HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-24, Page 7.t.- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN DUNGANNON 1 CULROSS CORNERS SIXTH AND NINTH > you ASHFIELD Snhted bv- Warden. coral Briai^liff-roses, The young t couple, left for a honeymoon to - ■ * ■ a • Mrs;^Klytr-^arrtsh”''^peh'ti,'ia’" MvyAsim a? ??^“ L.D.H.S. NEWS /* /■ ■ > When you invite trouble, ,can be siirc it will accept. : I r* . • .- r • On Friday, March 20th at 9.00 amw one of the0 best Assemblies that' ever was/, was held in the additorium. The reason that it was so good was that it. was in? honor of St; Patrick’s day, Helen Weiler- was in charge and the L.&H S. Band under Mr. Hoag’s direction, was in attendance. As­ sembly was opened with the hymn, '“Unto': the Hills”,' Gladys Kilpatrick read/ the scripture. Laurine MacNain gave a reading. . The Band favored with a .selec­ tion, “Twilight Hour”. Helen Weiler, in honor of the occasion, read the following words, “St; Patrick’s day is., gone but the spirit will ’live in the hearts of the Irish forever.. It ,was once said that there are only two kindsv of people on St?’Patrick’s Day,’ those who are Irish arid those •who wish they were”. The “Four Lucknow Lads” and , Mr. Bride led in several {sorigs of Ireland which were dedicated to Mr. MacDonald, a good Irishrhan. As­ sembly was closed : by the Nat-: ional Anthem.' __d— This present week the pre­ Easter examination^are on. The exams run from Monday, March 22 to Monday, Match 29.' .A very lively and entertaining interval of time for all. '. -—O—• ' '. - George Anderson has been sel­ ected to attend the Free’ Press Leader’s. Club. George is in Grade. XIII this year. He is our. Liters ary Society president and. Cadet captain, He is Senior boys’ ath ­ letic champion for 1953-54 and a leading member of the Band, be­ ing a past president. A better choice could not have been made. Congratulations, George. / WOMEN’S INSTITUTE " ? PLANS. VARIOUS ACTIVITIES The regular meeting- of the Lucknow W, I. was held in the Council Chamber on March 2nd. Mrs. C. Cook presided and Mrs. A. Havens read the minutes and correspondence. During the business session-$15 was donated to the Red Cross. It was decided |hat the Institute Would ’cater to a’banquet for the Bowling Club on April. 1st. A 3- act comedy,; “Deacon Dubbs” .by Kincardine players, will be pre­ sented fir:the ’ Town Hall.’' Pro­ ceeds are to go for Korean relief. The annual rummage sale as to be held_on "March 24th, in the Recreational Centre with Mrs. W. Douglas; Mrs. B. Roach and Mrs. A. Havens .in charge. A pot luck supper for W. I. members will-be field, on April 8th with the exe­ cutive in charge. The nominating committee is Mrs. E. Johnston and Mrs. Gor­ don Fisher. Selection of an ex­ tension department project, was left, for the. ’next meeting.. The roll ..call was. an h "Irish •joke” and the motto "Cultivating liking people asjthey are”, pre­ pared by Miss . Hlumsteel of . the High School • StJff and read 'by Mrs. Beatrice/Yoven. Mrs. Har­ vey Webster gave, a piano solo and Mrs. Breckles a mouth organ .selection. -Current events were given by Mrs, Howard Robinson and Mrs. P. Stewart read the federated news report.. Guest speaker for the meet­ ing was Mn Steve Stothers who gave a very interesting report Of his trip to the West. /The directors for the meeting, .Mrs.” B."Roach, Mrs; H. Robinson and Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie sup­ plied lunch. ; Be sure^to come arief hear “The Songmen” in the High School auditorium on Monday evening, March 29th.rThese male vocalists are all soloists in Toronto church­ es. It is top-flight entertainment and well worthy the admission price. Mr. W. F. Thompson, a former Lucknowite, is a member of the group.yTickets are avail­ able from High School students. Members of Central Farim For­ um were guests of iProsperity Corner’s Forum Monday evening held-in S.S. No. 1.7 school,. West Wawanosh to conclude the win­ ter’s meetings. Chairman was Mr., Harold Webster. Rev. G. Watt of Dungannon showed a film on the life of Dr. George Washington -Carver;—a -negro"'_ agrfcuiturarP scientist. Progressive euchre wa£ Thirteen members of Bethany Farm: Forum met Monday night at the hbrnq^ of "Mf: arid Mrs. Aft Hodgins :lo. discuss the topic, “From under thO Earth”. The topics we enjoyed most/last year were picked- and sent 'into head­ quarters, also ten topics were sel­ ected from the questionnaire tor next year. The slate of officers was drawn up for next Fall When the meetings begin in Novem­ ber: pres., Arthur Hodgins; as­ sistant, . Clayton: Meyers;, sec.- . treaS;, Mrs. Frank Brown,. assist­ ant, Mrs. -Ernie Hanna. Games were played. The hostess served lunch: .Thd members of . all . the Forums in Culross Township am yite the public to meet with them in the Town Hall, Tees.water, on ^Friday evening, March 26, when there will be speaking by the pupils from the schools in CuL... , . , ., - uuuus Hutu uj.c atnuuia jnp yed with with high prizes go- > rogs grid musical numbers-by the mg to Richard Good and Gordon I ^orumg , McTavish and consolation prizes j i\/r/jp/ to Betty and Ernest Durnin, Mrs. John Finnigan won the lucky chair prize and Lynn Finnigan I the door prized Russell and 4 Joe Thompson of Goderich visited .during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Mark> Arm­ strong.’ x Misses Joan; and Betty Dever- , eaux spent "the week-end with’ ■ Mrs. Mike Cumin ins, who has re­ turned from Wingham Hospital. ; Stanley Hisler of Wingham vis-- ited recently. with his^ sister. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong. • Mr. John O’Connor * of Kings­ bridge, visited with Mr. arid Mrs. Gus' Kinahari. ■ •? 1 Mr,, Barry Purdon of Powasson Held Trousseau Tea ; ’Mrs.; Orville -Free entertained friends to a trousseau tea Wed­ nesday afternoon* • and evening prior to her daughter Jean’s mar­ riage the following Saturday to Mr, William, Bawreh.ee Plaetz^r of Auburn. Mrs. Alex Sillib, grandmother of . the bride and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer, the groom’s mother, were seated at the dining .table pouring tea- in the after­ noon. Misses Edna Stewart and Lois; Mole assisted in serving and Mrs. Paul Caesar, oMrs; Charles -Mi 11 ion-andkMrs7“J^c krrARoh-en~ tertained the. guests with the dis­ play of gifts and trousseau. In the evening Mrs. Neil McDonald of Langside, aunt, of the hiride, poured tea and also Mrs. Sillib, the:bride’s grandmother, Misses Edna Stewart, and Lois Mole ser­ ved arid the trousseau, display was shown by Mrs. Nelson'Pearson, Mrs. Charles Million, Miss Mar­ garet Black and Mrs. Jack Alton. , We are glad rto hear Mrs. J. J. Ryan is " recovering nicely . after an operation at Seaforth Hospital. Mr. Carleton Sfingel .is spend- ■ ing two weeks with his sister land brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. I John Fennell, Bradford. . Mr. ' Thomas MacLean, in poor health, was taken to Wingham Hospital one day last week for treatment. * Delmer Maize, Grade XII stu­ dent at G.C.I., was unfortunate to be taken dpwn with, infected ears and was home under the doctor’s care' for two weeks. “ ‘ Had Letter From Turkey ' The writer, reecived g letter from Mrs. T.‘ C. Anderson, In- staribul, Turkey,; on March 19th, stating she was fine, and expect­ ed to sail for home at Dungan­ non “next moritKTMrs. Anderson, a native of Turkey, returned to her homeland last Fall, to < visit her family. Her father, 88, has passed away since- .Incidentally, the letter, written on March 16th, was sent ail mail and was re­ ceived in three days. Mr. -Percy Horne is a patient in Goderich Hospital. I St. Paul’s Anglican Guild held ra successful euchre party on St. Patrick’s night. <>There were 18 tables. Lady’s high score was -Mrs. John Chisholm and second high Mrs. Harvey Alton. Men!s high were Wm. Caesar and Chas. Rivett. Lucky chair prizes went to Jack Caesar and Mrs. Charles "McNee. I Mrs. J. Oliver and sister Miss IE. McMillan were hostesses - at their, home last Thursday after­ noon for Erskihe Presbterian :-W“M;Sr"Maruh meeting. Mi's. H; ■ Stothers presided. Mrs. John Bennett led in the devotional per­ iod and read the scripture lesson. Mrs. J. Oliver read a poem “The 1 Changed Cross”.. The foil call was I answered by 13 members. Mrs. I J. Bennett read a’ list of ques- ; tipp£. The Glad- Tidings prayer I was given 'by Mrs;* Will. Reid., A | chapter , in the study book,‘Where { e’er the .Sun’ Was read by Mrs. I Richard McWhinriey. The meet­ ing closed with a hymn and. pray-; er. The hostess served lunch. I BLAKE—CHRISTILAW I A quiet, but pretty wedding Napanee. The bride wore navy ’ a lot, improved.*' / b,lue taffet^, rnauve shaded check ■, The Dungannon United church fleece wool top coat and black enjoyed the annual congregation- accessories. They will reside on Supper bn' Friday night, March i their farm, R. 2, Clinton. A pre- jgth arid the program in the au<cL. nuptial miscellanous shower was borium.. The basement was .dec­ tendered the bride at Nile school Qr0ted' with..Irish, emblems and by neighbors and friends and almost every family was repre- the bride, employed at the Rank ; sonted. at the informal meal. Don- of . Montreal, Goderich, was atjdns at the door sent the-re­ sented by the s|a«‘ with a silver , Ceipts to over $100." Rev. Geo. tray, service. •’ { Watt,, pastor, presided for an en- Mrs. Wm- Sprople, at ^Goderich 'joyable' program in the auditor- Hospital, is reported t<5« be quiterum- fef3 W a recent visitor with Mr. and Mi’s. Wm, Purdon.- ’- . • ■ J l^r. and Mrs. Mark' Armstrong,- We Sunday, visitors with Mr. & Mfs. Melvin Craig and4 family of .muovale. . Congratulations- to. Mr. & Mrs. ‘ Ian McPherson (Eva Stewart) on the. birth of a daughter in Kin­ cardine Hospital. ; Little Elizabeth McPjherson has been staying with her grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart. Mr. arid Mrs. ;Clayton Meyers, .accompanied Mr.’-and. Mrs. • E.ver- .ett Whitehead' and Mrs. While­ head, Tees water,' on a/motdr trip to Toronto on Sunday, . .. * Little Elaine and Donnie Mey-. took place' on Saturday, .March . ..ei-s....SpQn.t--SUn -day^wLth-MM^;iinah-4JjUted- .Mrs Morley Wall and family. J Church Parsonage at, 1.00 o’clock. • We -are'sorry to report little Rev. George D: Watt performed Stephen Donaldson to be a pat-■ fhe.,marriage cersnriony of Leone ' ;Mrs.. ,,Jlzedn.ardJ„C.hiustilaw,„. and Orville Gerald, son of Mr. and’ Mrs. Orville" Blake, R./ 2, Clinton. The bride chose" pink- lilac novelty fabric^ suit with black accessories and wore -the gift' of -the ‘groom, a’ crystal ? set and her- flowers irSage* of yellow roses, lypta,.. Freeman,. 'Clinton,- a attended wearing a mus- sorry to report littlp ReV. George D; Watt performed -4 Mi. . ... r 'i • ZV ririjri ■MZ'i'w-vt ir% <***■■<»■■ . T.A'X'w/1 Tent daughter of Mr. and ■ -itope-hrcrwriPtoe-h ©me^soom—— I'' Mrs. Alex.' Whyiriek .spent, a day*|1 last week With. Mrs,'Everett -Why-1 tohkjaiYd boys.', rtyir.," aM _Mrs, ..Lloyd ' Ca“nisl'-i; ,l. 'Olivet, spent Bunday .with Mr,. Mrs. Trios.?Stewart. —» *■ ", .Mr. and Mrsr Midford Wall-arid- I Donnie■ spent; Sunday with Mr. Mrs.'. TomHadkett and Doug | *of' Ashfield. ■ ^°derich- 1-aM w'dok,-' ■ ... . w in'. Dohbil;. / \ .Word was received here on ’ death in- Ghdefich' Bho .A y‘car and at one -time ‘^.^tdent’of this community. ? - Bradley is homo after ' ■ w ■ ■ patientin Kiricardine: undotiwcht a nsl] and adend'id operation" ■ rhinos werc^ a mk ?nusii7, ,■ lard .shade suit..of corded' worsted, ' I.'rownbacfossories. and corsage, of lions, ,....lT.hfe-h,gsit ■ man\; was.Mr., Bernard Fisher-,of were entertainedrht the home of IN JUNIOR SEED JUDGING Tm* firn ^eed . iudging ■ briinpeti-. were enteitaihed.wat the home pf 11ion at the Huron County seed the. Brides parents, The- brides air 'Frank Alton, K 1, Lucknow. I mother received wearmg navy won first wizftjn tfe Junior Jndg.| crepe-«dth white rim and cor- 'and Lome Hackett Was run- | sage of pWk Bnarclitf roses. 1he fSr-tio Them were 23 boys com-1 groom’s mother assisted wearing, peted 7n the-junior judging. ■ , green iwtm jayon crew P The trophy which Frank re- with -velvet trim and corsage pf eeived wOs-prcS ...... w: j. Dale.* 3’ CP on ft. o' o