HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-21, Page 3WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1954
I Minister; |
| Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn,
I BA., B.D.
11 ,? *■ THe Ds^y of i?Qwer*’,
12,15 p.m.: Sunday Schools ”
i,B0 p.m.: Evening: Service.
Local & General
Mr§, J,. Haigh of Hamilton vis
ited with Mrs.^ R. Bobeij^qn
Easter week-end.
. MT- and Mrs. We§ Huston of
Kitchener spent the Week-end
Here, »'
Mr. and Mrs, *Harvey Mac
Dougall of Toronto were Easter
visitors with relatives here.
Mrs, Margaret McLennan spent
Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
MacLennah, Toronto.
1 IT —4
Presbyterian Church |
j SUNDAY, APRIL 25th j
110 a.m.; Sunday School.
111 a.m.: , Ontario Temperance
| Federation Speaker.
13.00 p.mc .Dungannon, Tem-.•{
! perance Federation Speaker.
| Evening Service Withdrawn______ ______J.
The spring meeting of the
Saugeen District Boy Scout As
sociation was. held in Paisley last
Wednesday with dinner served at
the Ambassador .Grill, There
were twentymihe in attendance,
including a good representation
from the Wingham Committee,
which is a new member of the
Saugeen'District. .. "f/
. Present from Lucknbw were
Donald McKinnon, chairman of
the Local Committee, Gerald
zRathwell and Ken Murdie, who
“is Vice' chaiTmarr”of theSaugeen
executive. /'
The meeting was presided' over
by Lome .Evans, district chair
man, who -welcomed- the^ repre
sentatives and thanked them for i
the splendid turnout.
District Commissioner Archie
Gowanlock reported on the act
ivities Of the pasvyear and his
report was very encouraging. He
spoke of the great loss which
Lucknow , and the District as a
whole had sustained in the death
of Cubmaster Willard Thompson,
• and all present rose and observed
two minutes silence in his mem
ory. . ‘
It was decided -to hold thq an-
nual district church service in
Paisley Oh the last Sunday in
May; The annual- camp will be
held as usual. at. Camp Martyn
in July. .
Mr, and Mrs; Isaac Stothersof
Tisdale, Sask., and their daugh->
ter. Miss Ann Stothers of .Queens
University, visited this week with
his 'brother, Mr. S. B. Stothers
and Mrs. Stothers.
•Mrs, Mary Webster and; broth
er Dave of Kitchener visited with
their mother, Mrs. Annie Jewitt,
ever the week-end. Mrs. Jewitt
is a patient in Wingham Hospi
tal. .../•’«* ’
Miss Winn Taylor of Ottawa
attended the funeral last week
of Mrs, Margaret Hamilton. The
two ladies had become close
in the Air Force.
;—Mrs. Ron RothwelT and Rose
mary of Norwood spent, the peek
end here and on their return
were , accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs, Ed Thom who< will visit
there for’a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Robt. MacDonald, who is
a guest at the Henderson Home
in Lucknow, is spending a
weeks at the home of her
Bruce MacDonald, Kintail,
ting acquainted with her
grandson, Donald Robert.
Easter visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Steward
were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leith
of Hamilton, Mrs. John Thomp
son of Ripley and daughters -Mar
garet and Mrs. Don Bender and
Mr. Bender of ^Toronto.
Miss Sally MacQuaig of Chi
cago is spending a vacation with
, her sisters, Misses Cora and "Re
becca MacQuaig .of town. While
enroute, home' she visited with
her sister Agnes, who is a patient
in Westminster Hospital, London.
There were scores of Easter
visitors in and out of the com
munity over the week-end, and
we’re; sorry more people don’t
let -us know the details of these
personal -items. ^We /can’t guessi
at them, and time doesn’t per
mit contacting everyone' person
ally. ' ■ .’•. ' 'r
* ■_ ■ x ; / . .
I*. •
.telephqne 'as
...... "'1
f ■' F
< ■
’ k
k They are so durable and washable. Wear them every day
/ for any occasion. Gay new shades and patterns, 16 ,to>
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Mrs. Verna Myers of Kitchener
wa§ an Easter” visitor with her
“father,Mr:: R7 K McQuillin’"”’/7
Dawn Stewart is visiting at
Trafalgar with Rev. and Mrs. J.
W. Stewart.,
Mr. and Mrs: Frank JCing and
Billy; Toronto, have ibeen spend-’ .
ing a few days with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs: ^Alfred Ritchie,
Billy arid Dpnna,' are on an East-
er holiday trip to the.West.. J
• Miss Flora Andrew is spending
the Easter vacation with her
mother, Mrs. W, G. Andrexy.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank.. Krueger
and Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy of
Detroit spent Easter week-end
-Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Calvert and
Joyce' of Paris spent EasteY week
endwiith Mr. and: Mrs. 5^. J
Miss Florence" Degruchey of
Montreal spent. Easter week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Degruchey of town.
Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett,
Keith and Susan of Belleville
<were Easter guests of Rev. and
Mrs. G. A. Meiklejohn.
TenaMacDonald returned last.
week from a two weeks’ visit
in Toronto.
y- Misses-Mary and Drinalda Mac-
l Quaig of Toronto were home for
the holiday week-end with their
parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Dick Mac
Mr. and Mrs. H< S. Lavfery of
Toronto and Mrs. A. E. Thomp
son,of Lindsay were Easter, visi
tors with Mrs. R. T. Douglas and
Miss MacDonald.
Miss Oliye Blake, who is spend
ing the Easter holidays with her.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Blake, called on Lucknow friends
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkwell
visited with Mr; and Mrs. Bob
Barkwell and family of Kingston
over the holiday. »
Murray McDonagh, who is
studying electronics at Ryerson
Institute of Technology, spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Jack McDjrinagh..
Mrs/R. H. Thompson rind Miss
Helen Thorhpson are visiting this,
week in .Toronto with Miss Lorna
Campbell.^ .
Mr. Graham MacNay of Ottawa
spent the week-end here and vis
ited with .his brother Alex, who
is convalescing following’ a major
operation which he underwent a
few weeks ago. ’ "
i- Dr. and Mrs. R. : E. Johnston
•and daughter Susan of Toronto
spent Easter week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mi's* .Elmer
'Johnston. ■ ■
Mr,, arid Mrs. Peter Thomson
■ry^TaroTitcr-crn d—
Doi’ecri and Welsh of London
visited over Easter with Mr, and
Mrs. James MacNriugliton.
Mr', and 'Mrs' Elliott Fells arid
Roy Of* Smooth Rock Falls, spent
Easter, week-end ’with Mrs. Jas.*
Webster,' and .are- this .week at-,
lending O.E.A. at Toronto.
Miss Flora Webster of Kitchen--
or, Mr. and Mrs. Charles John-;
s-ton and Doug; of Sarnia spent i
Normal School Instructor Passes
Many Stratford Normal gradu
ates will regret to learn of the
death of Miss Eiith M. Cottle,
instructor- of physical education
. at Stratford Normal School, from
its opening in 1908 until her re
tirement, in. 1952. Miss Cottle’s
death occurred on Wednesday of
last week. The funeral was in
Stratford on Saturday’ with tem
porary entombment in Avondale
Cemetery. ‘Burial will be made
later in'Toronto, :
Is Your Subscription Paid?-
. Effective
APRIL 25th, 1954
ster. , ■ ■ ‘ ■
Easter visitors .at the home, of
Mr; ahd’W. JS. B. Stothers were
•Miss Ruth Stothers of the OAC
staff at Guelph and Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Whale and son Brock of
London.’They are' moving to Tor
onto where Brock Will bo associa
ted with an. advertising. firm.
Hunter-Kilpatrick Group W.A.’
The April meeting of Group 3
of the W.A.t was held at the home
of Mrs. Wilfred Anderson. Mrs.
Hunter presided for the opening
exercises. The scripture reading
was given by Mrs. Wm. Bushell.
The lesson < thought and prayer
was- given by Mrs. Hunter. The
roll call was answered by 22
members on a Bible verse with
an Easter theme in it. A letter
was read from Mrs. Mumford
and much/' appreciated. Mrs. Mel
vin Morrison took the chair for
the program. A reading by Mrs.
Albert -Little was followed by a
very interesting talk* was given
by Mrs. Pollock, her theme being
“Grosses”. A solo by Mrs. Roibt.
Campbell was followed by a read
ing by Mrs. Havens, aU of which
were much enjoyed. After an
Easter hymn and mizpah bene
diction a dainty lunch Was serv
ed by the committee in charge.
Presbtyerian Evening Auxiliary
The April meeting was held at
the home of' Mrs. Morgan Hen
derson on April 13th with Mrs.'
Jack Fisher presiding. Hymn 582
was sung followed by praybr by
the president. The scripture les
son was taken by Mrs. Norman
Taylor f olio wed : by the Bible
study by Mrs. J. MacDonald. Mrs;
Morgan Henderson read the 3rd
chapter of the study “book on
Hospital Visitors, followed by a
discussion. After hymn- 209. was
sung, . the roll call was answered
by a verse of scripture ‘and the
minutes- read and. adopted. Mrs.
Pedersen gave the current events
arid after singing hymn 192, Mi'sk
Maudie Fisher Closed the meeting
with prayer. ,
United Church W.A. Group 1
* '‘There is a green hill far. away
u^s the hymn sung to open the
•'April meCting of-GidUp i of the
1 W‘A, held at the .home of’ |Mrs.
Choice selection in all purpose
Toppers for men and women. -
were repeated in response tp the
roll call. Mrs. Jack Henderson
chaired the meeting for the fol
lowing program: an Easter hymn
was sung and Mrs. Ewart Taylor
gave a splendid papqr on “Cheer
up, life was meant to be enjoy
ed”.. Mrs. iScott told of “Easter in
Egypt” and Mrs; Jessie Allin read
a poem “What does Easter mean
to You?” A poem .entitled “Don’t
Worry” was given by Mrs, Al
Irwin, followed by community
singing. Mrs. W. V. Johnston, a
valued member of the Group,
who will be leaving Lucknow
shortly Jo take Up residence in
Toronto, was presented with a
cup and saucer by Mrs. George
Joynt on behalf of the Group.
Refreshments were served arid
thanks to the hostess and the
committee, namely, Mrs. Jack
Henderson, Mrs. Jas. Webster and
-Mrs. Sam Reid. ; . ... -
Ashfield IV.M.S.
The part taken by woman in
the life and resurrection of Jesus
was the theme of Mrs. (Rev.)
MacDonald’s address to the -.wo-,
men of Ashfield Presbyterian
W.M.S? which was held in the
home of Mrs. Elizabeth Rose on
Good Friday. The meeting open
ed with prayer by Mrs.'Kenneth
Farrish and by singing “Beneath
the Cross of Jesus”. Mrs. Duncari
MacKerizie read the Easter mess
age from scripture and Mrs. A.
A, J. Simpson gave the medita
tion on itj stressing that we have
a living God. Mrs. Jack MacKen-
zie sang a solo. Mrs. Oliver was
a welcome guest. She gave a
short talk and led in prayer. Mrs.
Duncan M.acKenzie ,read from tbv
study” book and reviewed it .i.i
an interesting way. Eastet hymns
were sung. The roll call was ans
wered by an Easter verse. Mrsv
R. Wilson, our president, conduct
ed the business part of the meet-
ing. There were 37 present/At
the . close of the meeting a nice,
lunch was served »nd a social
time enjoyed.
aftefnoon. Mrs. K. C. Murdie
and ‘burial, as told (in the 23rd
chapter according " to the gospel
of St; Luke. The business period
■was in charge of Mrs. Redvers
Johnson ,anci announcement was
made bf the W.A. Presbyterial
meeting to be held in Tara on
May i 3th. Easter Bible ; verses
“Old at40,50,60?
Be Wise! Revitalize
MEN! You're crazy if you let age get you
Ivl down, when only 40, 50 or 60. There’s
such a quick,, easy way to get new pep and
energy. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. For
weakness, loss of energy, pepless, tired-out,
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tions you may call “getting old”. Revitalizes,
energizes, invigorates;, stimulates, Helps both
sexes feel years’ younger. “Get-acquainted”
size only 60 At all druggist?.
. Members of the Lucknow Pres
byterian Mission Band staged an
interesting program last Wednes
day evening, with Mr. Jim
The entire Band assembled oh
the platform for opening recita
tions , by Allan Mowbray and
Janet Finlayson _ and an Easter,
chorus by the Band. Following
numbers included: recitations by
Kathleen Smith, Sandra Boakr
.Mary Finlayson, Karen "tyasney,
Roddy MacSween, Beverley Tsty-
. lor,. Beverley MacDonald, Evan
Agnew, Terry Taylor, Donna For
ster, Brian Mowbray, Billy Ches
ter, Wayrie Jamieson, Judy ReidU
Dianne Jamieson, Eileen Baker,
Ian Morton; piano solos, Jerry
Mowbray, Wendy MacKenzie,
Janet Finlayson, Gary MacDon
ald, Karen Wasney; a reading by
Betsy Henderson, Nancy Forster,
Janet Finlayson; “Easter Flowers”
by Wendy and. Joan MacKenzie,
Elizabeth and Arietta Pollock,
Jane Smith and Sharon Mow-
bray; “Easter” by Tony and Bryan
Johnston, Jimmy MacNaughton.
Tom Wasney, Donald Fisher and
Ross Forster; chorus by Nancy
Forster, Jean and Margaret MuV
lin, Elizabeth Finlayson and Mar
lene Stanley; solo by Tom Was
ney; chorus by Jane rind Kath
leen Smith, Wendy and Joan
MacKenzie and Elizabeth and Ar
ietta Pollock. The program closed
with an Easter prayer by Evan
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' • • . ’ X • * ' • r <• * *
Phone 76, Lucknow
. .............................IIH.I. I '