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' Mr. and Mrs. George Weber of
Kitchener. spent the^ -week-end
with his /brother,* Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Weber.; -J *' ’ ' *' ■
Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs., Carl Weber were
Mr. Jack Mock of Harriston, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Mock and Ken
Mock of Listciwel.
onto spent the week-end with, her
Thomas Henderson, 76, form
erly of Whitechurch, die4 m Lis
towel Memorial Hospital on Fm
day. His sudden death was at
tributed tp a heart attack. _
. He was a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Hingh David Hendemm
His first wife, the former Isabel
la Jane Purdon, died in 1935. He
I married Mary Hammond^in
derson was a member of Knox
Presbyterian Church, Listowel,
Mr. Henderson at one time o^r
erated what is now Chapman s
Grocery Store „ in Whitechuxch,
He sold the business to Charles
Whiteman. . .The funeral service- was at
Listowel on Monday with inter?
ment in Wingham Cemetery.
Surviving are six sons, David,
Listowel; Robert, Whitechurch;
Charles, Toronto; James, Brant
ford; Lawrence, North Bay and
Andrew, Quebec.
Sub’-Lt. John A. MacLeod of
Ripley was a member of the 4-
man crew of the Navy. Avenger
aircraft reported missing last
week while enroute from Ber
muda to Summerside, P.E.I.
A widespread search was made
by air and sea Off the Yarmouth,
Nova Scotia,, coast where the air
craft was thought to have come
down. ..John MacLeod, age 22, is the
son of Mr. arid; Mrs. J. A. (Gus)
MacLeod of Ripley, where his
father is postmaster.
\ ' ■ J . ' . . ' . 7 V •
7 She: “WhenTwe were7 first? mar-
ried, you used to tickle my chin.
Do it again”..
. He: “Okay, which one?” :
va married Mary xiammonu mMiss Winnifred Farrier of Tor- Iand she died in 1S;52. Mr. Hen-
onto spent the week-end with.her ■ ■”
•parents, Mr., and Mrs. W, R. Far
rier. ....... ■ ■JMary Lou, daughter of .Mr.
Mrs. Robt., Adams; Sandra April,
daughter.ofMir. and Mrs, Chais,
Moore and Milton, Russel, son of
Mr. and Mrs? Russel Rurdon were
baptized in the United .Church
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichborne
of Goderich, Miss Annie Kennedy
and Mrs. Dune Kennedy of Wing
ham and Mr. and ' Mrs. Lome
Durnin of St. Helens spent Sun
day with their mother; Mrs. D.
; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farrier
and family of Wallaceburg spent
the week-end /with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel .Farrier
and Marian and Mr. and Mrs,
J. C. Gillespie and family, all of
Wingham, visited with; Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Farrier on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClen-
aghan and Michael, of Kitchener
and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClen-
agan & Mary Lou of St. Thomas
spent the week-end with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. IX Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. F. Tiffin, Mr, &
Mrs., C. Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. R. kitchie visited with their
mother, Mrs. M. J. Tiffin at the
home of Mr- 'and Mrs. V. Emer
son. ; •
Mrs. MarshaH of Tbronto is
visiting with Rev. and Mrs. R. D.
A. Currie. *
E. S. Watt & Sons are having
some work done inthechopping
mill this /week.
Rev, and Mrs; Geo. Watt and
family of Dungannon visited with
his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J.
Watt. . ■ , '
Mrs. Irene Sparling, Marie
Sparling and Ken Damn visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
T. HrMoore.
■ Miss Olive Terriff, R.N. ;of
Listowel, spent a few .days last
week with her mother, Mrs. mJ
Ross, .
Mrs. , Gib Gillespie; Miss Olive
T-erriff, R.N. and Mrs. Pocock,
graduates of Wingham Hospital,-
were among the Wingham nurs
ing staff to attend the Florence,
Nightingale services held in St.
James'United Church, Exfeter, on
Sunday evening. They all went
through the new hospital at Ex
eter after church service and a
social half hour was enjoyed.
Miss Shirley Perkins of Wing
ham visited With Rev. and Mrs.
R. D. A. Currie on Thursday ev
Lucknow District High School auditorium was the scene of
the season’s smartest dance on Friday night, when the Students
staged their annual bairin association with Cadet inspection exer
cises held the previous day; Highlight of the* evening was' the
’ crowning of Miss Helen Weiler, a Grade 12 student/ as Queen
of The School. Helen is the daughter of Mr; ■. and Mrs. Joseph
Weiler, Second Concession. She is shown being crowned by Miss
Audrey Ross, daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross of Lochalsh.
Audrey was a close, contestant for<the Crown. >
zion:'';;;.' Hairies of Windham. »
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter j Mr. and Mrs. Bob Macintosh,
Visited Sunday With Mr. & Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon &
Jack Bradley. family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hun-
Mr.- and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie; ter & family Visited Sunday With
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter.
a'........' ' - ;
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todays wonder products are possible only
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More versatile than any ’other form of
energy, electricity supplies industry with
light, power, heat and control in a wide
\ range of applications. Here is. another
•IM- I.E
Information concerning Ontario Hydro can> be obtained by writing .
to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto.
■ ...................... .................. '■ ■ -ifi- -n:7
vers were placed a;t the
yy the- Gillies family in
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, . 19$4
A large crowd attended the
Sunday .morning service at the
, re-openirig; of Chalmer’s Presby
terian. Church in Whitechurcii
when Rev. R. D. A. Currie preach
ed a service for ri three-fold pur
pose—-that of dedication, bapt
ism and Mother’s Day. ■, •
Services have been held in the
school room while the interior
of the church was being re-dec-
Orated. ~ ,
Due to a bequest left to the
church by the late Mrs. C. VE..
Murray, Mrs. Johnston Conn de- . t
dicated a /baptismal font and four
collection plates, purchased with
part of the money. Her. daughter,
Miss' Ruby Conn of Wingham,
then uriyeiled them, and Rev. .
Currie led in prayer. Mr. John
McGee of Calvin, sang the dedi- .
cation hymn, No. 310. The infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Hugh
Simpson, Anne Darlene, was then
baptized at the new- font. She
w’ore her grandfather Simpson s
gown'in which he was christened*
78 years ago.
During the service . Kathleen
and Mary Margaret Fisher sang
the duet, “My Mother’s Bible”.
Rev. Currie, preached a most in
spiring sermon on the Home and
its place in the spiritual upbring
Flowers were placed a;t the
altar ^y the- Gillies family in
memory of their parents, the late
Mr. and Mrs. David Gillies and
were later presented to Mrs. .
David Kennedy.
Mrs. Annie Struthers of Luck- ’
-now rhas ^pent--the- past week -
with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh
Simpson. Mrs. Struthers, Mr.
Gordon: Struthers arid son Doug
Simpson and son Doug of Culross.
sperrt Sunday at. the home of Mr.
Hugh Siiripson arid attended the
baptismal service for little Anne -
Darlene on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and family
of Harrison visited at the home
of Mr. Wm. Forster on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall of
Langside spent a day last week
With their soih Mr. arid Mrs. ha
Wall.’ - • - -
Mr. and Mrs. David Gillies and
A Queen is Crowned
Highlight of the Daffydil Tyme
held on the evening of May 7th..
was’the crowning of the L.D.H.S.
Queen of the year, Miss Helen
Weiler. Never did such a charm
ing, and lovely, queen grace a
Audrey Rbss, first in line to the
throne, and attendants Gladys.
Kilpatrick and Laurine MacNain.
Congratulations are due to Queen
Helen. r
Dancing was' from 9.00 to, 100
in the school auditorium. Ex- .
students, students from other
4ocal schools and the School
Board were honored gUests^The
dance music was supplied by the
“Esquires”, who made their first .
appearance locally. During lunch,
the Four Lucknow Lads (John
Helm, Dale Haldenby, Ken Mac-
Nay, George Anderson) sang
three pieces accompanied by Mr. .
Harvey Bride on the piano.* A
very’ delicious lunch of sand-,
wiches, coffee and cake was ser/’*
ved. (. • ' °
YelloW and green streamers
radiated from the walls io con- ,
verge at the centre from where
an iriimense daffodil hung. At the ,
entrance to the auditorium stood
a white arbour which was suit
ably decorated with daffodils.,
Credit is due to all who labored
with the;, decorations./’ .
In the statue dance Marie Dun
can and Barry Hackett proved to
be the most .irtunoibile aftert the
music stopped and so won first
prize.’ Beverley Ashton and'Kh o.
dance Audrey Stanley and Bih'
Gibson^lby^-a-^stroke b£...fafe...3ye,rt:y.r.;.
standing near the west’basketball
basket and as a result won ’first
. .The formal gowns of. the ^irls
were "a /beautiful sight but, un
fortunately; the boys just forgot
their; tuxedoes. However, , all ele
ments combined to .make this
dance the most successful of the
season. : ’ ' •, ’