HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-02, Page 5* V RECEIVES DEGREE 8 THIS COULD BE YOUJ PARAMOUNT -u T Friends hereon A* I The Paris Express Adult^ Entertainment s . 4 *Phone 71, Lucknow : flower service Sunday. / ' I • ' • ' • ' ■ Wednesday, Thursday, June 9th, 10th • Phyllis Calvert, Jack Hawkins, Terrance Morgan, in “STORY OF MANDY” The story of a little girl who was borii deaf and dumb and learns to talk again. for LyceumTheatre WINGHAM Two Shows. Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.115 7 and Jean Pierre Aumont, Paulette Goddard —- in — Charge of the Lancers Last complete show starts 8.30 Wednesday, Thurs., June 2, 3 Jeanne Crain, Jean Peters — in —■ VICKI Adult Entertainment Wednesday, Thurs., June 9, 10 Judy Holliday, Peter Lawford ‘— in — : “IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU” Monday, Tuesday, June 7, KOREAN WAR Cease Fire and ________ -__________' I • _________._______________ Friday, Saturday, June 4th, 5th Richard Basehart, Gene Evans, Michael O’Shea, in FIXED BAYONETTES Adult Entertainment Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ~ Children 10c, Students 20c i WEDNESDAY, JUNE .2nd, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO for FEED PAGE FIVE ST. HELENS K INLOUGH Friday, Saturday, June 4, 5 SHELLEY WINTERS, DEWEY MARTIN ■ A' .— in — TENHESSEE CHAMP Matinee Saturday Afternoon There will be no church ser­ vice nor Sunday School in the United Church next , Sunday morning; Visitors , home for tHe Sunday School anniversary and Flower Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown, and Bob Murdie of Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs, R. Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry of London. Mr. . and Mrs, HaroldWaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wader and Mr, Mur­ ray Taylor of Wingham with Mr. and Mfs. Chester Taylor. The ladies are reminded of the Women’s Institute meeting this (Thursday) afternoon^ at the home of Mrs. George Stuart, Foil call, A verse of memory from my school days. ' “'~~Ml^Dohard“Mct"eariandMrr A. Webb of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Browq and Mr. Richard Sillib of Bly th were recent visi­ tors with Mr. and Mrs.. E. W. Rice. Mr. and Mrs.’ Richard Elliott and Mr. Elwooci Elliott of Holy­ rood and rMr.* and Mrs. Wesley; Whytock, of Teeswater, ’ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan /Miller on Sunday. Mrs. Jas.. Curran is a patient in Wingham General Hospital where she underwent an opera­ tion on Saturday. Her many friends hope for a speedy recov- ’ ery. ’ •' ~~ ~ •••. • Mrs. Alex Murdie is spending j a . few days, in kitchener. Mr._and Mrs, Sam Reid, Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Humphrey- and family of Lucknow, Mr.> and Mrs. Peter Cook anad family of Zion werp visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDonald and attended the flower service Sunday. SAVE MILK and MONEY GARGETEX (NIXON) Multi-Antibiotic Ointment WILL STOP MASTITIS or Your Money Rack!, , GARGETEX, contains two peni­ cillins, streptomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin, combined in a-completely—milksoluble—oint­ ment, bringing the effect of four, antibiotics against mastitic infec­ tions, GARGETEX works immed­ iately on the internal infected ud­ der tissue, . promoting fast safe recovery arid is guaranteed to give effective results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. In- . striictions for easy administration on every package. Made in Can­ ada iby Nixon Laboratories Lim­ ited. ’ : y ' ■ UMBACH DRUG STORE ’Phone 13-w, Ltiekno^ nr ‘ I ■ T Visitors with Mr. and Mrs., Jas, Hamilton were Mrs. B. Culbert and son Lyn of Detroit and Mick­ ey and Betty Anger of Clover Valley. . . , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson attended the wedding of their nephew, Mr. ^Clarence Russell and ’Lillian Bell at Waubaushene last -Wednesday-.—'<.....-.......... Mr. T, Smith of Gander, who is visiting at Centralia Airport,b visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McIntosh. ■ Mr. and. Mrs. R, G. Hamilton attended the graduation, of their niece, Miss Donna Hamilton of Woodstock General Hospital. • Mr. A. Cook spent a few days at Collingwood and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrz< O. Richards, and Mr. arid Mrs. D. Richards visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. Richards of Guelph. Get The . . . New Low Prices McCLARY and GENERAL ELECTRIC Refrigerators SPECIAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring ....... ...............•........~. Webster & MacKinnon Phone 50, Lucknow, Ont. , The Evening Guild met at the home of Mrs. Bert Nicholson on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ronald Thaqker presided. “O Master let me walk /with Thee”, was sung to open the meeting, followed by the Guild prayer and the Lord’s prayer repeated in- unison. Miss May Boyle read psalm 146<and each memlber answered the roll call with a scripture verse con­ taining the word praise. Mrs. Tom Hodgins gave the thought for the day. Plans were made to add to the church kitchen, equipment.” The evening was spent in fancy work, crocheting and knitting.' Two new members were welcom­ ed. The meeting closed with pray­ ers and . dainty refreshments serv­ ed by the hostess and her girls.. -The- June—hostess—is—?Mrs-Jack Hewitt. Relatives and friends from here attended the .funeral of the late Robert Wall on Friday at his late residence. Sympathy‘ is extended to the bereaved. Pupils from our school and. the neighboring schools took part in the musical festival in; Walkerton on Friday. Mrs. Walter Forster and girls visited Friday .with -her mother, Mrs. J. W. Colwell. Little Janet Forster; who had; spent the week? end with her grandmother, re­ turned home. . Friends here were sori^y to •earn that Mr. Dick McBride had his cabin near Lucknow destroy­ ed by fire on Friday morning, -Dick was a -former resident of our village^ having lived here with his brother, the late Reg.' McBride. . , ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott and ■family of Listowel visited Sunday with,ML arid Mrs. Win. Wall. Mrs. Jack Hodgins returned home from Victoria Hospital where she has ibeen a patient. . Mr. and Mrs.. M. Johnstone of Listowel, Mrs. Joe Cassidy and boys of Teeswater visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham. ■........ ‘ . Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Graham of Anri Arlbor, Mich.; are -spending their vacation with his parents and other members of his family her£. ""We are sorry to report thaT Mr. Wesley Guest is a patient in Wingham Hospital. We hope for a speedy . recovery. The Rev, B. Cox was guest of the South Kinloss Young Feo* pie on Sunday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs; Douglas Graham; . Mrs. Ada Hodgins of Detroit is, visiting her aged mother, Mrs; John Cox and other members of her family here. Mr*, and /Mrs. S. O. Parry, Mr. and.;jMrs. Jack Parry and Jackie of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and/Mrs; James Hod­ gins. . < Little Jackie Parry, while vis­ iting at the home’ of MrsTGeo, Emerson, ^r., was bitten by a dog “which required 14 stitches to. close the wound. Friends here were very, sorry to _learn of this unfortunate accident. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hodgins of Angus were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Toni Hodgins.' .Mr. • and- Mrs. George , Cuy.ler and;family; spent Sunday/with . ’Mr. arid Mrs. Bert'Nicholson and family. . . . / . . ; Note Change in Service On SuriSay - next, June 6th, the Anglican service will be” at "ll a.m,.with Sunday School at 10 a.m. This change js necessary. due to the Ordiriation of the' Rev. Prest at St. James Church, Lon- dmv TR7K7 wnvirr have charge and be the celebrant for the service of Holy Commun­ ion. Oh the following Sunday, June 13th,. services, will begin at 9,30 4a.m. for the summer- months.' A number from here enjoyed the .social evening arid illustrated traveltalk by Rev.. G. B. Cox of his recent trip to South America. Musical numbers were Contribut­ ed by Misses Margaret Malcolm and Edna Boyle, piano duet; Miss­ es Margaret Malcolm and Iona Terry,, violin numbers; hisses Beatrice and Alice Haldenby,. vocal-duet/Mrs.Harold—Halden^ by,-vocal solo. Mr. Donald Smith presided. Sjnnpathy is extended to the family of the"late" Nelson"BusHeir, who passed-away suddenly. I 6 POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH or FEED STORE, LUCKNOW The PLAYHOUSE 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, students 35c, children 25c Wednesday, Thursday, June 2iid, 3rd Billy Lee and Cordell. Hickman, ift “The Biscuit Eater” • The story of two kids and their dog. Miss Margaret Kraemer, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Krae­ mer, R.R. 2, Holyrood, received her general course Bachelor of Arts degree from- Ursuline Col­ lege at the University of Western -Ontario—eonvoeation“Miss--I^'ae^ mer is a graduate of Stratford Teachers’ College and taught last, year at Hesson. Is Your Subscription Paid? MSHLDA BOUGHT VM*£BRAND "NEAV/L Y SAVED it/oo °°ASPOOL Place/Your Order Now For CO-OP BETTER BARBED WIRE The Wife .That Is . . . A ■ . ... • Better Quality, More Durable Heavily Galvanized • Closer Spaced, Giving Greater Protection Dollars' SOLD ONLY AT YOUR; CO OP Lucknow District Co-op