HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-24, Page 4* PAGE FOUR FURNITURE FOR SALE—tables, chairs, cbest of. drawers, box spring and mattress. Apply at The Manse,, Lucknow. 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO [coming events I BINGO! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1954 ----------------i t J!J" .H'J ... ,1., . ,,--- FOR- SALE—slab wood and saw­ dust.; Joe Weiler, R. 6, Lucknow. FOR SALE-^Roxtqn and Beaver seed oats. E. G. Zinn & Sons, R. 1, Dungannon,G phone 14-r-15, . FOR SALE—<good Durham cow, ^ue- nOw.-^GeorgeL_Alton. _R.R. 2, Lucknow; phone Dungannon 84-9. FOR SALE—barn 16x20. Will sell very reasonable. Joie Weiler, R.. 6, Lucknow. . V FOR SALE —-7-year-old horse. James. Devereaux, R. 2, Luck­ now. , .. ' HOUSE. FOR SALfe—on Ludgard St., Lucknow. Apply to Mrs. C. Shaddiek, Luckriow. f SALESMAN WANTED Rawleighbusinessnow openin Bruce County. Trade well estab- Jished—^Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at' once.; Raw-, leigh’s Dept. Cr271-189, Montreal. FARM FOR SALE — 50 acres, S.H, of Lot 73, Con 1, . Kinloss, Township. Apply to Jack Hen­ derson,- R, 3, Lucknow,. phone ,68-12 Dungannon. . , FOUND — some new boards on Highway 86. Apply to Robb Bros., Amberley. FOR ,SALE—2 red heifers, just freshened; 4 year-old steers; sow due to farrow in two weeks. Frank Ritchie;. R. 3, Lucknow, phone 69-12 Dungannon. HOUSE FOR SALE—in Lucknow, 6 rooms, all modern conveniences. Apply at, Sentinel Office. 4s PAPERING AND PAINTING at reasonable - prices. ;■ papers for every room supplied. CARLETON STINGEL, phone 96 Dungannon. ' FOR SALE — Bowman garden tractors; See them on display at Forster’s . 'Welding Shop, phone9 206-r-ll, Lucknow. FOR SALE —- 4 Shorthorn bull calves, 11 months old, red in col­ our. Apply to William Webster, phone 44-r-31 Lucknow. " BARLEY FOR SALE-^quantiJy of Montcalm barley, grown from registered seed, cleaned & treat­ ed. Cecil Johnston, R. 7, Luck­ now, phone 77-r-10L Dungannon. FOR RENT—house on corner of Willoughby and Havelock Sts., 6 rooms and bath. Available at. once. Apply E. J. Farrish, Gorrie. - ' --............... . -• - i---------- ,LIVESTOCK WANTED - 1 Dead,, disabled horses or cows removed free of« charge. For prornpt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182{ BINGO! Watch for the date of Clansmen’s chicken and bingo—coming soon. ’ PARLIAMENT HILL REPORT Report from Parliament Hill by Andy Robinson, Member for Bruce—over CFOS, March 23rd, at 7.00 p.m.; oVer CKNX, March 28th, at 10.15 a m. . —- EUGHREANDDANCE^ m In St -Helen’s Community Hall, -Friday^_^arch_J_26th._;Qards^ at 8,3b, darice to foillpw. Silver col­ lection. SHOOT PARTY THURSDAY ‘ There will be a Shoot Party at Holyrood on Thursday, March 25th, at 8.30, under auspices of the WI. Ladies bring lunch.. Everybody ■jyelcome. ", SPECIAL MEETING The Ladies Auxiliary tQ(_rthe Canadian Legion is holding .a special meeting this Thursday evening, March 25th at 8.00 p.m. Washable I All members be ^present please. RECEPTION WEDNESDAY A reception for Mr. and Mrs.' Don Gillespie (nee Marion Nich­ olson) will .be held in Carnegie Hall, Lucknow, on Wednesday, March 31st from 9.30 to 1 o’clock. Jack Henderson’s o r c h e s t r a. Everyone welcome. Lunch coun­ ter. The ham . CHAIN SAWS, ETC, Agent for a complete line of Mall chain saws, available, with Oregon chipper chains. Some used saws •obtainable;, also Mall elec­ tric hand saws, drills, sanders, No. 40 Castrol outboard oil. ojack Barr, R. 1, Holyrqpd Phone. 18-29 Ripley. noticeV-^ RE4-H CLUB MEETING Members of the Lucknow 4-H Calf Club are asked to take note that the organization(;meeting of -thP-Cliib--wilL_take_ place at a joint meeting of the Lucknow _and Dungannon Clubs ^t Dup-. gannon on Tuesday, March ,30thr Note Change of date. ’ ROE Chic Starter • ■’ ’ . . . * ■ * Per CWT.$4.50 D. R. Finlayson Phone. 91, Lucknow T ■ NOTICE RE KINDERGARTEN CLASS Mothers interested are urged to meet with the teacher at the Public' School on Friday, March 27th. at .2.00 p.m. All children planning to attend now or later must be'registered at this meet­ ing. ’ i * 1 RAY ROBINSON PHONE 41for a ^jrice on—meat by the quarter; also custom work and cutting. Welsh Meat Market, Lucknow. FOR SALE-— number of sows, starting to farrow April 5 th. Lome Farrish, phone Dungan­ non 82-15. CHROME PISTON RINGS Many car owners are enjoying the wonderful^ervi'ce^ofchrome piston rings. They never fail. Why not let me install a set in your motor now. N. W. WINTERSTEIN - FOR SALE •— table suitable for work ‘ bench and 2 * show cases. , Apply at Webster and MacKinnon Hardware. ' PLUMBING SUPPLIES For plumbing fixtures, fittings and supplies, including American kitchen units, call T. M. Meen. 1178 Francis St., London, phone 7-1170. Evenings 4-4689. MECHANIC SERVICE , Onfall makes of cars. Prompt service, experienced workman­ ship, reasonable prioes. Archie Nicholson, Belfast, ’phone 70-r-7 Dungannon. ELECTRIC BROODERS Before purchasing a brooder be sure to-see the Jamesway el­ ectric brooder on display. AUCTION SALE of farm stock, implements and equipment at Lot 3, Con, 8, Kinloss, two miles west of Holyrood, on Tuesday; March 30th at 1.00 p.m. See bills for list and iterms. No reserve. Robert MacDonald, Prop.;, Don­ ald B. Blue; Auc. W7MURDIE & FURNACES CLEANED HaVe your furnace or. hot water our Roy Wm. boiler • super-cleaned with new vacuum cleaner. See Haveris or leave orders at Murdie & Spn Hardware^ MEAT FOR S^LE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license from—the Department; of Healths Highest quality.' Front quarters 21c; hind\ quarters 30c. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. SEED FOR SALE—full line of clover seeds, grass seeds and pas­ ture mixtures at reasonable prices. Harvey Hagedorn, Kin tail, phone Dungannon 66-17. ? ’ FOR SALE-^brick building,. 22 x 50; upstairs modern apartment, steam heat, 'bottom floor suitable for shop or store, full dry base­ ment; N. W. Winterstein. SEED FOR SALE—We have a complete stock of all kinds of seeds for youiySpring require­ ments. Some prices lowest in years. Clover pasture mixture special $10 per bushel. Bring in your clover seed and have the Buckhorn taken out. Contact Roy Cramm & Son, Seed Mer­ chants, Pinkerton, Ont., phone Cargill 68-w-3. > / FOR SALE — 1948 Studebaker Champ sedan, smooth and quiet, deluxe radio arid air condition­ ing. Cash, trade, terms, N. W. ' CARPENTER WORK—new and' . repairs; kitchen cupboards; etc,, made to order. No job'.too small. 97-w,. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION . Ifor artificial insemination at its best for all breeds," riair“the~ Waterloo Cattle- Breeding Associ­ ation. between 7.30 and 1Q.Q0 a.m. cn week’ days and .7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Rincardme-'"10T-r-7" ^pr”“ Miidm ay ,130-r-12. ' , . PLAY AT BLAKE’S Three - act comedy, “Mama’s Baiby Boy” presented by Seaforth Jiinior Farmers in Blake’s Hall, Ashfield, Wednesday, March 31st at 8.30, under auspices Hackett W.M.S. Admission 50c, children -25c? ' . ' PLAY AT AMBERXEY Hackett their play, Amberley on Thursday, April 1st, under auspices of Amberley Lodge 1328. Adults 50c,4 child­ ren 25c. BANQUET, MARCH 26th A Mother and Daughter Ban- • quet will be held -by Group 1 of the United Chtirch W.A. in the church on Friday, March 26th at 6 30. Guest speaker, Mrs. (Rev.) Douglas Bryden, and program. Tickets $1.50,, available from Mrs, A. J, Wilson or Mrs. Geo. Jbynt. YORKSHIRE SALE Zone 2 Yorkshire Sale, Walk­ erton, Thursday, April 1st, 1954, 1.30 p.m. 26 bred sows, 6 open sows, 12 boars. Pick in A.R. and .show ring winning blood lines. Boar bonus policy applies? G. R. Gear, secretary-treasurer. FARMERS ATTENTION! ... You are invited to the Luck­ now Playhouse Theatre on Mon­ day, March 29th at 8.00 p.m. to a tractor owner. meeting featur­ ing movies, door prizes and a tractor maintenance discussion sponsored by Montgomery; Mot­ ors, Lucknow. DANCE FRIDAY’ Elliott Carruther’s Old-Timers will play for. a dance in the Town, Hall on Friday night, March 26th, under auspices of the Legion. The old-timers include Donald Mc- Charles, ClrveT~Muhrp7“Dannie Geizel; Jack Peterbough, Walter Collins‘and others. Lunch coun­ ter. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. - NOTICE LUCKNOW COAL COMPANY . Take notice that all accounts | owing to the Lucknow Coal Com­ pany must be paid by Saturday, March 27th, 1954. Accounts should be paid at Murdie Hardware Store. This is necessary in view of the fact' that both partners in the Coal Company arp deceas­ ed and accounts must be paid in order to close the Estates. Lucknow Coal Company, per R. S. Hetherington, Solicitor. . z. • Floors f ■ LAID, SANDED AND^ FINISHED. ’Phohe Carlow 2105 R.R. 1, Port Albert I Y.P.U. will present “Look Out Lizzie” at auspices of Amberley TENDERS ' , TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, “Ap^il-^-Srdr tor—the of the; Estate of the late .- Harry Mac-i Donald, S.H. Lot 28, Lakeshore | Range, farm consists qf 107 acres;! 50—acres iplowed, 40 acres grass, remainder in bush with spring creek. Farm is well drained with bank barn 80x40. ? Small stable on premises, pre­ viously sold, and is not included. Terms—10 percent cash at time.j of sale; balance in 60 days. Low- j est or any tender not necessarily • accepted, i. 1 Alex F. MacDonald, ExecUtor, I R.R. 3, Lucknow. j CARD OF THANKS ' ■' . " - ' .. ■. I- Mrs. Gordon Anderson wishes; to. thank those who by cards, let- * ters and gifts remembered her j and the baby while in hospital I and since returning home, ! It is hard for me to find ade- j quate words to thank , the many !—-----------------—-------------------- lriends who so kindly remember-J Lahgside Y.P.S. ed me in various ways while in I The Langside Young Peoples , the hospital, especially the blood)met in the church bn Monday donors. i • evening. The meeting opened lhank you, Alex MacNay. 5 with the call to worship by the . J president. . The scripture lesson Girvin Reed wishes to ackndw- was read by Charles Pinkerton ledge with sincere thanks and followed with a prayer by Doug fippreciation the' assistance of o:-------- ...j . , friends and neighbors at the1 time of the fire, with special thanks to those who have helped him to clean up since the fire. ' ----------________............ .-___________Ll. ...•_______ s . 5 ^TREAT THE COW to • SAVE THE CALF To insure the birth of healthy, vigorous calves and to avoid problems with the cow at calving time give every preg­ nant cow on your farm Nixon’s PRE VENTEX POWDER — (Yitamins^and^Minerals) __ For the last 30 days before calving and th6 first two> . weeks of freshening. Prevent Trouble With Preventex UMBACH DRUG STORE ’Phone 13-w, Lucknow • CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can Now ’ Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as. the farm business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON, 1UCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-E-23 “7 : “Who’s waiting at this table anyway?” demanded the 'angry ■ ~cUstorner.'-; ~—-—— “Madam”, replied the busy waitress, “you are, until your ; turn- c.omes”. • . 1 7 • .. . . — ► ► I ► I ' ► • - ► ►. ► ■ Simpson. The offering was tak­ en by .Jim Young, followed with prayer by the president. A read­ ing was given by Doug Simpson and the topic was taken by. Ron­ ald MacGillivray. tThemizpah benediction, closed, the meeting, after«which St. Patrick contests . wereenjoyed. The' nextrm eetin g-—- will 'be held - in the church on March 29th, wi th the .. wo rsh i p conveners' ix^ charge.., CARD OF THANKS made to order. No job .too Leo Beauchamp, Phone Lucknow. . AUCTION SALE, of farm and implements at the farm of • AlVin Sherwood’, DungahnOn', on ' Tuesday., April. 6th, See bills. Terms - cash. .' Alvin Sherwood; . Prop.,’ Donald Blue, Auc. ;< stock IN MEMORIAIVT CAMPBELL r-in loving memory of Lyal Bradley Campbell,• who passed away two years ago, Mar. 26th. 1952. ; /■; Yes, he sleeps, but not fore,ver In a lone arid silent grave, Blessed , promise he' shall waken,' JJejiUjj died the lost to save. , In the ^dawning of the morning When the' troubled " night' is o’er,BRAY CANADIAN' APPROVED ! . —.Chicks^Inieres11 ng. .crosses _' or .1 All the; buds ■ in beauty blooming, breeds. Dual purpose,' for egg or 'tTr:” meat markets. Like their N. H'. crosses with B.R,, Columbian or L.S.; breeds,like B.R.. L.S>, Black Australorp. Better ask " us for complete-list With prices, make your own selection. Pullets start from $17.90. Agent— D; R, FINLAYSON, Lucknow. Will re jo ice to see “Elrri “more; --r-Sadly missCd by 'Mother’. Fath­ er. Brothers and Sisters. CARD OF THANKS I. wish to. thank the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Legion for re- mem he ring me while home, /v ■< • Ll.oyd J. ■ Barkwell. Robert Button wishes to sin­ cerely thank all those who ^re­ membered him with cards, flows •ere' and in . various other. ways w’hile in the hospital and' since' returning home. ■. . . .- vI would like to thank Dr. Cor- rin, .the nurses and staff of Wing­ karri General Hospital and all my kindness, cards and flowers dur- 4ng^rmyLrecen.U.s.ickn ess,. Mrs, Wellington Webster. It is with a feeling of (Jeep appreciation' that I- sincerely thank all of my friends and neighbors for. treats,- cards, let* ters, visits arid phone calls while I. was ill. . • w. n. bushell: ; . i. , '■ ' • '> • ' * i Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. <4WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” A promotional, educational meeting will be^held' PLACE—FORMOSA COMMUNITY J^ALL : ■ } . 'time: Uo i».m. DATE—WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st - u. A ■ Movie and discussion on Frozen Semen,’Dr. ► the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. > r xQuestioils and Answers period, * k This is the ^meeting that was postponed on February 16ih • ► °h account of bad weather, , ' . Everybody is welcome. , J £ J._JJL Macphcrsop^O.V.C.r-G:iielph—Alsd-LprottessJenorL.oii_' ► the Wafprlnn CoHIa (.