HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-24, Page 8i r x < '.,i 1 T l jel r I I ,' I* <f f ■ ;. :' 4 I <• ■ * v ■•Jf z, 1 r V ■ 9 1 Y‘ I •' 1 k a 1 j •hi •r • 1 I J I. ’»• An .* ■ » ■* I t < PAGE EIGHT ■. ■ :■ * > ; J' *V> 1 «> « • . Z THE LtJCKNOW SENTINEL» LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,.... ■ ...* -w ' ..... .......... J1............J.................................... i ? •I !Wt r . There Is Still Time To Order Your NE W SUIT ■ l". ■ : ■" ' ' ■■ '• Mai’s or Lftdy’B . . . for Easter Delivery ■' f'-Made.To.Measur«/By “THE HOUSE OF STONE” Td^^fi*®~^liva^“order»“5houM^be"in later than the first week in April. ' ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens . II —u —II —II nw ussjiii—e ii — iinmii—nnssn—nwnu —USMH< ■». ••b BORN TEEFT—to Roy and Jean Teeft (nee Culbert) in HaJdimand War . Memorial Hospital, Dunnville, on March 11th', 1954, a son, Allan Roy, a brother for Mary Jane. SMITH—in St/ Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener, on Tuesday, March 16, .1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith (Shirley England), a son. REID—-in Wingham General Hos­ pital on Tuesday, March 16, 1954, zto Mr. and Mrs. Irving Reid (nee Vyetta Phillips) of 'Win^iam, a Jon. •"■y v y y.wp y y. v; JtlilaiK ► ► * ► 1. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1954 ? i * ST. HELENS The annual meeting of the Bi­ Helen’s Public Library was held with the president, Miss W.. D- Rutherford, in charge, The treas­ urer, Mr. W. A. Miller, reported that ’over $75 worth of books had been purchased and there vras a balance on hand of $32.58. Miss Isabel Miller, the librarian, reported a membership of 32 and stated that 775 books had been yead. It was agreed to put books into the pool of the Huron Co. Library. The ,following officers were elected: pre^., Miss W. D. MITCHELL - Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 Guest Mitchell (nee Joan John­ son) of Preston^ formerly: of Lucknow^ are happy to announce the birth of their; daughter, Pam-, ela Joan, on Thursday, March 18, 1954, in South Waterloo Hospi­ tal, Galt. MacDONALD—in Goderich Hos­ pital on Monday,. March 22nd to ;Mr> and Mrs. Lloyd MacDonald, Lochalsh, a .son. MacDONALD — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 9, 1954, to Mr.' and Mirs* Bruce Macs Donald, R. 7, Lucknow, a son, Donald Robert. 1 w y y v > «r,?>r-w ▼ w> v y ?■ w~» jl. /* - ■ jl Lt 4 ■ /> a' '1 > I -B; B '^B^ HrnE ’ V - 'B • B^S B -B' J * Leland Fancy > Tomato Juice, 20 oz., 10 for $1 , Doles Sliced •_Pineapple, 20 oz,, .... 3 for $1 . I.GJL. k Fruit Cocktail, 20 oz., 3 for $1 Garden Patch Wax Beans, 15 oz. .... 9 for $1 Libby’s D.B. Beans, 20 oz. .... 5 for $1 1.GJ1. Diced Beets, 20 Oz./ 8 for , Lynn Valley > Corn, 15 oz.............10 for »Breakfast Club i Rapsberry Jam, 24 oz., 3 for $1 . ’LG.A. Catsup, 11 oz., 5 for $1 ’Aylmer . 0 ’Tomato Soup, 10 oz., 9 for $l SMITH'S FOOD MARKET / . Lucknow’s Cash arid Carry Store r dto'jhiidR, Jb. A Jh A A.uR. A AAAAAAAAAiAA A $1 I < < ■< . < .< ■< < ■ < « •< $1 $1 STOCK UP AND . 'SAVE ' . at these TREMENDOUS BARGAINS Gerbers Strained Baby Foods ....... 11 for Monarch Chocolate Cake Mix 3 for $1 Interlake Toilet Tissue 8 for $1 , Kelloggs Bran Flakes 4 for $1 , Export Sardines12 for $1 < Challenger < Sockeye Salmon ........ 3 for $1 ’ Robin Hood Flour, 1 lbs. .. ...... 2 for $1 Sunny .Mom Coffee ..... $1.09 Dog House Dog Food 10 for $1 Many morn $1 Days bargains advertised in the Store. Come in and check them over. a——a————————Im———a—sJ ■ Maple Syrup arriving this week in Quart Jars. ◄ < < < < < < < < < < < < < r 1 b" I v •» ‘ ... ..?*. Rutherford; sec.,. Mrs.- John Cam­ eron; treas,, W.‘ A.\ Miller; lib’ u rarian, Miss Isobel jMilleJr; dir­ ectors, Mrs. Lome Woods, Mrs. G. Macpherson, MrS. W. A^ Mil­ ler, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Frank •McQuillin, Mrs. Alex Purves, Mr. John Cameron and Mr- Lome JWoods.Although the job Of wiring the~ Community Hall was ndt com­ pleted, the hydro was turned on for the play and <iance on Friday evening; and the lights added much to the success of the even­ ing. The hall was filled to cap­ acity for *the play “Look Out Lizzie” by the Ashfield Young People. The play was ..^ell acted and proved most interesting and entertaining. Piano duets by Car­ ol Gardner and Jimmy Hackett were enjoyed between the- acts. Dancing after was enjoyed to music by Chester Taylor, Don, Cameron*and Murray Gaunt arid Charles McQuillin with Mrs. Ern­ est Walker, Mrs? Andrew Gaunt and Fred McQuillin as accom­ panists with Mr. Culbert and Bob^Lyons as callersroff. Plans are being made for a progressive euchre arid dance in the Community Hall on Friday evening under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. A silver col­ lection will ,be taken and the ladies are asked to bring lunch andcardtables._ _______ ___ __i The members of the Women’s Institute have been invited to at­ tend a short- course on Supper Dishes sponsored by the Dun­ gannon Women’s Institute on Tuesday and Wednesday after­ noons, March 30th and 31st from 1.30 to 4 o’clock. On account of these meetings, the April meet­ ing of the W.I.; will be held a week later on April 8th. The conveners of /the standing com­ mittees are asked to have their reports read for this meeting. All ladies hats are different be­ cause milliners rarely niake the same mistake twice. 1 /<. < < ■ < • .< ■ < . *. < ■ < : LUCKNOW ; 1 MONDAY, MARCH 29 ’ at 8.30 sharp ♦.< < < < < < < .< J ► ► ► ► ► »■ ►. > t ► ►. b b <S I SEE BY THE | SENTINEL . . . THAT prize winners at the Aux­ iliary Shoot party on Friday were Mrs. Rob Hamilton and Leo, Huber. The pre v i o u s weeks winners were Catherine MacLennan and Leo Huber. The Hubers have been prize winners on nine occasions at these weekly parties. THAT at the Huron County Seed Fair first priie for buckwheat was won by Alton- Bros., R. 7, Lucknow and second prize by Chester Finnegan, R. 1, £>un- •, • 1. . 1» , 1 A » J* 4« I $2,1 YOUR RESPONSE TO OUR SALE WAS VERY GRATIFYING! Giant BATH TOWELS Pastel colours 44x22. A $1.39 value for 98c Each HOUSE PAINT amel. Good quality, moderate “TriciK For interior and exterior ■ .use. ‘ ' $1.15 Quart ,, 4 ir .,,. / u ■ .' Z Toronto Male Chorus with David Ouchterlony conductor-arranger IN THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM -I. ' LUCKNOW *3 Under'Auspices Of . / Lucknow District High School Literary Society► ► _______________ ; Mr Wm.'F. Thompson, former Lucknowite, > tenor soloist ’ Admission $1.00 ’ ’ /f Tickets Are Available. From The Students V For any Decorative Scheme Twelve beautiful matching colours synchronized in three sheens — Fla: Paint, Semi-Gloss Enamel and; Interior Gloss; Enamel. Make it easy to m^tch colours. perfectly in the sheens you prefer ... or to achieve lovely colour, harmonies. • ... Looking for smart modern colour,, effects? Then come in and see the C-I-L Wall and 1. Woodwork Colour Chart, and GIFT SHOP Phone 218, Lucknow — Directly Across from Legion Hall • gannon. Alton Bros, .also placed < THAT Lome Woods of St. Hel- first [for soybeans. ... . * ^ns was elected second vice? THAT this past week we received a Sentinel renewal from Ar­ thur E. MacLennan, publisher of “The Age Press” Of Glad­ stone, Man. He says he has been receiving the paper for . the past year mainly for? the connection it had for his father and his, old home town.. His father was J. K. MacLennan, who passed away a year ago on January 10th, 1953. Said his son, “Lucknow was a spot on the mao that was very dear to Dad”. president of the Huron Fruit Growers Association at the an­ nual meeting in Clinton on Thursday. The guest speaker, M. M. Robinson, secretary of the Oritario Fruit and Vege? table Growers Association, was introduced by J. W., Jpynt. THAT at the euchre party at riolyrood on Thursday night, high count prizes were won by Mrs. . Raynard. Ackert a n d Frank Thompson with consol- ation prizes going to Mrs. Rich- j ' ard Elliott and Tom Hodgins. WINNERS of the . ....7 “PRESTO PRESSURE COOKERS” Were: “7 AtThe"Market“Store—-Jurie^Gollyer? At The Wingham Store—Ruth Emberlin SOME SPECIAL VALUES THIS WEEK MEN’S UNDERWEAR Men’s athletic tops and briefs. Well made. 65c Each INDIAN BLANKETS “Mowhawk” Indian Blankets, ■ 54X72. New low price. $3.69 Each I WORK SOCKS All nylon work socks. Long wearing. $1.75 Pair New SPRING DRESSES TRAININGpanties . Sizes 2/4, 6. Pair ...... 22c 5 for $1.00 • A SMOCKS...........__ Men’s henvy denim smocks. • $3.95 Each £ ,K /• < I Misses’ ■ and Ladies’ half - sizes. ^Many. navy~b i ue w-i th -sparklin g *white trim . . . from, $5.95 to $8.95 K I V SL 5 ,y F S JC R(