HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-02, Page 3WEDNESDAY, 'JUNE 2nd, 1954 : THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 5 PAGE THREE LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: . j Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn, | B.A., B.D. ! SUNDAY JUNE 6th I 11.00 aan.: Church School An-1 Anniversary. I Guest Speaker; Mr. Gor-j don Thorriicroft. j Classes meet downstairs at J 10.40 aan, I 7.00 pan.: Motion picture, “A j Boy and His Prayer?, j CURRIE’S CORNERS Lucknow ' : j Presbyterian ChurchJ ■1I i i j i i i it ' CULROSS CORNERS SUNDAY, JUNE 6th !’• ■, ' ■ ' : ■ i- 110.00 a.m.: Sunday School. | 111,00 a.m.: Sacrament of the! 1 Lord’s Supper—Rev. J. R.j I MacDonald, Interim Mod- j | erator. I j 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan- ? i non. j j FRIDAY, JUNE 4th j j 8.00 p.m.: Preparatory Ser-1 I vices,, Kev. R. A. Maccon- j 1—nelU;---- ---------- j Mr. and. Mrs. Duncan MacDon­ ald and Diane of Flint, Mich., vis­ ited with Mr, and Mrs.* Keith Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. “Tapper” Grey aiid children of Walkerton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Little. Mr. and, Mrs. •Lome Farrish & family spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. George Farrish of Wingham' Misses Joyce and Helen Little spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington of St., Helens. Many from here attended both morning, and evening Sunday School anniversary services at St. Helens on ^Sunday which were largely attended.- • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wareirig on Sunday were Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Alton of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton of Luck­ now, Mr,-Wesley Alton of Lon­ don and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Er­ rington, s Mrs. Nellie Little and Mrs. Bill Warning visited in Goderich, with Mr, and Mrs;’Percy Blundell a day recently’ 7 Mrs. Robt. Scott .visited with her mother, Mrs? James Mad-. Donald during the week. Mr, and Mrs. Albert. Stroeder *1 LIFELONG ASHFIELD FARMER PASSES Requiem high mass for J. Garvey, 68, who died Joseph’s Hospital, London, was sung Tuesday at 10 a.m., in St. Joseph’s Cliurch, at- Kingsbridge, by Father E. C. Qaryey, of As­ sumption College, Windsor. In­ terment was made in the parish cemetery. He was born in Ashfield town­ ship and had farmed there all his life. Surviving besides his wife, the former Da Foley, are four broth­ ers, Thomas, Ashfield; Gerald; Edmonton; Joseph, Toronto, and Father E. C. Garvey, Windsor, ; James in St. T A SPECIAL PURCHASES—SAMPLES—CLEARANCES < < ■ : Sanderson’s LADIES and MEN’S WEAR TELEPHONE 85 Mr. Earle Hodgiris sperit the week-end in North “ Carolina and South Pennsylvania. / ,v Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodgins of Woodstock were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson and Stephen.. . •• • . _._■ __ The community extends its sympathy to Mr. Frank Brown in the loss of his uncles the late Robert Wall, Relatives from-the community attended the funeral on Friday at his late residence. xMr. Tom Hackett and Doug of Ashfield visited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Don­ nie. • ■ Mr. Reg Brown has purchased a spramotor for spraying weeds in crops, along fences, etc. Mr. Jack Hodgins and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie mot­ ored to London on Sunday to visit Mrs. Hodgins, Who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital there. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Hodgins was able to return home with them. . Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hender­ son and Lynda of Lucknow spent 'oFWalkertdn spent Saturday with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Little.. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farrish and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrish. We are -sorry to hear Herb Drenpan has been ill with ton- silitis. ■ We • extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Ritchie in the .death of the latter’s mother, Mrs. MacDonald. Visitors with .Mr. ,6 and Mrs. Gordon Johnston Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mclnn.es and Bill of Teeswater, i-i—Miss-Kar een-Koeb] erof~the'staf f - of Wingham Hospital spent a few days last week with. Mr, and Mrs? Gordon Johnston. . ?Quite a number from here at­ tended the musical concert at Dungannon hall last Friday night under the supervision of Mrs. Dyncan Simpson, area music tea­ cher. Diane Ritchie from this school very capably rendered a solo? the 24th With Mr. and Mrs. Jas. i cently. Wraith. •/ 1 Mr. and Mrs; Henry Ouellet of Detroit visited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen. ' SIXTH AND NINTH Mr. and Mrs.4 Bill Kinahan were recent visitors with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, at ,Seafprth. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Durnin at­ tended the funeral in London, last week of. their cousin, the late Alvin Bowles. l? ’ Pupils from S.S. No.' 3 and St. Helens school enjoyed a ball game Friday afternoon at, St. Helenss school with S.S. No. 3 be- ring—the™w-inner-s™- ——-— Mrs. Mike Cummins visited with her sisters, Mrs. Kurtz of Galt and Mrs. Lettner of Toronto arid attended the High;. School graduation of her niece, Rose Marie. Lettner. , / J ’ Mrs. Charlotte Reid visited re­ cently with Mr. §nd Mrs. Albert Taylor. Mrs. Allan McTavish of Wing­ ham was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McTavish. Harris Pardon left on Monday for Timmins to resume his grad­ er work with Storms Construc­ tion Co. : —Severa J-4rom -th is—distric t a-t— tended the anniversary services on Sunday in Wbitechurph Pres- | byterian Church when Rev. R. J. MacDonald of Ripley was the visiting minister. • ... ; Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Duncan McDonald, who resided for many years on the- Ninth. ? Michael Kinahan of —London and Jim Cummins of Brampton were visitors at their homes re* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wilson, Barbai-a. and Murray attended the graduation at Guelph last week of their cousin, Miss Fran­ ce's Ailin’. 1 ^)WTO MAKE Ask For SILVERVVOOD’S Butter And Ice Cream Biirter enriched bread, andsnn.dwich’in your'choice' . DAIRY foods service bureau a division of Dairy Farmers of Canada itf0* 409 HURON ST, — TORONTO biMhi For Marie Ff.tser’s nisty?tested dairy foods ' • GOOD FOR THE FAMILY EASY ON THE COOK Hot weather meals are usually light, cool and . quickly prepared. That’s fine, as long as they’re nourishing! Serve your family plenty of. dairy foods—milk, cheese, ice cream and so on.. They are an abundant and inexpensive source of protein that builds and repairs body tissue; calcium, the tooth and bone builder; Vitamin A.', and thiamine for .healthy nbrves. SANDWICH -<)f-GrnadiaiVt4ieddar--checse--or-Greainy-Ghcese.-frllings^—- SALAD \ ' Cool cottage cheese. Right with all fruit or . ■ .vegetable combinations. - DESSERT ‘ \ r Watch.your dealer’s.freezer for new flavours and' ' , w ’ pkl favourites. Icc cream is ’gobd, and good for you. * June is dairy Vnon th* Sil ver wood Dairies, Lucknow DRESSES Offering regular tp $14.95, nylons, cottons, prints, sheers. Cool summer patterns, washable, , Sizes 12 to 20, , Half sizes for all . SHQRTIE COATS ".... IJJkOUSES, clearance group, all sizes & colors HOSIERY SPECIALS—NYLONS 9 to 11 99c pair —2 pair for $1.75 SPECIAL GIVE-AWAYS $1.00 $2.00 ►. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► / Brassiers ...... $1.00 .Anklets ► Handbags ..... $2.00 Girdles^ J ■ • • ■” • . ■ •.’■ . ~ 1«—1 Local & General .-^TKen-MacNa.y —is-but-again-after- a bout with the jaundice, -Dick McQuaig was able to be out-of-doors on Friday for the first time in seven Weeks. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson of Loch-, alsh is a patient in Kincardine Hospital with an ear infection. * Mr. and Mrs. Hank Krueger of Detroit spent the week-end with relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hall and John of Detroit spent the week­ end here. • Harold Agnew of Pontiac, Mich. . JVisitedtheAgnew-f amily-,-Over- the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Murdock of Detroit were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Agnew. > / -V ■ . ■ '■ Mrs. Evelyn Bark well is visit­ ing at ’■Kingston with . ML and Mrs. R. J. Barkwell. . ‘ 1 Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Bailets of Detroit were week-end vistoirsr with her cousin, Mr. Russ Midr dleton. Mrs, /McDonald and Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Lewis of Detroit visited over the week-end with Richard Baker in town.’ Mrs. . Thomas Armstrong of Winnipeg is visiting at the homes of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Wasney and her son, Bob Armstrohg. Mr. and Mrs. James Gauley and Barry from Wiqgham were Sun- -rday“evenmg“caliers^wi:th““W^ J^cNall and other friends in town. ' •' .' .Dr. and Mrs. R. White of Chicago visited her brother, Mr. Jack MacLennan, and with Lorrie MacLennan who is 411' in Wing­ ham Hospital. ' /Dr. and Mrs.. Wm. K. MacKen- zie and sons Ken and Toni of ;St.‘Clair Shores, Michigan, were week-end visitors. Mth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackenzie and Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacKenzie. ' Mr. John Martin and sqn David of Maple spent the week-end at John’s old home at Paramount. Mr, Martin is principal of the 8-room ■ pliblic school, at Thorn­ hill. •' , ML and Mi’S/Bert;Bain of Loh- don sp^bt the week-end, with the latter’s sisteL Miss Annie Mac­ Leod and on their return were accompanied by Mr. James Mac­ Leod who will visit in London..' Mrs. R. H, Thompson left oh Wednesday, morning for Toronto, where she will join Ldvna Camp-1 bell on. a 'trip 'to Vancouver to visit’ their sisteL Mrs. W.. J. Bar­ ber and Mr. Barber. They will- also visit relatives in Winnipeg. Mr. arid Mrs. W. A. Bradbury1 .and young son, Steve, • of Stock- ton-on-Tees, England, -arrived in 7^ew""^Vork* oh Friday on the Geongic. Mrs. Bradbury was for­ merly Agnes Stothers, daughter- of Mr, arid Mrs/ S. B. Stothers.J Her father met them in Toronto Oh Tuesday., ‘ 1 - Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred White Elfras,?-Sask.- end his sister, Mrs. , < $8.95 • 20% Off All Coats - $2.99 ■I< < Lee Bull of Bemidji, Minn., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall and family. Mrs. George -Whi-te^of-^Trail.-B.vCo- -who - had- spent the last month here, re­ turned with them accompanied by Mrs. Earl White, who is spend­ ing her vacation with’ Mrs. Lee Bull. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. ind Mrs. A. Hardie Simp­ son /announce the ’ engagement of their daughter, Roberta May, to Douglas Paul Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs., H. Williams, Guelph. The wedding to take place June 19th in. Teeswater United Church. I Lucknow FRUIT Market > 7 “If It Grows We Have It? Phone 119—-Delivery Anytime CELLO TOMATOES, pkg, 19c RADISH, 2 buiiches ........ 15c GRAPEFRUIT .... 10 for 49c ORANGES, ORANGES, ORANGES, 344’s .... doz. 288’s .... doz. 220’s doz. 25c 39c 49c LOQSE BANANAS BERRIESWATERMELON | CHERRIES ‘ Hot House Tomatoes * Broccoli, Cauliflower Cukes j 4 VARIETY OF PLANTS I ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, .Bearings, Etc. -r- Reliable Service — . 7 Gilson--^ales- — • — Electrical Appliances Freezers, Drysts, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough : Phone Ripley llbr-29 *U. .......