HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-07, Page 94 PAGE NINE I I £ 0 J .4 cus- use the R*’ Rk 3, Lucknow . ’Phofre Carlow 2105 R.R.l, Port Albert Moderate Prices • > * x< ■■« ■■ ---------■—..... . . . — ..■■■ , . , KINTAIL INSTITUTE ELECTS NEW OFFICERSOtherwise all cattle must either sprayed or brushed hand. ' J. R. LANE,. Clei^. ■ . ■s IN MEMORIAM - MURDIE-r-in loving “ memory of Mr. William Murdie, who, passed away one year ago, .on April 7 th’ • USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost •• Wed., Thurs., April 14, 15 CLIFTON WEBB....t________ Wednesday, Thurs./ April 7, 8 ROBERT TAYLOR, ANN BLYTH — in — «.ALANWILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St, in ' r ’ ’ . ■ ’ ■ / ' ' LAID, SANPED AND FINISHED. ■ ■ . ... j , Lyceum Theatre Two Shows Each Night ♦ FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Monday, Tuesday, April 12, 13 WILLIAM HOLDEN, ELEANOR PARKER 1 - ' . — in :: Escape from Ft. Bravo MOSS ROSE • I , . • . r. . Friday, Saturday, April 9th, 10th Technicolor musical starring Jean Peters and • * David Wayne, in " , Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie Matinee Saturday at 2.30 — Children 10c, Students 20c CD OP GROW MASH ALWAYS GROW FASTER • " , Because \ / If1 c hl♦ i f i nrl tlAv.i.f 11 h 11 . i 11 r v a n i 1 i rftA ■ nrn f a i ti o i Yii i n nr-n jc ■1 i vr'viTaVti"iwvv»jitri <«h i,111<71 i• 11 di 'jji v<rrirer<<i and vitamins for fast, economical growth. ■f Serve You Wt- t X . ■ . A, • . WEDNESDAY, APBIb 7th, • 1954 . 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO All The Brothers Were /Valiant Friday, Saturday, April 9, 10 GIG YOUNG, JEAN HAGEN —in —.:. ARENA Matinee Saturday Afternoon EDMUND GWENN . — in Mister Scoutmaster /.'■//..- ..■'.---Zr April ,19th to 21th—=All Week MARTIN LUTHER RAY ROBINSON * . V. Floors STOP! ‘ SHIPPING FEVER PNEUMONIA CALF DIPHTHERIA INFECTIONS ENTERITIS This Season With NIXON’S FLVREX The. concentrated, eh&y tb which combines . ..... effe6Tbf 4 SULFA DRUGS. -Complete, detailed dosage chart for all ..animals. on every bottle. ♦. ^BMirACH“»KUGrSTOKE““ ’Phone 13-w, Lucknow Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. AND REPAIRS Oil Burners Serv iced—tin its Coiiverted Complete Repairs for Deep and Shallow VVell Pumps . / Automatic Hot Water Tanks installed v For a free estimate call or see ART GILMORE 61-r43 Dungannon Old at40,50,60? tAJB • a - ElBe Wise! Revitalize.—=- You’re crazy if you let age get you tlown when only. 40. 50 or 60. ThereV- such a cjuick easy way to get new pep and energy. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. For weakness, lois of energy, peiiless, tired-out, rundown feeling due to lack of iron; condi­ tions you may call “getting old”. Revitalizes, .energizes, invigorates, stimulates. Helps both sexes feel years younger. “Get-acquainted'’ Size only 6u^. At all druggists, NOTICE Anyone wanting to go to God­ erich to attend the Ladies. Aux­ iliary meeting., on Sunday, April 1.1th, please leave name at Welsh Butcher; Shop,x NOTICE TOWNSHIP? OF KINLOSS Notice to" All Cattle Owners At the Council meeting held-on April 5th, 1954, the Wabble/Ely By-Law was amended under Authority of The Warble Fly Act of 1952, whefe'by' alFcalves under 6 months of age, and all cows 3 years old and. o\£er may ibe. exempted if the owner so de: sires, provided they are free from warble grubs, and if satisfactory to the Warble Fly Inspector, be by. 1953. - ' ' The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought his death so . .near. ' ■ ■ Only those that have lost can tell The sorrow of parting without farewell.... —Ever remembered by Kenneth, Clarence, Bessie, Mabel; the grandchildren- and Sister Eliza- 1 beth. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends who have remembered me with cards, fruit ^nd flowers during my;illness. These were all greatly appreciated. ADA WEBSTER. - The., family of the Archie Anderson wish their appreciation of acts of kindness, the utes and the ^.expressions cards Of sympathy received ing' their bereayergent.- We wish to thank all our tamers who. have patronized us d'unng Our stay in Lochalsh and sihSe rely hope they will give Frank and Annie their continued support? We thank you1 one and _■ : 21 " Wilfred .and Gaii Pitman. late Mrs. to express the many floral. trib­ and dur- Mrs. Jessie Garter.and Mr. Wffi. .Buckingham are deeply grateful i* to. ■ friends and neighbors -who were so . kind, helpful and *s4vm- 1 pathetic.during thc; illness and~aT j the time of th’e‘ death of their 'aunt, Miss Jane Bowman, with I special thanks*.to Mr. and Mrs. • L’isf vnni ; J.Wni..Webster; Mr. and Mrs. Wi'l- . pounds of H )( aa,ia,ns ate. < 'ner Howey, Mrs; Jim Gardner,' namti b ter and 7 l?oupds of’. Mrs: Garfield MacPoriald and ;'"awme per capita. , < m,-. and Mrs. Jack Wraith. L.D.H.S. NEWS Assembly: -^Qn—Friday—ApriF-2nd7“Assein= by was in charge of Grade XL J£dith^-Marshall--was —i-ii— charge1 with Caryl Gardner , at the piano. Assembly was opened With th^ hymn “Unto the" Hills”. Beverley MacKenzie read the >scripture. . Ernie Gibson read some of the thoughts of “The Lazy Farmer”. Caryl Gardner favored with a piano solo. Beverley1 Stanley read some amusing jokes. .Bob Mac- I.nries gave two solos on his vio­ lin accompanied by Caryl Gard­ ner. Bobbis-a real, old-tipie fid­ dler and can play the tunes like a professional. Ruth MacGillivray gave a reading. The school song was sung, followed by the hymn “Breathe on me; Breath of God”. God Save The Queen closed As­ sembly. • —o—- Mr. Hoag is planning to hold a “Talent Night” after Easter. There, will be many different con­ tests including oratory/and; music; There are many musicians and singers among the student body and none can afford to pass up this opportunity to display their talents. _ Mr.'Bride and the “Four Luck­ now Lads” are. gojrigiip the lad- „deroLsuccess..Last.Thur . eh ing they .sang at the Bowlers’ Banquet and the “Ladsi’^say that they have several more* engage­ ments in the near future. The “Lads” are Jack Helm, Dale Hal- denby, Ken MacNay and George Anderson. All luck, “Lads”. ... —-O—— We wonder yyho. pdsted the notice on April" 1st, proclaiming (in red); ‘‘Dance Tonight, Admis- sio.n$l.b0; Girls bring boys!” They added in meek letters at the bot­ tom “April F.obl”. ■ —o— ■ ... ■ •. ■ . ' “The Sorigmen” were certainly one of the best musical groups to appear in Lucknow for some, time. The Literary- Society feels honored. in having been able to have brought them to Lucknow. We were gratified by the large attendance in the auditorium. -------— ■ ..... -----------© r——---------------------— Our cadet inspection has been announced for May 6th; New uni­ forms were issued this Spring knd this wftF“be their first in­ spection. Between now and May 6th there will be plenty of march­ ing and rifle drill with Mr. Mac­ Donald making us strive for per­ fection..1 Incidentally, our cadet corps is rated, as one of the best in Western. Ontarid, so. let us keep ;it that way.’ Cadet officers are Captain George Anderson and ' Lieutenants Daniel . Rose ahd Benny Moulton. —-----—— ■ t0. . .....-r -------f CO-OP AUTO ......Can -No w7 Accept. town residents & COMERCIAL TRtCKS as well as the farm business. For . information consult T. At CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-2i3 The PL A YHOUSE 1st shew 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c. students 35c, children 25c Wednesday, Thursday, April 7> 87 Peggy Cummings, Victor Mature,-Ethel Barrymore, in Wednesday, Thursday, April 14 th, 15 th Humphrey- Bogart, Ethel Barrymore, Kim Hunter, \n “DEADLINE U.S.A.” The Kiritail Women's Institute met at the Kintail (hall for the annual meeting' on Thursday, April 1st. The roll call “Some- thing my mother taught me” was answer$a%v a good attendance. A bazaar :is being planned for May. Quite a lot .of recipes were handed in for the cook book. The election of officers were as fol­ lows: pres., Mrs. Ray Dalton; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Fred McGregor; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Jack iCollin- Soh; 3rd vice pres., Mrs. Gordon Finlayson; sec.-treas., Mrs. Bert Alton;. district director, Mrs. Dave McKenzie; auditors, Mrs. Bill Wareing, Mrs. Lorne Fairish; standing committees: community activities & public relations, Mrs. Lloyd McDonald; Canadian indus­ tries and agriculture, iMrs. Jim Little; citizenship and education, Mrs.. Russ Bisset; historical re- JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 ----- ----- -----------:------------------------------------------—----------4----------------------- Day or Night Ambulance Service .. . . I • ' search and current events, Mrs. Geo. Moncrief; resolutions, Mrs. Dan W.ylds. It is planned to have a variety program for Easter week with Mrs. Dave McKenzie, Mrs. Jack Collinson and Mrs. Mc­ Lennan as cdnveners. The meet­ ing closed "with The Queen after * ■ which lunch was served. WU COULD GROW FASTAS f DO...fFyOURBOSS WOULD mo YOU ON CO’OR GROW MASH YES ... THAT’S RIGHT! birds fed on You can;pay-more ..» but you can’t buy better. , . SOLI) ONLY AT YOUR CO-OP Lucknow District Co-op Phone 71, Lucknow