The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-09, Page 11* WALKERTON Scripture, sorry to report that $ CURRIE’S CORNERS to the West Coast. ,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, John, and Master Donald Rae Tor- dur- converiers, Mrs. Geo. and Mrs. Tom Hod- LANGSIDE . -A • ' .. ’ ‘ WALKERTON THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIOWEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1954 PAGE ELfcyEN X MONUMENTS . SKELTON MEMORIALS We are the only manufac­ turers in this part of Ontario —of—high—class-monuments who import granite from the Old Country in the roukh by the carload and process from the rough to the finished < monument. No middleman.; When choosing a monument come and see one of the largest selections in Ontario. Established over sixty years. Write or phone Walkerton 8 and reverse, charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS KINGSBRIDGE -St Joseph’s Parish, Kings­ bridge, was honored in having His Excellency the Most Rever­ end C. L, Nelligan, and Rev., Father E. C. Garvey of Assump­ tion College, Windsor, spend the I w^ek-end here, His 4 Excellency celebrated the 8.30 a.m. mass on Sunday morning, after which a Communion breakfast for. the parishioners and their friends was served in the parish hall, by the C.W.L., with His Excellency _ JBishopNelligan-as-guest—speak^ er, and Judge- Costello of God- . erich as master of ceremonies. A large attendance was present on this occasion, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the very in­ teresting lecture giVeri by His Excellency. Rev. H. Van Vynck, P.P., then thanked His Excell­ ency for his kindness in coming to visit here, also the ladies of. the C.W.L., the Holy 0 Name Soc- ■ iety and the Ushers Club, for 1 their co-operation in niaking this such a memorable occasion. | Our teacher; Mrs. Sheridan and her pupils, enjoyed a tour of the j new Schaeffer Pen Co.; buildings tin Goderich during the past - week. ... ;........ ..... Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dalton and babe of Toronto spent .a few, Mrs. 1 KINLOUGH . The H.W.I, will meet on Thurs­ day (evening) at the home of Mrs. Perry Hodgins. Roll call, name a Cabinet Minister and his portfolio; conveners, Mrs. Tom Hodgins and Miss Edna Boyle; topic, History of Radio Station • CKNX; motto, It is better to be old fashioned and. right than up- to-date and wrong;; report of President’s Conference; current events, Mrs. Alex Percy; contest, butter .tarts (give recipe); lunch, Mrs. R. Elliott (s), Mrs. O; Elliott -(s)rMrs;-Ed“Thomp^ir^(c)7M Howard Harris (c)7 . -7 The W.A, meeting wilt be held .at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cox on Thursday afternoon. Scripture, Mrs. Jas. Hodgins roll call, A Beatitude; conveners, Mrs. Geo. Haldenby gins. We &e Miss Marion Percy has been ill during the week. We hope' for a speedy recovery. 7 Friends of Mrs. Harvey Hod­ gins are sorry to learn that she has been very ill in Wingham Hospital following<an operation. We wish her improved health. Mr. Wesley Guest returned home from • Winighaim Hospital where he was a patient for a few days. We wish him improved health. - Relatives and friends attended the funeralx of , the late Nelson Bushell on Wednesday afternoon. We extend sympathy to Mrs. John Bushell in the- passing of her brother, the late 'Edward Montgomery. This is theg second ’days visiting with Mr. and I Michael Dalton last week, | Mr. Maurice Bowler of | onto Was at his home here Miss Mary Murphy* of Toronto I and. Mrs. J. Fitzgerald and babe • ; -1f IIw SIXTH AND NINTH r'.: . ' ' ''. ' •• ’ • Mr. and Mrs. Allan. Durhin of past week. London visited last week with Mr. arid Mrs. Jim Durnin. Mr. Stanley Hisler of Wingham holidaying .at the home of spent the Week-end at the home Murphy; of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mrs. Lyal Lannon vis- Arriistrong. Visitors last week at ,lte4 relatives m Hamilton the same home included Mrs. -7, , . ,McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Wright . Mr. Lassalme of Godench TwPj. rif T ______ __ . . visited at__the__home^-of—Mr^and-- k Dalton on Sunda Miss^Shir ey Finnigan return- . We are pleased to Warn that ed to Oakville on Friday accom. Mr Jack Kjn wh& has been panied by her parents Mr. and a patiertt in st j0S6ph’s Hospi- Mrs. John . Finnigan and Lynn, j ul> London, for the past three Although t h e weatherman weeks,-is improving and. Mr. and didn’t cp-dperate, pupils from S.S. ,Mrs. Kinney are now living , at no. 3, with their teacher, Mr. Don their summer home here. Cameron, were among those who enjoyed a bus trip last Friday to Toronto, .with Mr. Reid as the driver. A full day’s activities con­ sisted of a ride on the subway,1 iament Buildings, Royal Canad- w,lth Mr- and Mrs’ Jol?n CaSSel°ma andJ Mal- | Mr. ’ jbhn O’Connor spenf Sun- ton air port. ■ . ' day with Mr. and Mrs. Leo.Court- Mrs. Sarah Jones and Mr. and pey , Mrs. Warren James and family ' The children' from - this school of-Goderich, were Sunday visitors with teacher, Mrs. Irene with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arm- Little, took a trip to Goderich one strong. / • ,! day last- Week and visited the Mxy and _■ Mrs,...Gordon—&nyth™gcj1.aeffei^Pen’^andHPehdHCom:?“ ond family wejfe visitors on Sun- pany> and other places of inter­ day with the latter’s parents, Mr. esf 7 and-Mrs. Lawlor, of Auburn; | ’Visitors op Sunday with Mr. Congratulations are due Mrs. arid Mrs. Robt. Scott ' were Miss Leslie Wardell of Ripley (form- (Beverley Johnston and Mr. and erly Dorothy Robb) whose pic-jMrs. T. J. Drennan and family ture appeared in .Saturday’s Free df Goderich. Press as champion woman fids]- .Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth dler at the sixth annual old-time of Teeswater visited^with Mr. & Fiddlers’ Contest Held at. Hensall Mrs. Jas; Little on Sunday. 7 Friday evening. ' ’ ■ | Visitors . with Mr. , and ‘Mrs. Mr. George McRoberts was a. Lome Parrish were Miss Winnie visitor over the week-end with Farfish of Goderich, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. dnd Mrs. Jim Durnin. * (George Farrish and Lynda of. Mr. and-Mrs. Chris Cook left | wingjham, Gordon Walters of Sunday morning on a motor trip i Goderich. / ‘ Miss Elaine Petrie of Port Al- . bert is assisting Mrs. Robt. Scott, i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug-1 ■ all, Allan and Grace s-pent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer spent, d^y with Mr.^ and Mrs. Wilfred. Farrish. " Mr. Bill Wai eing of Brantford spent the week-end atHits•'Home. MR. & MRS. HENRY CARTER ON TRIP TO OREGON . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter Of Ripley left the latter part of the ■ L _ week on a trip to'Arlington, Ore-. School8 laid up With a- bout with' gon,' where they will. visit with ' i his sister?' Mrs.. Donald Stfand ‘ and Mr. Strand and their family. •, Mr. and Mrs. Carter will travel >; .ihrongh the . .CRadian< West..:...tQ- the Week:end at. Ajax and Tor­ onto. - ^MfTahd"Mrs. Fred Fell and children of Toronto spent the | Week-end at the cottage and With friends. . ' . - Mt and Mrs. Wes Young and Audrey Spent Saturday evening with Mr; and Mrs. . Frank Millen . David Whll has been out of I the ’flu and bronchitis. 7 Mrs. Wm. Young is hot enjdy- ing the best of health since hav Mlg a fall at her hanip, Wn aw ■ flad to report Mr. and Mrs. Clif- 'Vancouver. They expect; to be yr4 Young and ^family—are. ..f eeL-^-gone—abouL-three.. weeks.lHenryi ihg'much better after being laid is the C.N.R. agent at. Ripley,. and UP with the ’flu. .;’Mrs-. Carter is a daughter of Mr. Spane from ‘here attended the gnd Mrs. Sam Durbin of town., lower Sunday service at Wing- * . ' :■ • T..._ nam. and anniversarv services at » /W^techurch United Chufch on! guest' minister. Sendees X . sWay. - ... • ' 7 am. and 8.00 p.m. A social will . ; .'.Ahniversaiy' services at Lang- be held in the church on Monday * S1(te next Sunday, June 13th. Rev. evening, when Mn W, B. Andet* *»hL Hendenwm of Walkerton is son of Lucknow, will show Slides. bereavement in, the Bushell fam­ ily within a ■ week. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bushell of Toronto were here attending the funerals, of his uncles, the late Nelson Bushell & Edward Mont­ gomery. . ; Mrs. Bert Nicholson attended the shpwer for Miss Jessie Mc- ■ Cul'lough at Millarton. Mr; and Mrs. H. A, Graham, Mr. and Mrs, • Geo. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham spent a day at Listbwel, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnstone.; ; CongratuMtibriF”to“'Mf7”& Mrs. Leo Murray who were married at Str Anne’sRoman Catholib Church, Riversdale, on Saturday. Miss Sheila Haldenby visited with her cousin, Allan Sparling, on Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Breckles enter­ tained the inissionary group from the Lucknow United Church at her summer home at Clam Lake, Mrs; Wm. Wall is spending this week at Toronto with her sister, ’Mrs. Ethel Runchey., Ladies • from wthe W.M.S. atten­ ded the Presto yterial meeting at Ethql on Monday last. / On Tuesday members of the W.A; wept to Paisley to -attend- the Spring Deariey meeting. ; Mrs. Albert Trafford of Han­ over, Mr. and Mrs. David Traf­ ford of Toronto visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs.: Alex Percy." ' , .1 •.■■■“. Mrs. Ada Hodgins returned to London on Sunday where she will, visit relatives before return­ ing to Detroit. , \ ' The Sr. W.A. will be held at —.■"•y. .■ .................... ? I.yii.jl. ■ !». . the home of Mrs. William Cox on Eridiay afternoon (instead of Thursday). -Conveners are Mrs. Geopge Haldenby and Mrs. Tom Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuire Of Olivet visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby. Week-end and Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Porter were Misses Marlene Porter and Eleanor Baskier' of Guelph, Miss Connie Van Lome of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs; Alex Reinhardt of Walkerton, Mr, _andJVfrs^-M.-Dah^— mer arid Douglas of Millarton. Miss J^rlene Porter, who hasa: < been taking a business course in . Guelph, has completed her course and has accepted a position at the Hale Market bookkeeper? iMr. and Mrs. Bent Nicholson & family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family at Amberley. , Mrs. Ardel Mason spent Mon- . day with her inotl er, Mrs. J. W. Colwell. • . Note Change The W.A, meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cox. on Friday afternoon instead of Thursday. 's • ~ —Mr7and7Mrs7Yictor-GaWleyT_& family of Purple Grove visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mi's. Clark Needham. v Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kraemer of Toronto, Mr. arid Mrs. Bob Dales of Hamilton, Miss Veronica Mur ­ ray, R.N., of Walkerton, were guests at the Murray-Sharbach wedding on. Saturday and spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray. Just like generations of Canadians before them, young’ folks; love Coke! When churning legs and high spirits slow down for a pause, watch the boys and girls reach for a frosty bottle- see the smiles of anticipation—the pleasure as they taste its sparkling delights. ~ . 7 . Coke is pure as sunlight. The water that goes into Coca-Cola is treated arid made neutral to taste to protect the delicate flavor of the drink. The ingredients are the ; finest obtainable in the markets of the world. And in our plant, lines of stainless steel carry sparkling-clean bottles to be filled and crowned under the eyes of trained; personnel. The flavor of Coca-Cola is world famous.. Ji the quality continuous for 68 years. 1 EACH STEP in the bolt ling of Co^Cola is rigidly controlled to safeguard the purity and ; quality you trust. k t fad*Fec/w</Foret Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coc«-Cola Ltd. ? GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich, Ont. . — Phone: 4 89 ’ . . • 7 • ‘ \ . * •* ** * w ' b o trod* iwedT . '