HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-12, Page 3/•-<1 q SUNDAY, MAY 16th < •I ’•7, A. Murray Hanover’Phone 668 1. J. 6 J FREE OF CHARGE THE STERLING TRUSTS V 5P LIGHTHOUSE LAID TO REST week, after spending the ip London with her dau- FORMER KEEPER Cox spent Mrs. J. W. 1 ■ : « / * washable; ....... $2.98 Henry Ray, . Huron T I O N BRANCH officf 1-3 Dunlop Sf^ Barrio ----------~,0 —V — — J ------------------- ---------------— ------------ — — — — Fischer of Mooresville Visited on chum was beneath the pile. Sunday with Edna & May Boyle. This lad, Douglas Remington, Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. was unconscious. He suffered in- WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, 1954 e __4tlMM.ui—:i..ii '. /j; M1. **‘11 " .r".* . ! LUCKNOW | i UNITED CHURCH | j: < Minister; j i Rev. G, A, Meiklejohri, | B.A., B.D. j Joseph Whitby returned . • ■ > ■ . • k . • Mi •. JUB: Made-to-Measure Expert tailoring by CAMBRIDGE, TIP TOP, REX. New samples in Summer Shades. CARSON CLEANERS 10 am. Sunday School. 11 Rural Life Sunday. 7.00 pJ».: “The Canadian Countryside”. r— two THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREBt OBITUARY * MRS. ALFRED J. LOCKRIDGE Friends here have been sad- ZWte^to learn/of the sudden ■ death of Mrs, Alfred J. Lock­ ridge, which occurred in Wing-, ham General Hospital early Suri- • day afternoon. ; Mrs. Lockridge was formerly Myra. MacDonald, daughter of Mrs. Thomas MacDonald and the .. late Mr. MacDonald. Mrs. Lockridge had entered the ■. hospital early hast' week, suffer­ ing from a recurrent stomach hemorrhage. By the end of the : week her condition was consid­ erably improved, and hopes were bright for her recovery until complications developed Saturday afternoon. / ■ Myra, as she was intimately known here, was born fifty years ago' at Thessalon, but came to Lucknow as a child when her parents returned to the old hike community,. . .. ‘ . She graduated from Lucknow High School and Stratford Nor- —mal. School and taught at Lanes _ _iin 'Ashfield and at -Con. 6 Kin- • 16ss, before joining the Wingham Fuiblic School staff on Which she taught for eight years, before her ----mar-r4age~-l-3--years—ago—to—Mr- Lockridge. Myra had a lovely voice and a smiling personality. Lucknow friends extend, deepest sympathy to the bereaved and particularly to her aged .mother, Mrs. Janet MacDonald who is in her 93rd year and has survived the death -. of four daughters-—Mary, while at Thessalon, Mrs. Elizabeth Cullis, Mrs. Etta Belle Mallouigh and Mrs. Myna Lockridge. Her hus­ band predeceased her in 1932. Of the MacDonald family there survives, besides the mother, a sister, Mrs. C. E. Smith (Kate) of Seaforth and three brothers, John and Garfield, of Lucknow and Lome of, Peterborough. Surviving besides her husband are a son Douglas at home; a stepson, Tommy,. who graduates this year frdm ’d.A.C. as a vet- —:er-inaiiy--and—two—step-daughter-s- Mrs. Malcolhi McCammon and Ruth, both of Toronto. . Mrs. Lockridge was a member of Sacred Heart Church, Wing­ ham, past president pf the Cath­ olic Women’s League, promoter for the League of Sacred Hegrt and member of the Altar Society.' Requiem high mass was sung. Wednesday <at 9.30 a.m. at. the '/ Sacred Heart Church by. the Rev. R. Durrand. Burial was in Wing­ ham Roman Catholic Cemetery. •I « V OBITUARY WELLINGTON NIXON The funeral service for John Wellington Nixon was held at the McLennan-MacKenzie Mem­ orial Chapel last Wednesday afr ternoon, May 5th, conducted iby his pastor, Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn Of Luckncrw United Church. Dur­ ing the service Mrs. J. W. Joynt sang, with accompaniment by Mrs. H. R, Alliri. Interment" was in Greerihill Cemetery where Mr. Nixon had one time acted as caretaker. Pallbearers were Wm. Brown, Roy Black, Kenneth Mur- die, Gharles Robinson, Peter Jef­ ferson and Robert Thompson. Mr. Nixon’s death occurred early Monday rpornihg, May 3rdf shortly after being admitted; to Wingham Hospital with & heavy stroke that followed a fall ’ earl­ ier . that evening. He was in his ?7th year, having been born on June 26th, 1877. Wellington was a son of John and Jane Nixon of St. Marys, who moved tox th& Fordyce dis­ trict when Wellington was a child and where he spent the greater part of his life until he arid Mrs. Nixon took up residence in Lucknow several' years ago. Mrs. Nixon was formerly. Win- nifred Hairies. They were mar­ ried in Lucknow on March 21st, 1934. Besides his widow, Mr. Nixon is survived, by three bro- 'triers,. Charles Nixon of Sask.; Stanley Nixon of Butte, Mont.; Walter. Nixon of London; and /five. sisters, Mrs. Alex Sinclair, Mrs. Annie Million and Mrs. ; Martha McMurphy, all of Lon­ don,. and who attended the fun­ eral; Mrs. Ashman of Toronto arid. Mrs, Dawson of .Vancouver. -Mr. Nixon was a good neigh-, bor, and a dependable workman whose services were in constant demand, until he became a semi- 4nva4id^foke?—At ; one time he held membership in Maple Grove L.O.L., No. 1044 and in Dungannon I.O.O.F. Lodge, No. 416; • Local & General Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston of Kingston are visiting with his sister, Mrs., Russell Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton spent the week-end, ip Lohdori and Woodstock. Mrs. W. A. Porteous returned home last week from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she had undergone a major operation. Mrs. Rod Campbell has return­ ed to her home after spending the winter witnjfe, arid Mrs; Harry "Lavis.' ....... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steward spent the week-end in London With Mr. arid Mrs, Gordon Stew­ ard. , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley and Miss Hilda Twamley of Lon­ don called on friends here on Saturday.. . • Wilfred Black, who is studying dentistry at Toronto University, has completed his term and was home for the week-end. Mrs. J. Mi Greer returned home on- Sunday from Wingham Hos­ pital where she had been a pat-i ient for five weeks. ► ► ► ► ► ► LADIES and MEN’S WEAR /..........I... ... TELEPHONE 85 .... ... .. SUPERB VALLIE — TOP NOTCH SAVINGS MEN’S SUITS ► . . . ►. TROUSERS—for Men arid. Boys/ Wites, greys, browns, . . i ■■ ....... ► ► ■ ► ■ ► - prices. SPORT JACKETS — Wide selection. HATS & CAPS — Ail sizes. HOUSEDRESSES Lovely, Crispy prints and cottons —r guaranteed New styles arid colors ............................................. -----------o—------ • Complete Stock. Of... . * Corselettes, Corsets/ Brassieres, Girdles Play tex for Children’s Panties Presbyterian W.M;S. . The May meeting of the Pres­ byterian. W.M.S. was held in the basement of the church on Wed­ nesday, May 5th. After the open­ ing exercises and roll call.. Mrs.. A. C. Agnew took the Bible study. Current events of Glad Tidings were’ given by Mrs. J. Agnew and a \ letter from our missionary, Miss Williamson, was read by Mrs. M. Henderson, The topic was taken by Miss M. Mac­ Leod and the highlights of meet­ ing was the report of Synodical held in Owen Sound by the dele­ gate; Miss T. Carrick. Mrs0. H. Anderson gave the Glad Tidings -prayer—and—the-r-president—gave* nice words of welcome to the Mission Band and Baby Band members and their mothers who came after four/ Tlie Mission Band gave, a very fine short pro­ gram and a short film, strip was shown after which a lovely lunch was served. Delegates from the ; W.M.S. .were appointed to. attend Presbyterial to be held at Et|jei on May 31st. Is Your Subscription Paid? . COULD YOU /FACE IT ALONE? As your husband’s chief beneficiary, would you know how to handle the administration of his estate? Inexperience in such matters^can be .expen- , sive and causerpntold worry. A sympathetic and experienced Estate Officer of The /Sterling Trusts Corporation Will be happy to discuss matters with you and your husbarid. Such an interview could /be the —answer-toyourfuturepeaGe-of-mind^-^^.- CO R POR A . HEAD OFFICE \ 372 Bay ToronU Mr. and Mrs. Robt Scott and- daughter Barbara of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Rae White .pf .Chi­ cago visited Mr. Jack MacLen- nan. Mr. Jack McGillivray and,his grandparents, Mr. and tytrs. Sandy MacDonald of Paisley, visited* on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor. Mrs/ to her home here the latter part of the winter ghter, Mrs. Rose Knight, Mrs. A. Nicholson, Havelock St., were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wein­ stein of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Falkner of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. E. j, Thom re­ turned home the end of the week from a visit in Norwood. They accompanied Mrs. Ron Rothwell and Rosemary, and also had Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy of Detroit as week-end guests. ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hender­ son arid son Brian of Toronto spent a few days in Listowel and. attended the funeral ;ocf Mr. Hen­ derson’s father who passed away in Listowel after a/three-day ill­ ness. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Ritchie and family returned the first of last week from a Western visit with Alf’s nephew, Gordon. Grant _at__Orkney ,Sask. ,„.and.___w.iih.his/ niece, Mrs. Gerald Loewen bf Yorkton, as'well as af. Swift. Cur­ rent. . The Paramount Women’s Insti­ tute meeting is to ibe held at Mrs.. A. Irwin’s on May. 18th. The topic is to be taken by Mrs.<H. Thomp­ son, Purple Grove. Prograrh/ Mrs. Wm. Stanley and Mrs. D. Nich­ olson. Roll call, “Name the best program of the year”, also pay­ ment of fees. . . The Lucknow Wornen’s Insti­ tute meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Friday, May J4th at 2.30. Hostesses, Mrs, Russ Johnstone, Mrs. Phil Smith, Mrs. Elmer Johnstorr, Mrs; Beatrice Yo.van. Topic, “Probleriis of Be­ ing a Mother”’ by three mothers. .The meeting will be* of interest to young mothers. Everyone wclr xbrrre;----—............'■..... ....’...•............. KINLOUGH Mr; Harold Haldenby had the phone- installed in his > elfectric shop on Tuesday last, ring Ripley llLr-29. . Mr. and Mrs; Neil Murdoch and little daughter of Hanover spent last week-end,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith. Miss Norma Esplen, bride of the month, was honored at a mis­ cellaneous shower on Thursday evening at the Westford School. After a short program the bride was presented with inany lovely a nd useful gifts; - - Mr. Win. Wall returned home after spendng ' the * past two weeks at London with M^, and Mrs. Allan Wall. Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Eckenswil- ier, Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Graham and Mr. and Mjrs. Frank Thoirip- sdrispent" last BuridayTX1^Buffalo: . Mr. -and Mrs.; Lome. Kraerner of Toronto spent the wee^-end with Mr, and Mrs. P. and family.. Mr. and Mrs;- Wm. Friday evening with Colwell. Mr. Dick Neil, Mr. and Mrs; Dowie. De Vries and daughter Joanne,,Misses Connie and Betty Sunday With Edna & May Boyle. . <. ■;■ ■ ■. ■■■" “ ‘ ,W. Colwell were Mrs. Walter Forster and children of Ripley, Mr. and, Mrs. Don McCosh and family of Purple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ardill Mason of Hubon. Barbara Forster is spending a few days with Jier; grandmother, Mrs, J. W. Colwell. . Mr. and Mrs. Art Graham, Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, Mr. & Mrs. M. Johnstone of Listowel, Mr. , and Mrs. Roy Graham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cassidy and family and Mr. and Mrs. 'Levi Eckenswiller of Teeswater visited - on Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. H. A. Graham. / . The H.W.I. will meet on Thurs­ day evening at the home of. Mrs. Raynard Ackert.- Mrs. T. J. Anderson of Luck* now .and-Mrs. Charlie Hodgins of Wirigham visited on Monday with Edna and May Boyle. The A.Y.P.A. are planning a ^O(Hal-evening-on-May-25th7-wheiir- Rev. G. B. Cox Will show pic- ' tures of his recent trip to South America. CRUSHED BY POLE LAD CRITICALLY INJURED Jackie MacDonald, son Of Mr. and Mrs. “Dinnie” MacDonald of Ripley and formerly of Lucknow, escaped with, a bruised leg last week when trapped in the pole yard at Ripley. Jackie’s cries at­ tracted help and when hez was released Jackie told then! his ternal injuries and for days his life hung in the balance at Kin­ cardine Hospital. We understand that nis condition is now' more hopeful. TOPS IN DRY CLEANING _:_____ _____:-------------------:-------------------------------------- —7^ All Garments Are Protected From Season To Season, or Between Dry Cleanings At Our Plant By SANEX MOTH PROTECTION METHOD George Township’s., oldest resident, pass­ ed, away in. Kincardine .Hospital irrhis; 98th year after an illness of 18 months. / Until two years, ago he had been active-on the lake-range, farm to which he came ”as a1 lad of 14. with his jyarents^David^and'^dhne^^y.-' In 1914 Mr.' Ray was appointedi In 1914 Mr.'Ray was .appointed '^ce^f lighm^Poi e position he.held for’ten years until* his superannuation. His Wife, .Sophia Walker, pre­ deceased hiffi eight years. A. son Leslie and a daughter Mrs. Laura .Reinecke of Michigan, survive. A daughter, years ago. Ethel, Free. Pick-Up and Delivery in Lucknow EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY or ■ ; .,v ' '' • ' LEAVE YOUR CLEANING . Phone 108-w ♦ « « Lucknow, Ont.