The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-09, Page 11*
sorry to report that
to the West Coast.
,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston,
John, and Master Donald Rae
converiers, Mrs. Geo.
and Mrs. Tom Hod-
. -A • ' .. ’ ‘
We are the only manufac
turers in this part of Ontario
who import granite from the
Old Country in the roukh by
the carload and process from
the rough to the finished
< monument. No middleman.;
When choosing a monument
come and see one of the
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Established over sixty years.
Write or phone Walkerton 8
and reverse, charges.
-St Joseph’s Parish, Kings
bridge, was honored in having
His Excellency the Most Rever
end C. L, Nelligan, and Rev.,
Father E. C. Garvey of Assump
tion College, Windsor, spend the
I w^ek-end here, His 4 Excellency
celebrated the 8.30 a.m. mass on
Sunday morning, after which a
Communion breakfast for. the
parishioners and their friends
was served in the parish hall, by
the C.W.L., with His Excellency
_ JBishopNelligan-as-guest—speak^
er, and Judge- Costello of God-
. erich as master of ceremonies.
A large attendance was present
on this occasion, and everyone
thoroughly enjoyed the very in
teresting lecture giVeri by His
Excellency. Rev. H. Van Vynck,
P.P., then thanked His Excell
ency for his kindness in coming
to visit here, also the ladies of.
the C.W.L., the Holy 0 Name Soc-
■ iety and the Ushers Club, for
1 their co-operation in niaking this
such a memorable occasion.
| Our teacher; Mrs. Sheridan and
her pupils, enjoyed a tour of the
j new Schaeffer Pen Co.; buildings
tin Goderich during the past
- week. ... ;........ .....
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dalton
and babe of Toronto spent .a few,
. The H.W.I, will meet on Thurs
day (evening) at the home of
Mrs. Perry Hodgins. Roll call,
name a Cabinet Minister and his
portfolio; conveners, Mrs. Tom
Hodgins and Miss Edna Boyle;
topic, History of Radio Station •
CKNX; motto, It is better to be
old fashioned and. right than up-
to-date and wrong;; report of
President’s Conference; current
events, Mrs. Alex Percy; contest,
butter .tarts (give recipe); lunch,
Mrs. R. Elliott (s), Mrs. O; Elliott
Howard Harris (c)7 . -7
The W.A, meeting wilt be held
.at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cox on
Thursday afternoon. Scripture,
Mrs. Jas. Hodgins roll call, A
Beatitude; conveners, Mrs. Geo.
We &e
Miss Marion Percy has been ill
during the week. We hope' for
a speedy recovery.
7 Friends of Mrs. Harvey Hod
gins are sorry to learn that she
has been very ill in Wingham
Hospital following<an operation.
We wish her improved health.
Mr. Wesley Guest returned
home from • Winighaim Hospital
where he was a patient for a
few days. We wish him improved
health. -
Relatives and friends attended
the funeralx of , the late Nelson
Bushell on Wednesday afternoon.
We extend sympathy to Mrs.
John Bushell in the- passing of
her brother, the late 'Edward
Montgomery. This is theg second
’days visiting with Mr. and
I Michael Dalton last week,
| Mr. Maurice Bowler of
| onto Was at his home here
Miss Mary Murphy* of Toronto
I and. Mrs. J. Fitzgerald and babe
• ; -1f IIw
r'.: . ' ' ''. ' •• ’ •
Mr. and Mrs. Allan. Durhin of past week.
London visited last week with
Mr. arid Mrs. Jim Durnin.
Mr. Stanley Hisler of Wingham holidaying .at the home of
spent the Week-end at the home Murphy;
of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mrs. Lyal Lannon vis-
Arriistrong. Visitors last week at ,lte4 relatives m Hamilton
the same home included Mrs. -7, , . ,McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Wright . Mr. Lassalme of Godench TwPj.
rif T ______ __ . . visited at__the__home^-of—Mr^and-- k Dalton on Sunda
Miss^Shir ey Finnigan return- . We are pleased to Warn that
ed to Oakville on Friday accom. Mr Jack Kjn wh& has been
panied by her parents Mr. and a patiertt in st j0S6ph’s Hospi-
Mrs. John . Finnigan and Lynn, j ul> London, for the past three
Although t h e weatherman weeks,-is improving and. Mr. and
didn’t cp-dperate, pupils from S.S. ,Mrs. Kinney are now living , at
no. 3, with their teacher, Mr. Don their summer home here.
Cameron, were among those who
enjoyed a bus trip last Friday
to Toronto, .with Mr. Reid as the
driver. A full day’s activities con
sisted of a ride on the subway,1
iament Buildings, Royal Canad- w,lth Mr- and Mrs’ Jol?n
CaSSel°ma andJ Mal- | Mr. ’ jbhn O’Connor spenf Sun-
ton air port. ■ . ' day with Mr. and Mrs. Leo.Court-
Mrs. Sarah Jones and Mr. and pey ,
Mrs. Warren James and family ' The children' from - this school
of-Goderich, were Sunday visitors with teacher, Mrs. Irene
with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arm- Little, took a trip to Goderich one
strong. / • ,! day last- Week and visited the
Mxy and _■ Mrs,...Gordon—&nyth™gcj1.aeffei^Pen’^andHPehdHCom:?“
ond family wejfe visitors on Sun- pany> and other places of inter
day with the latter’s parents, Mr. esf 7
and-Mrs. Lawlor, of Auburn; | ’Visitors op Sunday with Mr.
Congratulations are due Mrs. arid Mrs. Robt. Scott ' were Miss
Leslie Wardell of Ripley (form- (Beverley Johnston and Mr. and
erly Dorothy Robb) whose pic-jMrs. T. J. Drennan and family
ture appeared in .Saturday’s Free df Goderich.
Press as champion woman fids]- .Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth
dler at the sixth annual old-time of Teeswater visited^with Mr. &
Fiddlers’ Contest Held at. Hensall Mrs. Jas; Little on Sunday. 7
Friday evening. ' ’ ■ | Visitors . with Mr. , and ‘Mrs.
Mr. George McRoberts was a. Lome Parrish were Miss Winnie
visitor over the week-end with Farfish of Goderich, Mr. & Mrs.
Mr. dnd Mrs. Jim Durnin. * (George Farrish and Lynda of.
Mr. and-Mrs. Chris Cook left | wingjham, Gordon Walters of
Sunday morning on a motor trip i Goderich. /
‘ Miss Elaine Petrie of Port Al-
. bert is assisting Mrs. Robt. Scott, i
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug-1
■ all, Allan and Grace s-pent Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer spent, d^y with Mr.^ and Mrs. Wilfred.
Farrish. "
Mr. Bill Wai eing of Brantford
spent the week-end atHits•'Home.
. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter Of
Ripley left the latter part of the
■ L _ week on a trip to'Arlington, Ore-.
School8 laid up With a- bout with' gon,' where they will. visit with
' i his sister?' Mrs.. Donald Stfand
‘ and Mr. Strand and their family.
•, Mr. and Mrs. Carter will travel
>; .ihrongh the . .CRadian< West..:...tQ-
the Week:end at. Ajax and Tor
- ^MfTahd"Mrs. Fred Fell and
children of Toronto spent the |
Week-end at the cottage and With
friends. . ' .
- Mt and Mrs. Wes Young and
Audrey Spent Saturday evening
with Mr; and Mrs. . Frank Millen
. David Whll has been out of
the ’flu and bronchitis. 7
Mrs. Wm. Young is hot enjdy-
ing the best of health since hav
Mlg a fall at her hanip, Wn aw
■ flad to report Mr. and Mrs. Clif- 'Vancouver. They expect; to be
yr4 Young and ^family—are. ..f eeL-^-gone—abouL-three.. weeks.lHenryi
ihg'much better after being laid is the C.N.R. agent at. Ripley,. and
UP with the ’flu. .;’Mrs-. Carter is a daughter of Mr.
Spane from ‘here attended the gnd Mrs. Sam Durbin of town.,
lower Sunday service at Wing- * . ' :■ • T..._
nam. and anniversarv services at » /W^techurch United Chufch on! guest' minister. Sendees X
. sWay. - ... • ' 7 am. and 8.00 p.m. A social will
. ; .'.Ahniversaiy' services at Lang- be held in the church on Monday
* S1(te next Sunday, June 13th. Rev. evening, when Mn W, B. Andet*
*»hL Hendenwm of Walkerton is son of Lucknow, will show Slides.
bereavement in, the Bushell fam
ily within a ■ week.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bushell of
Toronto were here attending the
funerals, of his uncles, the late
Nelson Bushell & Edward Mont
gomery. . ;
Mrs. Bert Nicholson attended
the shpwer for Miss Jessie Mc-
■ Cul'lough at Millarton.
Mr; and Mrs. H. A, Graham,
Mr. and Mrs, • Geo. Graham, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Graham spent a
day at Listbwel, with Mr. and
Mrs. M. Johnstone.;
; CongratuMtibriF”to“'Mf7”& Mrs.
Leo Murray who were married
at Str Anne’sRoman Catholib
Church, Riversdale, on Saturday.
Miss Sheila Haldenby visited
with her cousin, Allan Sparling,
on Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur Breckles enter
tained the inissionary group from
the Lucknow United Church at
her summer home at Clam Lake,
Mrs; Wm. Wall is spending this
week at Toronto with her sister,
’Mrs. Ethel Runchey.,
Ladies • from wthe W.M.S. atten
ded the Presto yterial meeting at
Ethql on Monday last. /
On Tuesday members of the
W.A; wept to Paisley to -attend-
the Spring Deariey meeting. ;
Mrs. Albert Trafford of Han
over, Mr. and Mrs. David Traf
ford of Toronto visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs.: Alex
Percy." ' , .1 •.■■■“.
Mrs. Ada Hodgins returned to
London on Sunday where she
will, visit relatives before return
ing to Detroit. , \ '
The Sr. W.A. will be held at
—.■"•y. .■ .................... ? I.yii.jl. ■ !». .
the home of Mrs. William Cox
on Eridiay afternoon (instead of
Thursday). -Conveners are Mrs.
Geopge Haldenby and Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuire
Of Olivet visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby.
Week-end and Sunday visitors,
with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Porter
were Misses Marlene Porter and
Eleanor Baskier' of Guelph, Miss
Connie Van Lome of Walkerton,
Mr. and Mrs; Alex Reinhardt of
Walkerton, Mr, _andJVfrs^-M.-Dah^—
mer arid Douglas of Millarton.
Miss J^rlene Porter, who hasa: <
been taking a business course in .
Guelph, has completed her course
and has accepted a position at
the Hale Market bookkeeper?
iMr. and Mrs. Bent Nicholson &
family visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Campbell and
family at Amberley. ,
Mrs. Ardel Mason spent Mon- .
day with her inotl er, Mrs. J. W.
Colwell. • .
Note Change
The W.A, meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cox. on
Friday afternoon instead of
Thursday. 's •
~ —Mr7and7Mrs7Yictor-GaWleyT_&
family of Purple Grove visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mi's. Clark
Needham. v
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kraemer of
Toronto, Mr. arid Mrs. Bob Dales
of Hamilton, Miss Veronica Mur
ray, R.N., of Walkerton, were
guests at the Murray-Sharbach
wedding on. Saturday and spent
the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Murray.
Just like generations of Canadians before them, young’
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Coke is pure as sunlight. The water that goes into
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