The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-21, Page 9WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1954 .1- T? • '• ' . / ' • . .. ' • _™E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE SUNRISE SERVICE USHERS EASTER . (DUNGANNON NEWS) / Mrs. Alvin Sherwood and ■ 1" ' ‘ ................................' i fred Hri-bel,. Port Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClure,' Jr j er week-end. Miss Flora Durniri, and sons of Elmira wore week- home , economics • coach, is also end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Visiting.her parents this week. . W. H, McClure, ' | We are glad to, know Mrs. J Mr. and Mrs,. Murray Oke and 'J. Ryan, is able, to be eut a little little son Stephen of Toronto ' since her recent operation at Sea- were week-end visitors with her;forth. ___'................-[ Mrs. Mary Rivett, grandspn i aUves°al Lon^dn^*fnrepV^+^n^ ^er Mrs. H. Eugene Han-■ D. Watt to The Queen; Delmer aiivcs at J-ondOT for Easter Xeek.; son and Mr. Hanson, East Tawas,. Miifee; the toast to the fathers to. Mir- z?, Mrs; J, D. Hesspn and i Mich. Others to call were her whidh Clifford Crozier» replied,' MISS P.lnra Qnvm.l , i n/r_t tx t-t. » 4 1 . . .. ■ / Mrs. Alvin bherwood and son Robert are spending Easter* hoi- Miss Clara Sproul of Stratford,•! cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hes- spent. Sunday with Misses Rebina son, Stratford, on Sunday. • and Nettie Sproul. r- — — Seven-year-old Murray Creyke Easter holidays with his &is- Mr, Franklin Stingel is spend- ’days with her sister, Mrs. Al-1 of Schomberg is a visitor with ter> Mrs: John L. Fennell, Brad- x* Unknl Pnri L nlhrirrm . A/Ty* • w/r_t y-s. . _ i ’i Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Durnin. F.ast> ford- ' Mrs. Roibt. Moore was a recent visitor to see her husband Bob at Westminster, London. While his condition was very little changed she w^s pleased to find him fairly content and cheerful. Mi' and~ Mrs I?on Williamsbn and little son. Tommy of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbert. Miss Mary J. Robb returned to her home-last week after spend­ ing the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Alice Robb, Lucknow. A father and son banquet was held Wednesday evening at the Dungannon United Church at ’ . 7’._. '--'Ijs of the churchi served a full course turkey din­ ner to 112 present. Toasts’were ' parents, IMfr*- and. Mirs. John Chis-j Mirs. IVTary Rivett, grandson > holm. Other visitors and callers. Noris Sampson and niepe Mrs ! on . Sunday were Mr., and Mrs, j Harold . Adams, are visiting this Ben. Chisholm, Don and Dianne, .week with the. former’s sister Jeeburn; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ed-' Mrs. Stahley Hughes, Tororito ’ wards, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ir- <Mr. and Mrs? Roibt. Stothers’ & vine Oke and Jimmy, Goderich little daughters, Kathy & Jean- Township. . ' nie, sperit the week-end with Miss Jean Errin-gton is a pat- Mrs. Geo, Whitlam, Toronto. Mr. ient at Goderich ^ Hospital. y i W'hitlam underwent an operation : her aunt, Mrs. B. F. Comfort at satisfactorily. ” -7 "" St, Catherines this week.. ( : Visitors .with Mrs.. S. J. Kil- /•Mr.- and Mrs? Roibt.’Stothers . & nie, spent the week-end . with Miss Lyhda Blake is visiting last we^k , arid is getting along, which the ladiei Mis. Irvine Eejdy and children,- patrick for Easter were her sis- proposed by. the pastor, Rev. G. H. J. L. Eedy thanked the. women for The lovely meal and Mrs. Ev­ erett Finnigan replied: Mr. Watt 'entertained the children with filths iri the auditorium and. Rev, Glen Eagle, Clinton, gave an im­ pressive talk to the fathers. En­ tertaining numbers were a sing song with Douglas Squires at the piano. Tommy Fowler and Wil­ mer Errington sang a duet and J. "C. .Durnin played ’a trumpet ^ola-------‘:--------- -—— Erskine Presbyterian Y. P. S. sponsored the. showing of a'play in the Parish Hall on M°riday night of last' week. The title .of the play was “Mama’s Boy”; dra7 matized by Seaforth, Junior Far­ mers. - Miss Ferr Robb , of London is : visiting her sister, Mrs; William Sillib. . ' . ’ Mr. Leroy Stingel, a patient at Goderich Hospital, spen.t, Easter , Sunday with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpat- I I j. , ■ • . A he wants Your Ford-Monarch Dealer guar* antees-thaf only the best-used-^ cars and trucks are worthy of the A-l sticker.. * only those that can meet his rigid standards of condition arid performance., He keeps his standards, high and backs them with his reputation. i Montgomery Motors sign ihafmeans imsfwon^g and7RuCKSL Your Ford-Monarch Dealer Is In Your Ford-Monarch Dealer's prices , are rock-bottom for top condition. The emphasis is on value when you buy a used car or truck from your Ford-Monarch Dealer. He wants to keep his used cars rolling-off the business fa stay. He has a stake in his community, a reputation to maintain. He knows that your confidence is his most valu- : ,_ ^ble asset and he wants to win that confidence , . - by giving you the best merchandise in the < lot, so he’s ready to offer you the best deal best condition at the best prices. in town on top?conditiori models. He really knows cars • • • ^tO—keepon-knowIng-yoUs—Your Ford-Monarch Dealer has years, of experience in the automotive business. He knows cars..;; and he has the staff and the facilities to put them in first-class condition arid keep therri that Way! His aim is your sdtisfactiOfi. WEANS HAS 1 S,GN setvicenieh for expert _ Perf°rnianceVJ and safety?^ decked for • Pfieed for 0Ufst • • Truthfully and 1 1,18 VaI“e •advertised 'accurately I FOR FORD . MONARCH . DF ER 1 ’PHONE 40, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO rick; Briap and, Cheryl of» Tor­ onto are Easter visitors with Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick and relatives at Benmiller. Mr. and' Mrs. Cplin Crozier & little son Douglas of Blenheim, and ■“ don and . , _r___ A .Sun-Rise Service by the Young People’s Union was a very impressive Easter observance, Seventeen young people 'gather­ ed at the United Church on East­ er Sunday morning at 5.30 a.m. "and“Wtth Rev, ,G.,‘ Watt, the pas­ tor, went to the hills east of the village arid by a fire, heard the story of 'the Resurrection of Jesus arid over ffthe .hill watched the sun rise above the horizon. They returned to the church and enjoyed breakfast served by the lunch committee after seeing the film strip “The Road to Em- maus”^. The Sun-Rise Service was especially interesting this year as it was the first fyear that .the young folk actually saw the sun rise, as. on' the other two- years it had”: rained. ’The service was held On Mr. Herb Finnigan-s farm and below the two hills where the group met w,as' an old' burial;grounds for early settlers about-75 years ago. Op this farm lied a Fry family and two mem­ bers of that family were buried there; Two large trees still stand as memorials to them, “The Road to Emmaus” was, a film strip shown to the United Church Sunday School ori Sun­ day morning. The church auditor­ ium was very pretty for the East- er service With Easter lilies and a plant; “the . Jerusalem ’thbrn” or “Sacred Thorn” and white and purple gloxineas.- Rev. G. Watt give a line Easter address to the large congregation of members smd—visitors^-——~r~—~ ~ ' Mrs. Nellie. Stewart spent East­ er with her niece, Mi's. Norman McCullough, Kitchener. F- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaet- zer (nee Jean Free) were- tend­ ered a dance reception in honor of their . recent marriage. The agricultural hall was well filled with friends who danced to the music of Carruther’s orchestra. -\t’ lunch time the young couple were read an address of best wishes1 by Miss Lois Webster .and . the presentation of a purse of money was made by Jack Alton. Miss Lorena Crozier of Lon- were recent visitors with Mr. Mrs. Clifford Crozier, LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderson arid family of Brantford visited on Sunday’ with - Mr. and Mrs. Wes tiffim ■ ■' ■■ Betty Lou MacLagan of Lon­ don is* holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Russel. Ritchie. r Barbara’Scott of; Wingham is holidaying with.her cousin, Mar-, iom Scott. ■ • Sunday School opened on Apr. 11th with Mr. • Arnold Scott as supt;; Jimmy Young as sec.-treas.; Ruth McGillivray as assistant or­ ganist and Mrs. Wm. Scott, Mrs. Farish Moffat, Mrs. Neil McDon­ ald, Miss Lois Crowston, Chas. Tiffin and’ Gordon Wall as tea­ chers. .. : • Congratulations, to Mr. &_.. . . - - __ — Mrs.< / ‘ Oswald Rudie (nee, Mary DoR _• ; ena Orr) who were married at the honie of her parents on Sat­ urday, April 17th.-They will re­ side in London.. z Bud and Marlow. Crnw.qthnr_o.f— Kincardine spent Sunday at their home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Richard­ son entertained friends from Tor­ onto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans and . family, Mr. and* Mrs. Bob Evans and boys, Mr. & Mrs; Bob Brown and Gary were \k(eek-end Visitors ■ With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans and Teddy. Mrs. Bob Brown and Gary - remained for a few days. —'Mr^r-^RusseP-ProchTrr— David & Diane of Lavcmfff'spcn.t dlieLweek^erid-W-ith - Mr-ahd^virs” ‘Russel Ritchie and other mem­ bers of the Tiffin family; • ■ Mi'. 'and Mrs. Sandy Murray & Kathleen of Toronto spent the week-end With Mr. &.Mrs. Chas... Tiffin and ' called on .friends ' in the neighborhood. Janetta Johnston of Belgrave; is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs; Chas. Tiffin;; J '