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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-24, Page 1
|2.50 .A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY^ MARCH 24, 1954 Whirled On Mill Shaft; Sid Gardner Seriously Htirt . ' . . -- ' ' y— —— ...................■— L, Sidney Gardner, 38-year-old five children, was seriously hurt —earlyT~Monday^mor ning~when whirled on a shaft aUTreleaven’s Flour MilL His clothing was torn from his body which , released, him, and probably saved him from certain death. Orville Sones, Sid and Bert Rofstede w£re on the nigjit shift at. the mill, and operations were just getting underway when the accident occurred at about 12.35 a.m. ' - Orville and Sid had gone to; the basement of the mill to clear a clogged elevator bopt. Sid re mained in the basement to re place the slide when the-’ boot was cleared and Orville returned • upstairs. This was a routine op eration' and had no connection with the accident. The shaft on. which Sid’s clothing became caught was several feet from where, he was clearing the ele vator. It was a large, smooth shaft aboutK 3% inches in diam eter and travelling at the com paratively slow speed of 150 devolutions a minute, How Sid became caught is a mystery. There were no belts or pulleys involved and it is as sumed that his, jacket became -wrappedaroundtheshaftanrdhe was whirled until his clothes were shredded and his boots pounded off. There was evidence ... „ on -the- cellar- joist of where his feet had been striking; Orville Jones heard the thump ing and Sid’s cry7for help. He ■„ shut off the machinery, but the victim had’been released by this time by the stripping of his cloth ing- ' • First aid treatment was given at the scene of the accident by Dr. M. H. Corrin, and Sid was rushed by ambulance to Wing ham Hospital, suffering grbatly but conscious. - Early Monday afternoon he was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon don. His injuries included a frac tured arm, a broken and, battered leg, head and possible internal injuries. —^-was-Tearta"That~amputati^ of . the foot mght be necessary due,to damage to the artery. An operation was performed on • 'Tuesday in an effort to save the foot, but the outcome will hot be known for a few days. ___JBIIYS^UANCEHQUSE—^ __Mrs._Charlotte^Weatherhea d-of- St., Helens, has purchased the R. B. Quance home on Havelock St. It was . the former Ernie Craw? fofdt residence, across, from the Public School. Mrs.. Weatherhead, and Donald have spent the win ter at the home of Mrs. J. J. Wilson* while she has been visit ing with her family.. j .... ■...... HOME FROM HOSPITAL . ■ Alex, MacNay returned home on Tuesday from Toronto where five weeks ago he underwent a very critical operation in Tprprfto General Hospital.. He was dis charged™ "from^th^ latter, part of the week. Alex stood Tuesday’s-motor-trip-very~ well and was happy to get home. His condition has improved a good deal in the last ten days'. EIGHT PAGES POSTAL RATES GO UP NEXT WEEK SCHOOL SECTION MAKES NUPTIALS PRESENTATION '• . i ’ *r ,/~7 Miss- Margaret Phiilipson, Saturday bride, THAT Billy Robinson, Bob Mow bray and George Habkirk join ed a bus load of Free Press carrier boys for a trip to Tor onto on Saturday to see the Maple Leafs-New York Ranger game. . NAME BAND MEMBERS TO DISCUSS GAMES stampa 5c and 3c for SELLS HOLYROOD FARM . Robert MacDonald has sold his farm at Holyrood to Joe Scott of Ripley, and will hold a clear ing auction sale on Tuesday, Mar. 30th. The MacDonald family will continue to reside on the farm. * 4 ....................................... , r„; A MUSICAL TfcEAT > COMING ON MONDAY ; The Songiheft” are coming to Lucknow , next’ Monday evening, J^hen residents of this commun- , ; yy will. have, a real musical treat in store-for therti. / Toronto male choir under the. direction of David .Ouchter- lony^has an added local appeal in that a v former Lucknowjte, wm., f. Thompson. tenoi< soloist, of the group. Globe- and Mail, says, Anere is. nothing that The Song- . *n$n cannot sing”, and, those, in his*Munity whb’ have prev-* ousiy• heard them, ■'were thrilled • ytrthdr PP.rf orinarie’e.'*" '■" ‘ ~~ *......... ^onc6rt - is/sponsored by s tucknow Distriot ’ High chool Literary/Society and will / in. the HigK* School ?riuin where these songsters. ’ - S. b*3 heard to. the best ad- The time is 8f30,_ and ^liable from the door thii Wigg, ’ a Saturday bride, was guest of honor last week at a social even ing held . at the schoolhouse, at S.S. No. 2, Minto, where she at-j tended public school. , Members of the. section joined together to present Margaret With a table lamp, hostess chair and coffee table.' The presentation was made at lunch time after an evening of euchre. - LOCAL STORES ANNOUNCE PRIZE DRAW WINNERS On Saturday evening Reeve S. E. Robertson conducted) a draw at Webster McKinnon’s .Hardware __in__connection- with their ten-day opening. • * Winners were as follows: 1st, Mixmaster, Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre; 2nd, electric iron, R. Alvin Ham- ilton, R. 3,. Lucknow; 3rd, ironing table, Mrs. Ross MacMillan; 4th, wheelbarrow, Mrs. Russ. Button; 5th, electric” kettle, Mrs. Leon ard Ritchie; 6th, cannister set, Keith. Collyer; 7th, flashlight, Dennis Hogan. • Win Pressure Cookers The pressure cooker prize at The Market Store in connection with the March sale, was won by June Collyer, while a similar prize at Mr. Wellwopd’s Wing harm Store was won.. ;by Ru th Emberlin of LucknOw. THAT Jack MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. MacDon ald '©f Holyrood, reported at. Port Dalhousie the first of the, w.eek to join the crew of -a British-American oil tanker. It will be Jack’s first year,s-ail- . ’ ing: - . , ■ —o— . THAT Dr. Wilfred Sherwin of Orono, has been transferred to Brandon, Manitoba,, as inspect or in charge of Brandon Pack ers. Mrs. Sherwin (formerly Bety...Alton) and children will continue to reside at Orono un til the close of the school term. THAT Thomas Hackett & Sons -—havebought—Mrs-John-Jamie- son’s property across the road from their implement and feed shop, and, obtain immediate possession. Mr., and Mrs. Allan ^Hackett, newlyweds, will , oc cupy the apartment.’ . THAT there, 4s encouraging im provement in the condition of N,. E. Bushell, who has been critically ill in Victoria Hos pital. Mrs. BuShell was ljome over the week-end, returning to the city on Monday. PLAN CONCERT TO AID IN PROJECTOR PURCHASE The schools of Kinloss Town • ship are planning a Rural Con cert in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Friday, April 2nd, to assist in financing the purchase of a film projector. School Boards in each section have contributed to the fund, we understand, and the concert is planned in order to assist ain the project. FRANK R. SCOTT PASSED AtVAY IN NORTH DAKOTA . Word has been received by Mrs: D. A. MacLean of Lpch- alsh of the death of her cousin, Frank R. Scott of. Fargo,' North Dakota. He spent his boyhood days at the* hpme. of his - grand parents^ Mr./ -and* Mrs. ■ Francis Scott of the* Tenth Concession of Ashfield. ' • ... ■ . THAT some of the daily papers recently carried a picture of the 8-passenger Volkswagen bus, which was causing quite a stir in British transportation circles. Allan Reed of Dungan non has been driving one of .them for several, months on one of his Lucknow ■Oistricl High School routes. THAT spring officially arrived On Sunday, but the Weatherman doesn’t seem to know it. Sun day brought cold high winds, feith drifting snow, and wintry weather continues to hold 'sway. 'A' THAT Garfield MacDonald won the' man’s prize and Joe Arms strong, the “lady’s? prize at the Monday night Shpot party. ---- -J ----------—— ■_ / '■'! Oliver Clark,Passes ' ■ . . 'I ' Th^. death of •Oliver Clttrk, age; 92» occurred't life home in .God.-' erich on Sunday He was,the last'! * ‘member of the Clark family ah'd; a .brother of. the kite 'Temple * Clark of Lucknow’. SLIPPERYROADS ' CAUSE ... Saturday was the cause of a. car '/ ’1 ’ crash bn “Quality Hill'/.. John Gammie ' was proceeding into | town from the.south arid in mak-i . ing the turh-into their driveway. 1 Was struck brbadsid.0 by an Eedy t- Bakery 0&V whichWmldn’t bc,j brought’ under confroHon’’ the snow-glazed road-Doth car/ safe "fered .considerable, damage "■ ' •a"1’"- ' " * . • ‘ * At a meeting of the Lucknow 'Pipe Band this week, Frank Mac kenzie and Wilfred MacQuillan were named as representatives to enter into any informal discus sions in’ regard tp'a proposed re vival of “The Games”. The. Legion and The Clansmen ( had previously named represent atives from these two groups and it is likely that all three will get together shortly to confer on the matter, as to what, if any, steps, are taken to stage such an event this year. * . THAT there, was a mid-week scurry for license plates last weekT-as^f he deadline^xpiredr and delinquents moved speedj- Uy to get their markers with . reports that Toronto pqlfce were cracking down on tardy •/'’itiOtbrists;-' ''- THAT the Fashion ShoppCj feat uring millinery and ladies’ ac-1 cessories. was Opened last week' by Sanderson’S' ' Ladies’-, arid , Men’s'. Wear in: Jthe- store ad? ' joining McKim’s -Drug' 'Store. The .Fashion' Shoppe will, be dpen.’-each afternoon wfth Mrs. “sHai’vey Webster, in change, arid a.'Visit, to '.the store will entitle the ladies t.o enter their, name , ■_ . ‘Easton; l|at ' ■ . THAT a, note from Charles and . Hilda Smith of Blenheim ebri- eluded as, follows: “We often ; think of our friends in T.mek- now,and welcome a visit from anyone from that- area. We ■ were plowed to have a viW eft who ■ called on’ us last CHURCH HONOURS MALCOLMSISTERS . At the close of the regular ser vice on Sunday, March 21st, the following address was read by J. R. Lane arid a presentation made by John Bushell to the ' _Misses£Malcolm*who_arelmoving this week to their new home in Lucknow. Both Nellie and Margaret, re plied in a few words, stating that their part in .the church work, had been a pleasure for them during the years. After the pres entation the congregation joined in singing that grand old hymn, “Blest be the Tie that Binds”. The Address was as follows: Misses Nellie and Margaret Mal- . colm, ' At this time, we, the members and adherents of the Kinlough Presbyterian Church, in view ; of your moving to your new home, wish to convey to you our,ap preciation of the Malcolm Family in their associations with the church here. During the whole history of the congfegatiorFybur family has been part and parcel thereof— in Session, Management^ Song of Praise,/Sabbath, School, and reg ular attendance at church ser vices. We ask you to accept our grat itude for the beautiful commun ion table presented last Fall in memory of your family, which we will indeed prize as a memorial of the family. And now we wish. y°u to ac cept this purse of money, not as a^ reward for faithful service * in the choir and at the organ, all' of which was rendered as a Labor of Love with the talents given, you, but as an expression, of our regard for you, and hoping that* .-withits-contents-youwill-secure- spmething that will blend into the harmony of your nexv home,* dnd serve to remind you of the fi’iendships made here and that 'while you .have rernovedl from cur midst, yet the bond of friend- i /ship still remains and that wed . Will .always be glad to have yoti { Kingston. i Effective next Thursday, April 1st, the new postal rates becomes operative. '_____ On local delivery letters, in cluding mail routes served by the local pbstofiice, the 4-centrate applies for the first ounce and 2 cents for each additional ounce or portion thereof. Delivery through any other post office tails for for the first ounce each additional ounce or portion. Locally you can send a letter for four cents on any of the Lucknow rural roiites, but if a letter is sent to Holyrood routes (through Holyrood post office) the rate is .5c, or the reverse ap plies for Holyrood route residents pending mail to a Lucknow ad- i dress.' . - , ' ' The 5c. ratT. applies .to .first class mail ’’•to- Great Britain, Commonwealth countries, United .States, France arid \ §pain. ■ The rate tp all other countries is six cents for thC’ first ounce. . ; Post cards, written, are four cents each, with the printed card, rate remaining at two cents, , j Single reply envelopes are 6c each/ • . ....................... ....................- , \ ■ ♦ PANEL DISCUSSION WAS NOVEL EVENING SERVICE Members of the Lucknow Un- -ited—Church'—Bible—GlasS“tookr charge of the evening service on Sunday and conducted an inter esting and '.. instructive panel dis cussion, based on the Sunday School lesson for that day. Raynard Ackert conducted the service assisted by Wilfred' Dren nan Who read the scripture ^les son. W. L. MacKenzie had charge of the panel discussion. Those taking part were T. A. Cameron, Ernest Blake, Mrs. Art Breckles, Elmer Umbach, Mrs. H. R. Ailin’ and Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie. .»'/ FIFTY-THREE CHILDREN AT HEALTH CONFERENCE There were fifty-three infants and pre-school children at the Child Health Conference held ih the Legion Auxiliary Rooms on Tuesday' of last week. The Conference was in charger of Dr. D. R. Allen, head of the Bruce County Health Unit, and members of the Unit’s staff of nurses, Miss Kathleen Redgate, supervisor, Of Walkerton; Miss Helen Arkell, Teeswater, and MiSs Joan Cormack, Lucknow. The’ conference was sponsored by the Legion Auxiliary and members assisting on that occas ion were Mrs. Philip MacMillan, Mrs,. Bob Mclntosn /and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. PRESENT GIFTS TO BARKWELLS visit us, and worship with Us, at any time convenient to you. . This same word of appreciation is. also extended to Helen, who. 'has, Whenever on holidays, shown ■ her interest in’ the work * of the' church here. , ’ ■ . ’ And now, as yve go our several ways, may the God of- our Tatlv ■ ahd ■geheratio’n.. and when1 A* social evening representative of Sts. No. 11, Huron Towiiship/ was held at the home 0f and Mrs. Robert Barkwell bn Mon day -evening of, last week to hori- Gur them prior to. their depart ure to their new hbfne near ■ \ : ’ • ,. ... ’ ’* V . Bob left.,’Oarly last /Week fbf Eastern Ontario, but Mrs. Bark well arid children remained; They • xpect to move prob ah 1 y t h e- eri d. i of; this week. , ’ , • ■ ‘ . .There.were about 7O.,,du‘v'ts\at r!ast Week’s, gathering, at which presbntatiori's ■ were made ' by . Andrew Hariiilto’n ■’aiid- Harvey ottr i received' a ''Junior .we-’all-hear the done good and;faithful servant, enter .thorn into the joy of thy .Lord”. Signed, oh .behalf of, the Con- gregattoh': Rev. G. ■ Baulch-, Minister; Ben Scott, Clerk of Session; Frank- Thonipson, <Chaii,“ mail r.Board of-Man^agOr&y Donald Robertson,. Secretary of Congr'e- gidiom ■ ■■/ " ' ’ ■ . • ly, orrianfent,^ and i-it! Je MurwivC one-year, a silv/r cup and baby spoon.. ’ f . Bob . replied,’ very - capably thanking^ .the neighbor .’arid ’frieriids for sb kindly remember ing ’ them; • 1 / . ■ • -The-eVen i n g * was: 'spent,-irr’phy?f ing cards and croquinole . and omidtided, with a Jbvdy km’ch.. •• 'J • ’ # *- ’ •