HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-14, Page 9THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I 1st show 7.30} 2nd 9.15—-Adults 50c, students 35c, children 25e started. T HAYROBINSON AUXILIARY SHOOT PARTIES CONCLUDED FRIDAY NIGHT She calls her dog “Corset”—- she keeps him tied up all day and lets him out at night. AUCTION. SALE of farm stock, and implements at Lot 37, Con. J I to at 'at miles Two Shows Each Night . , FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 o— Children 10c, Students 20c the world is full ; of willing people — those willing to work end those willing to lqt them. “Blue, Auc. n==^.....................7".:== I NOTICE To Appicants . for Driver’s License WEDNESDAY, APfil Wed., Thurs., April; 14, 15 CLIFTON WEBB, . EDMUND GWENN —- in .— Mister Scoutmaster AUCTION SALE be held Saturday, April 17t.h, 1.30. o’clock in our Sales Barns Bervie on, No. 9 Highway, 6 east of Kincardine. ‘35 I LyceumTheatre WINGHAM WANT ADS FOR SALE — one 8-ft. Chicago „air-motor. windmill, —used—orie- 6-ft. Chicago air-motor wiudmill, _Used^„Wm..„.Bitzpatrick,~R..^R._3r Goderich, phone 12-r-3 Dungan­ non. < . , Friday, Saturday, April 16, 17 EDMOND O’BRIEN, HELEN., WESTCOTT in COW COUNTRY Matinee Saturday Afternoon FOR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up .to Saturday, April 24th, for the' sale of the furnace at the' Municipal Office, Lucknow. E. H. Agnew, Clerk, Village pf Lucknow. - ‘ 1 . APRIL CHICKS should be Bray chicks. In production for early ■fall markets. They have pullets, cockerels, mixed; .some Prompt shipment. Ask us for complete April list. Let iis have your order. Agent—r D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ALL NEXT WEEK April 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 MARTIN LUTHER Three Sliows Each Night ' . J ■ Starting at 6,30 . SALESMAN WANTED WANTED: Reliable man as deal­ er in Bruce Co. Experience not necessary# A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished oh credit. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. D-271-163 Montreal. 5, Huron Township, second farm west of Bluewater Highway on Tuesday, April 20th at 1.00 p.m. sharp. See bills for list & terms. Adam' MacDonald, Prop.; Emile MacLennan, Auc. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24th ~ g at 6 :3 Oo clock MATINEES: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday . Cdmriiericng at 2:00 p<m. ADVANCED ADMISSION PRICE The Legion Auxiliary Shoot parties were terminated for the season last Friday night with 11 tables present for the final social evening. The winners were, high lady, Mrs. Les Purves; high man, Mr. Howard Harris;, consolation fresh and springing Holstein cows prize winners, Miss Susan Mac- • Naughton and Mr. Bert Gamjnie. A draw was held on a crochet­ ed doily set, made and donated by Mrs. N. H. Hedley* and was won by Mrs.. P. A. Murray ~df Holyrood. ■: and heifers with calves, including some really top Cows; 10 yearling Holstein heifers; 20 yearling 2- vear-old Shorthorn and Hereford steers and heifers;. 25 extra Hol­ stein heifer -calvesr -2 wbeks-and- older, from good herds;' 8 beef breed calves; a, few sows due soon and chunks of pigs; 1 Here­ ford bull, 14 mos. Eltori McLel- I land & Sons, Prop.; Ponald B> Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM IMPLEMENT CLEARANCE As we are retiring from the implement business we still have a few used implements for sale: “44-^actoiy;4^yearsToId-^77 1~—- M.-H. Baler, new, demonstrator ’^1^46™podge-^uek7“l-toh-“-^-—™ 1948 Dodge coach, rebuilt motor .Three Massey^Harris combines Large parts stock still on hand All accounts not paid by May 15th, 1954, will be .turned in. for collection. J, S. KILPATRICK & SON SEED FOR SALE Per bushelj French alfalfa $17.00; Ontario or Grimm alfalfa ‘$20.00; red iclover $16.00; white sweet $8.00;. yellow sweet $7.50; timo­ thy $7.20; Ajax and Beaver oats $1.25 bus.; Montcalm, barley $1.75 bus. Cleaned and treated. Very reasonable prices on all pasture grasses. Farmers bring in your clover seed and have the weeds removed. . ’ ROY CRAMM & SON Seedsmen Pinkerton, Ont. Phone Cargill 68-W-3 NOTICE A Child Health Conference will be held in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, on Tuesday, April 20th from 10 to 11.30 a.m. Everybody welcome. ' > , ’ The Motor Vehicles Branch 6f the Department of HighwaysTe- quires that .the applicant for a driver’s license have a licensed driver accompany him or her; up­ on taking the examination. CARD OF THANKS” Mrs. Bill Hunter wishes to sin­ cerely thank all those who re­ membered her and^son Dale with cards, gifts and in other ways while in the hospital and^ since corning home. ; Brothers and Sisters of the late John D. MacLeod wish to Sincere­ ly thankfriends and neighbors for their many kind acts and ex­ pressions of sympathy in their bereavement. Floors LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. ’Phone Carlow 210,5 RR.'l, Port Albert I JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME / ’Phone 76 Day dr Night ~7“AmbulanceService——— USE OF FUNERAL 'HOME , At Nd Extra Cost Moderate Prices G. ALAN WILLIAMS ’ Optometrist off the Main St. lit z ■ WINGHAM Professional. Eye Examination Optical Services > t EveiiitiR^ by phone: OffUti. 77(i; ftes. 5* PAGE NINE Wednesday, Thursday, April 21st, 22nd Gregory Peck and Hugh Marlowe, in “Twelve O’clock High” The PLAYHOUSE Wednesday. Thursday, April 14th, 15th T. * ’ u ♦ A • • . ■ 1 ■ ‘ t ’• Humphrey Bogart, Ethel Barrymorje, Kim Hunter, in Deadline U. S. A Friday, Saturday, April 16th, 17th Bing Crosby, Rhonda Fleming, William'Bendix, in Connecticut Yankee SAVE MILK and MONEY GARGETEX - (NIXON) .. . '• Multi-Antibiotic Ointment WILL STQP MASTITIS3 or Your Money Back! GARGETEX contains two peni­ cillins, streptomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin, combined in a. completely milk soluble oint­ ment, bringing the effect of four antibiotics -against mastitic infec­ tions. GARGETEX works immed­ iately on the internal infected'ud- der tissue, promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effective results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. In­ structions for easy administration on every package. Made in Can­ ada by Nixon Laboratories Lim­ ited. •. UMBACH DRUG STORE iPhone 13-w, Lucknow For . Higher Crop Yields it’s Co-op Seed You Can Always Be Sure Of Top Quality Sow With Confidence and Harvest With Pride” SOLD Lucknow District Co-op Phone 71, Lucknow Olivet W.MjS. J Twenty.- two members were present to ansiwer the roll call with an Easter thought at the April meeting of the WjM.S. held . at the home of Mrs. Harvey Brooks. Easter hymns were chos- en for the meeting. The scripture was read by Mrs. Harvey Brooks followed by an Easter reading by Mrs?JH. Claytpn. Mrs. Anger; leader of the group, also gave a’ reading and a chapter from the ' study book, “Christ the Answer” was taken by Mrs. Howard Henry. Barbara Anger sang a solo. Mrs. Melvin Colling <took charge of thd Wffifess^aH of the meeting. Report of the parcel sent to Korea was given by the supply secretary. Anyone having any good clean pressed clothing are asked to leave with supply secretary in order that another parcel may be sent at a later date. Proceeds from the tea were given to help the Sunday School, Mrs. D. Henry moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and a social hour was enjoyed by all.