HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-14, Page 5f. .t I I Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie were Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Hackett — and Doug, Ashfield and Mr. and the Ladies’ Guild of 7St. PauFs,'the Ladies’ Gudd df Stf . f i' / | Paul s, Dungannon, to attend anBipley, held their regular meet-1 anniversary meeting .was receiv­ ing at the Rectory, LqcknoW,1 ed. Mrs. H. L. Jennings, assisted with a good attendance.’ Mrs. Joe' bp her mother, Mrs. C. Lawrence *. ■ *' J * s ■ q. - 4* 'Wtf . / L >S-c“S| m m i beSs §8“ I vmKESDAY, APRIL 14th, 1954 .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . PAGE FIVE Lynda shows typical liiHwirl interest in her Mother's telephone call \ that's 18-inouth-old Donna; perched in. her high chaii\ 4 • ♦ ' "VVhen you have to do everything,-for tvvo small ; -children it’s not easy to leave the house even for ; e'ssential shopping,” says Mrs,. Bernard Renaud of.755 DesauIniers Blvd., St. Lambert, Qije; , ffFve really appreciated our telephone in the last feiy years. If means I can still pick up bargains 1. 0e in the paper arid do-iny shopping in a matter of .’ minutes .. . by telephone. So, my’phone saves me money and .gives the time to do other things that 'T crowd my busy day. Tliat’s why I thjiik one of the > be^’bar-gains I ever bought was pur telephone!”. CULROSS CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zettel & Jean. Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bannerman visited. Monday with Mr. 8c Mrs. Alex Whytock. '%Mr. Lloyd Whytock, Lucknow, is spending some time at his; home here, , ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hender­ son and Lynda, Lucknow, spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and: Mrs. Jas. Wraith. —Mr^arid Mrs. Whi; Wallr4Kiri-’ lough, Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Schu: macher and Helen--spent-ThuEs^ day evening with Mr. and Mrs.’ Frank Brown and Reg-- ; , . Mr.t Jim Hodg’ins has left to join the members of his crew, who will spend^the summer, sail­ ing. • / - . ■ Mr, and. Mrs. Earle. Hodgins spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Quinney at Poplar Hill near .Lon­ don. Mr. Hodgin’s cousin, Miss Marjorie Quinney, was a stew­ ardess on the North iStar plane which crashed last week at Moose Jaw. She was one of 37 who lost their lives. The same day word was received at the Hodgins 116 m e th a t a eous i n’ s h usban d had passed away at .Woodstock. The i community extends its sympathy ■ to Earle. /. • Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall and Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson at­ tended a church meeting at Port Elgin Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wall and family spent .Saturday .'.evening with: Mf: and Mrs. Frank Schu- ■- macher and Patsy. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary Wall and Jim and Orval Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall, Mr. and Mrs; Harvey Wall and family* Kincardine was answered by members using an Easter verse. Miss D. MacLeod read a missionary letter which was very interesting. Mrs. S. Chadwick and Mrs.. A. Hughes then delighted us with an:Easter duet, “Willing to take the Cross”. Bible readings were given by Mrs. F. MacKinnon, Mrs. A. Aus­ tin and Mrs; E. Keith followed by a prayer by Mrs. H. Bucktpn, A chapter in the study book, Kincardine. . . '| THE BEU TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA * Sun,lay visitors with M and Ripley Ladies’ Guild , program. Plans were made for a Mrs./Eric Hackett and Murray, On Tuesday evening, AprU 6, Daffodil Tea in May.^An invitjf-i Paramount. : A T - A/Tv. AW J I raul’s, Dungannon, to attend an ... « mi. VV. .7 v...o - ing at the Rectory, Lucknow, ed. Mrs. H. L. Jennings, assisted Canadian Builders Scott presented an interesting of Gorrie, served a tasty lunch. 5paper.., His name might be Green. Mr. .'arid Mrs. Don Donaldson \pent Sunday at Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs, George Hodg.iris & daughter, whose husband passed away Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins motored, to Woodstock Monday to attend .the funeral. Presbyterian W.M.S. A good attendance was present at the April meeting held in the church. Mrs. Rotyt. Reid conduct­ ed opening exercises and Mrs. A. C. Agnew gave the* secretary’s report and read an enlightening letter from Mrs. Dickson on “Lep- -fP^_in■■Formosa”, The Easter pro- ^ram from Glad Tidings was fol­ lowed with Bible readings by Mi’s. H. Anderson and Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Purdon gave the life story of our missionary, Miss William­ son, who was born and raised' in Wingham. Mrs. Yovari read cur­ rent events prepared by Miss M. MacLeod. Mrs. McGill gave thfe , Bible study prepared by Mrs. M. Henderson, The topic Was taken by Mrs., Z E. Little with parts re^d by Mrs. J. Fisher, Mrs. W. Douglas and Mrs. Johnston. Mrs- L E. Agnew looked after the bale allocation. The Society will en­ tertain the Mission Band, and Cradle Roll and their mothers at -the—May^-meetlngv----T-he^rEaster- Thankoffering of Evening and 'Senior Auxiliaries will be held in the church oh Tuesday, Apri.1 20th at 8.00 p.m. with Mrs; Gbf- : ^tmH^unde!4^s-giiest-speaker— ' ft . He is q link in the human chain of hands and brains that magically hew arid shape a rough, raw log into the thou­ sands‘of products we use every day. . Canada grows strong through the,efforts ,^’rii* And if is for these men that the modern consumer, finance ■„ industry exists. For as Green helps: build Canada throug the job he does and the family he raises., often he .tap, need's he Ip—money, help to face^emergencies y to cap<- ■lit South Kinloss AV.M.S. Twenty-three ladies arid ^v- reval children wore present' for the South Kihloss W.M.S. Abril I rneeting held at the home* of Mrs. A. Madlntyrfe. The president op­ ened ’.the meeting by, a reading and. prayer based on the. Easter story, "Psh 1 m:' 138 -was. .read by Mi’s. W. F. MacDonald. Letters nf“ thanks wore read., Mrs. W; ;F. MacDonaid was appointed as del- ' eg^ato to\ attend the 'pre-assembly Congress' 'meetings. BemgHfeld in* f J May at Toronto: A questionnaire 1 sent bv the Presbyterial prbsi- dent, tto: Baulch, was then jread !'<. ; arid after some discussion^ the pp- f inions of the members were re- i corded for further reference. Mrs. I A^ Sutherland, followed with a I renbrt oh; work to beI done yet I . Wilt . ■ , taliz^ on opportunity. -■r-“r-i““^MMhiMhridem4oan-seW^^ Vides to halp solve the? money problems of hundreds-ot • AfOI^Er WHfN V6U NEED ft ^HOUSEHOLD FINANCE — r repurv uu, --- ». Wfc URGEtf AND MOST RECOMMENDED CONSUMER FiNAHCE COMPANY yris gear’s bale./The roll call '* , ' |S “Christ, the answer fpr India”, was ably given by Mrs. H. Lavis. * Mrs. L; MacDougall gave an in­ teresting talk op the “Hospital Visitor”, telling of her experi­ ences among the sick. The meet­ ing ended with hymn and pray­ er. A vote of thanks was given to the hostess for her hospitality and to the directors, Mrs. F. Mac­ Kinnon- and Mrs. L. MacDougall for a delicious lunch. SJzz — Ch th cn * g «3 g rc=j>£o g m Ix o 2 z c O< c s m u G> *2o wU O r- mm g3=» (£> z w o > u? > 2 m c z Z d S O 8d<v»5-° >m Cb < ^3 Om -s. m r- z m mrObZmr <3o O• ca - -n • J CA J m m zv> o»g ' CD £•<— zZ rnx 3 tn- |58S< o > o \ w I *3' •gv ■ •’ g • ■.Cfl , O ■ . 2 ..