HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-26, Page 3■ WEDNESDAY,'MAY 26th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO KAIRSHEA HOST TO DISTRICT W.l. The May meeting of the Kair- • 3hea W.l. was held at Holyrood Hall. The meeting opened with the opening ode and Mary Ste- wartCollect. # ^^•letter was read from Mrs; Emerson dealing with the Dis­ trict Annual, to which the Kair- shea is playing host this year. The. district meeting will be held in <the United Church Sun­ day School room on Wednesday, June 2nd, with morning and afternoon sessions. Catering will be by the United Church W.A. Ten ladies are to bring three dozen cookies to the.,District An­ nual. and the fest are asked to donate $1.00 each. The ten ladies are Miss D. MacLeod, Mrs. Chis- lett, Mrs, Wm. MacIntyre, Mrs. Scott,. Mrs, Donald McKinnon, ‘Mrs, D. H. Carruthers, Mrs, D. L, MacKinnon, ^-Mrs. DoWney, Mrs. Tom MacKenzie and' Mrs. L. 'MacDougall. Delegates, ap­ pointed were Mrs, G. Wall,. Mrs. D. .L. MacKinnon and Mrs.,Chis- lett. ■ . ’ ■ ' v • . Five, dollars was donated to' the Blind. It was decided to accept an invitation to Paramount in T Jun v-^-— '. ■ —- - Programs' were1 distributed with the ladies, asked to take one f,0 their' neighbor if she was riot a member. It was decided to have the short course,/“Psychology &' You” andr invite Lucknow, Para­ mount and Holyrood to attend. The roll call was answered by “a sunny side of rural life”. . Mrs. Buckton took the. chair for‘the sociaLtime; The scripture was read by.A Mrs. Ross MacMil­ lan; Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon gave an interesting report on, the Pres­ idents’ Convention, in Guelph. Current events was taken by Mrs; F. Moffat. Mrs. . T._MacKenzi.e sang a -lovely .‘solo. The topic, “Value. of birds to agriculture” Was ably. presented by ; Mrs, G.( Wall. Dean MacLeod gave an in- teresting reading. A piano sold was given by Amelia, Carruthers and' a solo by Keith Roulston. . ... . . j ■ m_ ________. I achievement day at Walkerton./that debt and do. something about. a . . pr : . ... I LUCKNOW | | UNITED CHURCH j Minister: • . j j Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, | ! B.A., B.D. | j ^UNPAYr Wl 3tth | j 10.00 am.: Church School. I 111.00 am,: The Magnificent ! j Trust. , I 17.00 pm.: Filmstrip “Simon | Peter, Fisherman”. • I I i J: Lucknow | Presbyterian Church | SUNDAY, faAY 30th 10.00 a.ni.: Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.: Rev. Robert Mac- connell. 3.00 pm. non, i- i I Erskine, Dungan-! ..V.., Rev. Samuel K,err,| B.A., B*D., of Glace Bay,j Nov# Scotia. | 7.00 p.ni.: Rev. Samuel Kerr.! auxiliarytotag for navy league Few people in’the inland pro­ vinces of Canada realize or ap­ preciate, the great part that ships and the sea play in ourdaily lives. Nine ,put of every ten ships in the world today are NATO ships’, of the great Atlantic Alli­ ance of Which we are members. These , are the ships which are the standard bearers of• our wes- tern civilization for without our seaborne commerce we could not exist as a nation.- We live by —trade^and—these;—ships—and—t-he- men who serve them are the carriers, of' Our trade.,, . We have a. great heritage of • the-sea -and we owe-muchto the seamen who serve us, in our navy and in our merchant navy. On Wednesday, 'June 2nd, We will have an opportunity to recognize it for it is the annual Tag Day ‘ Local & General i. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Fisher spent the week-end with friends here, j Mr. Jack Beaton and family pf Toronto'visited in , and around Lucknow over the week-end. " Miss Mary Struthers of Tor-, onto visited; over the week-end at the home of Mrs. Annie Struthers. Mr, and Mrs. W. S, Reid, Bob and Karen and Miss Fem -Reid of Strathroy were holiday callers on friends here. _' Bob, Nancy? and Ardonna Hewitt of Elmira spent the week­ end here. They were accompan­ ied by Bob Gibbons who visited at Ripley; ' • ’ Professor F. S. MacKenzie of Presbyterian College, Montreal, visited last week with relatives in the district. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart of Maple Creek, Sask,, visited last week with the Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm and other rel­ atives. 7 : 'Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lavery, of Toronto and Mrs. A. E. Thomp- -son™ofALindsay-^spent--the---week-- end with Mrs. R, T. Douglas and: Miss Tena MacDonald. .. Mr, and Mrs: jack Needham, and daughters Susan, and Janie of Corunna, and' Mri Rod Mac­ Dougall of. town were week-end visitors with-Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. 7 Mr/ and Mrs. Mervin McDon­ ald and daughter Mary of Tor­ onto were- holday /Visitors With her parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Chas. Steward. • •' • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clipper­ ton and children of London spent the week-end with her parents* * ♦ * k & * TELEPHONE 85 Sale of Men’s Suits 20/.. DISCOUNT oii TIP TOP MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS FREE Drop in for estimates on latest, luxurious materials CHOOSE YOURSPORTS WEAR EARLY * Hl A- A fl 1 ► ►Jackets, Shorts, Trunks, Bathing Suits, T-Shirts, Straw Hats, Sport Shirts, Trousers, Belts,. Braces, Hosiery Shipment of New Summer Hats at ‘‘Fashion Millinery’’ " DUNGANNON*PARAMOUNT INSTITUTE I < < 4 4 .4 4 ■4 II >7’ 0 M J 1 7 of the Navy, League of Canada, convened by the Lucknow branch of the Canadian Legion. .. . • The Navy League of Canada serves our seasmeri,"' ashore and aflbat. Its clean and comfortable Clubs’ and hostels in our maritime : ports are friendly meeting places for our searhen. Their famous ditty bags have gladdened the hearts of many of our sailor lads with gifts from home. Through , the Navy League our sea veterans ' --are^visitedm7egttlB^ly-in7"ouT““hos^, pitals and supplied with: Com­ forts. By : means of its great youth-trairiing program through­ out Canada, the Navy League maintains the heritage in thous­ ands of our teen-age youth in its Moyal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps., was given by Amelia, Carruthers and’a solo by Keith Roulston. I Mrs. Hughes told a. little of and her work as -leader of the Daughters of the Kairshea and the girls presented their skit. “A well planned shopping trip”. Mrs, : Houston.gave the closing remarks and the meeting- ended with 'the Queen and the.Institute grace. Hostesses for the June meeting | at Holyrood ,,Hall -are .Mrs. T.. MacKenzie and. Mrs. E. Keith and as Purple Grove, Whibechureh & Holyrood -Institutes are . invited* every.onp. is to take lunch—4th Con., west, tarts;. 2nd Cos./west, cookies; 6th Con., west, cookies and all Concession east, sand­ wiches.' ' 1 I I L from coast to coast. Give gener­ ously on this, tag day . for. this .is a worthy cause,’ one which, serves us all. “Mr. and Mrs. Smri^Reid. . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Beverley ’and Fraser spent the week-end at Bracdbridge . with Mr’. and; Mrs. Floyd Wilson. Mrs. Duncan Kennedy will leave at the end of the month to spend a few months with her people in London, England. She will be joined on. the trip by •Mrs. Morris of Hamilton and for­ merly of East Wawanosh, • Mr. x and Mrs. Allan Stewart of Hamilton and Winnie Stewart of London .spent' the holiday- week­ end at the home df their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart. Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd of London called on friends in the village on Saturday and from here went to Kincardine and Kinlough, where they called on Mrs. John Cox, who, if she is spared—will-oibserve-her-one-hun- dredth birthday in July. Bill is with Silverwood Dairies at ,Lon- don. in the ice cream department. Their .son Ivan is travelling for a drug firm and' their daughter, Doris, is employed, by a finance firm in London. t. Paramount Women’s, Institute mreriat_thehomenDf_Mrs7_AlIrwm^ on May 18th with a good attend- . ance. The. roll' call was answered by “The meeting I .enjoyed best during the year and payment of. fees’’. Correspondence was read, three voting delegates appointed and current events given by each • member. The topic “Public Re­ lations and Community Activit­ ies” was taken by Mrs. D. Me- Cosh of Purple Grove. Readings were given iby Mrs. R. Reid, Mrs. J. Hunter and by Mrs. H. Thomp­ son of Purple Grove. Mrs. R. Campbell sang a solo and Mrs. Wm. Stanley conducted, a con- -testriAt~the^close~*of~the”meeting— refreshments were served. ------:—■.------------------,——L____;______. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pritchard' of—Toronto—spent—the -week-end- with Mr. and .Mrs. Wilfred Pent-, land and Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Pentland. Mrs. Mathew. Shackleton atten­ ded the funeral on Monday ' of her uncle, Mr. Walter; Steels at Exeter. She was accompanied by; her cousin, Mr. Amos Cornelius of Whitechurch and Mrs. William Redmond. Mrs* Roderick McDonald, was ,able to return home from G’oder- 'ich Hospital at the end of last Vv.eek after several weeks receivr ing Care. She; is being assisted in the home by her sister, Miss Fern Robb,London. ——■—— Douglas Johnston\ of Toronto spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. Abner Morris. Mr. & Mrs. Orville Chambers, Woodstock," the latter a cousin of Mrs. MatheW Shackleton, vis­ ited her on Sunday. Ken Brown, employed at Mon­ treal, spent the week-end with his parents, Wr. and Mrs; Wilbur .Brown. - ■ '. ■ ■ • . * Mrs. Olive Culbert and Miss Pearl Finnigan, Goderich, visited the R. Finnigan homestead over the weekrend. ' ■ \ Mr. and Mrs. Benson Pentland, family and -Mrs. A. B: Pentland, London, visited on Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Peneland return­ ed to Toronto with, her daughter, Mrs. E. Pritchard,- after visiting at London and Detroit. ... r . . . . ’..._Misses.J^ettie-&_Rebina-Spnouh have visiting with their cousins. Mrs. Verne. Card, Toronto, and Mrs. Lew Elsie, “ Dwight, Musk/ oka-; ■■■ •< " I Mr. and Mrs. Lome Badman & little daughter of Comber are visiting’- their cousins, Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Errington. . The Young People and Trail Rangers of the United Church gathered at the Girl Guide Camp on Monday', May 2,4th. .They en­ joyed a picnic dinner and games in. the afternoon. . { . The Dungannon1 Mission Band .was-held' Sunday morning during the regular church service at -thp .United Church. The meeting was led bv Carol Pentlancl arid Mar­ ion Mole' and-, the attendance, was' 35. Patrie?. Pentlund gave.the call’ to worship and Pauline Anderson accompanied .at the piano for the . lTyrrm—‘ ‘ J-vsn s—Bi-ds—^Ua^TSkrmrr- • Marion ■ Mole receivedthe ' offer^ ing a.b'd Sandra Finnigan report­ ed the last, meeting. Carol Perit- I.and gave .the scripture verse and Mrs. 'Robt. Irvin gave a; •chapter.^ ■‘Tviexicp” in ..'the study book, World Friends: .magazine was dis- . tribu.ted and the members purt. pose repeated in unison. to elose flip meeting-. ;' •. • " Annivers&rv services, which-ob­ served the 95th year of service af- and at Christ' Church,.; Port AC .. when P‘ev. A. NI. Stevens of VZinr* ton 'exchanged with* the rector; •KeVv -H/L,.lennings and gayb' a'- . fine address. The church 'was at­ tractively-decorated with,’flowers and; Mrs. Fred .McQuillin of. St; Peter’s Church, Lucknow, .pre- .sided ai'fW'prgari,'" « ' w / I /• <f> 4 5 V ♦ It (• I I Lucknow FRUIT Market “If It Grows We Have It” Phone 119—Deli very Anytime TOMATOES, lb. ............. 29c CELLO TOMATOES, lb. 29c HEAD LETTUCE, lb. .. .7. 25c ORANGES, 344’s ................ 25c ORANGES, 288’s ORANGES, 220’s GRAPEFRUIT, Sockeye SALMON .. 3 for $1.00 KAM ..... ..... 3 for $1.00 ........ . 39c 49c 10 for 49c ( .• 7, I* ♦ .IT W ♦ 4 J *2 0 » Fresh Berries, Watermelon, . Cauliflower, Grapes, Mushrooms, Radish* Leaf Lettuce, Cucumbers. . ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE / Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, flic. < •— Reliable Service ■ — “Electrical' A ppi i a nces •Freezers, Dryers* Washers , HAWENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough ■ •. Phone Ripley 11 l-r-.29 CLERK WANTED — 45-hoUr I week, 12 noon to 10.00 pJm. I Apply at The Store* Rsszarch Saves You Dollars DO YOU KNOW? • Hydro was the first in Canada to adopt safety tests of elec tri- , cal, appliances for the protec- , lion Of the public. This is now ' carried din. by theCanadian Standards Association. In Ontario Hydro’s Research Divisionsome~298-people,:—— of whom 80 are Research Engineers, maintain a constant study of electrical, structural, ’ mechanical and chemical problems, as well as the . . testing and quality control of all items used in the Commission’s day-by-day activities. A close liaison between the Laboratories and -----^Lother-Hydro-Divisions---— results in high efficiehoy and - “maximtim economy;" I M ■1 im ■si ONTARIO HYDRO . . . AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS liilonnatiofi conceriiihg Ontario Hydro Cfft be obtained by writing you? Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue. Toronto, «"1V