HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-02, Page 4wir I Telephone 1011 , I I O -Z- — '■ k and fate left V t Moderate . Priced f f LAID, SANDED AND ; FINISHED. REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3,Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon P. Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO Professional Eye Examination Optical Services.. Evenings by appbihiinent Phone: Office 770; Res. •& 4?. Britannia Rd., (corner South St.) GODERICH/ ONT. ROY N.BENTLEY Public Accountant IN LUCKNQ W Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK Z ■ ■ -I. Agnews* Agency Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew FOR SALE—35 pigs, 7 weeks old, .■ free of all disease. Frank Ritchie, R. z3, Lucknow. Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At JNo Extra (tost GENERALINSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 , Residence 138 • ■ ■ : • 1 * ,, . •“ ’■ ► ’ . •. . rHiAY ROBINS©^ MEMBER OF ; Ontario Insurance Agents Association G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St. in WINGHAM APARTMENT FOR RENT — available. Apply Gamniie Apart­ ment. . FOR SALE — Massey-Harris 8- foot binder, practically new, cut only . 150 acre^T Toni Anderson, Ludknow. PIANO FQR SALE—new apart­ ment-size Spinet, spotless, and in perfect condition. Sillick Hard­ ware; phone 9*w, Lucknow, PIGS FOR SALE—11 weanlings. Apply to George. Fjsher, White* church. .. ’ FOR SALE-—saddle horse, threat . years-old, quiet, used to. child* ren. Contact Howard Robinson,: or phone 231-W, Lucknow, FOR SALE—nearly new milking machine, reasonably pricedj pow* er mower with pulley .lift. D. F- Anderson, R. 3, Lucknow./ .. FdR SALE, A- Bowman garden tractors. See them -• on display at Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 2i06-r-ll, Lucknow, HOUSE FOR SALE—modern 8- room brick house on Havelock St., oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply Ao Dr. T. B. Cleland, Luck­ now., ■./ ’ ■ '•<, / LOST—man’s glasses; at the Un­ ified Chprch or between church and Wilfred Black's home. Finder please contact Wilfred Black. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— . on “Standpipe Hill”. Possession at once. Apply to Lome 'Parrish, FOR SALE—Oliver three-furrow plough on rubber, radex-bottoms. Apply Oscar White* R. 6, Luck­ now, phone Ripley 16-25^ FOR SALE — 'Shouse 24x36 and barn 40x60, with steel roof. Ap- : , ply to Harry Wall, R. 5, Luck- ■' ; now. ; •’ • ; PHONEj 41 for, a price, on meat by the quarter; also custom work' and cutting. Welsh. Meat Market, Luckho'Ws-^Tr——-r■ - FOR SALE-4-2 chesterfield suites, one like new; Beatty -oil burner,; in good condition. Mrs. Wm. Hab- kirk, phone 127, Lucknow. clover seeds, grass seeds and pas­ ture mixtures at reasonable ] prices. Harvey Hagedorn, Kintail, phone Dungannon 66-17. HELP WANTED Excellent opportunity for am­ bitious woman to bttild a busi­ ness offering a pleasant career.- No canvassing. For personal in­ terview? write Mrs. D. Whitfield, Goderich, Ont. LAWN MOWERS repaired and sharpened. Power mowers a specialty. For prompt and efficient service, see or call E. W. RICE, ST. HELENS R;2, Lucknow — Phone 211-r-31 MEAT FOR SALE 1 Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef, killed under license -^fTbh5^the-Department_-djLHealth^ Highest quality. ' Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. ' ' FOR SALE </.. Typewriters, adding machines and - cash registers. Generous al- Jo'wance on Used equipmentX^We .sell the best and service the rest. ^^Writez-—... ■ SKEOCH OFFICE SUPPLIES Phone. 611, Goderich, Ont. . FOR SALE—b-rooin; frame house in village of Dungannon, newly installed pressure-pump & bath- yoom. facilities, also a 7V>cu. ft. McClary refrigerator, ■ guarantee still in effect; a hew kitchen coal or’ wood range; chesterfield' and . chair,’Apply to Mts. Stella King, Box -204, Teeswater, or phone T>.esWMer 1Q5-J, .... CUSTOM SPRAYING for brush, weeds, or white wash spraying- Apply- to Allan Miller, R. R. -1;. Lucknow, phone 87-4, Lucknow. FOR SALE—2x4’s dressed on 4 sides from 4Y2C per lineal foot and up; also V-match. Joe Weil­ er, R.6, Lucknow. ■ . / : ’ FURNITURE FOR SALE—eight- piece oak dining room suite, 5- piece antique living room suite; kitchen table, and several chairs; dresser. Mrs. S. W. Gibson, ‘ FOR SALE--8 chunks; boys’ bal- loon-tired Ibicycle in good shape with new tires, vwill sell or trade for good girl's - bicycle; Georg,e Alton, R. 2, Lucknow. FOR SALE^-store awning 21 feet, automatic arms, . covered with 'best quality fade-proof. blue ma­ terial, used, one year, perfect con­ dition, half price. Sillick Hard- -ware,-phone9-w,/Teeswater.’ , PLUMBING SUPPLIES For plumbing fixtures, fittings, and supplies, including American kitchen Units, call , T, M. Meen, 1178 Francis St., London, phone 7-1170. Evenings 4-4689. . LIVESTOCK WANTED . Dead./ disabled horses dr cows removed free of charge. ^>For. prompt and • efficient service dall“STONES” collect Ingersoll .21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. FOR SALE — 9 pigs ready to wean;- also purebred Durham _cow^.5__years_ old, right in every way, and her calf, 2 weeks old. Jas.. Forster, R. 1, Lucknc»/. FEMALE HELP WANTED “/"An^ambitious woman in Luck- n6w cam earn dollars in her spare hours as the Avon representative. For information write, Mrs. M. E. Stock, 78 Duchess Ave., Kit­ chener. i , FOR RENT—For July, 4 bedroom cottage at Bruce Beach, hot water, lavatory, shower, electric stove, fireplace. $50 per week or $180 per month. Write references to 1553- Vinewood, Detroit 16, Mich., SALESMAN WANTED 5 WANTED: Man for steady travel a/nong Consumers in Bruce Co. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Raw- 4eigh^Deptrf-274-131y=Montreal^ ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION For artificial inseniinatipri at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ* atiori between 7.30 and 10;0Q a.m. on week days ’and 7.30 and 9.30 ahn. on Sundays. Phonb collect Kincardine 460 or Mildmay 130-r-12. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements at Lot 11, Con. 6; Kinldss, second farm east of Highway' oh Tues­ day, June |8th at 1.00 p.m. See bills for list. Terms cash. John Chadwick, Prop.; Emile MacLen- nan, AUC;. ' ’ / ■' IN MEMORIAM MacDONALD—in loving memory of-John-Av-MacDonaldr whp-pass-- ed away May 25th, 1953. , Tenderly we treasure the past With memories that will always \ . last ' : And when w,/'"’cease to think of Will be fwhen God hais called us • to9* ' . Life goes dn* but memories last. --Nieces~~and~ nephews; “-Myrtle,; Violarite,' Muriel, Gordon, Mel aftd. Vick. ■ . ; NOTICE The Ashfiel^Tbwnship'ScKbbr Are& will hold its annual picnic- oh 'Thursday, June lo; * 1954, at Dungannon Agricultural Park. JPlates, cups and drink supplied, free. Basket lunch. Come arid' bring th0 family, Z . R. T. .Kilpatrick,„See..^„ . .. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO JUNE 2nd; 1954 | COMING EVENTS j SOFTBALL MONDAY ’ Hensail and Lucknow will open the Intermediate softball season in the Caledonian Park next, Monday night, June 7th, under the lights, at 8.30. Be sure to see this game. Notice To Creditor* ’ AH persons having cl .a. I to s against the estate of John D, MacLeod; late of the Township of Kirijoss, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on dr about the 9th day of April, A.D, .1954, - are notified to sbnd to the -undersigned. on or before the fifth day of. June, A.D. 1954; full particulars, of their claims in. writing. Immediately after the said fifth day of June the assets of the said Testator will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties en­ titled.. thereto,■ having regard only to claims of which the Exe­ cutors shall thenxhave nptice. DATED this 14th day-of May, A.D. 1954. Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario. 7 Solicitors for-the-Exeeutors.-— _ CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to all who 'remembered me with cards and in other ways while in hospital. Special thanks to the “North Bus Gang’’ for their basket of fruit. JEAN GUEST. IN MEMORIAM MacDONALD—In loving memory of. Johh A. MacDonald,, who pass­ ed avv ay May 25th, 1953. We were always welcomed; - * No.matter when we came, Your face in the doorway Always smiled the same. In« our ‘book of memories your name;. . •/Z. Will, always remain. ^”—•-.■ ■. —Sadly missed by grand nieces, Gail and Margot. IN MEMORIAM MacDONALD—in loving memory of John A. MacDonald, who pass­ ed away on the 25th day of May, 1953. Oft,’ and again a leaf blown by: the wind' ZZ • •/'./ '/■ • ■ ■. Falls on the .broad., ocean ' sinks below, ’Tis never lost Where’er its may blow, . The’ imprint of its v setting’s behind. 1 / And so, with every life, where’er ; Z its kind, “It^shap^^tself'-a.-“piaee^Jftis-"des-- tined so If .hence in peace or turmoil it should go. Its influence ever lives as ’twas -designed; , Z —Sisters Mary and Z Margaret, Brothers-in-law James and Sid., Servant: “The doctor is here; professor’?. ■ 5 ' . Absent minded prof.: “Dear nie! I'm in bed. I Can’t see him. Er . . tell him- I’m ill”. CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Gan Now Accept ITOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as iVfell as the farih business. For information consult . T, A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 . JOHN McMURCHIE, itlPLEY, Phone *26-r-23 R. S. Hetherington, Q.C. ' Barrister, Etc. ' Wingham and LuckhoW . _ ^ach Mond and Wednesday Located on the ground floor ' ih, the front bf John Kilpatrick’s Building ’ *Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence >7 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE , ” •" . Ct INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing . I , ’ WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial ... Craftsmen For Thirty-Five ; Years, Always Using/ THE BEST GRANITES Along With ; ' . Expert Designing and Workmanship. , Prices. Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario INSURANCE r Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance , Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. < ’• See , •./. T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW ■/ >■/; Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. ■xr:-'A Optometrist ~—LISTOWEI^ONTr^— at the former Wrona Jerwelery store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th and every Second Wednesday; Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, -96-r-24 Ripley. -MacLENNAN-anj- MacKENZIE Services conducted ‘accord- ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or M jour .Memorial Chapel at. no additional charge. , ambulance, service ■ 'Phone 181, Lucknow, Day 0/ Night - - Insfure. With The Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO, ' for ’ Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISHMOFFAT Year Local. Agent ■ R. 8, Toeswater.^ ■ 'PhoneTeeswater 57-r-41 ............... kJ......... J. , F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST «'r"'' ........* .... .....................•...i , r GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 ' ' . For . ' Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Schmid, . 'Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE ' FIRE, wind, casualty ■: automobile ■ AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today, J. A. McDONAGH , R; R. 3/Lucknow; Ont. , ’Phone Ql-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDRiW ; Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL; ONTARIO / IN LUCKNOW ■ ■ Ryery—..•...; .— . /.Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: ■ V Office 135 Residence 31-J JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 * ■ ' 4 * ’Phone CatlW 2105 ' R.R. 1, Pori Albert