HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-14, Page 6Wednesday* April i4tht 1954THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
f X.
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.kinlough / h
M.rs; Phil Smith spent the past
week - twith her daughter, Mrs. ,
Neil Murdoch at Glamis.
Mrs. Dan. Nicholson , and Ken*
of Paramount visited Wednesday
evening with Mr. and Mrs, Don
Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs, Jas, ,
Hodgins. Mrs, Gillespie (went
home with them t° spend a
couple of days/
?. A number of pupils, are out of
w The Rev. G. Benson Cox re-
turne8 home from /hiblst*^‘enjoy2
able cruise to South America.
The Sr. WA. met in the koly*
rood Hall on Thursday afternoon
with iMrs. Jim Smith hostess. The
president, Mrs, Maurice Hodgins,
was in charge. The hymn “Sold
iers of the Cross Arise” opened
the meeting. Mrs. Howard Thomp
son read the scripture and pray
ers followed with Mrs. j. W. Cjdl-
welL offering the prayer for our
prayer . partner. The secretary
Mrs. George Graham, read the
minutes of the previous meeting
and also announced the Diocesan
Annual to be held ih London on
April 27-28. Letters of thanks
Which were received by the Soc
ial Service secretary during the
month from- sick and shut-ins
were read. Plans were made for
delegates to attend the annual
meeting; Each member answered
the roll call With “An Easter
Bilble verse”. A quilt was quilted
during the afternoon, also quilt
blocks Were made. \It had been
donated by two members. Rev.
John Prest conducted the mid
week Lenten meditation. The
closing hymn was “In Christ
, ‘there is no East or West” and
the meeting closed with the W.A.
litany. Mrs. Tom Hodgins gave
the closing remarks and a dainty
lunch was served by the hostess.
The Evening Guild met on
Wednesday “at "the home of Mrs.
George Haldenby. The president
Mrs. Ronald Thacker* was in
charge and the meeting ^opened
with the hymn “The Love of
Christ Constraineth” and prayer.
Mrs! Howafd Thompson read the
scripture lesson. The roll call was
answered with adverse containing
the word ‘Spirit’. Miss May
Boyle gave the “thought for the
day” when she read an article
on the Nathanael Institute (Jew
ish Mission). During the, business
period plans were made to pur
chase an electric stove for the
church kitchen. Mrs. Tom Hod
gins thanked- the hostess. The
meeting closed with prayer and
a dainty lunch was served by
the hostess. . ■ ,
Mrs. Hugh Becking and son,
£ Hugh Becking of Matheson. were
jecent visitors with Ml and Mrs
Wm. E. Haldenby.
Honor Eckenswiller Family
Mr. and Mrs. Weir Eckenswil
ler and family were honored at
the |Oth School on; Tuesday ev-
ening, (when friends and neigh
bors on Con, 10 gathered to spend
a social time and present them
■With a token of reuiembrance.
Films were’shown by Mrs. Mc
Ewan, teacher, Mrs,, Ernie Han
na read an address and Mrs. F,
Thompson presented them with
Corabelle Thorhpson on behalf ,.pf ,
the pupils presented Eldon.with.,
suitable child’s gifts; Weir and.
Eldon each replied •. fittingly. *
Lunch was served and all enjoy/
ed 1a~social time- Mr, and .Mrs.
Eckenswiller. and. family moved
this week to Holyrood.*
Mr. and. Mrs. H. A. Graham,;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham spent
the/ week-end in Ann Arbor,
Mich., the-guests of'Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Graham.
Mrs. -Frank .Johnstone was in.
London to asee her son-in-law, Sid
Gardner, who. is a patient in Vic
toria Hospital following a serious
.injury at the Lucknow mill where
lie was. employed. \ ;
.Miss Veronica Murray, R.N. of
Walkerton, visited with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. {Murray.
The Holyrood 4-H Club Girls
met at the home of Mrs. Perry:
Hodgins for the final meeting.
Five girls were present. Covers
for the record book were made
and further preparations for the
i Achievement Day which iwill be | held oh May 1st. The seven girls
who have completed the course
will- be participating. A Club
story lis to be written by each
girl. "A dainty lunch was served
by the hostess.
48 Years Married
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lane, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Maulden & Keith
were guests of? Misses Nellie and
Margaret Malcolm, Lucknow, it
being the occasion of Mr.-and
Mrs. Lane’s 48th wedding anni
Mr. & iMrs. John Currie, Bruce
and Ann of Wingham visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold.
Percy and family.
Gary Sutton, 8-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Sutton, was rush
ed to London during the week
and is a hospital patient. The
Sutton . family recently moved
here and it is the wish of every
one that Gary will sopn be able
to return to his home here.
Mr. ■ and Mrs. Don McCosh,
Mary and Dick of Purple Grove
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mrs. J. W. Colw^ell.
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
Clark Needham and Other mem
bers of the Needham family in
the passing of Mrs. James Needy
ham, who has been a patient in
Kincardine Hospital for some
Sports director of CFPL-Radio, reports the
world daily on his Sportscasts at 6:15 p.m. and
11:20 p.m. His sports anecdotes and guest inter
views maintain a high rate of listener interest.
In addition, his play-by-play descriptions of
sports events command a wide audience from an
area within a radius of 60 miles around London.
Ken Ellis'^
iSpo/h Director ,
. Rodio
Mr. <and Mrs. Kenneth Rob
ertson/ Marlene, Linda and Gor
don of Zion visited at the home
of Mr. Donald and Miss Margaret
Mr. Lawrence Stanley of tor-
with Mr. Milton: Stanley.
Mrs. Elste Scott returned home
last week having spent the u in
ter months at the Baker Hcrme
-in—Lucknow-.-------—-————X- ,
/Mr. and (Mrs. Donald MdCosh*.
Mary Anne and Dickie visited
with the latter’s mother* Mrs, J,
W, ..Colwell at Kinlough Sunday.
' Mr'and Mrs. Isaac Nixon* John*
Wayne and Delbert of Belfast
■visited at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. John Emerson on Sunday.
Mr. Claude Dore and Mr. John
Emerson attended a special meet
ing in the Orange Hall at Walk
drton on Thursday evening of
*■1' ...'■...
Mr/ and Kits. Donald McCo.^h^
Miss -Margaret anad^Donaldl4ob-
ertsoni Mr. Norval Stanley and
Mrs; Helen Swan attended.'the
annual meeting- of the Farm’ For-
urn .groups kt the Royal York.
Hotel in Toronto ion Wednesday
of iagt. week; . •’ , , • X■' '
; Actually the so-called weaW/
sdx is the stronger sex' beda use
.of the weakness of the stronger,
sex for the weaker sex, ■