HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-31, Page 3WEDNESDAY? MARCH 31? 1954 ------------ I 1.1 III' LUCKNOW I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, tUCKNOW, ONTARIO . ■ , ‘. / PAGE THREE f | UNITED CHURCH I ' ‘ 'IiI Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, APRIL 4th it aun.: “The Noble. Struggle”. Admission of members of Session; [12.15 p.m.J Spnday School. I 7.00 Evening* Service J withdrawn; ' 1 Lucknow i Presbyterian Church j’ : 1. ; ■ - t . J I i Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, APRIL 4th 111.09 a.m.: Fare-well Sennon. j 12.15 p.m.:^Sunday School, | 3.00 p.m.i Erskine, Dungan-j | non, Farewell Sermon. | | 7.00 p.m.: Farewell Sermon.| 1 i I Local & General Mrs.” Jessie Maclnnes is now a’ patient at -Baker’s Convalescent Home. Mrs. Robert Nelson has return­ ed -from a six weeks’ visit, in Windsor with Mrs. R. W, Bray. . Mrs. Grace Lockhart returned to her^home here the first pf the week'’after spending the winter in Wingham.? with Mr. and Mrs. Elwell ^Webster. \ Mr. Clifford McNall of Cargill and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson of Newaygo, Mich., were ^visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swan and Dianne" of Kinloss Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLennan have .returned .from a trip, to Ken- i tuckey' where they visited.' with I Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod and Mr. Angus McLeod. They ac- i companied Mr. and Mrs. Orah Crawford of London. • Lome Johnston' returned 'home from Westminster Hospital •Friday, where he had been.a lent sinc^ suffering a severe bladder attack a few, weeks He’s still not feeling “in /pink”.. | Mr. and Mrs., Bruce McKenzie, I Marguerite and Beverley spent i the dweek-end at.' Malton, where i Beverley’s godparents had a sur- j prise birthday party for her. Miss Florence De Gruchy, an aunt, was there from Montreal to help celebrate. f. I Visitors. < j at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Robt. J. McNall were Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ray Mr. Cliffbrd McNall of Cargill last pat­ gall ago. the • a I . , -. ■ ■■ - I -I'1 1 -J 1 . _ 1 CABLED GREETING ON ANNIVERSARY To honor Mr, and Mrs. Archie MacIntyre pn the occasion of- their 25th wedding anniversary, a large crowd of friends andr neighbors gathered for an old­ -time party in Holyrood Hall on Tuesday evening, March 23 rd. A social evening was enjoyed as old friends chatted, and music for dancing was furnished by dif­ ferent grbups/of musicians. After lunch had been served, Frank Mackenzie played bag- pipeselectionsandD. H.Car-~ ruthers asked the bride and -groom-of—25-years-to-c6me-to-the- ,platform. Mrs? Philip Steer sang a-solo, “Side by .Side, with the, audience joining in , the chorus. Mrk. Tom. Mackenzie’ gave a 'humorous reading, “Man is what Woman Marries”, W. LI MacKer/ zie then extended greetings' from the gathering,, to Archie and Norma in his. humorous' style. As a token for good wishes. Harold Campbell • presented them, with /a generous purse with which, to obtain some keepsake to com­ memorate the occasion. Both I made a fitting reply and all sang “For' they are. jolly /good fel­ lows”. Dancing was resumed to conclude a pleasant evening. The MacIntyres have a family of four, Allan and Donald, at home; Mary Anna, student nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and their oldest son, Alex, who has been studying medicine at •% HOLYROOD COUPLE MOVE TO CLINTON Mr. and Mrs. Donald Watson and three children, "Donald, Gaye and David, moved to Cliritoh the first of the week to make their home. Donald is employed there by the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. For the past five arid a. .half years they nave resided , lien of Blyth, at Holyrood where Donald was. - , • . , -employed on the Ackert farms.; an<} Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson His successor is Weir Eckehswil-1 anc* °f Newaygo,-Mich;.. ler . * « ' HURQN-BRUCE MEMBER TO At a Shoot party~at the Town- SEND SERIES OF REPORTS — ship Hall on Thursday evening,j < < . _ .the Holyrood community pre-' John -W. , Hanna, M.P.P. for- . sented Mr. and Mrs. Watson with Huron-Bruce riding, plans to send a. trilight lamp. The presentation out aperiodic' reports - of—proceed-- was made by Jack Ackert. Mrs. mgs during the present; session Watson had previously been pre- of the Legislature.. The first re­ sented with a remembrance by port is a thumb-nail sketch of the Holyrood Women’s. Institute, the Huron-Bruce member who Mrs. Watson was a member of has represented this riding at : the Lucknow. United Church Queen’s Park continually since “'choir. " i,1943. . during the week-end :.-Oxford’ England> during the^past ? of m! and Mrs Robt- . three years, and who remoter- ed them with a cablegram that morning. Look around you on a busy street. You’ll see the kind of people .who borrow.; They represent blmQSt every occupation ... professional men^ office employees, crafts­ men, skilled. and unskilled workers. 4. anyone who has faced a family or business emergency. , WlClttPl 5 ■' ■* ' Mat ®' Ni Q#. A T Fa BKkjT " trvJ , If* you were to have a sudden, real need for money# could you meet that need With savings and income? If you couldn’t, you would hove to find a., dependable outside source? . Household Financea leader in the consumer ’ finaheb field—provides just such a source. We provide • prornpf/cDnSti*uctive rnoney, help when it is needed; for any Worthwhile purpose.. Budget.” It’s available at your nearest branch office, or “byWnflhgp^bnsiW^^ducartibtrDepW Street West, Toronto^ Ontario.. HOUSEHOLD FI NANCE CANADA’S 1.ARGIST, MOST RICOMWIENMD CONSUMER FINANCE COMPAHV .Your v i iSanderson LADIES and MEN’S WEAR —------——■ TELEPHONE 85 ——------——— New For. Spring . ... Suits Coats !--0ljR7-MEN=we offer-you the latesrttylinjrwith-r ! ■ • . . newest fabrics in . ... j 1 | i i i i i I i i i l i i t t I j I i i i GI 'i / SPORT JACKETS—all sizes and ■ colors. COATS-r-gabardine, tweed; etc. SUITS—rack and made-to-measure. . SHIRTS—by Arrow,-Balfour, Forsythe. HATS—by Stetson and Biltniore. TROUSERS^rjust arrived, new stylings. ACCESSORIES*—ties, belts, braces, jewellery. ----.—lo_i---------2—1— ‘ OUR LADIES—wide selection in everything for the Easter wardrobe . ... COATS—most popular prices . with quality. SUITS—beautiful fabrics, colors arid styles. DRESSES—just fresh from the factory. See our half size creations. z BLOUSES—cotton, nyloii, alluracel, etc., $1.98 up. All sizes and colors. SKIRTS^—choice selection in wide range of styles arid ■materials. . . ACCESSORIES—bags, scarves, gloves, hosiery, etc. PURPLE GROVE . ■'.—•»" .' 11 ............. Mrs. Gerald Rhpdy, David and Allin visited at the home of ^Ir. arid Mrs“. "Burton Colliris 6n~Sat~ urday4 •• < , . ■ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley, Velma, Marlene and Gladys vis­ ited with Misses Lettie and Ada Gawley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bbverly Cliff, Dianne, Barrie, Rickey, Misses Helen arid Ethel Farrell of Loh> don visited' with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Farrell on Sunday. ? Mr. Donald Robertson and Miss Margaret visited at the home of/ Mr. and Mrs Goldie Huston re­ cently. ; Mr. Norval Stanley has pur­ chased a new car last week. ■ ; A social .evening will be held in the vOrange Hall at Kinlough on Friday evening of this week. The Purple Grove Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins on Monday of last week. As this was the final meet­ ing plans were made for the com­ ing year. After a period of re­ creation lunch was served. Quite a number from here at­ tended the reoeptiqn held at Holyrood on Friday evening for the newlweds, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie. , < FORMER CLERK HONORED ^Continued from Page 1) Phillips th at ex-reeve Wm. Ste­ wart was.a^le to be" present. He has since taken jll. : Only One Member Living It was on February 6th, 1923, ^that^M-iv-PhiH-ips—w-as-^a-ppoihtei; clerk. He succeeded Wnu Thomp­ son who, had carried on the clerk’s duties temporarily/follow-,, ‘ing the death ofWalter. WilsOri. -M<2Wb’e-i^~o.UCbun c.i.Uat._..tlia.t^tinxe.. I were. Reeve Ben,. Naylor ' and" i Councillors James Forster/ Thos. i Tayloi:, Wm. Mole and Wm. Carh> ! Mr, Forster is the o^ly member . |,of that Board noy/ livnig .arid he ] regretted being unable to-attend-j 1'last ..week’s ^gathering. . ■ Mr. and Mrs. ■ George Stuatt 1 ^provided music'for dancing which ! concluded a .very enjoyable- ev-'j ’ /""■■'•' i The address.,Was as. follows: ■ ■ . .........................March.23....19.54..,..,:..; Mr., and Mrs. Durnin Phillips; j I ness of a township clerk. One of the most pleasing muni- ('ipaTxkX’urreiices during his" time was the election of Brown Smyth to; the wardenship of /Huron for •the first time a West. Wawanosh reeve had received that honor in 75: years. - -------- Enviable Record 4 Mr. Phillips added a word of praise for West Wawanosh which has an._.enviable record in the County. It Was the first muni- been on duty to guide and to ,cipality in Huron to raise the gl/ard the destinies of West Wa- i local assessment to the County wanosh. We realize that you have 1 equalized level—a practioe which given the township a, great per- did not .become general till some formance, a superb performance I twelve years later. West Wawa- —may we say a record perform- j' U‘J “ A 1 J ance. If you, Durnin, were to write an account of your Clerk- _ _ . ship, it Would practically be a of taxes has a‘record second to story and a history of the muni- none, with a, clean slate year af- cipal affairs of West Wawanosh ter year when it came time to during that time. 1 | register .arrears of taxes. - To you, Mrs? Phillips, we say i -®«* Wishes T® SuecnMr that we sincerely appreciate the .fet,r*.n8 . clerk extended great help and wonderful inspir- ^est wishes to his.successor, John ation that you have 8feen to your Kt*an and said ‘be good To him husband in the many and varied and remember that his job is not and often arduous duties of the smecure that some of yoii. rClefkshiD-— ------- ...........——niay^thmk^_—------yicrKbmpi cOncluaing - . phiUips a As a slight token of the es^em w|shed for the silver tongUe Qf and respect in which we hold orator so he might adequately you, we humbly ask you to ac- express his feelings and how lie cept these gifts. As time goes woj^a treasure the gift and prize by and the clock strikes off the tjloUght which prompted this ■hours, we hope that it .will bring rertiembrance. back to you happy. memories of. ........_ _ the pleasant occasions and associ-1 ations with the people of’West Wawanosh. Signed on. behalf of the pres-1 . ent "reeve arid -former reeves of'' West Waw'anosh, John Durnin, , ■WilHam J. Stewart, Thos. Web-; ster, Brown Smyth/ - J. Harold Gaunt. ■ •UTa$ Deeply Touched * ' . Mr. Fhillins. was deeply and . ‘visibly . touched by the. tribute paid-him and acknowledged it as “one of • the • nicest : things .that . ever happened to me”. It how'-. ever was "more than 'tinged with. i> i ' I: i i i i i i. i i ■ i ' ii I i I I service to your native township. We feel that at all times a you caM^duryoiirduties very con­ scientiously and your work was of t a consistently high calibre. You have the assurance and the pleasure of looking back on a jqbSveH dones In your loyal service down through the thirty years and mbre, you have seen many Coun­ cil Boards and officials come and go.. During all this time, you have nosh had a victory loan record j unequalled by any municipality, i and in the matter of the payment none, with a, clean slate year af- Lucknow FRUIT FREE DELIVERY ANYTIME ’Phone 119,' Lucknow sadness for the severance of .as­ sociations over a period of thirty- OnK years is not easy arid he said he. would miss, the association of council, members 'and ,officials arid county and government of- I Mr. Phillips, gave credit to, his [wife fori -her ass’istW’e .'.iri carry-, 'j jrig on .the exacting-duties' of . the [ clerkship over, the years; He .re- ' called'his. appoi-htmont thirty-one ; years ago and that Mr, Forster1 i was the only living member Of ^\VArynfirxfnriner colleagues and.) that Board, and that /since .then. '* -irk- . Jn i i-C-Vi iiX-'ifi.% .1 0 10c 19c i*.bunches 19c 10 for 49c 252> /’.. ,35c. 10 lb. bag 29c 5 for 29c associates, have gathered together { this evening to spend a social I hour ^’ith. you and to honbr you j in the occasion of your ' recent j yotivement as .Clerk of the. Town-.’ ship of West Wawanosh. We would like to heartily cbfi* grant late »ycu on your ' many years' of faitirful and effic-ient r he.had served undei^eight-reeves, four treasurers, ■ four ■ assessors » and three' road -superintendents. I. Mr. Phillips ■ expressed apprpcia- <. lion Of their co-operation arid the i courtesy and kindness of. the- rate*-j .payors on his rounds of. the lawnship on victory loans, char*/' fty^4iv^s' and the .ordinary busFq “If it .Grows We Have It” - c Bananas, ljb. Cello Tomatoes '[Catr'ots 1 Grapefruit/ riorida Oranges, OiiiOns, NO. 1 Pink Grapefruit ■ CannecLyToina-tocs, .28oz..,222e Tomato Jiiice^ 48. oz» 27c “Smib;rigM“iVIai^ene.:.T..T:... Sockeye $alnion ... 3 for inteHake Tissue . 9 for Royal Instant Puddings ■" riNte RIVER'C^EESK SPECIAL PRICE 99c 99c 14c