HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-21, Page 6t iM^TOIKHM TOUGH I . A > / .i 1 r CONCENTRATE "A QUALIFY FEED-MIX" FOR POULTRY, JURKEYS. HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED / Fertilize Year Ood with NATION Al Welly* INGERSOLL, ONTARIO PropGrly‘BhndedFERTILIZFR .* WEDNESDAY, APRIL ^1,; 1?54 . few of the many modern, time-saving, money* making farm machines and implements you Can „ • put to work on your farm through FIL. See your local B of M manager about your farm improve­ ment loan. -7 ’ 1 ’ ’ ’ ’’ J ‘ . Working with Canadians in e^iry walk gf life since t FIL — the fixer ... his full name is Farm Improve­ ment Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your farm . . . he’s eco­ nomical, convenient, ver* . satile. He can do almost anything in making your farm a better farm. Lucknow Branch: MURKAY COUSE, Mahagef Finlay Decorators and GIFT SHOP \Phone 218,"Lucknow — Directly Across from Legion Hall ...then talk to ’My Bank* y A cream separatormilking machine— culti­ vator -r- tractor.;— incubator... these are jhst a Bank of Montreal /J ' ’• ■ * ■ ' • ’ . ' • f ‘ * * / ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ...................................................................A • - -- ■ ■■ A.'...1 -I .. ‘ 1 '■"* --!1.I- ' T - ' • • • * t •• ’ ' . ‘ * c "Wood and cement floors can TAKE IT • ’When they’re finished with’ C-d-L /FLOOR.PORCII AND DADO Enamel, trough and remarkably' wear-resistant, at gives thorough protection to floors,, steps and other surfaces that get. hard 'use. Ten colours, black and whi te. ....... .. • 1 f ... Loughs at hard wear, outdoors and .in ? ENAMEL I for two years,^during which tiih'e Mr. Qray will participate in the In-Service Training Course spon­ sored by Community programmes Branch. After successful: com­ pletion of this training course, a be Receives Recreation Certificate Earl Gray, director of recrear tkm in Walkerton, has been . .awarded the municipal director' of recreation certificate. The cer­ tificate is granted by the Depart- permanent certificate will ment of Education and is valid awarded.. LANGSIDE^NORTH A shower, was held on Thurs-t day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Orr, to honor Miss Doleana Orr, bride-elect. Mrs. Famish Moffat conducted a num­ ber of contests: and a sing spng with Mrs. Bill Scott at the piano. Readings were given by. Betty Miller,, Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mrs..Charlie Tiffin and Mrs, F. Moffat. A mock wedding was present­ ed, those taking part were, Aud­ rey Young, ' Donna Moffat, Wil- hemina Smith, Doris Moffat, Cpl^ leeii Tiffin, JVEarion Wall, Marion Scott .anS^^M^ Steer,. — ' Mrs. Bert? Moffat re^d the ad­ dress and Mrs. Charlie Tiffin as­ sisted Doleana with opening the gifts. AU joined in.singing ‘‘For she’s a jolly good fellow”. A dainty lunch was served by those in charge. Miss Margaret Moffat of Tor­ onto spent the week-end with F. G. Moffat. Miss1 Ruth Arthur of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall. Congraulatiohs to Mr,' & Mrs? Oswald Rudi (nee Doleana Orr) who were married- oh. Saturday. Mr.- and Mrs, Eric Evans and family^ of Hyde Park spent the week-end with . friends here; BROWN BROS. ’Phone 181 Kincardine PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY ./ Poultry Culling A Specialty In accordance with government regulations our poultry coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected for your protection, BIGGER BIRDS and BIGGER PROFITS.1 ASHFIELD NOTES ^Text Sunday the service in the Presbyterian Church will be on Daylight Saving Time. The Fellowship Group me^ts this Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. D. Rose. . Miss Doris Wylds of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wylds.' ”, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bell and little daughter of London were. week-endvisitors-withMr—arid? Mrs; R. Bisset." Mr. Ray MacKenzie of Wind­ sor spent Easter at his home here.;J___... •• Mrs. Turner and, children of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. D. Johnston. : . Mrs. Dora Lumbers of Toronto, who was spending Easter holi­ days in Ripley, called on relatives and friends here on Good Fni- d3y./\ ; : \ WHITECHURCH chill, Mrs. J. Wilson and'nMrs? Joe King; standing, committees— Hdniel^bhbfmies; Frank Miller; Public Relations & Community Activities, Mrs, T. Metcalfe; Historical Research & Current . Events, Mrs/ Milan Moore; Agriculture & Canadian Industries, Mrs. Russel Gaunt; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. N. Pickell; Resolutions, Mrs. H. Irwin; Federated News, Mrs. V. Emerson. The new president, Mrs. Ross, then?took the chair for the following program, a solo by Mrs. Robert Ro$s and - a piano solo'by Mrs.. Don Ross. Mrfc. G. Gillespie gave a talk on her trip to Florida. Hostesses were Mrs. joe King and Mrs. Miles Mac­ Millan. ' • A euchre party , was held in the hall on Thursday evening, with the committee of Mrs. A. Walters, Mrs;-*G. McBurney and;55 Mrs. Russel Ross in charge. Nine tables competed. Winners ' were Mrs. E. Casemore and Mrs. Geo. Walker as second high; Mr. John McGee, high man. and Mr. Ale •Leaver as second high; Gteo. Kerr won the prize for lone hands and Mrs. Ross McRae won the prize for the lucky chair. Miss Marjorie, Elliott of Lon- don spent the week-end^ at the home of her parents, Mr. and? Mrrs. Gordon Elliott. Miss Isabel Elliott has quit her . ' —i ' ; -■ 1.—-xi. ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. ■ — Reliable Service — Gilson Sales — —: Electrical Appliances Freezers, Dryers, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough job at MacIntyre’s Bakery in ,Winghair.: and has taken a posi­ tion at her brother Mitchell’s in London. Mr. and Mrs.1 Arnold Lougheed of London, Miss Mary Foster of Mitchell; Bill Fisher of Miltop. and Mrs. Margaret Carruthers of- Lucknow spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher. No doubt about it, bigger birds, jmeaiLJbigga^^--aiid_^gCT__ _ -profits. Help yourself to these profits by I doing the following—feed ypur chicks a' Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix .Concentrate for the first 8 weeks. This supplies them with those all important animal proteins, vitamins and minerals. Then for the next 4 months put them on a growing mash made : from National 34% Developing Concentrate. This tasty "fredi- : mix” growing mash has a meat- — meal base tMt promotes sturdy - ? growth as well as supplying essential vitauuns and minerals. Always grow your pullets the National way. See your National dealer and ask him for these “fresh- mix” feeds today. look for the bright Orange and Black Sign The; annual Institute meeting was held in the Community Memorial Hall on Tuesday after­ noon with Mrs. Jas; Maclpnes presiding. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode and re­ peating the Mary Stewart Col­ lect/ Minutes of the last meeting -were-read—by—Mrs^-E^-Casemore^ The branch directors were asked to canvass for the Salvation Army. The Institute voted $5.00 toward the collection. A Salva­ tion Army officer is expected to. speak at the May meeting. Ten dollars was voted towards the Library grant, and $10.00 i^ to be sent to Korean relief; It was decided , to ask for the Extension Service on “How to/Conduct Meetings’’, to be held in October. An invitation from the Belgrave institute toas Accepted for June ,lbth. We are to/nave a Penny Auction at the June meeting and arg asking Lucknow and St. Hel­ ens. branches to join us. Life membership pins are to be pre­ sented to Mrs. Mclnnes and Mrs. Casemore. There is . to be a col­ lection of articles for the Wing­ ham rummage sale to be brought -to-the-May-meeting.—-----■■■■■ ■Mrs. Victor Emerson was ap­ pointed to the chair for the in­ stallation of officers. Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan read the slate of -officers and installed them as follows! hon pres., Mrs. Geo. Me/ Clehaghan; past pres., Mrs. J.. Me-. Innes; pres., Mrs* Frank Ross; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Geof Fisher; 2nd vice/pres., Mrs. T. Metcalf; sec.- treas., Mrs. E. Casemore; assist­ ant sec.-treas., Mrs. W. James; branch—-directors~~are,~~Mrs7“Hr Laidlaw, Mrs. Chas. Shiells, Mrs. -AleXRobertson/Mrs.-A.Walters, Mrs. Russel Ross and Mrs. R( Purdon; press rep^r^rs, Mrs. D. Beecroft, Mrs. ,Gf Fisher; .pian­ ists, Mrs. G., Farrier, Mrs. W. R. Farrier; auditors, ■ Mrs.. Owen King* Mrs./ A. Coultes; district director, Mrs. J. Mclnnes/ pro­ gram committee,' Mrs. A. McQuil- lin; Mrs. H. Simpsdri, Mrs? J. Bur- TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS