HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-14, Page 11WEDNESDAY, AFBlt 14th, 1954 TT . Mr, & Mrs.- jas„- Falconer have sold their , house in the village, to Mr. and . Mrs.' Elroy Laidlaw. Mr. and.Mrs., Falconer have mov­ ed to the farm, We will miss them in the village,? ■ ' / Mr, and Mrs. E. Groskorth and faniily ■ spent the week-end- • tdt Unionville and Willowdale. ' -' Messrs. Pieter and John- Boer IM? expecting their parents - and sisters and- brothers out from ,——the ”-4irst"0f—the—week.- Pieter- is living on the farm own- "-^ed"bF'Ghas7^Moore--and-Jbhn7As- on the farm formerly known ■ as the Ed Gaunt farm; ‘ Miss Margaret Taylor, is*visit­ ing her brother Ewart at Luck­ now. Mr. and Mrs. V. Emerson and Jack Aitchison visited 'On Sun? ■ day with .Mr.. and Mrs. R. Ritchie at La'ngside. • - ’ > Miss Jean Henderson of Sea­ forth spent. the week-end at her home. here. „ Mr. Nat Thompson was among the ones to attend the band con/ cert: for' the Salvation Army at Kitchener Saturday evening. Mr.'and Mrs. A. Coultes and. family visitedl with • Mr. & Mrs. jack Coultes Of Morris. .Rev. R. D/A. Currie. and/Jack Aitchison : visited in Chatsworth and Williamsford on Wednesday. Miss Sumi- lwanato and her brother-in-law. Mr. M. Izumi of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George McClen­ aghan and Mildred. The community hall was pack­ ed on Friday evening for the ■: 7 Farm‘FoTum concent and dancer The program consisted of bag-- “pipe selections by A; McQuillan, a duet by Don Cameron and Mur- ray Gaunt, a “piano instrumental by Mrs. M. Pickell & Mrs. Keith, recitation by Allan McRae, a mixed quartette and an address by Jim Powers; Federation of ag­ riculture representative for Bruce. Lunch was served and Henderson’s orchestra supplied the. music for the dance. . There will be a service in . the United Church on Good Friday morning at 11 a.m. Rev. R. D. A. Currie and Rev. W. J; Watt will have charge of ‘ the sermons. ZION / ‘ 4 * t >1.■■■ P! PAGE ELEVEN \ . r} *T POT LUCK SUPPER MARKS ANNUAL meeting The.- annual meeting of the i Lucknow Women’s Institute was held in the form of 4 pot luck • supper at the Recreation Centre | tivesTTlw’y-^hopped1 on Friday;• Aprjl.-9.th. At 5.30 p.m-j their way home from a holiday < » . * ' ■ ................... .......... ! VISITED HERE ON FLIGHT j FROM FLORIDA TO WEST I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smeltzer i of Edmonton visited., here last 1 week with his aunt, Mrs. Thomas . Anderson,- Sr., -and. other rela- i” up here on f / This sign, at your " dealer’s, reminds you • •• to fake home enough Coke* THE LUCKNOW iENT-INEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO AUXILIARY marks TENTH BIRTHDAY . The' Ladies Auxiliary to th'e Canadian Legion,’Branch No. 3Q9, Lucknow, ' met in the” Legion Rooms on Thursday, April Sth, to celebrate'the 10th birthday of the Auxiliary. Forty eight ladies were present for a turkey dinner. The head, table was decorated with daffodils, a gift,to the Aux­ iliary from Xhe Zone. Commander Gowan, both of Blyth, Present also were. Miss Dorothy Hoy Ip; n former Zone Commander, apd now an. officer of the Provincial. Command, also Mrs; . Richards, 'both of Stratford. After the ’ dinner, president MacMillan called on each of the visitors for a few words, also the past presidents, . Mrs. Thelma MacDonald, Mrs. Roy Black and Mrs. Ronald Forster. One .past president, Mrs. Lydia Phillips, who lives in Western Canada, was absent. . > • /" . Rev. Meiklejohn was then in­ troduced and he . shpwed some very interesting colored pictures which" he had. taken. Some of great interest to Auxiliary mem­ bers were shots taken at the Legion Auxiliary. Rally last May in Lucknow Town Hall, and. at the/Ceremony and parade on Cor­ onation Day. These, in addition :to? many pictures of prominent buildings in and around the vill­ age, many “natives” of. the vill­ age and some shots “communing yvith nature”, were all thorough­ ly enjoyed. A short, program fol-, lowed consisting of: -a... reading by Mrs. Clair Johnston; duet by Mrs. Joe Wasney and* Mrs., Ron­ ald Forster; a sing song by the Mrs. John T, Carruthers; and a trio by Mrs. Clair Johnston, Mrs. Roy Black and Mrs., Ronald For­ ster. • ■ 7 ■; ; A vote of thanks’ was given the kitchen committee for cooking tyrkey and serving the lovely dinner, to Mrs. Forster for do­ nating a decorated birthday cake and all those taking part in thfe program. . ..■ ' ‘ T-L------- .............................................; ..... United Church W.M.S. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S; of the - United -Church met at the home of Mrs. S. 13. Stothers on Wednesday afternoon April 7th. The president, Mrs. Robertson, conducted the meet­ ing. After the opening devotions ! several' items, of business were discussed and reports given. The Easter Thankoffering will be* in the church on Tuesday evening, April 20th, and the annual meet­ ing-of the Hamilton Conference d^anch”of^lTe^W?M7.^ held in. Kincardine on April 28- 29;Readingsweregi venonKorea by Mrs. Roy Alton, Mrs. T. And- .erson, Mrs. Hall and 'Mirs. Albert Alton. Hymn 105 was-sung. Mrs. Albert Alton gave a reading “The Resurrection of the Roses”. Mrs. Joynt favored with a solo, “Lead me to Calvary” accompanied by Mrs, Hall. The chapter in the study book, “Our Own Backyard” was very capably given by Mrs. Hoag. A. duet, “Oh Calvary’s BroW” was sung'by Mrs. Half and* Mrs. Breckles accompanied, by Mrs. McDiarmid. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Stoth- ers and a social time was enjoyedre Change Paramount W.I. Date The Paramount Women’s In­stitute will meet at the home of Mrs. Di Anderson, Lucknow, on i Wednesday, ’April 28<th at. two I t’clock. Roll call, “Do’s and don’ts. of traffic laws”; topic, “Conser­ vation”, Mrs; Orland Richards; current events, Mrs. J. Hender­ son;' program/ Mrs. W. Dexter, Mrs, Jas. Ketchabaw. i about forty women sat down' to a turkey dinner^ which everyone enjoyed, Following the supper, the meet­ ing—was—held—wi-thr-M-rs—Char-les Cook;in the chair. The reports „of„the_different.. ..committees ...were given, which showed that the In­ stitute bad' enjoyed a highly suc­ cessful year, . ' , The nominating report was given by Mrs. Elmer Johnston, as follows:, pres., Mrs. Chsis. Cook; 1st vice pres.,'Mrs/R. Robertson; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Wm. Doug­ las; sec.-treas., Mrs. A. Havens; pianist, Mrs. Wes Joynt; assistant pianist, Mrs. .Barkwell; district director, Mrs. A. Wilson. Conven­ ers of the standing committees are: - Citizenship and Education, Mrs,, George Kennedy; Historical /Research, Miss Mary MacLeod; i Home Economics & Health-, Mrs. Wm. McGill;’Agriculture & Can­ adian Industry, Mrs. N, Ji Mac? Kenzie; Community and Public I Relations,‘ Mrs. . Garnet Hender- | son;- Publicity, Mrs. G.. Fisher; _ ____ Sick Committee, Mrs.-. G. Elliott, Seed ‘ grain.. Mrs, Barkwell; . Auditors, ,-Mrsf R. Robertson, Mrs. G. Fisher. , Following the close of the*meet­ ing a number of the ladies play­ ed cards. VV.M.S. Meeting The February,meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Rit­ chie with 17 present. After the opening exercises Mrs, Gordon ardship and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie the devotional. The scripture was read by Mrs. Jack McDoriagh and a reading by Mrs. Jim Hunter. Mrs. Hunter is to prepare the program for the next meeting. Delegates were appointed to at­ tend the Presbyiterial at Seaforth. An invitation was received to at­ tend the meeting at Hacketts on April 20. Spine yarn was brought in to fee sent to Korea. A letter of thanks was received from Mrs. Sam Gibson. Mrs. El-don Ritchie gave a reading; the study book was taken by Mrs. Charlie And­ erson and a temperance reading A.'JjL.Mrs. BilL jHunter.—------- Mrs. • Gordon Ritchie had charge of the W.A. meeting. The ^ripture. was read by Mrs. Jake punter, At the close of the, meet- : . 1^..lunehjwas.serv-ed-and-a-sociaL time spent. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross, Douglas and Audrey visited recently 7with Mr. and Mrs, *Frank Ritchie. , Miss Muriel Ritchie of Listo- Wel is visiting a few days with her. grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. vordon Ritchie. ' Mr. and, MrSi Fred Mulholland ' 0 ...vPvhesvilie : visited/Sunday •Witn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie. VACCINATION COMMITTEE ■ . •? *• z> .,.•■■ ■ ** • • In last week’s report , of the calf hood vaccination' program in Kinloss Township, we. neglected to name the committee • which . is in- charge of the project and which deals with any problems arising from it. The . threesome includes Har- vey Houston of Holyrood, Frank ence McClenaghan. of , White­ church. It’s easy to make some folks think you’re a ,good egg. That is, until you’re busted.. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE in Florida. Gordon has his own private- plane and travels by air wherever possible. He landed at ’ Goderich and motored to Dun­ gannon where.he visited his cous­ ins, Mr~and. Mrs/Wilbur Brown - ~ before continuing to his old home -towh. /. ...... ' » Gordon, was born just south of Belfast and his .’father, Mr. Wm; Smeltzer, later became one of the ' . early Model T" Ford dealers in ’ Luckhow. Gordon’s mother- was formerly .Mercella Reed, a sister of Mrs; Anderson. It is creeping on to two score years sinpe Gordon left here. He has an extensive insurance busi­ ness in Alberta and* travels the province by air.- His last trip East • was during the Bruce Reunion, and then too1 at the controls of his own'plane. 7 HURON CO. CROP REPORT General warm weather would indicate that spring seeding is not ; far off and there has been quite a steady demand for registered ; Inquiries are quite i numerous on the outlook for 1954 ’ cash crops, : More than 350 boys and girls have already enrolled in Huron County’s. 1954 4-H program. Church Mission Band /“e Mission'. Band was, opened with the singing of the Mission oand hymn/. It- was followed by ^V^ember-s Purpose. Nahcy Webster then read the scripture, Button said a prayer. Miss *ftoihpsoh told, us another story JJy of the study bonk which was ^°yed ,by all. Rev. Meiklejohn “Oowed slides and the meeting d°sed in prayer. Every heel netecU a sock. A recent editorial in one of the leading Toronto dailies has a timely word to say about- th'e seriousness of the growth of the drink fcvil in Canada. After some forceful, pointed and truthful statements to its credit/it- goes 777~ on to denounce present coridi- _ tions with no “Uncertain , sound; If declares that something, should be done about it, but does not offer any constructive ideas. A jibe at the "‘foolish prohibition law” is made. It does not con­ sider Government statistics, re­ cently, released,' showing that with the greatly increased num/ her ' of facilities for obtaining liquor, has come a. startling “in­ crease* in the number Of arrests and convictions for drunkenness per thousand of population? Sure :ly;in the light of these facts reas on. and common sense would sug gest ‘ that restriction should be given a real try. One thinks, of Jesus qu011 ng Isaiah-MaTthew ’ 13: 15/ “This people’s heart is. waxed gross and thoir'ears are dull .of hearing and their eyes have they should see'With their eyes,, and hear vyith their ears and should understand with their hearts and should be convened ahd I should heal them”.. In Huron Couhty the C T.A^ does restrict the consuihp- tion of liquor; else why do those financially interested in promot­ ing increased consumption advo* cate-its repeal?-—Advt. Reward your Easter-egg hunters with what they like best­ ice-cold bottles of delicious Coca-Cola. The unmatched flavor and frosty goodness of Coke are always welcome as Springtime, to young and old.jBe ready with wholesomerefresh- ment...get extra car­ tons of Coke today. catts for Coke at (oft*!** 'Deliciou* a * • nd Refreshing 6 bottle carton 36* including Ft/deral Taxes, Phis deposit 2^ per bottle AutiMcixMl bottler of Coca-Cota under contract with Cdca<*Cola Ltd* - GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich, Ont — Phone:* 489 “Colte* b 0 registered trade mark .......... ' -