HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-07, Page 1v 4 Sentinel ,- TWELVE PAGES Council Rescinds By-Law Charges of business, hours, in re- and Mrs. Ronald Forsterin I was i i lUUglJ.. XJ. . ------------~----------f prSenteTTHK—Commercial I I I CHARLES STEWARD WITH SILVERWOORS 30 YEARS on of PRESENT GIDEON BIBERS FOR USE IN SCHOOL ■1 i .>/ SID GARDNER GAINS, HAS NOT YET HAD OPERATION hour,. Norman Tay- James Little pro- " and violin accom- the singing of sev- * $2.50 A Year In. Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1954 , . .... ■ / •’ ' ■ ’ Magistrate Dismisses Case, ' *1 1 ’ * *« *■_ Ji-» • : M M 9' - H fractions laid against Ivan Louz-‘ On/ proprietor of, the Lucknow Fruit Market, anU Henry Donais, proprietor of Henry’s Fruit Mar­ ket, were speedily dealt With by Magistrate Otto McClevis in ’Pol­ ice Count in Walkerton on Thurs­ day morning, He dismissed both cases. • * ;. The charges were laid by Con­ stable Alex: Havens, under the provisions of By-Law No. 3 of the Village of Lucknow,, setting closing hours at 6.30 p.m. on week days and 11.30 on Saturday. Both the stores in question con­ tinued to remain open eVenings after the by-law, became. effect­ ive on March 1st. Constable Hav- .. ens had subpoened Wm. Brown, J. Cummings, and Vernon Hun- ‘ter, as having made purchases “after hours” at Louzpn’s and George Joynt, Carrie Milne and Wm. Lyons at Henry’s Fruit Mar­ ket. . • • R. S. Hetherington acted as sol­ icitor for the Municipality, Frank Donnelly was Mr* Louzon’s law­ yer and Campbell Grant was re­ tained iby Mr.Donais. } In addition to the first three mentioned witnesses, Clerk E. H. Agnew and Constable Havens were also called io the /stand. - - Upon/ dismissing the—charge against Mr. Louzon, the charge against Mr. Donais was not pro- ' ceded with as it. had been laid under the same by-law. _ „ ’ the by-law invalid, viewing it as hav­ ing stemmed from a petition that did not carry the required* per­ centage of signatures of the class of-stores7 involved. Neither of the . fruit . stores had signed the pe- £ tition; , Mr. Hetherington read the sec­ tion from the statutes empower­ ing a'municipality to set closing hours, and upon which he argued the by-law had been 'drafted. Decide To Repeal It . At their Monday, night meet­ ing the Village Council decided to repeal the by-law in question 50 that no store would bp fet­ tered by it. J/) opinion’ that while the by-law had been drafted under one sec­ tion of the statutes, the case had been disposed of in court under another section. The question of appealing, while t brought up by / “ the Reeyei WW dwelt on, and he favored clearing the books of / the regulations.. When it was joc­ ularly suggested by Councillor Stothers that Mr. Robertson va*- cate the chair, and make the mo­ tion, the Reeve took them Up on it, appointed Councillor. McLeod reeve pro-tem and, pronto, ’’the motion -by Reeve Robertson and Councillor Mowbray, was unan­ imously passed that the by-law be~ rescinded. : . ATTENDS BEEF MEETING Andrew Gaunt,: a director of __Ontario Shorthorrf Club, was delegated' to represent that organ­ ization at a meeting of the On- • tario Beef Producers Association held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Wednesday. fARD PARTY AND DANCE HELD AT FORDYCE SCHOOL In spite of a' real winter storm, there were eleven tables' at the patty at Fdrdyce School: on ’, iwss. Erringtdty. and high- ni^h,' 7^—bob—Lybhs,^-rr^L-o\^*“'SCore““prlze.^ ’ to Shirley McNeil and Lynn . - 0 Malley; ’ ’ . ' /■ In the prize "draw, Mrs. Jim ' won a quilt and Mrs. Mad ■ Cardiff of Ethel a corner shelf. ”or dancing which follpW^d hWic was supplied by Chester’ Tayiprt Doris Taylor, Don Cam- ;• eron, Murray Gaunt and Norma • Murray, with Bob Lyons calling Oil. ' . .Some’ eighty Gideon Bibles were presented last week at .the Lucknow Public School'for use in the School of Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8—-in other words, Third & Fourth Rooms. These Bibles -remain/, in the school jjopip for the use of each succeeding class. A ^year • ago Bibles were presented on behalf of the Gideons to pupils of these Grades, which became their per­ sonal property. Last week’s presentation was .made by Mr. Elmer Umbach. Rev. 'C, A. Winn spoke and dedicated the. Bibles, and Mr. Stuart Coll­ yer, Public School Principal, plied; Charles Steward has started his 31st year in the employ Silverwood Dairies Limited. He joined the firm on April 1, 1924, just a year or so after the cream? ery was established here. Mr. and Mrs. Steward have re­ sided in Lucknow for some forty* two years. Prior to joining the Silvenwood staff. Charlie oper­ ated a mail route out of Luck- now and had a milk delivery service in the Village. HAU FACKED FOR SCHOOL CONCERT Friday night’s spring blizzard didn’t may the attendance at the Public School concert staged in the Town Hall by students. of. Kinloss Schools and Lucknow Public School. The hall was pack­ ed for a very interesting, pro-’ gram. ’ . Mrs. James McEwan of the Tenth Concession School, acted very capably as chairlady. Ac­ companiment., for . the musical numbers - was by the music in­ structors, , Mrs. Wrn. Scott, Mrs. Duncan Simpson, Mrs, InvinCar- r u tilers anrt“by..Kun" Me Alli the teacher at..Whitechurch; Mr. J. M. Game, I.P.S.,. present and. spoke briefly. Proceeds of ..the evening were to assist in defraying the. cost of a new film projector-which has been purchased for use in Kin­ loss Township and Lucknow Schools.’ Students; of the four- upper grades of the Lucknow School, under, the direction of Miss Ruby Webb, sang a group* of, three .numbers to both open and con­ clude- the concert. S.S. No.: 1; Kinloss, Mrs. G.. Young teacher, presented ; “The Butterfly Drill”;'./ Taking /part were Doreen Girvan, Elaine HocT- gins, Shirley 'Lindsay. Linda Campbell, Patsy Husk, Kathryn Hewitt,'Alien Hewitt. S.S. No.' 2, Kinaough., Mrs?.. >B: Collins, teaoher,; [ “Minstrel -.Singers’’. The 'Boss Man' was John-Hodgins; end men, ■ Floyd- Stanley and Jimmie Me.- -Farlan and^ the singers, Helen- Needham,-Donna.Nicholson;- Kar­ en Nicholson, Evelyn .Nicholson, t Laura Brecklcs, Sandra Percy, ■ Katherine Bushbll, Marie Sclmel-I lot', 'Diane Howit.t, Donald B&N’J ■Aleri -Hewitt, George Bushell. EL, mer* McFarUrt. Keith Maulden. - Xb aul i ... B a fxh .Jh:...R1U.U.P.. les, George Buri'. ». t ■ Ewam teacher,, presented , «°w;"‘“Ik. ’ •••.*• • ■Belinda” / arid' “Chester Schot- HaiJ\v hische”, with the following tak\ ing.part,-Barbara- Murray, Ger­ aldMurray,. Gary Gnih-a.m, Fldbn EckenswillOL -Jean Bonnett, JW Bonnett', Corabclle Thompson. ' S,S; No. 4/ Holyroojd, Mrs, p. Ross, teacher, gave two runibm’s, ‘T/BeC The Moon’' ahu ’’C at Pie . (Continued on Page W Sid Gardner’s condition contin­ ues to improve as he gains strength. However, he ^id not undergo the amputation operation last-week whiclf The (Sentinel re­ ported,' as Ke was top weak at that time.—It is expected-that- the- opefation will be carried out the latter part of this Week, Mrs. Gardner planned to return to Lpndon on Wednesday and ex­ pected to learn definitely wh;at is planned in this connection. BtJYS KINLOSS FARM ,. ■■<£•■ .■ ________ Mr. apd Mys, J. De ’Jong and family and Mrs. De Jong’s bro­ ther, moved recently to Conces­ sion 4’ Kinloss, to the farm which, they purchased from the Estate of the late John MacDonald. The De dong family had been living at Paramount. * TO RENEW LEASE ON TOWN OFFICE At the April meeting of the Village Council on Monday night, it was decided to renew the lease of. the present municipal office in the Johnstone Block for a five year period at a rental of: $35.00 a month, plus'the taxes. The/ decision came after the Board had abandoned the idea of establishing an office in either* the Recreational Centre or the Town Hall. ~ - ~ - v With "the office/remaining in its present, location, there are vacant safety deposit boxes avail­ able at? the rate of; $5.00 or $8.00 per annum. J Council sat until midnight with the first hour being taken Up in studying a proposed control .sys­ tem, that would automatically cut off water heaters -at • the time of the peak load demand. The cost of the system would run to sev­ eral thousand dollars, which would be speedily recovered, and .largely paid for, by the saying resulting from peak load control on which . the monthly H.E.P.C. .bill. is. levied/' ' ' Bob MacKenzie sought a jacket, fund grant for the W.O.A.A.' Ban­ tam champions, and this was ap­ proved in the amount of $25;0(h . Decfare Daylight Saving ing Time to go into effect in common with other centres on April 25th. The Board wasn’t en­ thusiastic about the matter, but felt there was nothing else they could* do. 13th Power Bill Deficit • The local Hydro Commission’s 13th Power. Bill showed a deficit of $408, by which .amount they will have to reimburse the Hydro Electric Power Commission. The 13th Power Bill represents the difference between ,the actual and estimated cost of. power for the fiscal year and is an annual ad­ justment. But, nevertheless the local Sys- Tem - showed a profitable^year with a net revenue of. $3,013.85. Operating revenue was made up as follows: ' 1 Domestic ./.......,....'..$11,686.92 T::6;655;7O...: Power .?..y 11,014.93 Street Lighting 2,392.00 .Interest ■.?......... 5O0.5O . Total .........../$32,250.05 Total zExpehses ...... 29,236.20 Net op’ing revenue $ 3,013.85 The salary of Village Assessor A:. C. Agnew was, set at , $350.00, To^’n Hall rental rates were j Brock* i adjtjsted td,'$15.00 for a dance , Discuss Speeding The.. Board discussed ‘'speed* Ing” in the Village; at some length, and the driving ofsome motorists was termed ‘’ridicu­ lous”. Might be well to take heed and if you endup in court don’t gav The Sentinel didn’t tip you ‘off. - .-H. 1 BUYS MacDONALD PROPERTY AT, SECOND CONCESSION Mrs. Donald , MacDonald has sold her residence and property^ at the/Second Concession to Mr. R. B. Quance, who obtains poss­ ession on May 1st. Mr. Quance recently- sold his Havelock St. -residence“to“Mrs7"Charrotte Wea~ therhead. Mrs. MacDonald, who is a reg­ istered nurse, is employed at Baker’s Hospital, and will make her home at the Baker residence. WAS NINETY-EIGHT LAST THURSDAY Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, who makes her home at Baker’s Priv­ ate Hospital, observed her 98th birthday on Thursday,- April 1st, and the occasion was suitably marked by Mr. Baker and the staff, and residents of the home. Mrs.. Fletcher, is confined to her :room, as she is unable to walk, but on this eventful day, she was brought downstairs, and was serenaded by Frank Mac-' Kenzie to the skirl o’ the pipes which she loves so dearly. A birthday party with cake, cards and remembrances made the birthday complete. Mrs; Fletcher was formerly Margaret MacKay of Kintail, and as one might well guess, speaks the Gaelic fluently; She is the last member of the family. Mrs. Fletcher resided in the States for many^years^and Tor the,“past teir years has made her home, in LUcknow. Her numerous,>jfriends j oin in extending congratulations best wishes. TO VACCINATE KINLOSS CALYES Bruce is the first county Ontario in which the Townships ihave signed up 100 percent un- fder the brucellosis control plan. Brucellosis or contagious aibor* tion, with which undulant fever is associated, is J best controlled .by the vaccination of female.-cat­ tle in what is known as icalfhood vaccination. A canvass of Kinloss Township during the winter resulted ‘ in 90 percent of cattle owners i’avpr- the Township Council to set up the plan, Which has been done accordingly. . . Heifer calves from six to nine months are Vaccinated and for the initial inocculation calves Up tc 12 months may be treated. A fee of 75c per head has been worked out with Bruce County veterinarians, , with the county 'paying a share of 25c per head, The. project is financed by the Township, ^s is the warble fly control program. Dr. T. B. Cleland will conduct the vaccination in ‘ Kinloss and will be preceded by one. Of three inspectors who. have been ap­ pointed to make a" suryex of the; calves to be treated. • >. Donald Bushell is the inspector from the 91 h and 10th Conces­ sions North. Edward Thompson -h as-f-rom - Gon. -1—to Con.-~f-rdra­ the, Huron Boundary e’ast to the 15th and 16th Sideroad, one> block east of the Gravel Road. Frank Millei’ Has, the area east Of that from Concessions 1 to- 8. Thirteen “vets” will carry out the program in Bruce, County?- It is. expected that of the County’s 156,000 Rattle/ from ' 15,000 to 20,000 calves will; be subject to vaccination. Start Warble Fly Spray »!ax0n^MOndayr=‘-of^4ni .Warble Fly control? program, was loss Township. This year .calves Under 6 months. and cows three years'old aftd over, are exempt- eOrom the treatment if the own­ er so desires', providing they arc free from' war.ble .grubs. ' !' Sprayman this season ' is Dun­ can Campbell of ICinlosS; tractor man is Stewart. McGillivray and .the! inspector, Gilbert Hamilton, BID FAREWELL TO REV,, MRS. WINN I _______ Farewell sermons were deliv­ ered on Sunday by Rev. Charles A. Winn as he concluded a four- year pastc^fiF’liFT^^ Lucknow and Dungannon Pres- :byteriah”churich congregations/ Rev.- Winn came to Lucknow in June of 1950, to fill a, pulpit vacancy that had occurred in mid-Februarj- when Dr. C. H. MacDonald had accepted a call to Bluevale, Rev,. Winn „has accepted a call to Dixie Presbyterian church and will reside at Cooksville. Mr. and Mrs. Winn left Lucknow on Mon- • day arid next Sunday he will asr slime the .duties of his new charge. . •,. '. . . Locally, Rev. J., R. MacDonald of Ashfield and Ripley, is the interim moderator appointed-by7' Presbytery and., will take the ser­ vices here on Sunday when the pulpits will -be officially declared vacant. .■ • ■ ' Presented, With; Gifts Rev. Winn left fitting farewell messages with his congregations, and following the evening service a social hour was enjoyed when a presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. Winn. . / The evening service in the United Church was withdrawn and members of other congrega­ tions attended Rev/ Winn’s final service. Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn led in prayer. Rev. H, L. Jen­ nings, who-had_service at Ripley; ~ returned before the after-service social concluded. Reference was made to the fel­ lowship of .the folk of The Manse, The Parsonage and The Rectory, and Rev. Winn said it had been a great help and inspiration to him. During the “ evening-service a trio .w?3 sung,, .by Mrs. ^Stuart Jamieson, “ ~ and Mrs. Joe Wasriey. At the morning service two solos were sung by'Allan Stewart of Ham­ ilton. *. • . Cameron / MacDonald presided for the social ‘ -- — lor and Dr. vided piano paniment for eral hymns. . ' Rev. Robert Macconnell was called on and stressed that al- -thoug-h—separations---may—take: (Continued on Page 3) It ’ . • ; PLAN FOR NIGHT CLASS BANQUET Representatives of. the.. Night Classes which have been held throughout the winter, rhet at the Lucknow District High School last week to lay plans for a social evening to be held on April 13 th at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. H. B. Burden was named 'committee chairman and,Mrs. Russell Button, secret­ ary. It was decided to hold a banquet and Mrs. Alfred Ritchie and Hugh—Cuming -were—named- •to interview, the District Board to. obtain permission for this; Each member registered for the Night Classes has the privilege. ception of the English Class, the members of Which . are to be guests. The ' members of the School Board, their wives and the High School .staff are aisb •to - be guests. , .'.•*• Committees were named, as fol­ lows: banquet^ Mrs. A., Ritchie, Mrs. W/ Anderson, Mrs.. Russell. Button,. Hugh Cd mi ng; program, Miss* Cormack, Mrs;,’ McTaviMv. •Miss Shirley Burden, Mr./ H. fe/ ,B.u.rden^Whrkshop.^M.r^.JjC)^Da4.-u- ald, ' Mr. Salkeld; , dishes;- Mrs. ‘ .L.oriie..Jmhnston,..J^Irk.-.Tymia._.'\lc^..l.. Nab and Clair Agnew. -All registered members,, wheth­ er attehding regular classes or not,' and who. may’ hot have al* > ready been approached, arc ask­ ed to get in'touch'with Mrs, But; ton or Mr, Burden, A full attend^ ance is looked jor, and the Com*, .mittee does ■'not want anyone' to ■ be ovpflookedz '.