HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-21, Page 10’i I THE/L>UCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW> ONTARIO Ii.-,.!...iii..b,...-....................... <1;.................-......................■ WEDNESDAY; APRIL 21, 1954 ”J/ PAGE TEH LADIES’ $1.0951-15 Gauge First Quality, pair 3 PAIRS FOR $3.00 Our last shipment of these nylons proved* so popular with our customers that we have repeated the order in new Spring Shades. ;. ; ~ -r‘ . .. .0 '■ ■ «—;——- JEEN SPECIAL. as low as,■ $1.29 and $1.35 | i I Boys and Girls, sizes 2 to .7 Wealso have Nylon Reinforced Denim Jeens for all ages including ladies and men. ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece - Goods and Woollens THAT Morley Hobbs of Holy­ rood was the winner of an afghan raffled off by Mrs. Joan Irwin’s students of S..S. No. 5, Kinloss. The draw was made at Sanderson’s Ladies’ & Men-s Wear. THAT Donald Cameron, super­ intendent of the Bruce County Children’s Aid Society,under­ went an operation in Toronto General Hospital last week. ' THAT Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore of Hamilton.conducted a priv­ ate sale on Saturday of the household effects of her moth­ er, the late Mrs. E. N. Hodgins. Gladys is remaining here for Hie week. BORN MARTIN — at Private Patients’ Pavilion, Toronto General Hos­ pital, on Tuesday, April 13; 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Maple, a son, Robert John. HOGAN — in Wingham General Hospital on Wednesday, March 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan, R. 3, Lucknow, a sori, Michael Dennis. SPECIAL blend , 50% GRIMM—‘SO^ FRENCH No, 2 Seed (Grades No. U FOT Purity) Nd.' 2 On Account of Mixed Origins- x ?SALESMAhL__ WANTED Hamilton manufacturer will employ reliable man with car for special sales work in. well established terri­ tory this, district. National­ ly known line of personal and household necessities. Good Proposition and training to right party.! WRITE BOX F LUCKNOW SENTINEL for interview and full particulars. Chicago Winner Classified Excellent' ; -/■' * Maple Lea Sunset Sally who headed a great class of aged cows for L- B. Reid of HurQri Town­ ship, i at the1 International Dairy Show at Chicago last fall has been cl^sified as ^Excellent. This is the highest ratirig attainable for' confirmation. Sally Was Re­ served Grand Champion at West­ ern Fair, London, last fall. She received honorable mention as All-Canadian and All-American aged cow for* 1953. Sally is an excellent producer as well as a top show cow having made re­ cords up to 804, lbs. fat from 18159 lbs. milk on twice-a-day milking. ' THAT the smelt are running and - fishermen/ are haunting the . rivers along the lake these • nights. . i f .y . , THAT, Adam, Bowman, who is bedfast, was moved from his home to the Baker Private Hos- . pital on Sunday. .—O-^- : ’ ■ ’ THAT Mr. and Mrs. jCharles ’ Sutherland bf Toronto were, week-end visitors in. the com­ munity. Mrs. Sutherland was formerly Lenore Logan / of Huron Township. Charles, who is a cousin >of K. C. Murdie, underwent a serious operation about a year ago for the ampu- - tation . of his leg high up in the hip. He is now enjoying improved health,, is1 working each day, gets around' pretty well pn his crutches and drives his. own car. i1 .—o—- ■ ■ THAT The Playhouse is bring­ ing the highly rated film “The Cruel Sea”, to Lucknow next, week. The picture will run for a special four-day showing, commencing next Monday, ‘ Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs­ day. Ordinarily there is no show on Monday and Tuesday, so theatre goers should take note' of this, and not miss the —chance to see this comparative-- ly. new picture. THAT Ira Dickie, who started in? to sheep raising last year, rhad pretty good luck this spring, when seven of eleven ewes each had twins. One lamb did not survive. His average wasn’t as good as Frank MacKenzie had a year ago, w^en he had 23 lambs from twelve ewes.. $18.00PER / BUSHEL-^ ^AN EXCELLENT BUY SUPPLIES LIMITED D. R. FINLAYSON Phone 91 ''•* « THAT the Paisley Advocate re­ ports that Mr. and Mrs. P. S. . MacDougall have’ sold their Villa Doone Dairy, with which is associated a dairy bar and lunch counter, to Walter Rae of St. Marys. The MacDoug­ alls have purchased a home, in Chesley to~ where ' they - will move early in June. —o— THAT a Junior Choir, sextette comprised of Elizabeth Web- . ster, Bessie Reavie, Donna Johnston, Marilyn Kilpatrick, George Anderson and Ken Mc< ’ Nay sang a ntimber at s the evening service in the United •Church. * k . •—6— THAT at the morning service in the United Church on Sunday the following members were received into the membership of- the church by certificate: -Leonard-Ritchie^ Mr.: and Mrs. Samuel Alton, Mrs. Murray Henderson, ML Mrs. Sam­ uel Shefwood,; Mr. and Mrs.* Edward Thom, Mrs. Wm. Hun­ ter, Mr. and Mrs^ Sf>cnce“IrWin,‘ Mrs. John Wraith, Mrs. Albert Little. I AMERICAN FAMILY Week I.GJL GET YOUR AMERICAN FAMILY MAGAZINE, now only 1e \ ' Jr ... •' .. . ■ ■„< Granulated Sugar, 5 lb. bag 42c < ■< < »LG«A« »Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz.?. 25c XG.A. ’Blended Juice, 48 oz. ........ 27c ^LGJL >Pork & Beans, 20 oz. 2 for 31c >LG.A. Tomatoes, 20 oz. 2 | 33c I.G.A. Wax Paper, 100 ft. roll .... 29c k White Swan Toilet Tissue 2,25c Dainty Rice, lb. .......... 17c Crisco, lb. ............ ... 36c Maple Leaf Flakes, regular 37c Sherrifffe Good Morning Marmalade, 12 oz.■...... 27c Domestic Shortening ........ 29c Margene ......... 38c Cream style York Corn, 20 oz. ..<.2 for 31c Kam ....33c < < T SMITH’S FOOD MARKET ■ SAVE At LUCKNOW’S CASH And CARRY STORE < < .< 1 < PLISSE GOWNS ....•, • ? • ■ ' f Ladies’ wlritepH^e"~g6wris//size medium and large $1.98 SHEETS, PILLOW CASES Wabasso subs, family quality/; Sheets, i^rge size, price $6.79 pr.1 Pillow Cases, 42”, priced $1.39 pr. THAT Miss Grace Huston, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Huston of Kitchener is visit­ ing her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Huston of Pa- mona Beach, Florida. Grace flew South from Malton air- port and wall return by air. on Friday „ to complete a two Weeks’ holiday. THAT Mr. Duncan MacKenzie of Eochalsh is able to be out again after being confined to bed for twp weeks with pneumonia which he suffered after slip­ ping on ice in. Lucknow and breaking several ribs five weeks ago. THAT a ,St. Helens district farm< er recently advertised for cattle ‘ to grass. He had all he could accomodate even before .. his. o own paper reached him, ' and has since had several more in­ quiries. THAT Mrs. E. Barkwell spent the week-end in Toronto with her family. Mrs. Smith (Mae) was suffering from a fractured ankle which she received when ' knocked down by a car a week ago. THAT due to “so much going on” The Lucknow Women’s Insti­ tute has cancelled the play scheduled for this Friday night. 4, SOCKEES “E^ahsiorr fit,‘T 00 %“ stretchy hy Ion, .guaranteed for 90 days. Only, -pair...................... 69c COLLARS Beautiful nylon Collars, suitable for dress or Sweater. Each .. ^1.59 . V. • ) . • . . . . . ’ THAT'Stewart Burns of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns of town, underwent a major operation six weeks ago, and on Mondays re-entered hos­ pital in Detroit to again under­ go surgery associated with the first operation? THAT among those receiving their caps/.at a capping cere- mony last week at Wingham Hospital, Was Siebje Youwsma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Youwsma, who are on . the Blake farm in Ashfield Town­ ship and are natives of Hol­ land. Siebje is the eldest of a family of eight. ■ ■ ■ ■ NOTICE Daylight Saving Time ' ' .. . / WILL GO INTO EFFECT IN LUCKNOW I on Sunday, April 25th at 1.00 a.m. I 0 ■ . J LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL COUNCIL o ■?( I • J ■ 2 ■ ." . V WORK^SHIRTS 1 '•. '. '' Cotton Covert . Cloth, cut ~Tn“ ’ .roomy-fitting, sizes; sanforized, « • sizefo 141'2 to-17,.'blue or‘ green, priced ....................... $2.95 ‘ -.... :' ' TpyjAmas^: Sanforizedjeotton broadclofji py jamas, solid colors with contrast ing piping^ blue or tan, sizes 36 to 46 chest....... $4.5u BRACES , ' “Police”. Work Braces, .strong . wide elastic webbing,/ cast-off. , leather ends g9c / . T-SHIRTS T-Shirts, fine combed cotton, ny­ lon reinforced collars, small, medium and large, blue, yellow. . grey, navy and white 89c