HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-14, Page 4WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14th, 1954 & Investigate Before Investing T t 4 Program at 8.30. ’ Silver collection, lunch. Everyone , ■ - . '**. CAR FOR SALE—1951 Ford in good condition. Phone 70-r-13 Dungannon, FOR SALE—Roxton and Beaver seed oats. EG.' Zirin & Sons, R. 1, Dungannon, phone 14-r-15. FOR SALE—9 Tam pigs, 10 wks, old. John Rutherford, R. 2, Luck­ now, phone 21 l-r-13. . . SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Are YOU. having septic tank trouble, drains plugged? ■ -“See—Jack—England—-e-x^ei-ienc- ed, work guaranteed. FOR SALE — lady’s bicycle in good condition. Apply to Maudie Fisher,phone241,Lucknow. — FOR SALE—2 yearling steers St 15 bales of hay. Phone Lucknow: 179., ■ " •■/ . FOR SALE—.girl’s bicycle, with white-wall balloon tires, in good condition. Phone 172-J Lucknow. FOR SALE—Red clover seed. T. Allan MacDonald, Con. 6, Huron Twp^^hbne;“Ripl€!y~28-24?-------— FOR SALEr—PjC.y. license and trucking, business. J. S/Jamieson, phone • 104 Lucknow. • A . ~ T—“— . Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew —Jos. Agnew FOR SALE—three, turkey, pens, t.wo oil.brooders, quantity of good hay, reasonably ’ priced. Eldon ■Wilken', R. 7/ Lucknow, phone Dungannon 82-f-4, HELP WANTED^-^dbmesficTC- male help at Baker’s Private Hos­ pital., Apply at Hospital. ’ - ■ v./ v. <•.. REUBEN WILSON , R. R. 3, Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon Insure With The PAGE FOUR FOR SALE -L red, clover seed. John , Austin, R. 7, Lucknow, phone Dungannon 82-22. FOR SALE—good quality .mixed hay. R?“T. Kilpatrick, Gon. 8f ’Ash^^ •field, phone 77-r-2 Dungannon. BUILDING FOR SALE—20x50, on Main St., immediate possess­ ion.J. S. Kilpatrick & Son. FOR SALE — quantity of loose mixed hay. Apply to Mrs. Tor- rance Anderson; . fl : FOR RENT—apartment on Main Street, available April 15th. Ap­ ply, to Albert Garnmie. FOR, RENT—safety deposit box­ es infire and' burglar-proof safe. Apply at Municipal Office. CATTLE WANTED ' for grass. Able 4o take, .about 8 jtp 12 head. Jack MacFarlane, 18-28. Ripley,; ■ FOR SALE ■ Bowman garden tractors. See them bn display at Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r^ll, Lucknow, FOR RENT—house on corner of . Willoughby and Havelock Sts,, 6 rooms and bath. Available at once. Apply E. J. Farrish, Gorrie. HOUSE FOR SALE — in Luck­ now, 6 rooms, all. modern con­ veniences, in good repair, Apply at The Sentinel Office. PHONE 41 for a price on meat _hy the4 q uarter; also custom woyk ; and cutting. Welsh Meat Market, Lucknow; • FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres, Lot 16, Con. 6; good buildings. Apply to Wm. Griffin, R. R. 3, Holy rood, phone 27-24 Ripley. FOR SALE—Go-cart, nearly new, iboy’s spring coat and hat set, size 2, both in real good condi­ tion. Apply to Box G, Lucknow Sentinel. SEED FOR SALE—full line of- clover seeds, griass seeds and pas­ ture, mixtures at reasonable prices. Harvey Hagedorn, Kintail, phone Dungannon 66-17. FOR SALEr-tbriek building, 22 x 50, upstairs modern apartment, steam heat, 'bottom floor suitable for shop or store, full dry base­ ment N. W. Winterstein. repairs; kitchen cupboards,, etc., made to order. No job too small. Leo Beauchamp/ Phone 97-w, Lucknow. CHAIN SAWS, ETC. . Agent for a complete line of Mall chain saws, -available with Oregon chipper chains. Some used / saws obtainable; also Mall elec- . trie hand. saws, drills, sanders, No. 40 Castrol outboard oil. . Jack Barr, R. 1, Holyrood Phone 18-29 Ripley. CHROME PISTON RINGS Many car owners’ are enjoying the wonderful service of chrome —piston rings__They never fail. Why not let me install a set in* your motor now. V'.N: W. WINTERSTEIN PLUMBING SUPPLIES /~7 Foi^lumb1rTg~fixtures7-fit-t-mgs- and supplies, including American kitchen units,, call T. M;. Meen, , 1178 Francis St., London, phone 7-1170. Evenings 4-4689. • ’ . • MEAT FOR SALE ' . • Good beef for sale by the quar- ■■ ter. Beef killed under license- - from the Department of. Health. ' Highest quality. Front quartets 21c; hind quarters. 30c. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL? LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO [COMING EVENTS I PLAY AT ST, HELENS ’ ■■ The play ‘‘Deacon Dubbs” will be presented by Bayfield Y.P.U. in St. Helens Community Hall on Friday, April 30th at 8.30. Adults 50c, childrep 25c. PARLIAA9BNT fflLL REPORT Report from Parliament Hill by Andy Robinsori, Member for [Bruce r— Over CKNX at 10.15, Sunday,. April 18th; over .CFOS at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 20th. COMMUNITYNIGHT A Community Night will ;be h eld at; St. Helens on Thursday, April 22nd. Dance after, Ladies bring welcome.. play at FOR SALE—7 Poll Angus yearl­ ings. Apply to Robert McNall, R.’ 5, /Lucknow. ' ; ; FOR SALE—lady’s pavy gabard­ ine suit, size 16, nearly new. Ap.r’ ply to Mrs. ;S. W. Gibson, phone 70-r-5 Dungannon. WANTED—some more cattle for grass; also hjay and yellow clover for sale. Tom Glen, R. 7t Luck­ now., •.. ’ FOR SALE—yellow sweet clover seed, $7.00 a bus. K. L.. MacKen> zie, R. 3, Lucknow, phone Dun­ gannon 62-T-13/ FOR RENT* — 80 acres of crop, land, cash or on shares, fall plowed. Walter MacKenzie, R‘. 6, Lucknow, i Cbn. 3, Kinloss. FOR SALE—quantity of alfalfa see^/drid 10 ton^of alfalfa hay/ baled. Alex Farrish, R. 7, Luck­ now, phone 82r7 Dungannon. CEMENT WORK — for concrete foundations, floors,. sidewalks,' etc., contact Ira Wall> R* R- 3» Wingham or phone 747-J-l. FOR SALE—number of yearling calves. Keith Johnston,' R. R. 7, Lucknow, phone Dungannon 76- r-H. / '■ ’ shade and water. Apply to Gray- don Ritchie, R. R. 7, Lucknow, phone 76-r-7. FOR SALE-—Part (Lot 29, Con. 7, Kinloss Twp.- Has good y/ater supply. Apply in writing to Box K, Lucknow Sentinel. SPRING SERVICE—for cleaning septic tanks, ditching, gardening, tractor work of all kinds. Call Howard Robinson, phone 231-w, Lucknow. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service can ;fSTONES”“UoHect“Ingersoll- 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. PRIVATE SALE Of household • effects and furni- ture at the hbme“afri^he"late^T^/ E. N. .Hodgins, Havelock Street, Lucknow, on Saturday, April 17th commen’cipg at 10.00 a.m; GRAIN FOR SALE—Beaver oats; also Montcalm barley and Beaver bats , (mixed),, both suitable for seed. R. T. Kilpatrick, Corn, 8; Ashfield, /phone 77-r-2 Dungan­ non. * ’ ‘ • ., ' . ,, PLAY AT DUNGANNON Dungannon United Young Peo­ ples are' sponsoring the play, “Deacon Duibbs” by Bayfield Y-. ’P. U., Thursday, April 22nd in the Parish Hall at 8.30. Admis­ sion 50c, children 25c. Everyone welcome. ' play at united church Group III of the WX/oF We United Church is sponsoring the play, “Look Qut For Lizzie” by Hacketts Young Peoples’ Union, in Lucknow United Church ’base­ ment on Friday evening, April 30th, at 8.15 p.m.i PLAY IN TOWN HALL A Kincardine cast will present the play, “Deacon Dubbs” in the Lucknow Town Hall, Friday, April 23rd at 8.30^ sponsored by Lucknow Women’s Institute. Ad­ mission 50c,, children 25c. PLAY AT BLAKE’S 3-act play, “Deacon Dubbs”, presented by ZiorFT^hurchr~inr Blake’s Hall, Ashfield, Thursday, April 15th at 8.30, under auspices Blake’s W.A. Admission 50c and 25e.^ ■ HARDTIME DANtE ' The St. Helen’s Handicrafters are sponsoring a Hardtime Dance in St. Helen’s Community Hall on Tuesday, April 20th.~ Tiffin’s orchestra. \ Prizes will be given. Regular admission 35c? but those not coming dressed hardtime will 'be charges 50c.x Ladies are asked to please bring* lunch. ; EASTER THANKOFFERING The United Church W.M.S. and Evening Auxiliary -will meet on Tuesday evening, April 20th, in the Church fellowship rooms. Miss Winifred Warren of Walk­ erton, former missionary in China will be guest speaker. Everyone is welcome to the~Easter Tliank=- offering. PROGRAM AND DANCE Kintail W.I. sponsor a var­ iety concert and dance in Kintail Hall,' Wednesday, April 21st, at 8.30. Variety music and comedy numbers consisting of quartettes, Scotch dancing, accordion selec- tionC'' -skits, fashion show, will make up a good program. Donald Blue, chairman. Carruther’s will supply the music for the dance. Lunch counter. Admission 50c & 25c. ‘ LAWN MOWERS repaired and sharpened. Power mowers a specialty. For" prompt and efficient service, see or call E. W, RICE, ST. HELENS R.2, Lucknow Phone 211-r-31 z ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia. Rd. (corner South St.) GODERICH, OW» Telephoh.® 1011 state farm mutual AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP " We Have Been Memorial .. Craftsmen Fdri Thirty-Five Years, Always Usings THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Winghamr Ontario INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. See ... T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.O. ___ _ Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a,m. toj) p.m., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th and-every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96«r-24 Ripley. 3 DR. T. B. CLELAND 5 VETERINARIAN n ; Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage. LUCKNOW 1 »l. ’ Telephone 175’ BUSINESSand TAXSERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS .■/■.■For" The'. Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O; Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont; Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 231-w . •> ‘ F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST ) GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT A Thone 1100 •.: .For■: Appointment or Information See Wm. A; Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY ' AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE. _ To Protect Your Jack, ’ Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3; Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor_ LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every . Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon. Office in the Joy nt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J . --^S^ERDr.EOR^.SALE—We;...have..a_ ' complete stock of all kinds of seeds for .your Spring, require­ ments. Some prices lowest in years. Clover pasture mixture ’^peciak $10 per bushel. Bring in ybur clover seed arid have the Buckhorn/y taken out Contact Roy Cramm & Sori; Seed Mer­ chants, Pinkerton, Ont.., phone Cargill 68-W-3, ■t MALTING BARLEY SEED We have been able to get some ’more malting barley seed, but We ''are sure* when “If“cbrhes“*t'tr seeding time, we will not. have enough to supply every farmer who will want barley seed'this year^We would advise you to get in touch with Us now if you want a MALTING BARLEY CON­ TRACT this year.- ; Treleaven Milling Co. Ltd. . Lucknow < effects- including’6 cubic ft; res frigerator,: arid* numerous other articles to be hold one block south of* Finlayson’s Store, on Wednesday; April 21st, at 2.00 p.m, Mrs. John Jamieson, Prop,; Well Henderson, Auc. (Additional Classified on Page 9) P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and, Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK z GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 3(1 Years Ago ‘ L .. . Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 MacLENNAN and ■Kt 'sJy-s»i •-P— ' *■, ■ r ■ MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association »......... , ... ♦ • R.S. Hetherington,-Q.G Barrister, 4Etc. Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW --------Each-Monday-2—^- and Wednesday \ Located oh ’the ground floor in the front of John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone, Wingham; Office 48 Residence >7 , v ” WWW MacKENZIE CulrossMutual FtUNERAU-SERVIC^—- ' Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional change. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone- 181, Lucknow. Day • of Night ^FIR^ ■ for Reasonable rates, sound . pro­ tection & prompt, satisfactory Bettlemerit of claims. / FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R.,3j Toeswater. Phone Teeswater 57-r-41