HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-07, Page 3WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1954
1 UNITED churchI ' Minister: >
Rev. G. A* Meiklejohri,
B.A., H.D.
•11 a.m.: “The Triumphal Enr
112.15 P m-: Sunday School.
17,00 pjn.: “The Last Week”,:
| ' filmstrip.
| Lucknow j
| Presbyteriaif Church |
112.15 p-m,: Sunday School.
j 1 n.m.: Evening Worship.
■ L_ ■■ ■ ■•■/<• ■
.11 ’
a.m.: Morning Worship.
i i
Mr.' Jack Henderson attended
the funeral on Friday of Mrs.
Robert Agar, and. on, Monday at
tended the funeral of Mr. Agar,
who survived his wife only a few
days. Mr. and Mrs. Agar lived
at Belfast before moving to Sea
forth. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton
.and Patsy visited in St. Thomas
recently. : / •' ,.
Miss Eliza Cook, .R.N., of Owen
Sound, spent a few days with
her-fatherHfc -A.Gook. ■■■ -
' another; love is Just two
things after each other.
‘ t ...................■ t----•— ■ r
If all-the snow had stayed, with
us since it started to fall last
. Noveni’ber, we’d have a 10-foot
blanket of'“The Beautiful”. Total
snowfall from November till the
end of 'March was 120 inches ac
cording to official weather re
cords. And the way April started
in, that’s not all of it.
March, sncwfail
inches with , a scant .65 inches , of
rain as the mercury stayed rath--
,er steadily at winter* levels. Low
for the month was seven above
a — -. ----
What 14 Acres did for the Church
Speaking at the Dufferin Co.
guest speaker, Dr. E. L. Nixon,
State.College, Pennsylvania, said:
“Co-operatively you can build1 a
community, centre, a hospital, a
church, if each memiber/ wiijuld
donate to the cause the ’returns
from an acre of potatoes, dr an
acre of wheat,, maybe the apples
from 5 mature trees; or a half
dozen fat cockerels. The results
might be staggering”. •
It’s, worth • a try ' if. there.. is
something a community partic
ularly desires.
As an ’ example, members of
Glendale United Church in Mid
dlesex. County, had ,a - building
programme and needed money.
■ There was a 14-acre field close
by the • church that hadn’t been
cropped for several years, and was
overrun with weeds. .In' the
spring of 1952 the' owner offered
to lend it to the church. Stipula
tions were that the land be sum-
merfallowe'd and the straw, from
the wheat crop to be sown in the
fall, left on the field., The board
of management accepted it/ Dur
ing the sumn^eK^half dozen men
of the neighborhood used their
tractors and implements, to' thor
oughly work the land arid when.,
the time came wheat was sownr
Fertilizer was purchased''and one
1'aTmer gave~the~seed: The-stand :
of wheat was excellent, the crop
was cleah and, heavy—4he best
in the neighborhood. Two. mem
bers with combines harvested
the 1953 crop which, returned $700
less cost of fertilizer. It was tai-,
ent money from the men of the
church. The women for ■ several
velars had their talent projects tb
-meet their allocations to
church. The men are happy
the results'of* their’wheat
I ject. ■. ' '
totalled 291i
‘The following brain teaser was
contributed to The Sentinel. Don’t
waste too. must time on it, unless
your subscription is in arrears.
' I
Langside Y.P.S.
. The'Langside Y.P.S. met itWhe
church on Monday .evening. The
meetirig opened with the call to
worship by the president. Hymn
399 was then sung followed^ with
the reading and adoption of'the
minutes Of the last meeting. The
treasurer’s report was given and
the scripture reading was read by
Wm. Young. Jack Pollock gave
the meditation followed by pray
er by Harold MacGillivray. Hymn
409 .was surig and fthe offering
u as taken by Jim Young followed
by prayer by Ronald .MacGilli-.
vray. The topic was taken by.
Mrs. Pollock followed by hymn
465. Repeating the Lord’s pray
er in unison closed the. meeting.
The ; next meeting’ will be held
in ‘the chur.ch on April 12th ’With
the-Literary conveners in charge.
Few 1954
Chesterfield & Bedroom Suites
Aou won’t,know, what you are-tnissing if y.ou.dPn.l Visit. . • r
Schuett’s of Mildrriay Sell
.iuy T.he Refrigerator That
, Holds
Newly Decorated Showrooms at Mildmay •
Local & General
Mrs, J. M. Grebr is a patient
in Wingham Hospital with pneu
monia, /
Mr. S, ,C. Rath well has return
ed home after spending the win
ter in Toronto with Mr., and Mrs.
Miss Gretta Hudson visited this
week in Goderich with her. bro
ther, Mr. Roy Hudson and Mrs.
Miss Margaret Rae returned on
ida. ' . „ • ,
Mrs, Margaret Hamilton has
been, a patient for b cbuple of
weeks in Westminster Hospital,
London. . j
Mr. and Mrs.- Torn Anderson
and Andy, accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Hodigin's. of Wing
ham on a week-end trip to De
troit., • . ' . .
Mrs. Temple Clark has. return
ed home after spending the win
ter at Ottawa. She accompanied
her son; Cpl. and Mrs, Douglas
Clark and family. While here,
Doug attended the fuperal of his
uncle, th' ’
The annual meeting of the^
Lucknow Women’s Institute will
be held on Friday, April 9th in
the Recreational Centre. A pot
luck supper will be held at 5.30
and meeting afterwards. Host
esses. Executive; standing com-
mittee reports. A .social evening
will be spent after.
T - •
ie late Oliver Clark.
(Continued from Page 1)
place true Christian friendships
never died, but. live on and re-,
produce—iri-rthe hearts of; others^
Rev. Meiklejohn also made ref
erence to the friendship and fel
lowship, .they had shared with
Rev. and Mrs.'Winn.
Carmeron MacDonaldjread the
following address and^ Gordon
Fisher, chairman of the. Board of
Managers, made the tpresentaition
of a purse of money to their de
parting pastor and his wife,
a bouquet Of carnations to Mrs.
Winn; .
Rev. and 'Mrs. Winn:
We have gathered together to
say farewell and to wish, you
botm God’s richest iblessing/in
your new charge,
It is another; step forward for
both of you because it is bring
ing you closer to larger' fields
of endeavour.
In your work amongst us we
have come to appreciate your
Christian standard which you
have been faithful to present to
us at all times.
On behalf of the congregation,
in appreciation of the services
you have. both rendered, we
would like you. to accept this
gift, knowing that each of uS
wish you all« the blessings that
life may be able to bestow on
both of you.
Signed on behalf of the con
gregation of the Lucknow Pres
byterian-Church; on behalf of
the Session, V. A. Mowbray; on
behalf of the Board oPMaiiagers,
Gordon Fisher. •
Visibly touched, Rev. and Mrs.
thanks. Refreshments were served
and the gathering Slowly dis
persed after the. heart tug >of
farewells, accompanied, by many
_—i•on-s-‘-€>£--b es t—wish esL———;—-
Other Mementos
• ! . Various presentations-had pre-
’ viously. been made. The Evening
■jAtixiliary presented Mfs. Winn.
with a cup and Saucer and the
Senior W.M.S. presented her with
a. life membership in the Society.
The choir’s gift to^Mrs. Winn.was'-
a teapot and cream and sugar
$et. From the Sunday School ’t^a-
chefs, Rev. Winn receivedBook,
of Praise,. The Dungannon con-
mad.e/the/presentatidn of a; purse
—njf :- money. .._..
Grades 5 and 6 o£ the Public
School,-ih .which room Rev. Winn
gave religious instruction, pre
sented him with a lovely scrip-
tfire. plaque with the Students
names written on the back. This
•gift'was presented by,Harm Hof-
read*. a" Verse ^composed by the
•; *
ii. i
Nancy Forster had
teacher, Miss Ruby' Webb.
t' ' " i
► ’ •
’ GAY Js>
>> •ACCESSORIES TO MATCH, in Gloves^ Bags,’
' Scarves, Hosiery and Fldwers. J
♦ t
Easter calls for that straw bonnet to compliment
your New Coat, Suit or Dress — so colorful and 1
dressyvHHerey quhavethevchoice”ofmanycolors
and styles, including, white, navy and; black for all
■ .<
—< ;
. < ■
•< .
Scarves, Hosiery and Fldwers.
’ ' 4
Jh 'A A A Jh A A A A Jb A A A dh>tA A A A
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Gulbert on .Sunday were
1 Mr. and iMrs. James Beaton, of
Lucknow, the latter’s parents apd
her sister, Mrs. Florence Camp
bell . and son Allan, Lucknow,
who has recently returned from
a visit in Saskatchewan, and the
former’s brother, »Mr. Laverne
Gulbert and wife, Goderich.
, ■ • ... ... ■ . • • , . • I ■
Mr. Arnos Osbalddestoh, God
erich, has been employed by the
Goderich Rural Telephone Com
pany as a, lineman and began
work on April 1st.
Mr, Carleton Stingel returned
home _on Sunday after spending
three weeks at Bradford and is
busy for the season at papering
and painting.
■St, Paul’s Anglican Guild met
at the home of Mrs. Thos; Park
on Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Wm. Caesar, president, .conducts
ing the , meeting and beginning
%with repeating the Lord’s prayer
‘ after the Auxiliary prayer in un
ison. Mrs. T. Park read the scrip
ture lesson, The roll call was
read > by the secretary, Mrs. Vic
tor Black /and the members ans
wered with a verse containing
the Word “Cross”. The secretary
read a letter of information re
garding the bale for the Dorcas
Society. Plans were made for the
anniversary meetirig in the hall
May. ,6th. i^rs. R, J. Durnin clos
ed the meeting with- prayer.. At
the close of the afternoon, the
hostesses,- Mrs. Ben Mole- -and
Mrs. G. Rivett, served afternoon
tea, assisting Mrs. Park.
Miss Edna Rivett, teacher at
Grand Eend, -w?'s home for the
week-end. .
'The Dungahnon Trail Rangers
met Wednesday night in the base
ment of the church. Wayne
Brown, vice pres., conducted the
meeting. Rev. Watt read the
scripture lesson after a hymn was
sung . and also . told the boys a
story of Rodney Sjpith. (5am.es
were enjoyed for. awhile. -The
mizpah benediction was^ repeat
ed! to close the meeting.
Bill Park of the Army Person-,
al, London, spent the week-end
jwjihjhis--parents, _JM£—imd—Mrs..
Thok Park.
BORN-—at Goderich Hospital^
Oh April 5th, to Mt4 and Mrs.
Ivan Rivett, a daughter.
Mrs. Wilbur Stewart, Mr. & Mrs.
Gordon Smyth attended the fun
eral of their cousin, Mrs. Robt.'
Agar, Seaforth/ Oh Friday. Mr.
Robt. Durnin, also a cousin, at
tended the Wake on Thursday.
Mr. Robert Agar, husband of
the.’deceased, bassed away Sa
urdav and the funbral was on
Monday.' Cousins attending: were
Mr. BrOwn Smyth, Mrs. Wilbur
Stewart and Mr, and Mrs. , Robt., ’
firOm St. Helens and Kintail. .
Miss Fern Robb, . London, is
\isiting her sister, Mrs. Wim. Robb
and other relatives in the dis
trict. •
, Rev. C. A. Winn gave his fare
well address to Erskine Presby
terian church congregation on
Sunday afternoon after 4 years
of ministry. From,the scriptures
of Acts 20:17-38 the end of the
chapter,. the title of his subject
wag “Farewell” and drew atten
tion to the Biblical, figure of Str.
Paul as he le*ft Ephesus and
warned the people as in Acts
20:28; Take heed therefore unto
.yourselves and to all the flock,
/over which the Holy Ghost hath
made you ;overseers, to feed the”
church of ‘God, which hath pur
chased with his own blood. Rev.
Winn and Mrs. Winn' were pre
sented with a purse of money
and an address ofi best wishes
at a social evening in the church
recently before their ' departure
to Dixie.
. Mr. arid^-Mrs. Clifford Webb,
Goderich, visited the latter’s sis
ter, Mrs. M. Shackleton on Sun
Mrs. M. Shackleton received
word that hen,cousin, Mrs. Chas/
Harrison of Komoka, formerly
word that hei^c Harrison ? of fc
Lily Wesbrook, a daughter Of. the-
late Mr. and Mrs. Wichard West
brook, 4th Con., Ashfield, had
passed^ away last week after be
ing ill only a short time with
a heavy stroke/
A ‘few friends, of Mr. Thornton
Eedy have lately been treated to
4ome cigarettes and eigar-s-whiehr-
he brought /honie, while on a
flying trip down to Cuba.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pl aet-
zer (nee Jean Free) have return
ed from their honeymoon spent
in Florida. They have taken up
. residence at their farm home
near Auburn. .
A .successful: “cooking school”
day of last week in the United'
Church basement, sponsored by-
the Duncannon Women’s Insti
tute. Miss Helen Downey, home
economist coach frsom the Depart
ment 'Was present to instruct^...
Abopt 35 ladies studied the pro- j
ject “Supper Menu’’ whiqh class
,wa$ open to. all, ladies of . the j
community. There wore some!
“It It Grows We Have It”
Bananas, :1b. ./:.... 10c
Head Lettuce ....... . 19c
Cello1 Tomatoes, pkg. ‘ 19c
Cello Radish '.... 2 for 25c
Cello Carrots 2 for
Carrots, 2 bunches
Large Oranges, 15G’s, doz.
Sunkist Oranges, 220’s, ...
Siinkist Ofanges, :288’s ...'/
29 c
39c ^Ioney’HEteW-’'Me^
Pine River Cheese
Cjreen Onions
Fresh Cukes
Choice Celery.. Hearts