. The public is cordially invited. 1 I- I I ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Fdr artificial insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloq Cattle1 Breeding Associ­ ation between 7.30 and 10.00 aim!, cn week days arid 7.30 and 9-30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone ODllect Kincardine 460 or. Mildmay 130-r-12. NOTICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Kindly observe the . following Office Hours: Week-days except Thursday, 1.30 p.m. to 5,00 p.m.^ Evening by appointment only; Sunday, Thursday and Statutory Holidays, emergency - appoint­ ments only. At any time in emer­ gencies the Doctor may be reach­ ed by telephoning 17. . PR. M. H. CORRIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned will be received until 6.00 p.m., Monday, June 21, for the supply of material, andi construction of the Rob Munici?, pal Drain in the Township of Ashfield, consisting of 6,138 lin. ft. tile drain of. diameters 14”, 12”, 10”, 8”; 62 lin. -ft. open drain and 50 lin. ft. corrugated iron pipe together with. fieldstone protection, 3 catch-basins and 1 junction box. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Clerk, Kintail, Ontario. ’ > Work to start as soon as pres­ ent crops afe harvested., Marked cheque payable to the Treasurer of the Township of -A^hfie"ld-^dr~l-0---p.ercent—-of-“the- amount of bid must accompany each tender; ‘ •. Lowest or any tender not nee-J essarily accepted. ■ < . • —Signed, Donald M.»Sitapson, . . Clerk-Treasurer. Ashfield. Tivp. Kintail, Ontario, R.S. Hetherington, Q.C> 1/.7- Barrister, Etc. - / -\: Wirtgham and Lucknow 7 —_ _. iN-LUCKNOW —/I Each Monday and Wednesday Located bh, the ground floor in, the front of Johii Kilpatfick*s*Biiiiding ’Phone Wingham 7 Office 48 Residence .th J. ) V 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South St.) /GODERICH, ONT. Telephone 1011 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing ^-RETUBEN WILSON R. R. 3, Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon winghaaX MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial .. Craftsmen For Thirty-Five . . Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. . • _ . ............ _• .. . Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON _Phone~2567_Winghairi,--Ontario T 7 INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & 1 arm Fire insurance Economical and Reliable. ' \ ■ See . ’ T. A. CAMERON /••./■.' LUCKNOW v ■ Phone JO-r-lO Dungannon T Kenneth J. Mackenzie .—x__ _R.b._——i_ Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. at the former Wrona' Jewelery store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy . MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew —■ ios. Agnew MEMBER OF ■ Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association^ GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30‘ Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 ====i—..... . ...." ; . '"7 4 .. • i.1.: 1. ."."—"""I *, MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE Services cdhducted aceprd- in g. to your w ishes - at your Home, Your Ghuttfy, or at our’Memorial Chapel' at nd' , additional charge. : AMBtLAiWf SERVICE ■ /’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day iiiiiiiii 1 TjiTir.Ii dr. Night • T • • * # . WEDNESDAY/ JUNE 16th, 1954 Insure With The Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE <CO. Reasonable’ rates, sound , pro­ tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R. 3, Taeswater. ’Phone Tees water 57-r-41 F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100.■1 • • For - Appointment or Information , .See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone' 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE PTRKi--W-I-ND,--C-ASU-ALTY- AUTOMOBILE AND.LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R, 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW •/ Every ' Wednesday aira Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: . ./Office 135 , Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK C I JOHNSTONE S FUNERAL HOME /Phone 76 i D3»y or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist , Office on Patrick St., just Off the Main St. in Professional Eye Examination Optical Services ■" WINGHAM Evenings by appointment. . Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. IliBl’ ... RAY ROBINSON Floors LAID, SANDED' AND FINISHED.. . t ’Phone Ckrlow 2105 R.R. 1, Port Albert ■ ■■■■■■ .....................■ ■