HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-07, Page 12PAGE TWELVE [ Beautifully Tailored ? ! EASTER COAT SETS yyithjnatching or .contrasting I headiware to complete the outfit.; | Sizes 1 to 3x $6.95, $7.95 & $11.95 - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Little Tots Easter Coats I $3.00 $3.00 I A r r I A Good .Assortment In The 4 to 6x Size. Also, .Sizes starting at 7 to I4x front $11.95 up New Shipment this week of “LITTLE NUGGET” • ' ' . .■ sv.-.; ; ; , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1954 T1!1 ■' ■■ . ’ "" " ' " ■ ‘ , KAIRSHEA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE annual 'C LADIES’ SUITS* SHORTY COATS, ALL WEATHER and LONG COATS SPRING DRESSES — NEW STYLES THIS WEEK ; ASHTON’S MEN’S; LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR V Piece Goods and Woollens Ii " III i : iI n«m<o2» THAT Art Andrew of Kapuskas- ing says; ‘T was interested in reading about a possible revival of the Caledonian ' Games in Lucknow. With a* break in the weather I think it would go over O.K.” ( THAT ia reception was Held last Wednesday evening: in the Town Hall in honor of Mr. and v Mrs. Don Gillespie (Marion zvNieholson), On behalf of the gathering a purse of money , was presented the newlyweds : Glerin. THAT X' C, (Joe) , Armstrong has gone sailing and. reported : at Port Cdl'bome' on Monday to join the crew of the iron ore carrier, Windock.■ • ' < ■. - , •. ■ • ' . ., • THAT Austin Reid’s picture ap­ pealed in Tuesday’s Free Press^ he; being treasurer of the As­ sociation for handicapped Adults,' an organization’which functions to help less fortun­ ate people.. \ THAT The Clansmen are staging a ham and chicken bingo in the Recreational Centre on Wednesday night of next week. ; •*’ —O—• ■ ’• / THAT Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pit­ man, who resold the. grocery store at Lochalsh to Frank Mc­ Lennan, x left for Guelph last Wednesday; A farewell party was held at Lochalsh the pre­ vious Friday for Mr.-arid Mrs. Pitman.* 'd . , —-o— THAT highway work in. the Stratford Division for which contracts have been let includes resurfacing in the Harrison- Teviotdale district and a 60- foot single span bridge over the river at Port Albert to el­ iminate the S-tum. 1 THAT N. E. Bushell’s many friends are pleased to learn that -he was able to return home on Sunday from Victoria HOspita^J, London, where he was a patient for a month* Nel­ son may have to return in a couple of months to undergo a gall bladder operation. •» ——o ■ — THAT District' Deputy Grand. Master, Archie McGugan, paid his official visit to Old Light Lodge on Thursday night. THAT a private sale of the . household "effects of the late Mrs. E. N. Hodgins has been . z set for Saturday, April 17 th, after which Mrs. N. J. Mac­ Kenzie will obtain possession of the home. ; • '—O— ■ ■ /. THAT high score prize winners . at the Auxiliary tShoot party on Friday night were Mrs. Wm. Stanley and Ross MacPherson. ‘ Consolation .prizes went to Mrs. Wm. iMacDonaldi and Donald McLean. A prize draw will be held on Friday night, which will be the last party-of .the season. ... » y riv,iv,v,yvk SPUING . . . . . Housecleaning Time . ... IS HERE Monarch .Angel Cake Mix 57b Maple Leaf Sockeye . 39c ’ Crisco* I.G.A. Raspberry Jain, *24 oz. .... 38c Kelloggs > Corn Flakes, large box Weston Bread, loaf .... York Corn, 20 oz York Mason Jar Peanut Butter ........ 44c Christie’s Ritz & Cheez Pleez, both for .... ..... 48c Save 6 percent Pineapples, size 12 ....... 29c ►. ► ►' ’• • Johnston’s Paste Wax, lb. 63c ►Gold Seal Glass1 Wax 59c ► Wizard Glass Wax ............ 49c ► Spic &/Span 31c ► Old Dutch Cleanser ........\,14c *Silvo, No* 3........... 21c ► Johnston’s Jubilee Wax .... 7.5c ’Pride _______ 98c ► Hawes Lemon Oil ..... 29c ► Bon Ami, cake or ► powder .... .... 2 for »Light Bulbs, 25, 4b, 60 . /wattJ....:., ► Bleached Sugar Bags ....... ► ► ' „ L . ► ■ > ► • > THAT a girl’s coat advertised last week by Mrs. L. C. Thomp­ son, was ’ sold that evening shortly after the paper was off the press and numerous calls have been received since. THAT Miss Mary MacLeod; is convalescing from a severe at­ tack of measles. '■ ----Or- THAT Friday night brings the annual Calico Ball, one of the “big nights” sponsored each spring by the Kairshea Wo­ men’s Institute. ■. '■—.• THAT the public has remember- - < i: s- 27c 20c 33c 25c 15c 2 for 31c Calico Ball TOWN HALL, LUCKNPW Friday, April 9th I WILBEES ORCHESTRA — ADMISSION 75c . Lunch Counter — Homemade Pies . 4 / prize—Prettiest Cotton Dre»» Prize—Prettiest Ready-made Cotton Dress Dress Parade at 11.00 p.m. *£1 PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT (Continued from Page 1) Holyrood' performers were, Don­ ald Johnston,- Jackie Cplwell, Mary Lou McDonald, Shirley Corigram, - Harold Smith, Bobby Smith, Ronnie Bushell, Kenneth .McDonald, Ernest Ackert, Gary Hobbs, Barry Johnston, Terry. O’Donneil, , Gordon Corigram, Marjorie Thompson, Sharon ,O’-» Donnell, Lois Congram, June Ackert, Judith Hobbs. 5.5, No. 7, Sdcpnd Concession, Miss E. Hamilton, teacher, staged two plays, “Always Be Careful” and “Why Shoemakers get Grby”. The shoemaker was Henry Clarke; mother, Helen Camp­ bell; children, Arthut Wall,’John Thomson, Wayne Stanley, Sandy MacKenzie, Bruce MacKenzie, Donald Campbell, ’ Judy Reid, Jack Mclnnes. In the other play the station1 agent was Bruce Thomson; the mother, Eleanor Clarke and the children, Rae Thomson, Ronnie Krentz, Bertha Carter, Barbara Humphrey, Sally Weiler, Trudy Thomson, parol Stanley.. . 5.5. No. 8, Langside, Mr: ‘ C; Pinkerton, teacher, offered two solos, “Bimbo? and “Changing* Partner's”, sung by Phyllis Steer and Wilhelmena Smith. S.S. No. 9; Murray’s, Miss L. Hunter, teacher, presented a “Variety Number”, With the fol­ lowing taking; part: Donalda Cochrane,' Nancy Cochrane, Mary Cochrane, Donald Gaunt, Myrtle, Crowston, Cecelia Crowston, Ron­ ald Conley, Lbis Conley^ Shirley Moore, Margaret MacMillan. S.S. No, 10> Whitechurch, Mr. Ken McAllister, teacher, staged a “Hoop Drill”, 'by Kathleen Fish- r, Mary Fisher, Dorothy Smith, Frances Henry, Elaine Conn, Karen Groskorth. “Told You So”, Says Advocate .• The Paisley Advocate recall^ the days not so long ago, when Walkerton, Chesley arid Port El­ gin were wooing Paisley to join theirl>^ticular high school areas. From 2 to 2Yz mills was at first the estimated tax rate apd event, ually it was raised to from 4 to 5 mills to operate such schools. Now, The Advocate points’ out, Chesley’s school rate is 8.6 mills and Walkerton’s 11.3. ^6c-^ —ed^retty—Yveli^o-observe-ihe. < ‘ ‘ ’ ........................ ■< •< :< .< “Is the dance formal or can I wear mv own clothes?”, SPEEDEAST Finlay Dec'orators ; and GIFT SHOP Phone 218, Lucknow Directly Across from Legion Dali higher postal rates’ that went into effect last Thursday, and •there have been comparatively' few cases of not enough post-/ age. Postmaster Kenneth Cam­ eron, reported that on Tuesday there were only two letters that did not carry the required 5-cent stamp. ■ —j—o— THAT Dr. E. .J. Robb df Winni­ peg, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Alice Robb arid Mr. R. J/ Mac- Kenzie of town. Dr. Robb came East by plane. He left Wirini-" peg at 1.00 a.m;, Saturday and flew tb London with, a 2-hour stop-over at Toronto. He mot- -““ored'-from-fLondon^nd-r-eached- Lucknow at the noon hour on Saturday—12.45 to * be exact. . --0—7“ •' •' THAT the “absent-minded. pro- fessOiv—has-^othing-um-Jlfhe- Publisher, who drove to work on Monday morning (some^ thing we don’t often do arid ; forget.ting . that . the car was parked on the Main Dfag, > , hoofed it horiie at noori hour. »» k 15c ' .' .. .. ; 15c Valuable Coupon < < < • ■< ■ '< This coupon worth 15c when you buy 2 Packages of ' :15c 15c: : SMITH’S FOOD M ARKET : f LUCKNOW’S CASH AND CARRY STORE . A A lb, A Jk Jk X 4L JL A Jh A Jhi A A A— OGILVIE GOLD CAKE MIX at Smith’s I.G;A, Market—Off er Expires April 10 th •r‘ k A. BIB OVERALLS Children’s Fine . WalC' Corduroy • ' Bib Overalls, sizes 2, ':4, 6, '■ • Priced at ...... $1.98 ........................... ■■ •~*COTtAgB“CURTAINS'-’ “ ■'. Plastic, . 20x33, 20x42, priced at only; 'pair ............ $1,69' , \. "c"ORmiRW'WN^^^v . * f ■ r- * , * • ’ ' ' ' ’ ' ‘ Children’s Fine Corduroy Boxei’ Lorigs? Size 3 to 6. Pair $1.98 WOOL FLANNEL BLAZER ’ Cord eclge trim, green and navy. ' * Several button cib^ing. Size 3 16' 6X $3.10 ■ • •■ LACE TABLECLOTHS ' . 'I ' , ■ 1 * Mdde in. Scotland 54x6§ .68x9.6 $8:50 STURDY WORK PANTS Striped ’Coitonade. Sanfprized; br blue-grey in stripe ef*. *fect, 30 W 44 xvaist $4.75. ynthetic Rubber Wall Finish J) Paint a room today. Use it to- A- night. It’s easy with SPEED­ S’ EASY Satin. So satin smooth to use< dries so fast, stands hard wear,... can be scrubbed over, and . over. No ’’painty” odor, no ”hp marks”. FpFpIaster, watlpap^r^ wallboard, masonry— needs, no primer. 10 colours and white. x,z ^^^1WEN’SJW)KK--SHIRTSX'L---•— Sanforized Covert (Cloth, blue or ’ ,green. Sizes 14 V2 to 17 ....: $2.95 . Sanforized Drill in olive green, ■} fhzes 14*/2 to 17 $3'16. > Colorful Cott Oh Plaids, sizes 14 Vs ! ■■ to .16%, W5/ 1 <• TEE-SHIRTS’ Nylon reinforced neck *bands,- Blue, yellow white. S, M, L 80c .