HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-24, Page 3WEDNESDAY,PHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO f...tUCKNOW ?I UNITED CHURCH j ’ Minister: i Rev. G. A, Meiklejohn, 4' ’ • B.A., P.D. f • | SUNDAY^ MARCH 28th • ] jilM a*1113 p\m,: Sunday School. ■ I 7.0Q pJh.? ‘'Lights That j Shine”I —j f • dl —Ii Presbyterian Church; j I i j i I < PAGE THREE •ft I £)I$25 coasts have been selected reduced price from some Local & General Mp Simon Plewes has been -ill with pneumonia. * , Misses Carole Barkwell gnd Bev Taylor spent the week-end with Mrs. E. Barkweil, Mr, and Mrs. Horace McGuire and Shirley of Londonj • w^rq Sunday visitors with friends here. Russell AJlih is back to school after a bout with the measles and then pneumonia. ' Mr. Denzil Statters .of Galt called on friends here at the firstLof^the—week.—,————■-—- . Mr. and^Mrs. Harvey Hall an-d ^1hh~~t>f“”Detroit were week-end visitors. with Mr. and Mrs, j. H.' Hall.- t _ “Lloyd1 J. ,Barkwell returned "tq the R.C.A.F. station at Saskatoon last week 4fter being, hoine on leave.1 ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd’Wilson and- children are moving from Tor­ onto Bracebridge, \vhere Floyd has .ripen transferred by -Silver- wood Dairies" . • Rev, and Mrs. Joseph Tulley of Windsor have been visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. J. But­ ton and Mr., Button. The latter is . feeling somewhat better and is enjoying the visits tto/ friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steward* and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Stew­ ard and son Bruc^/.of London, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steward, CHURCH CHANNLXS •1/ ■ I.' i . i j11 j 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. I 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon.! | 7 p.m.: Evening Worship. | Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bushell were- Mrs. Jas. Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Ardill Mason, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald McCosh, Purple Grove; Mrs. J. W. Colwell, Kinlough; Mr. and Mrs. Max Bushell, Ronny and Brenda and Gwen Colwell, Holy- -rood; and Mr. and Mrs. Bob [ Who were, married 43 years onSimpson, and Jan, Kintail. j.March 22nd. Rev. C. A. Winn, B A., Minister. ■ ‘ '■ . • . SUNDAY, MARCH 28th a.m.: Morning Worship. i r is the right way to BIGGER BIRDS 4nd BIGGER PROFITS J No doubt about it, bigger birds mean bigger eggs —and bigger profits. Help yourself to these profits by doing the following—feed your chicks a Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix Concentrate for the first 8 weeks. This supplies them with those all important animal proteins, vitamins and minerals. Recently Ws.eH was observed in Ontario. Ope qf the most important 'Jhsbects pf- edu­ cation was not mentioned. Relig­ ious education is the foundation of all eduoation. We are spending millions on secular education, and thousands on religious. education. It is a definite weakness qf the church that interest in religious education is secondary to many other’ things. It is not enough to Lave a good building facility and qll, the latest Equipment. The prime need of a program of relig- ious edueation is a good ..supply of consecrated trained leaders. At one time all education was in the hands of the church; "but as in many other things the state* has been allowed to take over the moulding of young lives. The i state is .gradually realizing the I place of religion in the education | of wholesome ipertsonality. The ( church iS' making the best of the1 i situation with the support given ! in money and personnel, - but it . isn’t good enough^ The. slogan for Education Week is, Education is Everybody’s Business. Similar­ ly religious education is tevery church member’s business wheth­ er he has a family or not, It is said that one is never too old to learn but many church members seem to think that their religious education -ended with graduation from Sunday School. When we reach the time that we think we know enough about Grid’s Word and His will for us, then we are spiritally stagnant. Every church member should take every op­ portunity offered for religious education for themselves, and should assist wherever possible in the religious education -prp- gram of their church. An oppor­ tunity to learn more about rel.ig-; ious education, and a chance to share with other workers in com- mon problems is being given^ih a Sunday School leadership train­ ing convention to be held for South Bruce. —0— ... l .. A . Sunday School Leadership Training Convention for South Bruce is to be held at St. John’s Church, Bervie, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 30th & 31st. The following courses will fye of­ fered. The Scriptures We present on Tuesday at 8.15 p.m. Methods of Presentation, on Wednesday at 2.15 p.m., and Aids in Preserita? rtion, Wednesday at 8.15 p.m. All ’ those interested as well, as" all Sunday School workers of all de­ nominations are invited. The Rev. John Prest of St. John’s (Church of England), Ber- Vie, is the registrar at R.R. No., 4, Kincardine. There is no charge for registration. KAIRSHEA INSTITUTE VOTES $25 TO RED CROSS Sanderson LADIES/ anfl MEN'S WEAR i------«.— TELEPHONE 85 SPRING BEGINS with a COAT ■ I Sale Offerings ^hese at a Letter materials so we can offer you a pre-season bargain for your Easter choice. j1'1 ... Checks, Gabardines, Flash Cloths, Pic and Pic, Cords, Worsteds, Etc. Sizes 10 to 20, 38 to 44; Choose early .and lay away one from this great bargain on All- Purpose Coats. • c '. DROP IN AT THE FASHION SHOPPE 1 FOR A HAT ! I I IJ..., . __________ ____I SUITS juirt: arrivedL . >.. . , i Large assortment in newest cloths for Ladies’ and Men’s I Suits . . . well sized assortment oiv racks . . . or made to | measure. Popular PRICES. -----* j----------Lu----------- - --------------------------------------------- --------- ------ -----?---------------;------ ------------F---- ----------y--------------------------;-------------------------—1 Items from the Federated News were given by Mrs. L. MacDoug­ all. Mrs. I. Carruthers and Miss Marilyn Carruthers played a piano duet which was much en­ joyed. After the closing numbers lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. Harold Campbell will be hostess for the, annual ipeeting in April. The directors are Mrs. L. MacDougall, Mrs. R. MacMil­ lan, Mrs. Mrs. S. MacGillivray F. MacKinnon. LANGSIDE WOLF CUBS and / Mr.Mr. and Mfs. Chas. Tiffin, and Mrs. Wesley Young and Bob­ by spent Friday in London. Bob-! by had an . x-ray and check-up t Then for the next 4 months put them on a growing masli made from National 34% Developing Concentrate. This tasty "fresh- mix’ wing mash has? a meat- mea growth essen and minerals. hat promotes sturdy well as supplying itamins ' . • ■’ , i. Always grow your pullets the National way. See your National dealer and ask him for these “fresh-? tyix-:.r feeds-today. . F^4IWu'I Look for }he bright Orange and Black Sign >■ '>J J*— QUALITY FEED-MIX" FOR POULTRY, JURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE William stone sons, limited ingersoll, Ontario ’ --Fertilize Your CroDwifhNATIONALWeli-Cured,Proper/y‘Blehded FERTILIZER ' r •• • • ' * t • A ’ I i i i i i !III I i c Last Tuesday evening twenty- one "Cubs were present at the regular meeting. The grand howl was' led by Gdry Ritchie, whose Red Six t won the competition easily. Several Cubs who hadn’t passed their message test Were sent out to various parts of the village. The message was relay­ ed correctly from one to another so all passed. After the instruct tion period, there .were two rous- ing games of ship and the meet­ ing was iclosed. > The White Six, almost weekly winners of the inter-Six compe- tion, again led the way with 42 jewels. Paul Henderson was mainly responsible because he -gained-8 poin ts for passing..tests and 10 points for winning games. The Reds followed* with . 36, Tawnys 26, and Greys 20. John Andrew was presented following the Operation he had at Xmas time, which proved very satisfactory. Mr. and-Mrs. Len Conley and Carolyn of Cargill,’ Mr. & Mrs. , ... _ , - , ,Bert Moffaat, Jimmy and Donna Observer Bqdge and Paul spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, j Henderson with a Guide Badge. Gordon Wall and Mr. arid Mrs. Wilson Wall. ' Mr. Joshua his 80th birthday on Friday the 19th. Members of his, family were home for the occasion. We wish him many more, happy .birthdays. Harvey Miller spent the week­ end, with his aunt and unefe, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith in. Kiricar-, dine. • t —^e-Dadries-A-id-held^-poMtieli— supper in the Community Centre on Wednesday night to, mark St. , Patrick’s day. The tables were decorated in keeping with the ocs -ca-s i on-.-r-A~>pro gi^-m—w-a-s-e-nj oy ed— after with Gordon Wall., acting (as’ chairman. Numbers consisted of solos by Marion Scott', Dor­ othy Smith and Mrs. Jas. Rich­ ardson; duets by -Mrs’. Richa.rdsojn • rand Dorothy and Ruth and* Phyl- Mrs. Orville Elliott and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall were hostesses for the March meeting of the Kairshea W.I. which met at the home , of Mrs. ’Elliott. Mrs. D. H. Carruthers presided and Mrs. -Donald McKinnon read the min­ utes and correspondence. Arrangements for the District Annual to be held in Luriknow on I June 2nd were left with the Ex- | ecutive and final plans for the ! Calico Ball on Friday, April ,9th, i were left with the - dance com- ^-44iri-t4ee“Each--member^is-asked--to- i donate a pie for the luncly cbun- jW. .. * ■ .. • ' Al $25.00 tj/as .voted to the -Red. Cross and a case of canned vege-. ™^tabieS-iS'^t0””be^sent~to^a—family-" ’ with illness. There wras a 25c.col- ' lection taken for the Children’s Aid. .Soci-ety- in. Walkerton.- Mrs'. Purves, Mrs. Geo. Lock­ hart and Mrs'. Fafish Moffat were] appointed as a nominating com- - T------------ ------- .............- -m-il'lee for' the annual meeting.! lis Steer; niano instrumentals, by A large number answered, the-roll | Gordon Moffat, and Mrs. William r ■ call '‘‘Mv. Favorite Song’4, JanetScott; guitar, selection by Allan • Carruthers' sang- a song/-Mrs. J.] Miller; reading’by Mrs. h>H,Me- . K.-. Mac-Keilar, -the district presi-' Donald and a skit arranged , by j dbnt,Was guest speaker. She gave i/Gordon Wall, “The Gathering of i rnunity ' activities and '.public '■ re* (.tained with accordian music.' Tal< ^^i-i^tiTeWold'enWu-levpn-t--^ in .our’ relations'' with other peo-b-ladies with ’ a/view to help the pie? Mrs. Wm. Scott conductedJ brga.n fund; ’ A^ .vote of thanks a sing song using .a number of (.from the presidtmti.Mrs? William Irish ^airs. ‘ r ‘ ‘ I Scott; was given all those help- •“A merry heart doeth good like | ing make the evening sttch a sue- a medicine”, was the subject for, cess. . , > . jg Your Subscription Paid? I Dawson observed I e i i a splendid .mqtto taken by Mrs.! ; 1 H. DxicktdTT. ’ : .... ....; .../ * , < . ■. Lucknow FRUIT Market FREE DELIVERY ANYTIME ’Phone 119, Lucknow —^IfH[t--Grows—^VVe™Ha;virTt”'“~ Bananas, lb. . . .. . 10c Florida Oraiiges, 288’s, doz, 39c Grapefruit . 10 for New Carrots, 10c, 2 for Grapes . .. ... 2 lbs. Sockeve Salmon 3 for Tomato juice,, 20 oz, ... pel io Tomato^ nkg,«... ’Potatoes, 75 ibs. 49c 19c 29c 99c l()c 19c $1.25 . . ’ . Fresh ■ COTTAGE CHEESE FINE RIVER CHEESE SPECIAL PRICE By the BidMh 10 lbs; and over 1